New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (2024)

Table of Contents
What are the Major Changes to California Rental Laws This Year? Are There Any Statewide Limits on Rent Hikes Now? How Does the Statewide Rent Cap Work? What Changed with the Eviction Rules in California This Year? Key Highlights of New Eviction Regulations How Does Rent Control Work in California Now? Is There a Statewide Cap on Security Deposits Now? Do Tenants Have More Power to Address Violations Now? What Key Things Should Renters Know About California’s Updated Rental Laws? Who do the New Rental Laws Apply To? When Did the New Rental Laws Go Into Effect? Are the New Laws Permanent or Temporary? How Can Tenants Fight Violations of the New Rental Laws? Do Landlords Have to Provide Relocation Assistance for Big Rent Hikes? Can California Landlords Still Evict Without Stating a Reason? Is Relocation Help the Only Protection Against Big Rent Hikes? Can Landlords Require Tenants to Buy Renter’s Insurance Now? Do the New Laws Weaken Landlord Rights? What Outstanding Loopholes Remain in California Rental Laws? Final Thoughts on California’s Evolving Rental Laws Tenant Rights and Responsibilities: 2024 Housing Law Changes in California California Rental Laws California Landlord-Tenant Laws 2024 Rent Control Laws California 2024 Tenant Protections Tenant Protections California 2024 New Rental Laws in California 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are the new rental laws in California in 2024? 2. When do the new rental laws in California go into effect? 3. How do the new rental laws affect landlords and tenants? 4. Are there specific changes to security deposit regulations under the new laws? 1. What are the new tenant protections in California for 2024? 2. How will the new tenant protections impact housing law in California? 3. How do the new laws affect landlords and property owners? 4. Can landlords evict tenants more easily under the new tenant protections? We're Social Areas of Law California Rental Shakeup: New Laws Take Effect in 2024 Eviction Regulations California 2024 California California Landlord-Tenant Laws 2024 Rent Control Laws California 2024 New California Housing Laws in 2024 Tenant Protections California 2024 FAQs

Stay informed about the latest developments: New Rental Laws in California 2024. Our guide covers the new rental laws in California 2024, ensuring compliance and understanding.

A wave of new legislation strengthening tenant protections in California goes into effect in 2024. These laws limit evictions, cap security deposits, extend rent control, and make it easier for tenants to fight back against landlords trying to skirt housing regulations.

Renters in California gained significant ground with this latest round of new regulations. Understanding the updated rules can empower you to assert your rights as a tenant. This guide breaks down the key changes to know about as we enter 2024.

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New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (1)

What are the Major Changes to California Rental Laws This Year?

The California state legislature passed several bills in 2023 that bolster renter protections, including limits on evictions and rent hikes. Here is an overview of the major categories:

  • New statewide limits on rent increases
  • Stricter regulations around evictions
  • Expanded rent control
  • Caps on security deposits
  • More rights for tenants to fight violations

These build on previous efforts to address California’s housing crisis. The combination gives renters important safeguards against abuse from landlords.

Are There Any Statewide Limits on Rent Hikes Now?

For the first time, California has established a statewide cap on yearly rent increases.

  • Landlords can only raise rents by 5% plus local inflation per year
  • Prevents extreme spikes that displace tenants
  • Tenants have more predictability in housing costs

This brings rent-increase protections to cities without rent control. Places that already have local rent control laws can keep their existing policies.

How Does the Statewide Rent Cap Work?

The new California law puts a statewide ceiling on rent hikes each year.

  • Rent can go up 5% plus the local rate of inflation
  • But no more than 10% maximum in a 12-month period
  • It applies to most rental units built over 15 years ago

So if inflation was 4% in your city last year, the maximum increase would be 9% for your unit. This provides an important check against runaway rent spikes every time a lease is renewed.

What Changed with the Eviction Rules in California This Year?

California passed multiple new laws placing extra requirements around evictions. This makes it much harder for landlords to remove tenants without proper cause.

Key Highlights of New Eviction Regulations

  • Tenants have increased rights to fight no-fault evictions
  • Stricter rules around owner move-in evictions
  • More notice required for rent increases over 10%
  • Limits on evicting tenants to raise the rent significantly

This includes more legal support for disputing eviction notices in court. The updates close loopholes landlords previously exploited to skirt tenant protections.

How Does Rent Control Work in California Now?

Many cities in California have some form of rent control on the books already. However, changes this year expand those policies in new ways:

  • More cities can enact new rent control ordinances
  • Existing rent control programs extend to older buildings
  • Annual rent increase limit lowered to 5% statewide

Rent control ordinances now apply to housing constructed as late as 20 years ago in some places. The combination increases the number of units with rent increases.

New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (2)

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Is There a Statewide Cap on Security Deposits Now?

Yes, California now has a maximum security deposit landlords can charge for unfurnished units:

  • Landlords limited to collecting 1 month’s rent as a security deposit
  • Applies to unfurnished units
  • Prevents exorbitant upfront move-in costs

So if your monthly rent is $2,000, your landlord can’t collect more than $2,000 as a security deposit. This prevents pricing out lower-income tenants right off the bat.

Do Tenants Have More Power to Address Violations Now?

The short answer here is yes. California strengthened its existing tenant protection laws with these updates:

  • A new legal support fund for renters disputing violations
  • Tenants can sue over significant housing code violations
  • Cities must proactively enforce rental housing laws

Renters have more leverage to force fixes for uninhabitable conditions. If regulators fail to act, tenants can take matters to civil court themselves in some cases.

This can cover scenarios ranging from pest infestations to critical safety hazards. Having access to legal resources levels the playing field against well-resourced landlords.

What Key Things Should Renters Know About California’s Updated Rental Laws?

With all these changes, the essential takeaways for California renters are:

  • You have more protections against extreme rent hikes now
  • Illegal evictions are harder for landlords to get away with
  • Cities have to enforce rental housing health and safety codes
  • Resources exist if landlords violate your tenant rights

Arm yourself with knowledge of the current laws where you live. Don’t hesitate to seek legal aid if you face harassment or retaliation.

The updated regulations didn’t solve the housing crisis. But they do offer important defenses against landlord abuse. Understand your rights and assert them fully.

Who do the New Rental Laws Apply To?

In general, the beefed-up tenant protections apply to most rental housing in California. However, key exceptions exist:

  • Single-family homes are fully exempt in some cases
  • Duplexes are partially exempt, depending on ownership
  • Regulations vary city to city

The statewide rent cap and security deposit limit apply to older buildings not already under local rent control. But single-family homes rented out by individuals are exempt.

Consult local housing agencies to determine which specific rules govern rental units in your city. Exemptions for smaller landlords renting out single properties create potential loopholes in some cases.

When Did the New Rental Laws Go Into Effect?

The recent updates to California rental laws passed through the state legislature in 2023. Most of the provisions went into effect on January 1st, 2024. So these rules govern leases during this calendar year.

A few of the measures phase in over time. But January 1st marked the activation of the key planks around evictions, rent control, and statewide rent caps.

Are the New Laws Permanent or Temporary?

Unlike pandemic measures, these housing law changes do not expire after a set period. The strengthened tenant protections are now written into California’s permanent housing statutes.

Of course, future legislatures could amend these regulations. But for now, the new laws passed in 2023 provide renters with ongoing safeguards not tied to any public health emergency.

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How Can Tenants Fight Violations of the New Rental Laws?

If your landlord breaks these updated housing rules, you have legal recourse to push back. Possible avenues for tenants include:

  • Filing complaints through local housing agencies
  • Working with non-profit legal aid clinics
  • Taking private civil action in California courts
  • Reporting health and safety violations to regulators
  • Organizing other tenants for group action
  • Contacting local tenant unions or advocacy groups

California allocated additional funding for low-cost legal help to tenants facing violations. If regulators fail to act, renters can also sue landlords directly for significant issues now.

Tenants have greatest success fighting violations when working collectively. Talk to your neighbors facing similar problems. The law provides protections – but exercising your rights still takes organization more times than not.

Do Landlords Have to Provide Relocation Assistance for Big Rent Hikes?

If a landlord raises your rent over 10% in California, they likely have to provide financial aid for moving costs. Updates to state law make relocation assistance mandatory if rents go up by:

  • 10% or more for tenants living in a unit for over a year
  • 15% or more for tenants in a unit for less than a year

The payment minimum equals one month of rent at the current rate. So if your monthly rent is $2,000 now, expect at least $2,000 in relocation assistance if the landlord raises it 15% or more.

New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (3)

Can California Landlords Still Evict Without Stating a Reason?

No, the era of “no fault” evictions essentially ended across California with the recent changes. State law now requires all notices to cite an authorized legal justification from an approved list.

Reasons for at-fault just cause evictions include:

  • Failure to pay rent
  • Violating the lease terms
  • Criminal activity or nuisances

Without elaborating on one of those factors, landlords cannot legally force you to move any longer in California.

Require the eviction notices you receive to demonstrate cause. Never feel rushed out just by a generic document giving you 30 days.

Is Relocation Help the Only Protection Against Big Rent Hikes?

While cash payouts ease the burden of moving, tenants have additional tools against extreme rent increases as well.

  • Cities can now enact rent control more easily
  • The statewide limit caps most yearly rent hikes at 10%
  • Just cause eviction rules offer added protections
  • More legal support is available for disputes

Rent hikes over 10% trigger mandatory relocation money. But even below that threshold, tenants enjoy much stronger defenses against dramatic spikes thanks to updated laws.

Can Landlords Require Tenants to Buy Renter’s Insurance Now?

Landlords can encourage renters insurance but not coerce tenants. Mandatory policies as a condition of signing a lease violate California law in most cases.

However, landlords can still ask tenants to:

  • Voluntarily purchase a renter’s insurance policy
  • Name the property owner as an “interested party.”
  • Provide documentation of optional coverage

So while opting for insurance protects renters as well, your landlord cannot force you to get a policy you do not want. But they can incentivize voluntary tenant participation.

Do the New Laws Weaken Landlord Rights?

Landlords argue the regulations excessively favor tenants over owners. But the updates aim to level an unequal playing field, not overcorrect in the opposite direction.

Owners can still profit reasonably from their properties. But regulations now stop business practices that effectively exploit vulnerable renters.

Further protections for mom-and-pop landlords with a limited number of properties also emerged. The focus stays on large corporate landlords with portfolios of units.

In short, landlords retain strong rights. But the rebalancing limits tactics previously used to maximize profits over humane housing.

What Outstanding Loopholes Remain in California Rental Laws?

While the recent updates take vital steps, problematic loopholes persist in some areas:

  • Single-family rentals are exempt from key regulations
  • Duplex divided into condos can dodge controls
  • Normal wear and tear still ends up deducted from deposits
  • Retaliation is hard to prove and prevents complaints

Fights continue over carve outs for rentals owned by individuals versus housing corporations. Meanwhile, basic issues like getting security deposits returned in full prove stubbornly hard to resolve.

Much work remains in the years ahead. But celebrating progress made marks an important milestone. The momentum towards broader access to secure housing continues to build in California from both a grassroots and legislative level.

Final Thoughts on California’s Evolving Rental Laws

The raft of new regulations governing rentals should dramatically improve protections for tenants in the years ahead. Few other states rival the scope of policies covering critical housing issues in California now.

Of course glaring flaws and gaps remain. Solving a crisis generations in the making happens incrementally. But the recent steps supply genuine cause for optimism.

Renters stand to benefit enormously if these modernized rental rules deliver as intended. Time will tell whether the regulations produce the depth of change hoped for by my tenant advocacy groups across California.

But the updated legal framework undoubtedly shifts leverage away from exploitation and towards sustainable housing. Now begins the difficult work of implementation amid entrenched obstacles.

New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (4)

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities: 2024 Housing Law Changes in California

The new rental laws in California for 2024 bring about significant changes that affect both landlords and tenants. Here are the key points to consider:

✨Rent Control: Amendments to the Costa-Hawkins Act impact rent-controlled properties, limiting landlords’ ability to reset rates at market value for new leases.
✨Tenant Protections: Assembly Bill 1620 allows certain renters with mobility issues to relocate to more accessible units, while Senate Bill 267 prohibits the use of a potential renter’s credit history in certain cases.
✨Security Deposits: Assembly Bill 12, effective July 1, 2024, caps security deposits at one month’s rent, even for furnished units.
✨Eviction Regulations: The Tenant Protection Act tightens requirements for no-fault evictions and adds penalties for violations.

These laws aim to address housing affordability, tenant rights, and accessibility. It is essential for both landlords and tenants to understand and comply with the new regulations in order to navigate the evolving rental landscape in California.

California Rental Laws

Renting an apartment or house in California comes with specific rights and responsibilities for both tenants and landlords. Being aware of these laws can help avoid disputes and make sure your rental experience goes smoothly.

California Landlord-Tenant Laws 2024

California landlord-tenant laws cover issues like security deposits, discrimination, habitability standards, rent increases, and evictions. Here are some key things to know:

  • Landlords cannot refuse to rent to you or treat you differently based on race, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or if you have children. This is illegal housing discrimination.
  • Landlords must keep the rental property habitable and fix problems like mold, broken appliances, pest infestations, or issues with heat and plumbing.
  • Rent increases are capped between 5-10% depending on inflation and where you live. Landlords must give proper notice before raising rent.

What You Should Do

If you feel your rights are being violated as a tenant, there are a few things you can do:

  • Document the issues – Take photos/videos and keep written records of any problems. Get repair requests in writing.
  • Send formal complaint letters – Outline the issues and give deadlines for the landlord to fix them.
  • File a claim – If the problems persist, file a formal complaint with local housing authorities.

Following these tips will give you the paper trail needed to take further legal action if necessary.

Rent Control Laws California 2024

Some cities in California have rent control laws that limit how much landlords can raise rents each year. For example:

  • Los Angeles – Rent can only be raised 3% annually
  • San Francisco – Rent increases capped at 60% of inflation rate
  • San Jose – Rent control laws cap annual increases at 5%

Here are a few things to know about rent control in California:

  • It only applies to older buildings constructed before 1995. New construction is exempt.
  • Landlords must provide an allowable rent increase percentage each year published by the local Rent Board.
  • Rent control carries over between tenants – rent can’t be raised more than the cap just because a new tenant moves in.

What to Do If Your Rent is Raised Too Much

  • Review your rental agreement and research your city’s rent control laws to verify the amount the landlord can raise the rent.
  • Communicate in writing if you believe the increase exceeds the legal limit and request justification from the landlord.
  • File a complaint with local housing authorities if the landlord ignores laws. You may need to pay the rent increase until the complaint is reviewed.

Having clear communication with your landlord and understanding rent control laws is key to getting fair rental increases each year.

Tenant Protections

Beyond basic landlord-tenant laws, California also has specific protections for renters against harassment and discrimination.

Tenant Protections California 2024

Some key tenant protections in California include:

  1. Restrictions on evictions
    • Landlords can only evict with proper cause like failure to pay rent or lease violations.
    • Strict limits on evictions apply if the landlord wants to move in or take the unit off the rental market.
    • It is illegal for landlords to evict as retaliation for assertively exercising tenant rights.
  2. Relocation assistance
    • If a landlord does properly evict for an allowable reason like major renovations or taking the rental off the market, they may have to pay a relocation fee to the tenant.
    • In some cities, the fee can be over $10,000 based on apartment size, tenant age, disabilities etc.
  3. Limits on landlord harassment
    • Tenants have the right to quiet enjoyment of the rental property. Excessive noise, entrance without notice, shutting off utilities etc… could qualify as harassment.
    • Local laws prohibit landlords from influencing a tenant to vacate via harassment, threats, deceit, misrepresentation etc.

Taking Action Against Tenant Harassment

If you feel your landlord is violating these protections, be sure to document all incidents and communications. Contact local housing authorities to understand your options and legal rights for pursuing civil or criminal penalties against the landlord. Many cities have strong anti-harassment laws with large fines landlords can face. Standing up for your tenant rights will help address the issue and protect other current and future renters.

New Rental Laws in California 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the new rental laws in California in 2024?

The new rental laws in California in 2024 primarily impact landlords and tenants. These laws cover various aspects of rental properties, including security deposit regulations, eviction procedures, and tenant protections. Several new housing bills are going into effect, affecting rent control, affordable housing projects, and housing production.

2. When do the new rental laws in California go into effect?

The new rental laws in California will go into effect in 2024 on January 1 and July 1 for different provisions. These laws are part of a legislative effort to address housing law issues and provide tenant protection while balancing the interests of property owners and renters.

3. How do the new rental laws affect landlords and tenants?

The new rental laws in California 2024 impact both landlords and tenants. Landlords will be required to furnish alternative evidence if a tenant’s credit history is not available as part of the application process. Additionally, tenant protection acts will be enforced, and eviction procedures will be regulated to provide renter safeguards. Tenants will benefit from increased affordable housing options and rent control measures.

4. Are there specific changes to security deposit regulations under the new laws?

Yes, there are some notable changes to security deposit regulations that will impact California renters starting in 2024. Some key changes include:

Lower Security Deposit Caps

  • The statewide security deposit cap will be lowered from 2-3x monthly rent to just 1x the monthly rent for unfurnished units.
  • Furnished rentals will have a security deposit cap of 2x the monthly rent.

Faster Return Timelines

  • Current law requires deposits to be returned within 21 calendar days after a tenant moves out.
  • The new law will shorten this timeframe to just 10 business days after move out for the landlord to return deposits or provide itemized deductions.

Penalty for Late Refunds

  • If landlords fail to refund security deposits and provide any deductions within 10 business days, tenants can seek penalty payments from the landlords.
  • The penalties start at 1x the security deposit amount if more than 10 days late. This increases over time to 2x if over 25 days late.

Limits on Allowable Deductions

  • California will provide enhanced specificity on what landlords can legally deduct from security deposits, cracking down on unfair claims for pre-existing damages for example.

Having clear security deposit rules and limits prevents landlords from unfairly profiting off deposits or creating unnecessary financial burdens for tenants. So these changes provide important additional protections.

1. What are the new tenant protections in California for 2024?

The new tenant protections in California for 2024 include a range of housing laws that affect landlords, renters, and property owners. These laws, such as Assembly Bill (AB) 12 and Senate Bill (SB) 567, address issues related to eviction, security deposit, rent-controlled housing, affordable housing projects, and more. These laws are going into effect on January 1 and July 1 of 2024.

2. How will the new tenant protections impact housing law in California?

The new tenant protections will have a significant impact on California housing law as they introduce measures to provide more stability and security for tenants, including limitations on eviction and rent control in certain areas. These laws will go into effect in 2024, affecting both existing rental properties and new construction.

3. How do the new laws affect landlords and property owners?

The new laws going into effect in 2024 will require landlords to comply with additional regulations when it comes to leasing agreements, evictions, and security deposits. It also introduces measures related to affordable housing projects and rent-controlled properties to ensure a fair and balanced approach for both landlords and tenants.

4. Can landlords evict tenants more easily under the new tenant protections?

No, the new tenant protection laws coming into effect in 2024 do not make it easier for landlords to evict renters in California. If anything, they further limit and regulate the reasons and processes for legal evictions.

Some key things to understand about 2024 changes to eviction laws:

  1. Just cause eviction requirements expand
  • More cities will require landlords have valid “just causes” like failure to pay rent before evicting, preventing many no-fault evictions.
  1. COVID eviction moratoriums extend
  • Emergency tenant protections banning evictions for non-payment due to COVID hardship are extended through 2025.
  1. More relocation assistance mandated
  • If landlords legally evict tenants to move into the property themselves or withdraw it from the rental market, they take on more responsibility in many areas to pay large relocation fees to displaced tenants.
  1. Stricter notice rules
  • Landlords face stiffer penalties for failing to provide proper, written notice periods before filing for evictions. This prevents retaliation.

So the changes happening in 2024 overwhelmingly limit the power of landlords to evict at their discretion. Extensions of emergency COVID policies provide more time for struggling tenants too. The laws aid vulnerable renters.

California Rental Shakeup: New Laws Take Effect in 2024

California tenants gained new protections in 2024 with several key laws aimed at affordability and stability. Here’s a quick rundown:

Security Deposits Capped: Gone are the days of hefty deposits! Starting July 1st, landlords can only charge a maximum of one month’s rent as security deposit, regardless of furniture. This frees up cash for tenants and eases upfront costs.

No-Fault Evictions Tightened: The Tenant Protection Act (SB 567), effective April 1st, strengthens existing protections against no-fault evictions, commonly used when landlords want to reclaim the property for personal use. Landlords will now face stricter requirements and potential penalties for misuse.

Credit Checks with Conditions: Landlords cannot deny rentals based solely on credit history if an applicant holds a government rental subsidy like Section 8 (SB 267). This opens doors for tenants who might face credit challenges but have reliable income through the program.

Fighting “Drip Pricing”: Landlords advertising rentals must now disclose all mandatory fees upfront, preventing hidden costs that inflate advertised prices (SB 478). This promotes transparency and protects tenants from unexpected expenses.

Unbundled Parking (Coming Soon): For new apartment buildings (16+ units) with certificates of occupancy issued after January 1, 2025, landlords must separate parking fees from rent (AB 1317). This allows tenants more flexibility and potentially lowers monthly costs.

These changes represent a significant shift in California’s rental landscape, offering increased security and fairer treatment for tenants. Remember, specific details and exceptions may apply, so always consult the official legislation or seek legal advice for personalized guidance.

Understanding the Impact: New California Housing Laws for Evictions 2024

Eviction is likely one of the most stressful experiences a renter can go through. However, California has laws to protect tenants from unfair or retaliatory evictions. Understanding your rights can help you navigate the eviction process smoothly.

Eviction Regulations California 2024

California eviction regulations protect eligible tenants from immediate eviction without appropriate notice and legal “just cause”. Key protections include:

  • Notice requirements – Landlords must provide 3-60 days written notice depending on the reason for eviction. Verbal notices are invalid.
  • “Just cause” – Landlords need proper and provable cause like failure to pay rent or lease violations. They can’t evict just because the lease ended.
  • Relocation assistance – In some areas, landlords must pay a relocation fee if the tenant is displaced due to major renovations, withdrawal of the unit from rental market etc.

If you receive an eviction notice that you feel is invalid or retaliatory, be sure to respond in writing within the required timeframe to avoid losing your rights. An attorney can also provide guidance for next steps.

Responding to Eviction Notices

Here are some tips if you receive an eviction notice:

  • Carefully review the notice details and document receipt date/time – verbal notices are not valid.
  • Determine if the notice is valid based on local laws and why the landlord is requesting eviction.
  • Respond in writing within the required timeframe if you wish to challenge the eviction.
  • Seek legal aid from housing clinics and tenant resources in your area.

Acting quickly and with proper guidance can help resolve disputes or clarify next steps in the legal eviction process.


Renters make up over 43% of households in California, which is why the state has some of the nation’s strongest tenant protection laws covering issues like discrimination, habitability standards, rent control, evictions, and more. Major cities often offer enhanced tenant rights as well.

California Landlord-Tenant Laws 2024

Some statewide landlord-tenant laws in California include:

  1. No discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, occupation, marital status, children etc.
  2. Rent caps depending on inflation and location to limit annual rent increases.
  3. Just cause evictions – landlords can’t evict without valid provable reasons like failure to pay rent or violations.
  4. Warranty of habitability – requiring landlords to maintain safe, livable conditions meeting basic health, safety and functional standards.
  5. Security deposit limits – capping deposits at 2-3x monthly rent and requiring refund within 21 days of moving out.

Understanding this foundation of rights for all California tenants is key. Individual cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego also have enhanced local ordinances so be sure to research specific requirements for your rental area too.

Rent Control Laws California 2024

In addition to basic tenant protections, about 15 California cities also have rent control laws limiting annual rent increases for certain units. For example:

  • Los Angeles caps rent increases at 3% per year
  • San Francisco ties increases to 60% of CPI inflation rate
  • San Jose limits rent raises to 5% maximum

Rent control applies to older buildings constructed before 1995. Landlords must provide proper notice of percentage rent increases each year published by the local Rent Board. The cap carries over even with a new tenancy.

New California Housing Laws in 2024

California legislators continue expanding tenant protections each year. Bills passed in 2023 will go into effect in 2024, including additional limits on evictions and rent increases. Tenants rights groups advocate for capping rents based on unit rather than occupancy to close loopholes. They also want to limit evictions to be “for cause” only across the state.

Tenant Protections California 2024

Bills impacting 2024 tenant protections address issues like:

  1. Narrow allowable eviction reasons
  • Limit evictions to only be for “just cause” like lease violations or unpaid rent rather than no cause.
  1. Extend COVID emergency tenant protections
  • Maintain bans on evictions for unpaid rent due to COVID financial hardship through 2025.
  1. Refine occupancy caps calculations
  • Calculate rent caps based on rental unit rather than number of occupants to limit rent spikes with additional roommates.

Having active legislation each year allows tenant protections in California to evolve along with economic and societal conditions. This leads to some of the most comprehensive renters rights laws in the nation.

New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications (2024)


New Rental Laws in California 2024: Key Changes and Implications? ›

Commencing July 1, 2024, there will be a significant change in security deposit requirements for California landlords and tenants. Property owners will be limited to collecting a maximum of one month's rent as a security deposit.

What are the changes in California rent law in 2024? ›

The new law, effective from July 1, 2024, makes California the twelfth state to cap security deposits at one month's rent. Small landlords with no more than two properties and four units are exempt from the legislation. For California residents, the move is a step toward improving housing affordability.

What is the new tenant protection law in California? ›

California's Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482) provides basic protections for renters against extreme rent increases and unfair evictions. A new law (SB 567) makes important changes that take effect April 1, 2024. “NO-FAULT” REASONS FOR EVICTION: The landlord or their relative is moving in.

Can a landlord refuse section 8 in California in 2024? ›

Source of Income Protections: The bill prohibits landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants based on their use of government housing assistance, including Housing Choice Vouchers. If you are a Landlord, you cannot refuse to rent to someone solely because they receive housing assistance.

What is SB 567 in California in 2024? ›

For SB 567, Governor Newsom signed SB 567 on September 30, 2023, authored by State Sen. María Elena Durazo, (D-Los Angeles), called the Homelessness Prevention Act, that strengthens the 2019 Tenant Protection Act bill capping rent hikes at 10 percent and prevents landlords from evicting tenants with no legal reason.

Is there a no-fault eviction in California in 2024? ›

California passed a new landlord-tenant law that will provide additional protections for renters around just cause evictions. Set to take effect on April 1, 2024, the law will require landlords to have just cause to terminate tenancy after a tenant has been placed in the unit for 12 months.

What is the deposit law in California 2024? ›

By law, security deposits must be returned when the tenant moves out, minus allowed expenses. The law limits the amount of security deposits. o Until July 1, 2024, the limit is two times the monthly rent (or, for furnished units, three times the rent). o After July 1, 2024, the limit is one month's rent.

What are the new laws in California for 2024? ›

New California laws in 2024 will increase wages, provide more sick days, and lower a rental's security deposit - ABC7 Los Angeles.

What are three rights tenants have in California? ›

According to California landlord-tenant laws, tenants have the right to live in safe, habitable rental units, as well as sue the landlord for retaliation, withhold rent for failure to provide essential services, recover attorney's fees, and more.

What can landlords not do in California? ›

Things Landlords Cannot Do In California
  • Key Takeaways.
  • Application Fee Regulations.
  • Limits on Security Deposits.
  • Refund Rules and Timeframes.
  • Mandatory Repairs and Health Standards.
  • Dealing with Emergency Repairs.
  • Information about Utilities and Mold.
  • Lead Paint and Other Hazardous Materials Disclosures.
Feb 21, 2024

How much money does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in California? ›

But, your landlord can still require you to move out for one of the “no-fault” reasons listed in the law. If your landlord evicts you for one of these reasons, they must first give you one month's rent or waive one month's rent to help you move out.

Are no cause evictions legal in California? ›

California's Tenant Protection Act

The Tenant Protection Act prohibits landlords from evicting most tenants without “just cause.” The law sets out two kinds of evictions: "at fault" evictions and "no fault" evictions.

How long can a tenant stay without paying rent in California? ›

If the tenant doesn't pay rent when it is due, the landlord can give the tenant a three-day notice to pay rent or quit (move out). This notice informs the tenant that the tenant has three days to pay rent in full or move out.

What is the new tenant law in California 2024? ›

Effective April 1, 2024, the eviction notice must include a description of the work to be done, copies of required permits, and a notice that if the substantial remodel is not commenced or completed, the tenant must be given the opportunity to re-rent the unit at the same rent and lease terms as when the tenant left.

What is the AB 1482 tenant Protection Act? ›

Starting January 1, 2020 AB 1482, the “California Tenant Protection Act,” took effect. This new legislation provides statewide tenant protections including limits on rent increases, protections from evictions without cause, and relocation fees for no-fault evictions. AB 1482 does not effect units subject to the RSO.

What is AB 1418 California? ›

Mandatory Criminal Background Checks: AB 1418 prohibits a local government from requiring that landlords perform mandatory criminal background checks on prospective tenants. Nuisance Definitions and Tenancy: The law states that contact with law enforcement cannot be deemed a nuisance by cities.

What is the new rent increase law in California? ›

Under AB 1482, landlords are limited to increasing rent by no more than 5% plus the local CPI (inflation rate) or 10%, whichever is lower. The local inflation rate is determined by the California Consumer Price Index (CCPI), which is released annually by the California Department of Finance.

Can a landlord ask for first and last month rent plus security in California in 2024? ›

Thanks to AB-12, renters in California can no longer be asked for a security deposit larger than one month's rent for leases signed on or after July 1, 2024.

Will there ever be rent control in California? ›

The state of California does have rent control that prevents excessive rent hikes. Furthermore, several California communities have their own rent control regulations.

What is the new law for section 8 housing in California? ›

Under the new law, the screening criteria applied to a voucher holder must be the same criteria applied to other applicants for tenancy. However, any income standard applied by the housing provider must be based on the portion of the rent which would be paid by the Section 8 tenant, rather than on the contract rent.

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