NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (2024)

Nowadays, Node.js has become an extremely popular choice for server-side web applications development. With its event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O, it helps you build high-performance and scalable web apps efficiently. Moreover, development with Node.js comes with vast options among professional developers.

Among them two popular options are mostly used – NestJS & Express. Both are Node.js frameworks extensively used by the best web development companies to build scalable and robust web applications that meet all your user needs. Let’s deeply dive into the key differences between NestJS & ExpressJS. Let’s get started.

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  • Definition of NestJS
  • Key Features of NestJS
  • Key Advantages of The NestJS Framework
  • Definition of ExpressJS
  • Key Features of ExpressJS
  • Key Advantages of ExpressJS Framework
  • NestJS vs Express: Key Comparisons
  • What to Choose: Express JS vs. NestJS
  • Final Words
  • FAQ’s

Definition of NestJS

NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (1)

NestJS refers to a popular open-source framework which is extensively used in web app development services. Inspired by Angular, this framework is designed on Typescript & utilizes progressive JavaScript. 3 main components of the NestJS framework include controllers, modules & providers. Let’s have a closer look at these components:

1. Controllers: When HTTP requests are received, the routing mechanism quickly directs the request to the controller. Then the controller components manage the requests & return the proper responses.

2. Modules: Modules are reusable code chunks that come with separate functionalities. The whole source code is structured and organized into modules. It’s recommended to utilize multiple modules to efficiently organize your applications.

3. Providers: Providers are the fundamental components of NestJS that you may treat as repositories, factories, services, helpers, etc. You can easily inject them into controllers or other providers as they are developed to abstract logic and complexity.

Key Features of NestJS

NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (3)

Some of the key features of this framework include:

1. Built-in features: The NestJS framework is known for its several built-in features such as decorators, modules, dependency injection, etc. All these features & functionalities enable developers to structure their applications in a proper way to follow best practices.

2. TypeScript support: The NestJS framework is developed with TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript that offers enhanced code maintainability and type safety. NestJS utilizes TypeScript support to provide strong typing with your application that reduces runtime errors.

3. Modular architecture: NestJS enables a modular approach to web application development. Developers can easily make reusable modules for encapsulating particular functionalities that make it easy to scale and manage applications.

4. Dependency injection: The NestJS framework mostly relies on dependency injection that allows for improved code organization & testability. It efficiently promotes the applications of services that are mocked for unit testing easily.

5. Opinionated project structure: NestJS offers an opinionated project structure & enforces design patterns that can be beneficial for teams who work on bigger projects. This approach allows to maintain readability and consistency in codebases.

6. Swagger Integration: The NestJS framework includes built-in support to generate API documentation by using Swagger which makes it simpler to document & share APIs with others.

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Other Features of NestJS include:

  • NestJS effectively combines the FRP, FP, and OOPs elements.
  • It supports different databases like Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.
  • As the platform is agnostic, NestJS uses ExpressJS by default. However, you have to set it up to perform with HTTP frameworks.
  • NestJS offers a range of functionalities, libraries, and APIs and helps developers create applications with a few code lines.
  • NestJS was designed to build Microservices and Monoliths.
  • NestJS consists of a Dependency Injection container that keeps your code organized, clean, and ready to use.
  • You can integrate with multiple technologies like TypeORM, Mongoose, and GraphQL & concepts like Validation, Logging, Caching, Web Sockets, etc.

Key Advantages of The NestJS Framework

As an important backend framework, Nest JS is extensively used in developing reliable, scalable, and reliable Node.JS applications. It’s designed with the TypeScript framework and it offers a number of benefits such as:

1. TypeScript Support: Being developed on the TypeScript framework, Nest JS offers an excellent typing capability throughout the application. This results in increased developer experience, fewer runtime errors, and high code quality.

2. Dependency Injection: Nest JS leverages dependency injection that helps experts inject dependencies into components, modules, and classes. This enables highly tested and loosely coupled code creation. This facilitates seamless user testing.

3. Modularity: The modularity structure of Nest JS helps to organize codes into several modules. This approach effectively improves code maintainability, reusability, and readability. This makes it simpler to scale applications.

4. Middleware: Middleware in Nest JS allows experts to manage outgoing responses and incoming requests. This feature is extremely important for implementing authentication, data transformation, error handling, logging, etc.

5. Database Integration & ORM: Nest JS provides smooth integration with several ORM or object-relational mapping such as Sequelize, TypeORM, etc. This streamlines database operations & promotes improved data management.

6. HTTP server: NestJS is a built-in HTTP server that offers a strong foundation for developing web apps, microservices, APIs, etc. Apart from that, the Nest.JS framework is also compatible with other servers.

7. Tooling & documentation: The Nest.JS framework provides improved documentation with clear guidelines and examples. Apart from that, it offers Command Line Interface or CLI tools to generate codes and run tests to improve developer’s productivity.

8. Community and Ecosystem: Nest JS has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of libraries, plugins, and extensions. This allows developers to leverage existing solutions for common tasks and easily extend the framework’s functionality as per their requirements.

9. Ecosystem & community: Nest.JS comes with an extensive library ecosystem and vibrant community. This helps developers use existing solutions and extend the functionality of the NestJS framework.

10. WebSocket: Nest JS offers built-in WebSocket support that enables bidirectional communication between servers and clients in real time. This is extremely ideal for implementing new features like live updates, gaming, chat applications, etc.

Other benefits include:

  • Uses TypeScript (Superset of JavaScript)
  • Well-maintained & detailed documentation
  • Quick unit-testing
  • Active code development
  • Open source framework
  • Easy to use and scale
  • Powerful Command Line Interface (CLI)

Definition of ExpressJS

NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (4)

ExpressJS, on the other hand, is a free and open-source web app framework (under the MIT License). As one of the oldest frameworks of Node.js, ExpressJS offers a number of features to instantly build web applications with the help of Javascript. It helps in route and server management and it is used to build RESTful APIs with Node.js.

Key Features of ExpressJS

Some of the key features of the ExpressJS framework include:

1. Minimalistic & Lightweight: ExpressJS offers a set of unique features that help developers have full control over the architecture of the application. It’s an excellent choice for Web Application Development Company who would like to start from scratch & develop any application step by step.

2. Middleware-based: The ExpressJS framework is developed around the middleware concept that can effectively handle responses & requests. This architecture helps developers add different functionalities to their applications by chaining the middleware functions. This flexibility makes ExpressJS popular.

3. Large Ecosystem: The ExpressJS framework has a large ecosystem of middleware extensions and packages. This makes it easier to add new features like routing, and authentication to the application.

4. Manual Configuration: ExpressJS enables developers to configure different aspects of any application manually such as error handling, routing, dependency injection, etc. While this offers a good level of customization, it may lead to boilerplate codes.

6. Unopinionated Structure: The ExpressJS framework never enforces any specific design patterns or project structure. Though this flexibility is an advantage, it may lead to some inconsistencies in codebases in large-scale projects.

Key Advantages of ExpressJS Framework

ExpressJS refers to a flexible web app framework that offers a set of unique features to build custom web applications. Some of the prime advantages of this framework include:

1. Better extensibility: Express.js refers to an extensible framework as it helps developers extend and customize the functionalities based on requirements. Whether it’s third-party module integration, custom middleware development, or routing logic creation, this framework offers the important APIs and tools to develop feature-rich and robust applications.

2. High flexibility: The Express.js framework comes with a minimalist design that helps developers freedom to create their app based on their preferences. This level of flexibility makes this framework ideal for diverse use cases, whether it’s simple APIs or advanced web apps.

3. High performance & scalability: In terms of scalability and performance, ExpressJS is a great choice. This is because the lightweight and asynchronous architecture makes this framework highly scalable. ExpressJS also helps to efficiently manage a wide amount of concurrent connections.

4. Middleware: This feature of ExpressJS enables experts to intercept HTTP responses. Middleware helps to implement several functionalities like authentication, error handling, logging, request processing, etc.

5. HTTP utility methods: The Express.js framework offers several methods to manage HTTP responses and requests res.send(), res.redirect(), res.json(), req.params, and req.query. This method streamlines sending responses. It extracts route parameters and accesses query parameters.

6. Simple routing: Express.js offers an intuitive and simplified routing mechanism. With this mechanism, developers can define routes to manage several HTTP requests. Routes are thoroughly organized and managed. It also supports several parameters to develop web routes and RESTful APIs.

7. Integration with libraries: You can seamlessly integrate Express.js with Node.js frameworks and libraries. This integration helps developers utilize existing solutions for several tasks. For instance, it can be integrated with several libraries such as Knex.js, Sequelize, Mongoose, etc. Moreover, it can also be integrated with middleware frameworks for improved authentication.

8. Middleware ecosystem: The expressJS framework comes with a large ecosystem of third-party modules. This extends and covers several functionalities like authentication, session management, CSRF protection, compression, authorization, and so on. This helps developers improve their apps effortlessly.

9. Large community support: This framework comes with an active and wide developer’s community support. This leads to ongoing maintenance and development. Moreover, Express.js is also well-structured & documented with plenty of examples, tutorials, and guides. Apart from that, there are several community-driven resources, forums, and chat rooms available where developers can effectively share their skills and knowledge.

10. Template engines: This framework supports diverse template engines that enable developers to create HTML content. This makes template engines quicker to create server-rendered web apps.

Other benefits include:

  • It saves a huge coding time
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to configure & customize
  • Quick integration with other engines
  • Single language for front-end & back-end
  • Supportive and strong online community

NestJS vs Express: Key Comparisons

Though NestJS and ExpressJS both are Node.js frameworks, In terms of features & functionalities, they have multiple differences. Let’s find the key differences between NestJS vs. Express.

ArchitectureFollows the structured & modular MVC architectureMinimal & un-opinionated architecture
Dependency InjectionPowerful dependency injectionNo built-in support for dependency injection
TypeScript SupportBuilt with TypeScript supportSupports TypeScript but never enforce to use
Middleware supportAllow middleware support to handle response or request processing.Middleware is used for custom logic
Database integrationOffers built-in ORM & allows quick integration with databasesOffers no built-in databases but it allows to integrate
ValidationProvides built-in validation through class validatorsDevelopers can implement validation logic
ScalabilityBest for large and small-scale applicationsProvides flexibility for multiple applications (Manual configuration required)
AuthenticationOffers built-in authorization and authenticationNo built-in authentication but it can integrated through third-party libraries
Error HandlingOffers centralized error handling and built-in exception filtersDevelopers manually manage errors using middleware

What to Choose: Express JS vs. NestJS

NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (5)

ExpressJS & NestJS frameworks are powerful and offer a set of unique features. Choosing the right framework for your project mostly depends on your team’s preferences and project requirements such as:

1. Project Complexity & Size: For small-scale projects & prototypes, the minimalistic approach of ExpressJS can be a straightforward & sufficient choice. However, to build web applications, the structured & modular architecture of NestJS helps to maintain scalability and code quality.

2. Team Experience: Before you choose one, you should consider your team’s expertise & familiarity with Node.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript. If the team is comfortable with TypeScrip, NestJS can be the better choice.

3. Ecosystem & Community: Both NestJS & Express frameworks have active and large communities. However, Express has an extensive third-party middleware ecosystem. If you need a particular library or middleware, check if it is ideal for your selected framework.

4. Learning Resources & Documentation: You should consider the availability of learning resources and documentation for the NestJS & Express frameworks. As Express is an old framework, it has a number of tutorials & available resources. However, as NestJS has a good community, it also has extensive documentation.

5. Time-to-Market: If you have a tight deadline & want to get a basic server up & running quickly, the minimal configuration and simplicity of ExpressJS will help you meet all your requirements.

6. Long-term Maintainability: If you need long-term maintainability, TypeScript support and the opinionated structure of the NestJS framework can be beneficial for you.

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Final Words

In terms of performance and scalability, both frameworks are powerful. They have their own strengths & are extremely ideal for several use cases. The Express framework provides flexibility & simplicity that makes it an excellent choice for small & mid scale projects.

On the other hand, NestJS offers an opinionated and structured approach that is advantageous for enterprise-level projects where scalability & maintainability are important. The choice between NestJS & Express mostly aligns with your specific project goals and requirements. Both will give a set of features and advantages that make your web app development process streamlined.


Is NestJS faster than Express?

As a full-featured framework, NestJS offers structured architectural patterns and additional features. It utilizes TypeScript & offers different features like built-in WebSockets and GraphQL support, module-based organization, dependency injection, etc. Whereas Express is a minimalist framework, offering unopinionated and straightforward ways to develop web apps. The speed of NestJS & Express mostly depends on particular use cases.

Is NestJS better than Express?

If you are going to develop a complex and large-scale application with advanced business logic, the NestJS framework will be your perfect choice. This is also ideal for projects that need a general runtime environment. On the other hand, if you have requirements for small or mid-scale web applications, ExpressJS can be the best option.

NestJS vs. Express: The Ultimate Comparison of Node Frameworks (2024)


Which is better, NestJS or Express? ›

Nestjs is designed to provide a structured and modular approach, making it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications, whereas Expressjs offers more flexibility but may require additional setup for scalability.

Should I use NodeJS or NestJS? ›

Both have their pros and cons and are better suited for certain types of applications. At a high level, Node. js offers more flexibility and works well for simple APIs and microservices, while NestJS shines when building complex, enterprise-grade applications thanks to its robust feature set.

Is NestJS worth it in 2024? ›

This flexibility makes NestJS a great choice for many developers! TypeScript Support: Native support for TypeScript, enhancing developer productivity and reducing bugs. Modular Architecture: Encourages the use of modules, making it easy to manage and scale applications.

Should I learn Express before NestJS? ›

If you are new to backend development or have limited experience with Node. js, starting with Express. js can be beneficial. It will help you grasp the basics of routing, middleware, and handling requests in a Node.

Which is better Express or NestJS fastify? ›

Fastify provides a good alternative framework for Nest because it solves design issues in a similar manner to Express. However, fastify is much faster than Express, achieving almost two times better benchmarks results.

Is NestJS build on top of Express? ›

NestJS, on the other hand, is a framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. It is built on top of Express (but can also work with Fastify) and adds an extra layer of abstraction with its out-of-the-box application architecture.

Why is NestJS so popular? ›

In conclusion, NestJS's rapid rise in popularity can be attributed to its opinionated, well-structured architecture, TypeScript support, scalability, and a strong community. Choosing NestJS over plain Node. js offers advantages in terms of maintainability, type safety, productivity, and integration options.

Is it worth learning NestJS? ›

Nest. JS helps build lightweight, well-structured, and amazing microservices and helps evolve the technology stack. The microservice architecture enables the rapid, frequent, and reliable delivery of large, complex applications. Out-of-the-box tools and features make development, extension, and maintenance efficient.

What version of node is best for NestJS? ›

Dropping support for Node.

As of NestJS 10, we no longer support Node. js v12, as v12 went EOL on April 30, 2022. This means that NestJS 10 requires Node. js v16 or higher.

What is the salary of NestJS developer? ›

Js developers is 111k per year, with a range from 38k to 210k. The salary range for Nest. Js developers varies depending on factors such as location, industry, experience, and startup stage.

Is NestJS still relevant? ›

Conclusion. NestJS has emerged as a powerful and innovative Node. js framework, offering a plethora of advantages to developers building modern web applications. The emphasis on TypeScript, modularity, dependency injection, and native GraphQL support provides a solid foundation for scalable and maintainable projects.

What is the alternative to NestJS? ›

AdonisJS, FeathersJS, Koa, LoopBack, and hapi are the most popular alternatives and competitors to NestJS.

Why is NestJS hard? ›

Learning Curve: NestJS employs several advanced programming concepts like dependency injection, decorators, and TypeScript, which can be daunting for beginners or those migrating from a simpler JavaScript background. Verbose and Boilerplate Code: NestJS often necessitates more boilerplate code than other Node.

Why Express is better than node? ›

NodeJS and ExpressJS offer robust testing options, with numerous libraries and tools available. Node JS has an edge in terms of testing libraries, whereas Express's simplicity can make it easier to set up and run tests. Your choice will depend on your testing preferences and project requirements.

Should I use NextJs with NestJS? ›

Next. js can handle the front-end and client-side rendering, while Nest. js can provide the backend API and server-side functionalities. This combination can be advantageous for complex projects requiring both a robust front-end and a powerful back-end.

Is it worth using NestJS? ›

Nest. JS helps build lightweight, well-structured, and amazing microservices and helps evolve the technology stack. The microservice architecture enables the rapid, frequent, and reliable delivery of large, complex applications. Out-of-the-box tools and features make development, extension, and maintenance efficient.

Is there something better than ExpressJS? ›

What can we use instead of ExpressJS? ExpressJS is a great framework, but it has its limitations. Some alternatives to ExpressJS can be used, like Koa, Hapi, Sails, Feather, etc. These are the most popular alternatives to ExpressJS.

What is the advantage of using NestJS? ›

NestJS is based upon Typescript which enables developers to add types to our variables and provides compile errors and warnings based on them. Using TypeScript in a NestJS application can indeed help developers avoid common runtime errors by providing type safety.

Which is better NestJS or Nextjs? ›

Next. js benefits from the larger React ecosystem, while Nest. js has a dedicated community focused on server-side development. Ultimately, both frameworks provide sufficient community support and resources to help developers build robust applications.

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