NES - Early Intervention Framework (2024)



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Key overview details


  • Universal
  • Targeted

Mental Wellbeing Need

  • Supporting Behavioural Challenges
  • Prosocial behaviour
  • Promoting Emotional Wellbeing
  • Anxiety / Worry / Stress
  • Depression/Low Mood
  • Emotion Regulation / Emotional literacy
  • Self Esteem / Resilience
  • Adjustment to life events (including separation or loss)
  • Supporting Positive Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Parent-child relationship / Attachment
  • Social Skills / Positive Peer Relationship

Target Age

  • Preschool: 3 to 5 years
  • Primary school: 6 to 12 years


Usability Rating


Supports Rating


Evidence Rating


5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years


5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years is an 8-week group parenting programme. The programme is for parents of preschool and primary school aged children particularly targeting Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) families and Muslim communities. The programme, underpinned by psychological techniques linked to faith references, aims to educate parents how to communicate effectively with their child, set appropriate boundaries, encourage positive child behaviour, manage negative behaviour and improve the parent children relationship.

Evaluation has demonstrated improvements in child behaviour (emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationship problems and prosocial behaviour), parental mental health (depression, stress and anxiety) & parental discipline practices laxness, over reactivity and verbosity).

The 5 Pillars of Parenting Programmes are currently delivered in England, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Usability - Rating: 3

Core Components

5 Pillars of Parenting includes four supportive educational programmes based on the Muslim faith for families from all backgrounds, cultures and faiths who wish to improve their parenting skills and learn new techniques to enable their children to grow in a loving and supportive environment. The programmes aim to help parents develop a healthy relationship with their partners and to develop better parent-child relationships by being more affectionate and merciful. The programme targets in particular Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) families and Muslim communities. The content of the 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes combines behavioural management skills with Islamic teachings. The sessions help parents master skills within each of the pillars (components) of parenting which are character, knowledge, action, steadfast and relationships.

The 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years programme aims to educate parents how to communicate effectively with their child, set appropriate boundaries, encourage positive child behaviour, manage negative behaviour and improve the parent children relationship. The core topics covered in this programme include Learning new parenting techniques; Having a better parent-child relationship; Improving your listening and communications skills; Being a positive role model for your children; Reducing difficult behaviour; Being more affectionate and merciful; Being able to make links to Islamic parenting values and Understanding Islamic references to parenting and raising children.

The programme is clearly operationalised with a Trainers manual, session plans, USB with slides and video clips/YouTube footage. Each session is 2 hours in duration and is delivered by 2 licensed practitioners (a Lead and a co-practitioner) to groups of up to 10-14 families. Practitioners use a range of teaching methods such as presentations, group discussions, DVD clips, role-play and homework assignments.


The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes offers (1) standardised training including a trainer’s manual (2) standardised evaluation questionnaires (3) agency organisational supports including data management, during and post programme reporting, marketing and enrolments (4) supervision including a trainer’s reflection form, scoring and one to one support for Sparklers (peer mentors) and, (5) annual licensing to support effective replication and fidelity.

Modifiable Components

Delivery of the programme is face to face but can be modified to be delivered remotely.

An Arabic translation of the programme is available for the 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years programme only. The programme is delivered in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as England.

Supports - Rating: 4

Approachable Parenting CIC, established in 2011, is a non-profit organisation located in the West Midlands, England where organisational support can be obtained. Approachable Parenting offer 5 Pillars of Parenting which is a suite of four programmes; Pregnancy & Beyond, Pregnancy – 3, Parenting 4-11 years & Teens

Support for Organisation / Practice

Implementation Support

Each organisation’s requirements are considered separately, and support is tailored to individual requirements. Approachable Parenting can provide agencies with data support including analysis and reporting against all programme data collected using a range of questionnaires (a requirement) and monitoring and evaluation of statistics to demonstrate effectiveness. In addition, marketing and enrolment support for implementing agencies is available including workshops for parents (1.5 or 3 hours) and professionals (3 hours) to introduce the 5 Pillars of Parenting Programmes. These workshops can accommodate up to 25-30 participants.

Licensing Requirements

A trainer/practitioner license ‘Award in Education and Training’ is required to deliver the programme, obtained post completion of training and requires annual renewal.

Start-up Costs

Start-up costs associated with the 5 Pillars of Parenting are:

  • Award in Education and Training (part 1 of training) – £1100 per individual (20% discount to organisations, schools or clusters who have 6 or more suitably qualified individuals who enrol on the same course).
  • Trainer to gain licence to deliver the 5 Pillars of Parenting and undertake quality assurance (QA) (part 2 of training) – £1644 per programme.
  • Programme supports and maintenance (resources, supervision, reports and maintaining QA)– £888 per programme.
  • Delivery of the 5 Pillars of Parenting by Approachable Parenting trainers –£2949.

Follow-up Costs:

  • Peer mentor training (Sparklers training) and support to the organisation for one year to set up effectively – £2650.
  • One to one parent coaching or relationship coaching - £40 per coaching session.
  • Workshop for parents or professionals for up to 25/30 participants - £175 for 1.5-hours parents’ introductory workshop; £300 for 3-hour parent introductory workshop and £495 for 3-hour professionals’ workshop.

Building Staff Competency

Qualifications Required

To deliver the 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes individuals must have a minimum of level 3-4 Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), preferably level 4-5 and have a good knowledge of Islamic faith and culture. Practitioners are typically from children’s centres, schools and community centres.

Training Requirements

Practitioners are required to attend a 4-day accredited training course, including training, assessments and portfolio to gain an Award in Education and Teaching Qualification. Post training each trainee is required to co-deliver the first programme with a licenced trainer to become a licenced trainer themselves. Whilst the training is tailored to specific programmes i.e. examples used, trainers can also deliver other 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes subject to delivering the first programme with an experienced trainer to learn how the concepts are delivered. Continuing professional development (CPD) is a requirement to re-new a trainer’s annual licence. A train the trainer option is available upon discussion with Approachable Parenting.

Sparklers mentorship training is also available for parents to become parent peer mentors and provide one to one support. Sparklers are befrienders and mentors that build open relationships with parents (Mentees) to listen, empower, support and encourage them to fulfil their parenting goals and overcome. Mentors are selected from parents who complete the 8-week parenting programme and who want to support other parents. Following interview, they attend a 6-week training session on relationship building, gaining counselling and mentoring skills with an expert trainer.

Supervision Requirements

Supervision is a requirement for practitioners to maintain CPD and for annual re-newal of a practitioner licence. Trainers can undertake supervision via a senior trainer/clinical psychologist twice, once during the programme and at the end of the programme along with monthly webinar supervision sessions which are available at no cost. Insurance cover is met by Approachable Parenting during training only.

Evidence - Rating: 3

Theory of Change

The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes assumes that some parenting practices unintentionally reinforce children’s behavioural and emotional problems. The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes aim to change ineffective parenting practices by teaching parents’ new strategies linked to core teachings from the Quran. Once parents master these strategies their children’s behaviour should improve at home and at school. These parenting skills will also support children’s development as they grow older.

The aim of the 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes is to increase the inclusion of Muslim families in parenting education, to identify and address their needs and to extend the provision of accessible evidenced based parenting programmes designed especially for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) families, which is culturally sensitive to their beliefs. Therefore, the change expected from the support provided would be increased inclusion of Muslim families in parenting education and increased provision and access to culturally sensitive parenting programmes.

Preschool: 3 to 5 years - Rating: 3

Research Design & Number of Studies

The best available evidence for 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years in children with in the 3-5 age range comes from one pre-post study of the programme, undertaken by the programme developer. The population included parents with children between the ages 0 to 15 years with 80% in the 4-11 years age range.

Outcomes Achieved

Child Outcomes:

  • Statistically significant positive impact on all measures of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (parent reported), including emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationships and prosocial behaviour (Approachable Parenting. 2017).

Parent outcomes:

  • Statistically significant positive impact on the Parenting Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale demonstrating a reduction in each of these areas - parent reported (Approachable Parenting. 2017).
  • Improved parental verbosity, improved parental over-reactivity and improved parental laxness (Approachable Parenting. 2017).

Key References:

Approachable Parenting. (2017). Evaluating the Impact of the 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 Years Programme. Approachable Parenting Reports.

Primary school: 6 to 12 years - Rating: 3

Research Design & Number of Studies

The best available evidence for children aged 6 - 12 years comes from one pre-post study of the programme, undertaken by the programme developer. The participants included parents of children between 0-15 years with 80% in the 4-11 years age range. Evidence outcomes for age 6-12-year olds are the same as for 3-5 years evidence above.

Key References

Approachable Parenting. (2017). Evaluating the Impact of the 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 Years Programme. Approachable Parenting Reports.



Approachable Parenting believes in being compassionate, diverse and nurturing to guide parents in developing a healthy relationship with their partners and to develop better parent-child relationships by being more affectionate and merciful for all parents and particularly Muslim communities.

  • Are the values of this programme aligned with the key values of your organisation?


The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes aims to increase the inclusion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) families and Muslim communities in parenting education, to identify and address their needs. Approachable Parenting programmes aim to support and strengthen BAME families by promoting good values, sound social and emotional development to build a better future for all and increase integration with the wider community.

  • Is working with BAME families and Muslim communities in an early intervention a priority for your organisation?
  • Is the delivery of culturally sensitive targeted services for BAME families and Muslim communities aligned with the key values and priorities of your organisation?

The 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years programme aims to increase parent’s effective communication with their child, help them set appropriate boundaries for their child, encourage positive child behaviour and improve the parent children relationship.

  • Are improvements in parent–child relationship, communication and wellbeing priority outcomes for your organisation?

Existing Initiatives

  • Does your service already provide early intervention programmes aiming to improve child development and mental health outcomes for BAME families and Muslim communities?
  • Will this programme fit with the existing parenting interventions in your area?



The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes require 2 trained practitioners (a lead and co-practitioner) to deliver each parenting group over a period of 8 weeks for 2 hours per session. Practitioners are required to have a minimum of level 3-4 Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), preferably level 4-5 and have a good knowledge of Islamic faith and culture. Practitioners are typically from children’s centres, schools and community centres.

  • Do you have practitioners with the recommended level of qualification who would be interested in becoming group facilitators?
  • Do these practitioners have experience working with parents and children in a group setting and working in a collaborative, solution focussed way to support families?
  • Do you have practitioners available with the capacity to deliver the full requirements of this programme?

Technology Support

Essential equipment required to run these programmes include a computer, internet access, television or screen and a DVD player.

  • Do you have the technology to support practitioners to deliver the programme?

Administrative Support

The 5 Pillars of Parenting programmes requires administrative support for recruitment of parents, receiving referrals, collecting evaluation data, printing of materials along with co-ordinating cycles of delivery of the programme.

  • Do your current administrative procedures support your practitioners to implement a programme like this?
  • Do you have use of facilities that are suitable and available for the duration of the group?

Financial Support

Start-up costs for all programmes include Award in Education and Training (part 1 of training) – £1100 per individual ; Trainer to gain licence to deliver the 5 Pillars of Parenting (part 2 of training) – £1644 per programme ; Programme support and reports (resources, supervision, reports and maintaining QA)– £888 per programme or delivery of the 5 Pillars of Parenting by Approachable Parenting trainers –£2949.

  • Do you have the finances to pay for practitioners to attend this training including obtaining their licence and to be released from their role to deliver the group?
  • Do you have the finances to support practitioners to undertake supervision?
  • Do you have the finances to pay for programme support?


Comparable Population

5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years, although universal in nature, targets BAME families from Muslim communities. Internal evaluation of the programme has included BAME parents (n=160) classified as Asian or Asian British with children aged 0-15 years, the majority (80%) aged between 4-11 years.

  • Is this comparable to the population your organisation would like to serve?

Desired Outcome

The 5 Pillars of Parenting 4 to 11 years programme is a preventative intervention designed to be delivered in the community, primary school and children’s early years settings. The desired outcomes of the programme are to achieve improved security of attachment between parents and their children, improved spousal relationships and improved mental health and wellbeing.

Internal evaluation has demonstrated significant improvements in child behaviour (emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationship problems and prosocial behaviour), parental mental health (depression, stress and anxiety) & parental discipline practices laxness, over reactivity and verbosity).

  • Is promoting parent-child attachment, child development and family wellbeing a priority outcome for your organisation?
  • Does your organisation have other initiatives in place that effectively and efficiency address the above outcomes?

Developer Details

Kathleen Roche-Nagi

Managing Director

Approachable Parenting

Innovation Development Centre

22-28 George Street

Balsall Heath

B12 9RG


[email protected]

NES - Early Intervention Framework (2024)
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Article information

Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 5792

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.