Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (2024)

ByBen Fell,BBC News

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (1)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (2)NASA

They were the pioneers of space exploration - the 24 Nasa astronauts who travelled to the Moon in the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s.

Now, more than 50 years on, the race to put people back on the lunar surface is heating up once again.

A number of private companies are scheduled to send scientific craft to the Moon in 2024. The first of these, Peregrine, ran into trouble shortly after launch, and while the second made it to the lunar surface, it broke one of its legs while landing.

Nasa had intended to launch Artemis 2, its first crewed lunar expedition since Apollo 17, later this year but that date has slipped into 2025, as the space agency says it needs more time to prepare.

Meanwhile, companies such as SpaceX and Boeing continue to develop their own technology.

Nasa hopes the Artemis programme will lead to astronauts living on the Moon this decade. China is also aiming to have people on the lunar surface by 2030, landing a probe on the far side of the Moon in June.

These delays highlight the sad fact that the number of remaining Apollo astronauts is dwindling.

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (3)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (4)NASA

The loss of Apollo 8 astronaut William 'Bill' Anders in June 2024 came just weeks after the death of Thomas Stafford, who commanded both Apollo 10 in 1969 and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975.

That Anders was reportedly flying the aircraft in which he died, at the age of 90, is evidence the adventurous spirit that took him into space had not been dulled by age.

Now just six people remain, who have escaped the relative safety of Earth orbit and ventured deeper into space.

Who are they, and what are their stories?

Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11)

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (5)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (6)NASA

On 21 July 1969, former fighter pilot Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin left his lunar landing craft and became the second person to step on the surface of the Moon. Almost 20 minutes beforehand, his commander, Neil Armstrong, had been the first.

Aldrin's first words were: "Beautiful view".

"Isn't that something?" asked Armstrong."Magnificent sight out here."

"Magnificent desolation," replied Aldrin.

The fact that he was second never sat comfortably with him. His crewmate Michael Collins said Aldrin "resented not being first on the Moon more than he appreciated being second".

But Aldrin was still proud of his achievement; many years later, when confronted by a man claiming Apollo 11 was an elaborate lie, the 72-year-old Aldrin punched him on the jaw.

And following Neil Armstrong's death in 2012, Aldrin said: "I know I am joined by many millions of others from around the world in mourning the passing of a true American hero and the best pilot I ever knew."

Despite struggles in later life, he never lost his thirst for adventure and joined expeditions to both the North and South Poles, the latter at the age of 86.

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While embracing his celebrity, he has remained an advocate for the space programme, especially the need to explore Mars.

"I don't think we should just go there and come back - we did that with Apollo," he says.

And his name has become known to new generations as the inspiration for Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story series of films. In January 2023, at the age of 93, he married for a fourth time..

Charles Duke (Apollo 16)

There are only four people still alive who have walked on the Moon - Charlie Duke is one of them. He did it aged 36, making him the youngest person to set foot on the lunar surface.

In a later BBC interview, he spoke of a "spectacular terrain".

"The beauty of it… the sharp contrast between the blackness of space and the horizon of the Moon… I'll never forget it. It was so dramatic."

But he had already played another significant role in Nasa's exploration of the Moon. After Apollo 11 touched down in 1969, it was Duke - in mission control as the Capsule Communicator, or Capcom - who was waiting nervously on the other end of the line when Neil Armstrong said: "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (7)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (8)NASA

In his distinctive southern drawl, Duke replied: "Roger, Tranquility. We copy you on the ground, you've got a bunch of guys about to turn blue, we're breathing again."

"I really meant it, I was holding my breath the last minute or so," he later told the BBC.

In 2022, Duke told the BBC he was excited about Nasa's Artemis mission - but warned that it wouldn't be easy for the new generation of astronauts.

"They've picked near the South Pole for the landing, because if there's any ice on the Moon, it would be down in that region. So that's gonna be difficult - because it's really rough down there. But we'll pull it off."

Charlie Duke now lives outside San Antonio, Texas, with Dorothy, to whom he has been married for 60 years.

Fred Haise (Apollo 13)

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (9)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (10)NASA

Fred Haise was part of the crew of Apollo 13 that narrowly avoided disaster in 1970 after an on-board explosion caused the mission to be aborted when the craft was more than 200,000 miles (321,000km) from Earth.

The whole world watched nervously as Nasa attempted to return the damaged spacecraft and its crew safely. Once back, Haise and his crewmates James Lovell and Jack Swigert became celebrities, to their apparent surprise.

"I feel like maybe I missed something while I was up there," he told talk show host Johnny Carson when the crew appeared on The Tonight Show.

Haise never made it to the Moon. Although scheduled to be commander of Apollo 19, that mission was cancelled because of budget cuts, as were all other flights after Apollo 17.

He later served as a test pilot on the prototype space shuttle, Enterprise.

Like many of his fellow Apollo alumni, after leaving Nasa, Haise continued to work in the aerospace industry until his retirement.

James Lovell (Apollo 8, Apollo 13)

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (11)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (12)NASA

Lovell, Borman and Anders made history when they undertook the first lunar mission on Apollo 8, testing the Command/Service Module and its life support systems in preparation for the later Apollo 11 landing.

Their craft actually made 10 orbits of the Moon before returning home. Lovell was later supposed be the fifth human to walk on the lunar surface as commander of Apollo 13 - but of course, that never happened.

Instead the story of his brush with death was immortalised in the film Apollo 13, in which he was played by Tom Hanks.

Following his retirement from Nasa in 1973, Lovell worked in the telecoms industry. Marilyn, his wife of more than 60 years, who became a focus for the media during the infamous incident, died in August 2023.

Jim Lovell is one of only three men to have travelled to the Moon twice, and following Frank Borman's death in November 2023, he became the oldest living astronaut.

Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17)

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (13)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (14)NASA

Unlike most other astronauts of the time, Schmitt had not served as a pilot in the US forces.

A geologist and academic, he initially instructed Nasa astronauts on what to look for during their geological lunar field trips before becoming a scientist-astronaut himself in 1965.

Schmitt was part of the last crewed mission to the Moon, Apollo 17, and along with commander Eugene Cernan, one of the last two men to set foot on the lunar surface, in December 1972.

After leaving Nasa in 1975, he was elected to the US Senate from his home state of New Mexico, but only served one term. Since then he has worked as a consultant in various industries as well as continuing in academia.

He is also known for speaking out against the scientific consensus on climate change.

David Scott (Apollo 15)

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (15)Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (16)NASA

David Scott, the commander of Apollo 15, is one of just four men alive who have walked on the Moon - but he was also one of the first to drive on it too.

In 1971, Scott and crewmate James Irwin tested out the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), "Man's First Wheels on the Moon" as it was called. Travelling at speeds up to 8 mph (12 km/h) the LRV allowed astronauts to travel large distances from the lunar lander much quicker than they could walk.

"On a first mission you never know whether it's going to work," he later recalled. "The greatest thrill was to get it out, turn it on, and it actually worked."

After returning from the Moon, Scott worked in various management roles within Nasa, before joining the private sector.

He has also acted as consultant on several film and television projects, including Apollo 13 and the HBO miniseries From The Earth To The Moon.

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Buzz Aldrin


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The Moon

Space exploration

Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men (2024)


Nasa Apollo missions: Stories of the last Moon men? ›

Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were the first of 12 human beings to walk on the Moon. Four of America's moonwalkers are still alive: Aldrin (Apollo 11), David Scott (Apollo 15), Charles Duke (Apollo 16), and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17).

Are any of the 12 men who walked on the Moon still alive? ›

Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were the first of 12 human beings to walk on the Moon. Four of America's moonwalkers are still alive: Aldrin (Apollo 11), David Scott (Apollo 15), Charles Duke (Apollo 16), and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17).

Are any Apollo astronauts still alive in 2024? ›

Three men have been to the Moon twice, one orbited once and took a circumlunar trajectory the second time, while the other two landed once apiece. Apart from these 24 men, no human being has gone beyond low Earth orbit. As of June 2024, 6 of the 24 remain alive.

Why can't we go back to the Moon? ›

The moon is a harsh environment. It's difficult to design spacecraft that can navigate its surface and it's almost impossible to recreate those situations on Earth for testing.

Who were the last men to walk on the Moon? ›

Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, died Jan. 16, 2017. Captain Cernan was one of fourteen astronauts selected by NASA in October 1963.

Has a woman been to the Moon? ›

Only 12 human beings, all men, have walked on the Moon. In 2020, NASA's communication director reported that NASA planned to land astronauts on the Moon, including possibly a woman astronaut or astronauts, as part of the U.S. Artemis program.

Are any Apollo 8 astronauts still alive? ›

This would also be the first case of a commander of a previous mission (Lovell, Gemini XII) flying as a non-commander. This was also the first mission to reunite crewmates from a previous mission (Lovell and Borman, Gemini VII). As of June 2024, James Lovell is the last surviving Apollo 8 astronaut.

Did Apollo astronauts leave human waste on the moon? ›

On the Moon, as well as several robots, some tardigrades, a family photograph, and maybe even some dinosaur remains, you will find 96 bags of human poop. On the way up to the Moon, Apollo astronauts collected their urine in tanks, while anyone who needed to poop had to strap a bag over their anus to do so.

Why did NASA stop Apollo? ›

NASA administrators rejected these plans because of lack of funding and added risk. In August 1971, President Richard Nixon proposed to cancel all remaining lunar landings (Apollo 16 and 17).

What year did 3 Apollo astronauts died? ›

“Gus” Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee, died on Jan. 27, 1967 in a launch simulation test at Kennedy Space Center one month before the three were slated to launch on the first Apollo mission to space.

Is the US flag still on the Moon? ›

Yes, all are still standing except for Apollo 11's, which was knocked down by the exhaust from the ascent vehicle. (I guess they figured out after that to plant them further from the lander.) Recent images by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter revealed the shadows of the flags.

Can astronauts pass through the Van Allen belt? ›

Astronauts must fly though the Van Allen Belts to reach outer space, so it is important to fly through this region quickly to limit their exposure to radiation. Sensitive electronics on satellites and space craft traveling through the Van Allen Belts also need to be protected from the radiation.

Why has it taken 50 years to return to the Moon? ›

The biggest hurdle may have been the 21st century engineers and companies with little or no moonshot experience. It has been more than 50 years since people have designed and sent landers to the moon, so firms were starting from almost scratch and working with novel technologies.

What were the last words on the moon? ›

And Eugene Cernan's last words on the moon, spoken on December 14, 1972, were these: “As we leave the moon…we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind.”

How did NASA lose the technology to go to the moon? ›

Most of the technology used on those missions has long been retired, cast aside by the massive leaps in computing power and material sciences made in the past half-century.

What astronaut wrote daughter's initials on the moon? ›

When Apollo astronaut Eugene Cernan stepped off the moon in 1972, he left his footprints and his daughter's initials in the lunar dust. Only now, forty years later, he is ready to share his epic but deeply personal story.

Are the Apollo 13 astronauts still alive? ›

Fred Haise never flew in space again, but he did fly five Space Shuttle Approach and Landing Tests in 1977, then retired in 1979. Both Lovell (95 years old) and Haise (89 years old, will be 90 in a few days) are still alive today, btw.

Are any of the Mercury astronauts still alive? ›

The four surviving Mercury 7 astronauts at a reception after Shepard's memorial service in 1998. Left to right: Glenn, Schirra, Cooper and Carpenter. All are since deceased.

How many men alive have walked on the moon? ›

David Scott, the commander of Apollo 15, is one of just four men alive who have walked on the Moon - but he was also one of the first to drive on it too.

Is Harrison Schmitt still alive? ›

PERSONAL DATA: Harrison Hagan Schmitt was born July 3, 1935, in Santa Rita, New Mexico. Schmitt currently lives with his family in the Intermountain West.

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