Mutual Funds vs Stocks - Differences and Which is Better (2024)

Mutual funds diversify investments, reducing risk, but also limit potential gains. Stocks offer higher returns but come with higher risk and volatility. Explore key differences between Mutual funds and Stocks in this blog.


Mutual Funds vs Stocks


4 mins read


Stocks and mutual funds represent distinct investment avenues, each offering unique features and potential benefits. While stocks signify ownership in individual companies, mutual funds pool funds from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, including stocks, bonds, and other securities. However, investors need not choose between the two; rather, they can strategically utilize both stocks and mutual funds within their investment portfolio to pursue financial growth and achieve their objectives. In this article, we will explore the differences between stocks and mutual funds, analysing their respective pros, cons, and suitability for various investment goals. By gaining insight into these differences, readers can make informed decisions about how to construct a balanced and effective investment portfolio tailored to their needs.

What are mutual funds?

Mutual funds are a type of investment vehicle that pool money from a group of investors and invest it in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments. This allows investors to diversify their risk and achieve their financial goals easily. Investors own the units allotted to them by the mutual and do not have ownership of underlying assets. Bajaj Finserv Platform is a leading mutual fund investment platform in India that makes it easy to invest in mutual funds.

Pros and cons of mutual funds

Mutual funds offer diversification and professional management but come with fees and potential for lower returns. Let us explore the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds in detail:


  • Diversification: Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities, reducing individual investor risk.
  • Professional management: Mutual funds are managed by experiencedfund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of investors, leveraging their expertise and research capabilities.
  • Accessibility: Mutual funds offer accessibility to investors with varying investment amounts, allowing even small investors to participate in diversified investment opportunities.
  • Liquidity: Mutual fund units are bought and sold based on their net asset value (NAV), providing investors with liquidity as they can redeem their units anytime, subject to market conditions.
  • Convenience: Mutual funds offer convenience through features like systematic investment plans (SIPs) and systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs), enabling investors to automate their investment and redemption processes.


  • Fees and expenses: Mutual funds charge fees and expenses, including management fees, administrative costs, and sales charges, which can erode overall returns over time.
  • Lack of control: Investors in mutual funds delegate investment decisions to fund managers, relinquishing control over individual investment choices and timing of transactions.
  • Market risk: Mutual funds are subject to market risk, and fluctuations in market conditions can impact the value of the fund's underlying investments, leading to potential losses for investors.
  • Overdiversification: While diversification is a key advantage of mutual funds, overdiversification can dilute returns and limit the potential for significant gains, especially in high-performing sectors or stocks.
  • Tax implications: Mutual fund investments may be subject to capital gains tax, dividend distribution tax, and other taxes, depending on the type of fund and the investor's holding period, potentially reducing overall returns.

Understanding these pros and cons can help investors make informed decisions about whether mutual funds align with their investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial objectives.

What are stocks?

Stocks (also known as equity) represent ownership in a corporation/company. When you buy a stock, you acquire a share or partial ownership in that company. These shares entitle you to a proportionate claim on the company’s assets and earnings. There are two main types of stocks: common and preferred. Common stockholders have voting rights and may receive dividends. Preferred stockholders typically receive fixed dividends but have limited voting rights. Historically, stocks have outperformed most other investments over the long run, making them a fundamental part of many investors’ portfolios.

Pros and cons of stocks


  • Potential for high returns: Stocks offer the potential for high returns over the long term, especially in growing companies or emerging sectors.
  • Ownership stake: Investing in stocks provides shareholders with partial ownership of the company, entitling them to voting rights and a share of company profits through dividends.
  • Liquidity: Stocks are highly liquid assets, allowing investors to buy and sell shares relatively quickly on public stock exchanges.
  • Diversification opportunities: Investors can diversify their portfolios by investing in a variety of stocks across different industries, regions, and market capitalisations.
  • Hedge against inflation: Stocks have historically provided a hedge against inflation, as companies can adjust prices for goods and services to reflect rising costs.


  • Volatility: Stocks are subject to price fluctuations and market volatility, which can result in significant short-term losses and fluctuations in portfolio value.
  • Risk of loss: Investing in stocks carries the risk of partial or total loss of invested capital, especially in the case of bankruptcy or poor company performance.
  • Lack of control: Shareholders have limited control over company decisions and management actions, as major decisions are often made by company executives and boards of directors.
  • Emotional investing: Stock market fluctuations and media hype can lead to emotional investing decisions, such as panic selling during market downturns or overconfidence during bull markets.
  • Research and due diligence: Successful stock investing requires thorough research, analysis, and due diligence to identify quality companies, understand market trends, and make informed investment decisions.

Mutual funds vs stocks – Key differences


Mutual Funds

Investment vehicle

Pooled investment


Managed by professional fund managers


Offers diversification across assets


Generally lower risk due to diversification across assets

Investment Strategy

Varies (Equity, Debt, Hybrid, etc.)


Usually, higher liquidity


Different costs like expense ratio and exit load may apply

Trading frequency

Once per day

Suitability for new investors



Capital gains taxes apply; can be controlled based on the holding period

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Frequently asked questions

Which is safer, mutual fund or shares?

Mutual funds and stocks offer distinct risk profiles. Mutual funds provide diversification and professional management, reducing risk compared to direct stock investments. However, there's no guarantee, and market fluctuations can affect fund values.

What are the different types of shares?

Common shares, also known as equity shares, and preference shares are the two primary types.

What is the difference between shares and mutual funds?

Shares represent ownership in a single company, while mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, which may include shares, bonds, and other securities.

What exactly do you mean by "mutual funds"?

Mutual funds are investment vehicles where funds from multiple investors are pooled and managed by professional fund managers. These funds invest in various assets like stocks, bonds, or other securities, providing diversification and convenience to investors.

What exactly do you mean by "shares"?

Shares, also known as stocks or equities, represent ownership in a company. When you own shares of a company, you become a shareholder and may have rights like voting in company matters and receiving dividends.

Are Mutual Funds affected by the stock market?

Yes, Mutual Funds can be influenced by stock market movements since they invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities. Changes in the stock market can impact the overall value of the mutual fund's portfolio.

Mutual funds or stocks—which one offers more security?

Mutual funds typically offer more security compared to individual stocks because they spread investments across various assets, reducing the impact of market fluctuations. However, the level of security depends on the specific mutual fund or stock chosen.

What makes SIP a better investment than stocks?

SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) are favored over individual stocks for many investors due to their ability to spread investments over time, reduce the risk of market timing, promote disciplined investing, and offer the potential for rupee-cost averaging.

Mutual funds vs stocks - Which is better?

Mutual fundsoffer diversification, professional management, and lower costs. Stockscan be riskier but potentially deliver higher returns. For most investors, a diversified portfolio with both mutual funds and stocks is a balanced approach.

Why choose stocks over mutual funds?

Stocksallow direct ownership in companies. Investors can participate in company decisions and benefit from individual stock performance. However, stocks are more volatile and require research and expertise.

Is it wise to invest in stocks?

Yes, but with caution. Stocks offer growth potential, dividends, and long-term returns. Understand the risks, diversify, and invest for the long term.

Should I invest in 100% stocks?

Consider your risk tolerance and time horizon. While 100% stocks may offer high returns, it is risky during market downturns. Diversification with a mix of assets is often a better strategy.

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Bajaj Finance Limited ("BFL") is registered with the Association of Mutual Funds in India ("AMFI") as a distributor of third party Mutual Funds (shortly referred as 'Mutual Funds) with ARN No. 90319

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Mutual Funds vs Stocks - Differences and Which is Better (15)

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Mutual Funds vs Stocks - Differences and Which is Better (2024)


Mutual Funds vs Stocks - Differences and Which is Better? ›

A mutual fund provides diversification through exposure to a multitude of stocks. The reason that owning shares in a mutual fund is recommended over owning a single stock is that an individual stock carries more risk than a mutual fund. This type of risk is known as unsystematic risk.

Is it better to have mutual funds or stocks? ›

Mutual funds diversify investments, reducing risk, but also limit potential gains. Mutual funds are managed by professionals, reducing the need for monitoring, but investors give up control. Stocks offer higher returns but come with higher risk and volatility.

What are the 4 differences between a stock and a mutual fund? ›

Mutual funds offer diversification, professional management, and lower costs. Stocks can be riskier but potentially deliver higher returns. For most investors, a diversified portfolio with both mutual funds and stocks is a balanced approach.

What are 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of investing in mutual funds rather than stocks or bonds directly? ›

Mutual funds come with many advantages, such as advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing. Disadvantages include high fees, tax inefficiency, poor trade execution, and the potential for management abuses.

What is the biggest advantage to owning a mutual fund over an individual stock? ›

Diversification. Mutual funds give you an efficient way to diversify your portfolio, without having to select individual stocks or bonds. They cover most major asset classes and sectors.

Should I put all my money in mutual funds? ›

Fees can go as high as 3%. High fees can make mutual funds unattractive as investors can get better returns from broad-market securities or ETFs. Lack of Control: Mutual funds may not be suitable for investors who want complete control over their portfolios, as they do all the picking and investing work.

Do mutual funds outperform the stock market? ›

Mutual funds have several advantages over individual stock picking. Beyond diversifying your holdings, some mutual funds aim to outperform the stock market, while others mirror a popular index like the S&P 500.

What is riskier stocks or mutual funds? ›

A mutual fund provides diversification through exposure to a multitude of stocks. The reason that owning shares in a mutual fund is recommended over owning a single stock is that an individual stock carries more risk than a mutual fund. This type of risk is known as unsystematic risk.

Is a stock safer than a mutual fund? ›

Mutual funds pose relatively lower risk than direct stock investing due to diversification. Shares have a higher level of risk compared to mutual funds. The debate of the stock market vs mutual funds is never-ending. You should know the pros and cons of both these options before choosing the right one for you.

Which mutual fund is best to invest now? ›

Best SIP to invest now:
  • ICICI Pru Bluechip Fund.
  • HDFC Flexi Cap Fund.
  • Nippon India Small Cap Fund.
  • HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Short Term Fund.
  • LIC MF Gold ETF FoF.
Aug 8, 2024

Why is mutual fund not good? ›

However, mutual funds are considered a bad investment when investors consider certain negative factors to be important, such as high expense ratios charged by the fund, various hidden front-end and back-end load charges, lack of control over investment decisions, and diluted returns.

Do mutual funds really give good returns? ›

Historically average around 9% to 12% annually. Subject to market volatility but offer potential for higher returns.

Are bonds better than stocks? ›

As you can see, each type of investment has its own potential rewards and risks. Stocks offer an opportunity for higher long-term returns compared with bonds but come with greater risk. Bonds are generally more stable than stocks but have provided lower long-term returns.

Why do people invest in mutual funds instead of stocks? ›

Mutual funds are typically more diversified, low-cost, and convenient than investing in individual securities, and they're professionally managed.

What are the pitfalls of mutual funds? ›

Cost: A mutual fund may incur sales charges either up-front or on the back end that are passed on to the investors. In addition, some mutual funds can have high management fees. Tax implications: Dividends and interest payments are generally considered taxable income by the IRS even if you reinvest the money.

Which is better, ETF or mutual fund? ›

ETFs have lower expense ratios. Mutual funds have higher management fees. ETFs are passively managed, which means the fund mirrors a particular index, making them less risky and transparent. Mutual funds are actively managed, which means fund managers invest in securities based on their analysis and market outlook.

What are the disadvantages of putting your money in mutual funds and stocks? ›

  • Potential for loss: Mutual funds are not FDIC insured and may lose principal and fluctuate in value.
  • Cost: A mutual fund may incur sales charges either up-front or on the back end that are passed on to the investors. In addition, some mutual funds can have high management fees.
  • Tax implications:

Should I invest in mutual funds when the market is down? ›

When investing in equity mutual funds, do it via systematic investment plans (SIPs). By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, irrespective of prevalent market conditions, you reduce the risk factor further. When markets are down, you get more units, and when markets are up, you buy fewer units.

What is the average return on mutual funds long term? ›

What is the average return of mutual funds? Historically average around 9% to 12% annually. Subject to market volatility but offer potential for higher returns.

Why mutual funds are better than equity? ›

In this sense, mutual funds are seen as a 'safer' bet in comparison to equity stocks, due to their low risk quotient. Returns - While mutual funds offer investors very decent returns over a period of time, equity stocks have the potential to bring the investor extremely high returns over a much shorter period of time.

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