Motley Fool Stock Picks Revealed (May 4, 2024) (2024)

Motley Fool Stock Picks Revealed (May 4, 2024) (1)

Do you have 5 minutes?


Because if you want to become a successful investor…

…you need to read this article.


Because we are here to tell you how you can beat the market.

And who doesn’t want to beat the market?

But I am not talking about beating the market by 5 or 10%. I am talking about beating the market by 4 TIMES. If the market goes up 20%, would you like your stocks to go up by 80%?

That is exactly what the Motley Fool Stock Advisor stock picks have done!

So, what is the BIG secret?

The secret is that the Motley Fool is here to help you pick winning stocks. And our experience being a Stock Advisor subscriber over the last 8 years proves that they have consistently beat the market. Their stock picks from 2016 thru 2023–that’s 192 stock picks–are up an average of 94.8%. That means on that their last 192 stock picks, on average, have almost doubled!

So, today, we are here to reveal the Motley Fool performance over the last 8 years and since inception in 2002.

And we are here to reveal many of the Motley Fool stock picks!

In this article, you will learn:

  • How the Motley Fool stock picks have performed over the last 8 years?
  • What percent were profitable?
  • How Motley Fool stock picks are so successful?

Did you know…

…the average Motley Fool Stock Advisor stock pick going back to 2002 is up 671% compared to the 152% return from the S&P 500 (as of APRIL 8, 2024)?

How are these Stock Advisor returns even possible, you ask? The answer is quite simple – each year the Motley Fool picks more stocks that go up than go down. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY–they pick a lot of stocks that double and triple each year!

These “winner” stocks more than offset the “loser” stock picks (and yes, they do make some “loser” picks). And so you end up with returns like the chart below (their stock picks have recovered nicely after COVID):

So, here is our in-depth analysis of the Motley Fool and their stock picks.

Here are the Motley Fool’s Stock Picks revealed!

History of the Motley Fool

The Motley Fool began in 1993 as a free financial media company.

The brother duo of Tom and David Gardner shared their investment ideas on message boards and online posts.

And with their unique combination of humor and humility…

…the brothers garnered thousands of like-minded individuals (affectionately known as the “fools”).

So, what is the goal of Motley Fool?

The goal is to empower non-professional investors to outperform Wall Street analysts.

By 1997, the company took its investing site to

In 2002, Motley Fool rolled out its first premium investing service, Stock Advisor.

And, as they say… the rest is history!

From that point on, the company continued (and continues) to expand its free and premium service offerings.

This includes New York Times Best-Sellers, newspapers, podcasts, radio shows, newsletters, and more.

Okay, now that you know the history…it’s time to get to the RESULTS!

Motley Fool Stock Advisor Summary

So, what do you get when you sign up for the Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor?

Stock Advisor comes with all of the following:

  1. Two stock recommendations each month straight to your inbox (every other Thursday).
  2. An all-access pass to the Motley Fool Stock Advisor historical picks.
  3. The Motley Fool’s “Top 10 Best Stocks to Buy” report.
  4. The Motley Fool’s Starter Stock recommendations.
  5. Proprietary research and exclusive benefits.

All information is easy to find and laid out in an organized manner.

The past Stock Advisor recommendations performed so well because they pick stocks poised to perform well based on a buy and hold strategy, so many are still good investments long after the original recommendation date. Take a look at their all time best stock picks:

Those results are absolutely amazing. Imagine if you had bought these stocks back in 2004 and 2005 but sold them after they doubled–wouldn’t you be kicking yourself? The Motley Fool says there are a few keys to using their stock picks successfully. You should plan on:

  • staying invested for at least 5 years;
  • you should invest regularly;
  • you should hold at least 25 stocks; and
  • you should hold on during the market downturns
  • and allow you winners to run!

I have actually been a paid Stock Advisor subscriber since 2016. I buy about $1,500 of each of their specific stock recommendations. Over the past 8 years, my portfolio has easily outperformed the S&P 500 returns. For example:

  • their 2023 picks are up 20.9%,
  • their 2022 picks are up 10%,
  • their 2020 picks are up 27.4%;
  • their 2019 picks are up 51.1%,
  • their 2018 picks are now up 128% (that means my 2018 portfolio has more than DOUBLED in value in just 4 years);
  • their 2017 picks are up an amazing 348% (thanks to NVDA and TTD) and
  • their 2016 stock picks are now up 206%.

My results show that 66% of their stock picks are profitable.

Overall, like I said at the top of this article, since inception the Motley Fool stock picks are up, on average, 671% compared to the SP500’s 152% so that is more than 4X the market’s return!

If that is all you want to know, then make sure you don’t miss out on their next pick, set to come out this Thursday! Click Here to try the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service and get their next 24 stock picks in real-time for only $89. For new subscribers only; you get a 30-Day full money back guarantee.

But if you want to see some specific stock picks, then keep reading.

How do they get these great returns?

They do a phenomenal job of picking a few stocks each year that double, triple or quadruple. Sure, they pick some losers, but the winners do really, really, really well. So to be successful with the Motley Fool picks, you need to buy every pick and you need to plan on staying invested for at least 5 years, as you will see below…

As of May 4, 2024, here are the results of some the Stock Advisor stock picks for me over the last 8 years:

  • 2023: CRWD up 151%, NOW up 96%, and DDOG up 38%.
  • 2022: VRTX up 72%, ASML up 74%, and TTD up 75%.
  • 2020: TSLA up 531%, SHOP up 115%, CRWD up 189%, ASML up 141%.
  • 2019: TTD up 360%, HUBS up 291%, SNPS up 335%, NTDOY up 88%.
  • 2018: SHOP up 450%, FICO up 616%, OKTA up 231%, ANET up 303%, ZS up 354%.
  • 2017: NVDA up 3,364%, TTD up 1,292%, FTNT up 644%, ODFL up 563%, CMG up 550%.
  • 2016: SHOP up 2,203%, TXRH up 427%, etc…

With over 500,000 subscribers, they are doing something right. Best of all, this Motley Fool service is available for new subscribers for only $199 per year. Click Here to get a $110 coupon and try the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service and get their next 24 stock picks in real-time.

Don’t miss out on their 2024 picks–their next one comes out this Thursday.

But how do they compare to the OTHER Motley Fool product–The Motley Fool Rule Breakers service?

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Summary

So, what do you get with Motley Fool Rule Breakers?

Rule Breakers comes with all of the following:

  1. Two stock recommendations each month straight to your inbox.
  2. An all-access pass to historical Motley Fool Stock recommendations.
  3. The Motley Fool’s Rule Breakers “Starter Stocks” report.
  4. Proprietary research and exclusive benefits.

As you can see, Rule Breakers is very similar to Stock Advisor.

So, what is the difference?

The Motley Fool Rule Breaker service stated goal is to “Discover market-beating growth stocks that are poised to be tomorrow’s leaders.” In other words, the Rule Breaker service is trying to find the next Google, the next Amazon or the next Netflix!

What that means for the investor is more stocks that double and triple, and more losers too. Our results show the Rule Breakers service over the last 8 years has slightly higher performance, but has MUCH MORE volatility. So if you happen to miss out on buying one of the Rule Breakers stocks you could really miss out on “the next big thing”.

As of May 4, 2024, here are the some of the Rule Breaker best stock picks over the last few years:

  • 2023: CRWD up 170%, SG up 136%, PUBM up 68% and CAVA up 113%.
  • 2022: TMDX up 114%, CELH up 155%, HUBS up 125%, UBER up 235%, ANET up 164%.
  • 2021: TTD up 80%, AXON up 56%.
  • 2020: WING up 206%, HUBS up 199%, ISRG up 95%.
  • 2019: SKX up 169%, AMD up 111%, DDOG up 282%.
  • 2018: MDB up 1,026%, PANW up 412%, AXON up 641%, MDB up 527%.
  • 2017: TTD up 2,482%, HUBS up 764%, MELI up 615%.
  • 2016: SHOP up 3,442%, AVGO up 965%, CMG up 654%.

So, as I said earlier, they really did pick stocks that doubled, tripled and much more since they were picked since 2016.

It’s important to keep in mind that all Motley Fool stock picks are based on a buy and hold strategy, which typically means holding them for at least five years.

Fortunately, you can try both services; for free (kind of)

That is right – Rule Breakers and Stock Advisor both offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Click here to try the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service and save $110.

or Click here to try the Motley Fool Rule Breakers service and save $200.

Motley Fool Picks and Analysis

Since 2002, the Motley Fool has steadily beat the stock market.

Accordingly, the company focuses on picking stocks that have the best shot at beating the stock market.

In fact, Motley Fool was one of the first newsletters to recommend stocks like:

  • (up 24,225%)
  • Netflix (up 31,143%)
  • Disney (up 6,211%)
  • Nvidia (up 54,302%)

Motley FoolStock Picks and Their Performance

No one in their right mind would sign-up for a non-proven service.

Motley Fool recommends two stocks per month. If you are looking for your one-stop shop for stock recommendations you will want to consider the Motley Fool. Many of the Fool stock recommendations have doubled or tripled over the years.

But do not take my word for it.

The “winning” and “losing” picks combined are outperforming the S&P 500 to this day. Remember they say you should plan on holding their stocks for at least 5 years. Now look here their older stocks picks have done for me (as of May 4, 2024):

For the Year of 2018

  • Overview: 17 out of 24 picks are in the positive.
  • Average Return of all 2018 recommendations:129%
  • Market Return over the same period: approx. 97%
For the Year of 2017
  • Overview: 21 out of 24 picks are in the positive.
  • Average Return of all 2017 recommendations: 348%
  • Market Return over the same period: approx. 132% (beating market by 216%)
For the Year of 2016
  • Overview: 19 out of 24 picks are in the positive.
  • Average Return of all 2016 recommendations: 220%
  • Market Return over the same period: 162%

Are you kiddin’ me? Now THOSE are some very impressive results.

So How Much is a Subscription to the Fool's Rule Breaker service?

The Rule Breaker service is usually $299 a year, but there is a special sales page for new subscribers. They frequently run special promotions like "50% OFF" and "TRY IT FOR JUST $39." So if you are a new subscriber, click THIS LINK and you can try it for just $39 and see their latest sales promotion.

And, there is a 30 day cancellation period for a full refund.

Motley Fool Stock Picks Summary

Now that the Motley Fool stock picks are revealed…

…you can see how the Motley Fool can seriously outperform the S&P 500.

So, is the Motley Fool worth your money?

If you are looking for a service to recommend hot stocks, there is likely no better place.

You can get the Motley Fool Rule Breakers or Stock Advisor for just $89 per year.

The best part?

You can easily recoup your initial investment in the service with a single investment in one of the company’s stock recommendations.

In comparison to other stock advisors, the Motley Fool is an excellent choice because:

  1. You cannot beat the price (most competitors charge 3x more than Motley Fool).
  2. The program has a long track record of success.

The program is highly intuitive and easy to follow.

However, to be clear, not every stock the company picks is a clear-cut winner.

If you look at historical stock prices, the Motley Fool (like everyone else) makes some questionable picks in retrospect.

But, if you purchased every recommendation, you would be doing more than fine.

Here are a few pro tips to be successful with the Motley Fool:

  1. Sign up for the Motley Fool Stock Advisor or Rule Breakers (just $89 per year).
  2. Save your money so you can act on the Motley Fool stock recommendations.
  3. When you receive the stock recommendations, buy as soon as possible.
  4. Buy-and-hold these recommendations because many of these recommendations recover quickly.

No one can predict the stock market correctly 100% of the time…

…but the Motley Fool continues to outperform the stock market over the last 8 years.

With the 30-day money back guarantee – what do you have to lose? Click the image below to get their next 2 picks free.

Motley Fool Stock Picks Revealed (May 4, 2024) (6)


Motley Fool Stock Picks Revealed (May 4, 2024) (2024)


Motley Fool Stock Picks Revealed (May 4, 2024)? ›

As of May 4, 2024, here are the results of some the Stock Advisor stock picks for me over the last 8 years: 2023: CRWD up 151%, NOW up 96%, and DDOG up 38%. 2022: VRTX up 72%, ASML up 74%, and TTD up 75%. 2020: TSLA up 531%, SHOP up 115%, CRWD up 189%, ASML up 141%.

What stocks does the Motley Fool recommend for 2024? ›

The Motley Fool recommends Nu Holdings.

What stocks is Motley Fool recommending now? ›

The top 10 stocks to buy in September 2024
  • CrowdStrike (CRWD 1.41%), $58 billion.
  • PayPal (PYPL 1.46%), $66 billion.
  • Airbnb (ABNB 1.21%), $72 billion.
  • Shopify (SHOP -0.29%), $89 billion.
  • MercadoLibre (MELI 4.61%), $96 billion.
  • Walt Disney (DIS 1.11%), $156 billion.
  • Intuitive Surgical (ISRG 0.63%), $165 billion.
Aug 14, 2024

What stocks will go up the most in 2024? ›

Best S&P 500 stocks as of September 2024
Company and ticker symbolPerformance in 2024
Nvidia (NVDA)141.0%
Vistra (VST)121.8%
Howmet Aerospace (HWM)78.6%
General Electric (GE)71.2%
6 more rows

What is Motley Fool's all in buy stock? ›

We regularly see similar ads from the Motley Fool about “all in” buy alerts, sometimes also called “double down” or “five star” buys, and they're generally just the type of steady teaser pitch that they can send out all year, over and over with no updates, to recruit subscribers for their flagship Motley Fool Stock ...

What are the 10 best stocks to buy right now? ›

Sign up for Kiplinger's Free E-Newsletters
Company (ticker)Analysts' consensus recommendation scoreAnalysts' consensus recommendation
UnitedHealth Group (UNH)1.27Strong Buy
Nvidia (NVDA)1.30Strong Buy
Microsoft (MSFT)1.32Strong Buy (AMZN)1.34Strong Buy
15 more rows

Which are the best penny stocks to buy in 2024? ›

Penny stock for 2024
S.No.NameCMP Rs.
1.Advani Hotels.77.18
2.Axita Cotton22.28
3.Sh. Digvijay Cem98.93
4.Radiant Cash81.93
7 more rows

What is The Motley Fool's top 5 AI picks? ›

The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Amazon, Baidu, Meta Platforms, and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends Alibaba Group and Intel and recommends the following options: long January 2025 $45 calls on Intel and short August 2024 $35 calls on Intel.

What are Motley Fool's 3 double down stocks? ›

See 3 “Double Down” stocks »

The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Amazon, Chewy, and Meta Platforms. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Is Motley Fool better than Morningstar? ›

If you want an exciting stock picking service that helps you build a portfolio of 10 or more stocks, The Motley Fool has you covered. Morningstar is the right choice for those who want a broader and more measured approach to picking their own investments.

What will boom in 2024? ›

E-commerce, software development, renewable energy, healthcare, AI, biotechnology, cybersecurity, fintech, AR/VR, robotics, EVs, and EdTech are some of the fastest growing industries in the US. So, if you're looking for a thriving industry, these are worth exploring!

Which share will double in 3 years? ›

Stock Doubling every 3 years
S.No.NameCMP Rs.
1.P. H. Capital218.95
2.Jyoti Resins1454.00
3.HB Stockholdings145.00
4.Systematix Corp.1612.00
22 more rows

What is the Dow prediction for 2024? ›

The bank's analysts give a positive forecast for the Dow Jones exchange rate in 2024. In their opinion, index quotes will increase by 10% to $40,000 in 2024. If the US economy avoids recession, growth could reach up to 19%. This scenario is more likely due to cooling inflation and stable GDP growth.

What stock did Warren Buffett buy? ›

The Berkshire Hathaway portfolio
CompanyShares heldPercent of portfolio
Apple (AAPL)400,000,00030.52%
Bank of America (BAC)942,429,88213.48%
American Express (AXP)151,610,70012.72%
Coca-Cola (KO)400,000,0009.22%
37 more rows
Aug 16, 2024

What is the most valuable stock to invest in? ›

Berkshire Hathaway is the most expensive stock listed on U.S. exchanges.

What is the golden star in stocks? ›

The 'Golden Star' signal differs from the 'Golden Cross' by adding more conditions for the signal to appear. For instance, the moving averages have to be selected based on the time frame that was selected. In addition, it has to cross the price line at a given pattern as shown below.

Which stock is best for 2025? ›

Top 5 Penny Stocks that Could be Multibaggers in 2025
  • #1 Suzlon. First on our list is Suzlon, one of the leading global renewable energy solutions providers. ...
  • #2 Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar. Second, on our list is Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar. ...
  • #3 Sarla Performance Fibers. ...
  • #5 Bodal Chemicals.
7 days ago

What stocks will be worth in 10 years? ›

9 Best Growth Stocks for the Next 10 Years
StockSectorMarket Capitalization
Palo Alto Networks Inc. (PANW)Technology$110 billion
Meta Platforms Inc. (META)Communication services$1.3 trillion
AbbVie Inc. (ABBV)Health care$341 billion
Intuitive Surgical Inc. (ISRG)Health care$166 billion
5 more rows
Aug 15, 2024

Is Motley Fool stock advisor worth it? ›

Motley Fool Stock Advisor can be a good service for investors wanting stock recommendations, reports, and educational resources. The advisor service has an average stock pick return of 628% and has quadrupled the S&P 500 over the last 21 years, according to Motley Fool's website.

What is the most profitable stock in 5 years? ›

The best performing stock for the past 5 years is Applied Digital (APLD) with a total return of 8,285.42%, followed by Celsius Holdings (CELH) and NVIDIA (NVDA). Last updated Sep 10, 2024.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.