Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (2024)

Last updated on September 26th, 2021 at 02:37 pm

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (1)

We’re here today to figure out who are the Most Powerful Characters from the Seven Deadly Sins!

With season 5 having come out on Netflix last month, we are going to be basing these rankings of the new powers the characters have gained. We are not basing this off of the manga, so do not worry, no spoilers!

The characters on this list deserve their spots based not only on their power levels, but also their techniques, intelligence, and their previous battle experiences.

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Of course we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other comics and anime so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.

For this one we had to use resources like Looper, CBR, Gamerant, and our own calculated opinions to form these rankings. The Seven Deadly Sins have a lot of characters, so it was hard to decide where to place them on the list.

As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!


Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (2)

Number Fifteen: Estarossa

Race: Demon

Faction: 10 Commandments

Starting off our list of The Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters is Estarossa!

Estarossa is ranked number fifteen due to the fact he is not able to unlock his full power. His base power was weaker than that of even 1 archangel. It took him obtaining 3 of the 10 commandments to gain power enough to beat Tarmiel and Sariel. Even with that power, though, he was losing control of himself and was not able to think clearly, becoming more of a mindless killing machine than a person.

Estarossa at SHJ:

Estarossa Inspired Workout Routine

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (3)

Number Fourteen: Elizabeth

Race: Goddess

Faction: Daughter of the Supreme Deity

Coming in at number fourteen on the list of the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Elizabeth!

Elizabeth gets this ranking for her amazing magic power and grace.

While Ludociel chose to use Cheat Hope on the humans to make them believe he was healing them during their fight with the Demons, Elizabeth was the real one healing them the entire time. Nevermind the fact that she was simultaneously using her grace against the demons to make a portion of them lose their will to fight.

It might not look like it, but Elizabeth has really strong powers. We don’t really see her use them because she does not want to fight or hurt anyone, thus she chooses the peaceful route most of the times. She focuses more on healing magic and her grace than on offensive magic. And seeing how she is the daughter of the Divine Deity, she is sure to have a large supply of magic on standby.

Elizabeth at SHJ:

Elizabeth Inspired Workout Routine

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (4)

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Number Thirteen: Ludociel

Race: Goddess

Faction: Four Archangels

Coming in at number thirteen among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Ludociel!

The leader of the 4 Archangels. Ludociel has very strong protection magic, even able to protect everyone from one of the Demon King’s attacks (and that is after he was exhausted from his other battles). Ludociel is able to fight almost on par with Chandler and Cusack, who are both the highest ranked demons, and that’s after he used his powers to heal people’s injuries.

Ludociel at SHJ:

Ludociel Workout Routine (Coming Soon)

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (5)

Number Twelve: Chandler

Race: Demon

Faction: 1/2 of The Highest Rank Demon

Coming in at number twelve on the list of the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Chandler!

One of the highest ranking demons, Chandler taught Meliodas everything he knows. He is strong enough to beat Ludociel, the leader of the Archangels in a one on one fight. However, he does fall for one of Merlin’s magic spells and almost dies, if not for Gowther’s restoration of everyone’s lost memories, which ends the spell. Chandler is slightly less powerful than Cusack, due to not having as wide a range of magic spells as Cusack.

Chandler at SHJ:

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (6)

Number Eleven: Cusack

Race: Demon

Faction: 1/2 of The Highest Rank Demon

Just missing the top ten and coming in at number eleven on the list of the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Cusack!

One of the highest ranking demons, Cusack taught Zeldris everything he knows. He is strong enough to beat Ludociel, the leader of the Archangels, in a one on one fight. However, when facing Merlin, he was on the brink of death until Gowther restored everyone’s memories, ending the spell. Cusack is a little stronger than Chandler, with more spell abilities.

Cusack at SHJ:

Cusack Workout Routine (Coming Soon)

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (7)

Number Ten: Gowther

Race: Demon

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins/10 Commandments

Reaching number ten among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Gowther.

Growther gets this rank for having the greatest magic ability. So great, even the Demon King was afraid of his power. To truly understand how powerful his magic is, he was Merlin’s magic teacher (That’s saying something). Unfortunately, he used most of his magic to turn Mael into Estarossa and warp everyone’s memories of Mael. Even still, he gave the rest of his power to his creation, Gowther, who has the abilities to invade a person’s mind, which is not good for the weak-minded opponents.

Gowther at SHJ:

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (8)

Number Nine: King

Race: Fairy

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins

Coming in at number nine among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is King!

King gets his ranking for unleashing his ultimate power from obtaining his full-grown wings. Becoming the strongest fairy king to ever live, he gained the power to fend off powerful opponents; Mael with four commandments, and Zeldris when he was trying to make Meliodas the Demon King. His new protection magic is even on par with Ludociel’s protection magic.

King at SHJ:

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (9)

Number Eight: Merlin

Race: Human

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins

At number eight among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Merlin.

Merlin was the hardest person to place on this ranking. She always seems to have a spell to get her out of danger, but she likes to hide how powerful she really is. Having powers from both the Demon King and the Supreme Deity, on top of having the greatest magic in all of Britannia just goes to show she must be hiding even more amazing magic.

Merlin at SHJ:

Merlin Inspired Workout Routine

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (10)

Number Seven: Zeldris

Race: Demon

Faction: 10 Commandments

Next up among our most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Zeldris!

Zeldris gets his rank for a couple of reasons. One, being that Zeldris mentioned Cusack and Chandler were stronger than him. Even though his fighting power increased shortly after that, it wasn’t increased high enough to beat the two’s original form, The Original Demon. Second, Zeldris lost his battle to Escanor (only after getting hit by his The One technique). This shows that Zeldris is a force to be reckoned with, but at the same time, not yet at his full potential.

Zeldris at SHJ:

See Also

Zeldris Inspired Workout Routine

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (11)

Number Six: The Original Demon

Race: Demon

Faction: Highest Ranked Demon

Just missing the top five and coming in at number six among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is The Original Demon.

The Original Demon wasn’t in the show for long. He did, however, hold off most of the characters who were fighting him. Every attack that hits him only makes him stronger, until Mael showed up and used his Sun Grace to revert The Original Demon back into his two halves. If it wasn’t for Mael, The Original Demon would have only been able to be defeated from an immense power.

The Original Demon at SHJ:

The Original Demon Workout Routine (Coming Soon)

Number Five: Escanor

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (12)

Race: Human

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins

Making it to the top five among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Escanor!

Escanor is number 5 because his power is endless at noon (even able to beat Meliodas). However, his power wanes as day turns to night. Due to Escanor being able to store sunlight in his weapon, he is still able to maintain his powerful form even at night; which makes him an even bigger threat. But once he uses up all his reserved power, he becomes the weakest character in the show.

Escanor at SHJ:

Escanor Inspired Workout Routine

Number Four: Mael

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (13)

Race: Goddess

Faction: Four Archangels

At number four among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Mael!

Mael gets this rank for being the strongest of the Archangels, plus having his grace, Sun, back from Escanor. Unlike Escanor, Mael is able to maintain his strong powers no matter the time of day, which is deadly, because it’s one of the most powerful powers granted. Although he can’t really stand up to the Demon King, he made short work of The Original Demon, who was one of the strongest opponents.

Mael at SHJ:

Mael Inspired Workout Routine

Number Three: Ban

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (14)

Race: Human

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins

Coming in and making the top three among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is Ban!

After spending almost a millennia in purgatory, Ban’s tolerance level for pain became almost infinite for a human. He spent 60 of those years fighting the Demon King, which exponentially increased his power. He also has the strongest resolve out of everyone, doing everything in his power to protect his friends and to bring back his love.

All these facts on top of being the only one to stand up to Demon King Meliodas makes him one of the strongest characters in the entire show…even without his immortality.

Ban at SHJ:

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Number Two: Meliodas

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (15)

Race: Demon

Faction: Seven Deadly Sins

Coming in at number two among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters is the main character: Meliodas!

I had to give Meliodas the number two spot instead of the number 1 spot. This is due to Elizabeth being his one true weakness. When Meliodas and the Demon King were fighting in Purgatory for control of Meliodas’s body, he lost his will to fight once the Demon King told him that Elizabeth was dead. It was the case of “friendship conquers all” that gave Meliodas the strength to fight back and eventually beat the Demon King.

Meliodas at SHJ:

Meliodas Inspired Workout Routine

Meliodas Inspired Jump Rope Workout

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Number One: Demon King / Supreme Deity

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (16)

Race: Demon/Goddess

Faction: Supreme Beings

Coming in at number one among the most powerful Seven Deadly Sins characters are both the Demon King and Supreme Deity!

Both the Demon King and the Supreme Deity are Supreme Beings created from Chaos; whom also created humans. Both the Demon King and the Supreme Deity are the opposite sides of the same coin, having equal power, just different abilities. To understand just how powerful they are, they each created their respective clans; the Demon King creating the demons and the Supreme Deity creating the goddesses. They were the ones who gave the 10 Commandments and the 4 Archangels their powers, and they have the ability to take them away as well. The only people capable of ever matching their power are their children.

Would you place the Demon King and Supreme Deity at number one, or do you think Meliodas is stronger?

Demon King/Supreme Deity at SHJ:

Demon King Inspired Workout Routine (Coming Soon)

Supreme Deity Inspired Workout Routine (Coming Soon)

I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!

The Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (Runner Ups):

  • Tarmiel
  • Sariel
  • Diane
  • Derieri
  • Monspeet

Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.

As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.

If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.

Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!


Until next time,


SHJ’s Nightwing

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (17)


More than 10 Workouts for any of The Seven Deadly Sins, Holy Knights, Demons, Goddesses, Fairies, Giants, Druids, Beastmen, Vampires and more!

(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)

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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (18)

Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (19)


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Most Powerful Seven Deadly Sins Characters (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 5736

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.