Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (2024)

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Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? FAQs

Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (1)

Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by George Kao -

Number of replies: 26

I'm trying to build the case for switching from Blackboard to Moodle for our college

One of the strong arguments will be to show which well-known collegesare already using Moodle.

Can you help us with this list?

(can be anywhere in the world, as long as it's well-known in that country.)

  1. University of California, Irvine
  2. University of Georgia
  3. Texas A&M University
  4. MIT Teacher Education Program
  5. Ohio State University Math Department
  6. Iowa State University
  7. Orange Coast College (well-known in California, where I am)

Thank you!


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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (2)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Timothy Takemoto -

Dear George Kao,

Thank you for the list of universities above.

Yamaguchi University, Japan but only by a couple of teachers at the moment:, Faculty of Economics, (english teaching)
Dublin City University, Ireland in a big way
University of York (Virtual Learning Environment, Department of Mathematics), UK
Leeds University, UK
CICEI, a Research, development and innovation center of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Please see this thread

You might also just go through the list of users for "ac" and "edu"

Looking at the list of universities in the Japanese list, I hesitate to say which are "well known universities" but Waseda University certainly is. Perhas mine (Yamaguchi) should be removed from the list of well knowns.


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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (3)

In reply to Timothy Takemoto

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Richard Treves -


Only part of Leeds ( uses moodle, the rest are using a home grown VLE called Nathan Boddington


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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (4)

In reply to Richard Treves

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by David Scotson -

I didn't realise the Bodington system had a first name, but I'm fairly certain it only has one d.

You may be confusing it with the beer.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (5)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Michael Penney -

California State University, Humboldt.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (7)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Joyce Smith -

By: David Sturrock
RE: Decision on LMS [ reply ]


New thread on Moodle training resources started at


By: Maurice Moore
RE: Decision on LMS [ reply ]

Sorry for the late response... too many projects! I fully support the choice of Moodle as a robust and scalable product. I am looking forward to getting under the hood.

Maurice Moore
eCampus Manager

By: Stanley Frielick
RE: Decision on LMS [ reply ]

Like Wayne at Auckland, I guess we are not a direct consortium member either but are very supportive of the Moodle choice. We have a trial installation up and so far it's going great!

(Northland Polytechnic)

Forum for NZ Open Source VLE Project

Joyce Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (8)

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (9)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Juan Carlos Borrero (JuanCaBo) -

Universidad Simón Bolivar at Barranquilla - Colombia

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (10)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Howard Miller -

Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (11) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (12) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (13) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (14) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (15)

University of Glasgow in Scotland, UK ( Moodle will be centrally supported in the University during this coming year, although the exact details are still being worked out.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (16)

In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Howard Miller -

Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (17) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (18) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (19) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (20) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (21)

Good grief...... has it been that long Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (22)

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (23)

In reply to Howard Miller

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Alex Walker -

First of all, I know this is a 2.5 year old reply to a 5 year old reply.

I don't want to make you feel bad Howard, but when you were piloting Moodle I was still a student. I remember using Moodle for the German modules I took in second year.

Never did use Moodle in Computing Science, but then again they've always kept things completely seperate to the rest of the uni: different workstation desktop environment (plain XP vs. Windows 2000-based CSCE), different way of submitting assignments (custom Java app called AMS vs. Moodle), different ways of accessing course materials (lecturers' own websites vs. Moodle).

I'd be interested to hear if you've had good uptake from the Department School of Computing Science.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (24)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Michael Franklin -

Both of my children attend Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and they use moodle extensively on that campus.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (25)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Lori Cheezem -

You can add Idaho State University to the list. We use it exclusively as our LMS.

Lori Cheezem
Idaho State University
Instructional Technology Resource Center
Pocatello, ID

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (26)

In reply to Lori Cheezem

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Michael Franklin -


Do your professors utilize the grade book features as well, or do they maintain grades with a separate program?


Mike Franklin

Mount de Sales Academy

Macon, Ga

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (27)

In reply to Michael Franklin

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Lori Cheezem -

Hi Mike,

The instructors use the gradebook, however there are a few that use the gradebook and then import the information into an Excel spreadsheet. I hope this helps.


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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (28)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Chad Outten -

They don't come much bigger than Open University in the UK.

Feel free to browse registered moodle sites by country...

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (29)

In reply to Chad Outten

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -

Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (30) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (31)

I also don't understand why the "brand" counts, not the content. Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (32)

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (33)

In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Worth Bishop -

"Herd instinct" (aka "need for affiliation", etc) is a powerful decision force for many...

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (34)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Mariya Pachman -

Some of the Australian Universities:

Australian National University

UNSW and Monash are discontinuing Bb and piloting Moodle

LaTrobe and the University of Western Australia are discontinuing Bb and transferring to Moodle.

Enrollment figures for these schools range from 13,000 to 48,000.


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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (35)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Bob Puffer -

Univeristy of Minnesota

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (36)

In reply to Bob Puffer

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Colin Fraser -

Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (37) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (38)

Flinders University, South Australia, and the entire Education Department of South Australia, not much but nearly 400 optional sites spread out over 500,000sqks.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (39)

In reply to Colin Fraser

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Colin Fraser -

Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (40) Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (41)

And in case you miss my point, Moodle is definitely not just about the intellectually pretentiousness that you will find in the more rarified atmospheres of second rate universities that owe their reputations and positions more to movies and television shows than genuine student achievement.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (42)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Rohit Kumar -

TATA Institute of Social Sciences, India for the M.A. in Education (Elementary) course.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (44)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Alex Walker -

I know this forum post is originally 2004 and that guy probably moved to Moodle a long time ago, but the following places in Scotland use it:

  • Glasgow University (as Howard has already mentioned)
  • Edinburgh Napier University (moving from WebCT this summer)
  • Edinburgh University (only for distance learning courses)
  • The City of Glasgow College (one of the biggest colleges in Scotland, my employer. Moved from two Moodle 1.9 sites and a Blackboard 8 in summer 2011).
  • The University of the West of Scotland (UWS, formerly University of Paisley. Moving from Blackboard in summer 2012)

Average of ratings: Useful (1)

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (45)

In reply to Alex Walker

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Caroline Breslin -


  • The University of Strathclyde (central learning system since 2010, upgraded to version 2 in June 2012)

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (46)

In reply to George Kao

Re: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle?

by Matt Gibson -

Also the Bloomsbury colleges of the University of London, King's College, University College London (UCL), Exeter University.

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Moodle in English: Which brand-name Colleges & Universities are using Moodle? | (2024)


Which schools use Moodle? ›

What Learning Management System (LMS) Does My School Use?
Campus NameLearning Management System (LMS)
Norwich UniversityMoodle
Bellarmine UniversityMoodle
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyMoodle
California State University - Channel IslandsBlackboard
236 more rows
6 days ago

Which companies use Moodle? ›

Companies using Moodle LMS for Learning and Development include: Walmart, a United States based Retail organisation with 2100000 employees and revenues of $648.13 billion, Department of Agriculture, a United States based Government organisation with 100000 employees and revenues of $230.00 billion, New Hall Kidz, a ...

Is Moodle only used at colleges and universities? ›

Moodle is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other online learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors.

Who is using Moodle? ›

Powering hundreds of thousands of learning environments globally, Moodle is trusted by institutions and organisations large and small, including Shell, London School of Economics, State University of New York, Google and the Open University.

Does Harvard use Moodle? ›

The Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) catalog can be integrated into the Moodle LMS platform, which allows for simple tool integration and unlimited access to HBP course materials for students, instructors, and course administrators.

How many organizations use Moodle? ›

Customers of Moodle

Around the world in 2024, over 23093 companies have started using Moodle as Learning Management Systems tool.

What company owns Moodle? ›

Martin registers the word 'Moodle' as a trademark of Moodle Pty Ltd and explains his choice of name in a forum post some years later.

Is Moodle used in the US? ›

Moodle's US-based services and support team provides advanced skills and services to enable your organization to build the best online learning experiences in the world. Our team is made up of dynamic professionals with diverse experience who are passionate about education and ensuring you succeed.

Does Oxford use Moodle? ›

Moodle (for Continuing Education courses) SAMS (for Saïd Business School courses)

Why not to use Moodle? ›

It requires resources (people) to build the system and maintain it. If there is an issue, you need to have someone fix it. Companies that use Moodle tend to have a good size staff in-house to handle it. Those who do not, are often caught off guard.

Do universities pay for Moodle? ›

Moodle: Similar to Canvas, Moodle's software is free and open-source, with additional paid features. Moodle has an easy to navigate interface. It offers tracking tools to monitor student engagement and performance, including how much time students spend on an activity (when activities are built into the course).

What is better than Moodle? ›

The best overall Moodle alternative is TalentLMS. Other similar apps like Moodle are Docebo, Blackboard, Absorb LMS, and D2L Brightspace. Moodle alternatives can be found in Learning Management Systems but may also be in Corporate Learning Management Systems. Have you used Moodle before?

What school uses Moodle? ›

California State University, Humboldt.

Does Moodle detect cheating? ›

Moodle's capabilities in detecting and preventing cheating

Moodle itself doesn't have built-in features specifically designed to detect cheating. However, it can be integrated with third-party tools or plugins that provide anti-cheating measures.

Can professors see what you do on Moodle? ›

Course logs allow instructors to see when and which resources or activities have been accessed. You can check to see if an individual student has viewed a specific resource or participated in a particular activity.

Is Moodle discontinued? ›

Note: Moodle Desktop is discontinued since 1 May 2021. Moodle Desktop is build using the popular framework Electron. Electron is a very popular cross-platform for building desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Why do schools use Moodle? ›

Affordable online learning for schools

Moodle's rich ecosystem of plugins and integrations saves on the costs associated with adapting one-size-fits-all solutions, without locking you into a single vendor.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 5826

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.