Monster Hunter Now: All Skills by Armor and Weapon and How to Max Them Out - Technobubble Gaming (2024)

Monster Hunter Now: All Skills by Armor and Weapon and How to Max Them Out - Technobubble Gaming (1)

Wondering which armor and weapons provide a specific equipment skill in Monster Hunter Now?

Well, worry no more as we’re listing every equipment skill and where to get them in this Monster Hunter Now Equipment Skill Guide.

This should make it easier to come up with armor combinations that have several levels of the skill that you want, whether it’s lots of Focus for your Bow or stacking up affinity for critical attacks via Critical Eye or Weakness Exploit.

Monster Hunter Now:All Weapons and What Materials You Need to Upgrade and Overgrade Them to Grade 10

First, here is a quick rundown of Monster Hunter Now skills.

All Monster Hunter Now equipment skills

Monster Hunter Now launched with more than 40 equipment skills:

  • Health Boost: Increases health.
  • Attack Boost: Increases attack power.
  • Defense Boost: Increases defense.
  • Concentration: Increases special gauge fill rate.
  • Poison Resistance: Reduces the duration of poison/prevents poisoning.
  • Paralysis Resistance: Reduces the duration of paralysis/prevents paralysis.
  • Fire Resistance: Decreases damage from fire-element monsters.
  • Water Resistance: Decreases damage from water-element monsters.
  • Ice Resistance: Decreases damage from ice-element monsters.
  • Thunder Resistance: Decreases damage from thunder-element monsters.
  • Poison Attack: Increases weapon's poison buildup value.
  • Paralysis Attack: Increases weapon's paralysis buildup.
  • Fire Attack: Increases weapon's fire-element value.
  • Water Attack: Increases weapon's water-element value.
  • Ice Attack: Increases weapon's ice-element value.
  • Thunder Attack: Increases weapon's thunder-element value.
  • Critical Eye: Increases affinity.
  • Divine Blessing: Chance of halving the damage caused by a monster's attack.
  • Fortify: Increases attack power for a certain period each time you revive after fainting during a hunt.
  • Evade Extender: Extends evasion distance.
  • Weakness Exploit: Increases affinity when attacking a monster's weak spot.
  • Partbreaker: Increases damage accumulated upon breakable parts.
  • Focus: Shortens charging time for weapons with charge attacks bya certain percentage and increases the fill rate of the Spirit Gauge by certain percentage.
  • Firm Foothold: Reduces knockback when taking damage.
  • Recoil Down: Reduces bowgun recoil.
  • Offensive Guard: Increases attack power for certain seconds after executing a well-timed guard.
  • Burst: Landing consecutive hits in a short span of time increases attack power for certain seconds.
  • Guard: Reduces damage and knockback when guarding against monster attacks.
  • Last Stand: Increases defense when your health drops below a certain level.
  • Heroics: Increases attack power when your health drops below a certain level.
  • Earplugs: Reduces/Nullifies the effects of weak monster roars.
  • Reload Speed: Reduces reload time for bowguns.
  • Artful Dodger: Makes perfect evades easier to perform.
  • Rising Tide: Increases attack power and defense as the hunt timer runs out.
  • Sneak Attack: Increases damage when attacking a monster from behind.
  • Peak Performance: Increases attack power when your health is full.
  • Special Boost: Increases the damage of special skills.
  • Guts: Survive lethal damage taken at certain health or above.
  • Windproof: Reduces/Negates the effects of wind pressure.
  • Slugger: Increases stun power.
  • Lock On: If using close-range weapons, it displays a lock-on button while hunting, allowing a specific monster body part to be targeted.

Now let’s go over each Monster Hunter Now equipment skill and which armor and weapons have them.

This guide will also indicate what Grade equipment needs to be in order to unlock the skill as well as how many levels or points of a skill it provides (e.g. Lv. 1 for one level or point of the skill). For ease of skill mixing, the guide is also organized by armor piece: Head, Body, Arms, Waist and Legs.

Artful Dodger

Makes it easier to perform Perfect Evades when dodging monster attacks.

  • Level 1: Makes Perfect Evades ever so slightly easier to perform
  • Level 2: Makes Perfect Evades slightly easier to perform
  • Level 3: Makes Perfect Evades moderately easier to perform
  • Level 4: Makes Perfect Evades much easier to perform
  • Level 5: Makes Perfect Evades significantly easier to perform

How to acquire Artful Dodger in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Artful Dodger equipment skill.

  • Head: Kadachi Helm (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Kadachi Vambraces Grade 4, Lv. 1)
  • Legs: Kadachi Greaves (Grade 4, Lv. 1)

How to get max Level 5 Artful Dodger in Monster Hunter Now

As of the writing of this guide, the highest level of Artful Dodger you can get is Level 3 by equipping the following armor:

  • Grade 6 Kadachi Helm (1 point)
  • Grade 4 Kadachi Vambraces (1 point)
  • Grade 4 Kadachi Greaves (1 point)

Attack Boost

Raises your raw attack power.

  • Level 1: Increases attack power by 20.
  • Level 2: Increases attack power by 40.
  • Level 3: Increases attack power by 60.
  • Level 4: Increases attack power by 80.
  • Level 5: Increases attack power by 120.

How to acquire Attack Boost in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Artful Dodger equipment skill.

  • Head: Rathalos Helm (Grade 5, Lv. 2)
  • Body: Leather Mail (Grade 2, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Rathalos Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 1)

How to get max Level 5 Attack Boost in Monster Hunter Now

As of the writing of this guide, the highest level of Attack Boost you can get from available equipment is Level 4:

  • Grade 5 Rathalos Helm (2 points)
  • Grade 2 Leather Mail (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Rathalos Vambraces (1 point)

You can mix Attack Boost with other skills such as Critical Eye or Weakness Exploit to further boost your damage. For now, I recommend the mixed set build below with Critical Eye since it gives you always-on 30% affinity without having to hit weak points.

Monster Hunter Now Attack Boost Critical Eye Build Mixed Set

This build gives you Attack Boost Lv. 4 for 80 points of raw attack plus Critical Eye Lv. 4 for a 30% chance of dealing critical damage.

  • Head: Rathalos Helm (Grade 5, Lv. 2 Attack Boost)
  • Body: Leather Mail (Grade 2, Lv. 1 Attack Boost)
  • Arms: Rathalos Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 1 Attack Boost)
  • Waist: Rath Heart Coil (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Critical Eye)
  • Legs: Kulu Greaves (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Critical Eye)


Increases the speed for filling up the Special Gauge for Special Skill attacks.

  • Level 1: 5% increase in fill rate for Special Gauge.
  • Level 2: 10% increase in fill rate for Special Gauge.
  • Level 3: 15% increase in fill rate for Special Gauge.
  • Level 4: 20% increase in fill rate for Special Gauge.
  • Level 5: 30% increase in fill rate for Special Gauge.

How to acquire Concentration in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with Concentration .

  • Head: Lumu Hat (Grade 3, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Lumu Vambraces (Grade 3, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)

How to get max Level 5 Concentration in Monster Hunter Now

As of the writing of this guide, the highest level of Concentration you can get is Level 3:

  • Grade 3 Lumu Hat (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Lumu Vambraces (2 points)

On the plus side, you can get Level 3 Concentration with Max Level 5 Special Boost, which pairs well with the skill. Scroll down to the entry for Special Boost in this article for the Special Boost Plus Concentration Build.

Critical Eye

Increases affinity, which raises your chance of doing a critical attack. Critical attacks do 25% more damage.

  • Level 1: 10% increase
  • Level 2: 15% increase
  • Level 3: 20% increase
  • Level 4: 30% increase
  • Level 5: 40% increase

How to acquire Critical Eye in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with Critical Eye.

  • Head: Leather Headgear (Grade 2, Lv. 1), Kulu Headpiece (Grade 4, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Kulu Vambraces (Grade 4, Lv. 1), Rath Heart Braces (Grade 5, Lv. 1)
  • Waist: Rath Heart Coil (Grade 5, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)
  • Legs: Kulu Greaves (Grade 2, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)

How to get max Critical Eye Level 5 in Monster Hunter Now

To get the max Lv. 5 Critical Eye skill in Monster Hunter now, you will need to equip the following gear together. (While you can get 6 points of Critical Eye, the skill doesn’t provide any benefits above 5 points):

  • Grade 2 Leather Headgear or Grade 4 Kulu Headpiece (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Rath Heart Coil (2 points)
  • Grade 6 Kulu Greaves (2 points)

You can also use the following combination in case you need to get other skills on your helmet:

  • Grade 4 Kulu Vambraces or Grade 5 Rath Heart Braces (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Rath Heart Coil (2 points)
  • Grade 6 Kulu Greaves (2 points)

If you’re having difficulty getting either the Rath Heart Coil or Kulu Greaves to Grade 6, you can also use:

  • Grade 2 Leather Headgear or Grade 4 Kulu Headpiece (1 point)
  • Grade 4 Kulu Vambraces or Grade 5 Rath Heart Braces (1 point)
  • Grade 2 Kulu Greaves (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Rath Heart Coil (2 points)

Or you can also use:

  • Grade 2 Leather Headgear or Grade 4 Kulu Headpiece (1 point)
  • Grade 4 Kulu Vambraces or Grade 5 Rath Heart Braces (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Kulu Greaves (2 points)
  • Grade 5 Rath Heart Coil (1 point)

Note: Kulu-Ya-Ku weapons especially benefit from Critical Eye. In exchange for their lower base raw, Kulu weapons start out with 10% bonus affinity at Grade 1 and go up to 30% bonus affinity at Grade 10.

With max Critical Eye, a Grade 10 Kulu-Ya-Ku weapon can get up to 70% affinity. At 25% extra damage and an 70% chance to proc, this roughly translates to an average raw stat of about 1,875 compared to 1,979 raw for Diablos weapons at Grade 10, which is the other non-elemental, pure raw weapon type in the game.

While it’s not quite as strong as Diablos weapons unless you get super lucky with RNG, keep in mind that Kulu weapons should be easier to get to Grade 10 because Kulu-Ya-Ku is easier to beat than Diablos. You can also further raise your critical rate by mixing Critical Eye with Weakness Exploit (see entry further below on Weakness Exploit.)

You can also scroll up to the Attack Boost section for my recommended Attack Boost Critical Eye mixed set.


This shortens the charging time for charge attacks when using weapons such as the Bow, Hammer or Great Sword. It also increases the fill rate of the Long Sword’s Spirit Gauge. Here are the bonuses by Level.

  • Level 1: Shortens charging time by 5% and increases Spirit Gauge fill rate by 5%.
  • Level 2: Shortens charging time by 10% and increases Spirit Gauge fill rate by 10%.
  • Level 3: Shortens charging time by 15% and increases Spirit Gauge fill rate by 15%.
  • Level 4: Shortens charging time by 20% and increases Spirit Gauge fill rate by 20%.
  • Level 5: Shortens charging time by 30% and increases Spirit Gauge fill rate by 30%.

How to acquire Focus skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Focus equipment skill.

See Also
Attack Boost

  • Head: Pukei Hood (Grade 2, Lv. 1)
  • Body: Pukei Mail (Grade 4, Lv. 1), Rath Heart Mail (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Diablos Nero Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Waist: Rathalos Coil (Grade 5, Lv. 1)
  • Legs: Jura Greaves (Grade 3, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)

How to get max Level 5 Focus in Monster Hunter Now

To get the max Lv. 5 Focus skill in Monster Hunter now, you will need to equip the following gear together:

  • Grade 2 Pukei Hood (1 point)
  • Grade 4 Pukei Mail or Grade 6 Rath Heart Mail (1 point)
  • Grade 5 Rathalos Coil (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Jura Greaves (2 points)

You can also swap out any of the 1-point armor pieces for a Black Diablos arm piece but the monster is limited to special events at this point so it’s harder to craft its gear.


This increases damage inflicted on breakable parts. This is great for farming parts from monsters.

  • Level 1: Increases part damage accumulated on breakable parts by 5%.
  • Level 2: Increases part damage accumulated on breakable parts by 10%.
  • Level 3: Increases part damage accumulated on breakable parts by 20%.
  • Level 4: Increases part damage accumulated on breakable parts by 30%.
  • Level 5: Increases part damage accumulated on breakable parts by 40%.

How to acquire the Partbreaker skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Partbreaker equipment skill.

  • Head: Diablos Nero Helm (Grade 5, Lv. 2)
  • Arms: Diablos Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Waist: Diablos Coil (Grade 5, Lv. 1)
  • Legs: Diablos Greaves (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Hammer: Chaos Shatterer (Grade 8, Lv. 1, from Black Diablos)
  • Bow: Galebender (Grade 8, Lv. 1, from Black Diablos)

How to get max Level 5 Partbreaker skill in Monster Hunter Now

To get the max Lv. 5 Partbreaker equipment skill in Monster Hunter now, you will need to equip regular Diablos gear with the Black Diablos helm, which can be a challenge right now since the monster is event limited:

  • Grade 5 Diablos Nero Helm (2 points)
  • Grade 6 Diablos Vambraces (1 point)
  • Grade 5 Diablos Coil (1 point)
  • Grade 6 Diablos Greaves (1 point)

You can also swap out one of the regular Diablos armor pieces above if you equip either the Black Diablos hammer or bow if they have been upgraded to Grade 8.

Recoil Down

Reduces the amount of recoil when firing your bowgun. Synergizes well with the Reload Speed skill.

  • Level 1: Sightly reduces bowgun recoil.
  • Level 2: Moderately reduces bowgun recoil.
  • Level 3: Greatly reduces bowgun recoil.

How to acquire the Recoil Down skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Recoil Down equipment skill.

  • Body: Lumu Mail (Grade 3, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)
  • Legs: Barroth Greaves (Grade 2, Lv. 1)

How to get max Level 3 Recoil Down in Monster Hunter Now

To get max Lv. 3 Recoil Down skill in Monster Hunter Now, equip the following gear together:

  • Grade 6 Lumu Mail (2 points)
  • Grade 2 Barroth Greaves (1 point)

For a full set with max Recoil Down and Reload Speed, scroll down to the Reload Speed section of this guide.

Reload Speed

Reduces the reload time for bowguns, which is the biggest drawback to using light bowguns unless you can do Perfect Evades all the time (which automatically reload your last ammo type used). It goes up to three levels:

  • Level 1: Slightly reduces reload time for bowguns.
  • Level 2: Moderately reduces reload time for bowguns.
  • Level 3: Greatly reduces reload time for bowguns.

How to acquire the Reload Speed skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Reload Speed equipment skill.

  • Head: Kadachi Helm (Grade 2, Lv. 1)
  • Arms: Legiana Vambraces (Grade 5, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)
  • Legs: Legiana Greaves (Grade 5, Lv. 1)

How to get max Level 3 Reload Speed in Monster Hunter Now

The most efficient way to get max Lv. 3 Reload Speed skill in Monster Hunter Now is to equip the following gear together:

  • Grade 6 Legiana Vambraces (2 points)
  • Grade 2 Kadachi Helm or Grade 5 Legiana Greaves (1 point)

This combination requires just two armor pieces, leaving you three free armor pieces for other skills. If you want to get max Reload Speed with max Recoil, however, you will need to use the Kadachi Helm instead of the Legiana Greaves. Below is the best build for now for light bowgun users.

Monster Hunter Now Light Bowgun Build: How to Get Max Recoil Down and Reload Speed

Here is how to get max Recoil Down and Reload Speed in Monster Hunter Now at launch.

  • Head: Kadachi Helm (Grade 2, Lv. 1 Reload Speed)
  • Body: Lumu Mail (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Recoil Down)
  • Arms: Legiana Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Reload Speed)
  • Legs: Barroth Greaves (Grade 2, Lv. 1 Recoil Down)


Increases stun power to KO monsters faster. Works especially well for hammers.

  • Level 1: Increases stun power by 10%.
  • Level 2: Increases stun power by 15%.
  • Level 3: Increases stun power by 20%.
  • Level 4: Increases stun power by 25%.
  • Level 5: Increases stun power by 30%.

How to acquire the Slugger equipment skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Slugger equipment skill.

  • Body: Diablos Mail (Grade 5, Lv. 1)
  • Legs: Rathalos Greaves (Grade 5, Lv. 2)

How to get max Level 5 Slugger in Monster Hunter Now

As of the writing of this guide, the highest level of Slugger you can get is Level 3:

  • Grade 5 Diablos Mail (1 point)
  • Grade 5 Diablos Greaves (2 points)

Special Boost

Increases the damage inflicted by Special Skill on enemies.

  • Level 1: Increases the damage of Special Skills by 10%.
  • Level 2: Increases the damage of Special Skills 15%.
  • Level 3: Increases the damage of Special Skills 20%.
  • Level 4: Increases the damage of Special Skills 25%.
  • Level 5: Increases the damage of Special Skills 30%.

How to acquire the Special Boost equipment skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Special Boost equipment skill.

  • Head: Rath Heart Helm (Grade 5, Lv. 1)
  • Body: Anja Mail (Grade 4, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)
  • Waist: Anjanath Coil (Grade 6, Lv. 1)
  • Legs: Rath Heart Greaves (Grade 5, Lv. 2)

How to get max Level 5 Special Boost skill in Monster Hunter Now

To get the max Lv. 5 Special Boost equipment skill in Monster Hunter now, you will need to mix an Anjanath Mail and Pink Rathian Greaves with either the Anjanath Coil or Rath Heart Helm (which can be a challenge right now since Pink Rathian is event limited at this point):

  • Grade 6 Anja Mail (2 points)
  • Grade 5 Rath Heart Greaves (2 points)
  • Grade 6 Anjanath Coil or Grade 5 Rath Heart Helm (1 point)

Special Boost synergizes quite well with Concentration, which increases the fill rate of your Special Gauge. Below is a build that provides the max levels available right now for both skills (Concentration can only go up to Level 3 right now since it is only available in two Paolumu armor pieces).

Monster Hunter Now Special Skill Build: Max Level 5 Special Boost with Level 3 Concentration Mixed Set

Here’s a Special Skill-based build that focuses on higher Special Skill damage combined with a faster Special Skill gauge fill rate.

  • Head: Lumu Helm (Grade 3, Lv. 1 Concentration)
  • Body: Anja Mail (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Special Boost)
  • Arms: Lumu Vambraces (Grade 6, Lv. 2 Concentration)
  • Waist: Anja Coil (Grade 5, Lv. 1 Special Boost
  • Legs: Rath Heart Greaves (Grade 5, Lv. 2 Special Boost)

Weakness Exploit

Increases affinity for critical hits when hitting a monster’s weak spot (e.g most monsters’ heads or soft body parts like tails and wings). Pair with Critical Eye for an even higher chance for crits.

  • Level 1: Increases affinity by 20% when hitting weak spots.
  • Level 2: Increases affinity by 25% when hitting weak spots.
  • Level 3: Increases affinity by 30% when hitting weak spots.
  • Level 4: Increases affinity by 40% when hitting weak spots.
  • Level 5: Increases affinity by 50% when hitting weak spots.

How to acquire the Weakness Exploit equipment skill in Monster Hunter Now

Here is a list of gear that come with the Focus equipment skill.

  • Body: Rathalos Mail (Grade 5, Lv. 1 >>> turns to Lv. 2 at Grade 6)
  • Legs: Rathalos Greaves (Grade 6, Lv. 1)

How to get max Level 5 Focus in Monster Hunter Now

As of the writing of this guide, the highest level of Weakness Exploit you can get is Level 3 due to the limited number of gear that have the skill:

  • Grade 6 Rathalos Mail (2 points)
  • Grade 5 Rathalos Greaves (1 point)

Note: Pairing Weakness Exploit (or WEX in Monster Hunter community parlance) with Critical Eye lets you boost your critical hit rate even more. Here is a sample Monster Hunter Now build with an almost 100% affinity rate.

  • Weapon: Any Grade 10 Kulu-Ya-Ku weapon (Affinity +30%)
  • Head: Grade 2 Leather Headgear or Grade 4 Kulu-Ya-Ku Headpiece (Lv. 1 Critical Eye)
  • Body: Grade 6 Rathalos Mail (Lv. 2 Weakness Exploit)
  • Arms: Grade 4 Kulu Vambraces or Grade 6 Rath Hear Braces (Lv. 1 Critical Eye)
  • Waist: Grade 5 Rath Heart Coil (Lv. 1 Critical Eye)
  • Legs: Grade 6 Kulu Greaves (Lv. 2 Critical Eye)

This gives you a 95% crit rate on monster weak points. Also, if you get the Pink Rathian waist armor to Grade 6, you can replace the head or arms with another armor piece with a different skill if you want.

— This guide is a work in progress and will be updated.

Monster Hunter Now: All Skills by Armor and Weapon and How to Max Them Out - Technobubble Gaming (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.