Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (2024)


Very Long

Quest Requirements:

Skill/Other Requirements:

43+ Prayer is highly recommended for protection prayers.
10+ Thieving is recommended for jail lock picking.
Must be able to defeat a Level 70 Jungle demon.

Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:

Items Needed at Quest Start:


Items Needed to Complete Quest:

Items Recommended for Quest:

Items Acquired During Quest:

Quest Points:



10k gp, 3 Diamonds, the ability to wield the Dragon scimitar, talk to Daero to get training in Strength and Hitpoints OR Attack and Defence. You get 35k experience in the 2 skills of your choice and 20k experience in the other two skills you didn't choose, and 2 free keys for Treasure Hunter.

Start Point:

Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.

To Start:


Quest Warnings:

  • This quest is very long and complicated. Please read this guide carefully.
  • You will lose a large amount of hitpoints throughout this quest. Wear armour and bring food with you at all times during this quest, unless stated otherwise. While you are in human form all creatures on Ape Atoll will be aggressive.
  • If you need to restock on supplies, it's suggested to wear a Ring of dueling and teleport to the Duel Arena. There is a bank, altar, and a Gnome glider nearby.
  • There is an altar in the temple on the northeast side of the island if your prayer points need to be recharged. There are Monkey guards and a very poisonous Spider near the altar. A Prayer potion will still be needed in parts of this quest or if you run out of Prayer and can't get to the altar.
  • You can find bananas in the garden west of the prison for food, be careful of the Monkey's Aunt.
  • When traveling to Ape Atoll bring these items:
    • Poison cure method (most creatures on Ape Atoll are poisonous and aggressive while you are in human form).
    • Food
    • Prayer recovery method (at least one Prayer potion).
    • Quick teleport method (such as Teletabs or Ectophial), in case you need to escape danger quickly.
    • Ring of dueling
  1. Speak to King Narnode and learn that he has a new quest for you. He will tell you that Glough has been replaced and you now must deliver a Seal to the King's Royal Guard.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (1)

  2. Go to the top of The Grand Tree. Talk to Captain Errdo to take the glider to Karamja (Gandius, option 5).

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (2)

  3. Travel west and north around the fence and try to enter the gate on the western side of the Shipyard. A Shipyard worker will stop you. Show him the Royal seal and he will let you pass.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (3)

  4. Once inside the Shipyard, head south and talk with G.L.O. Caranock who is in the southern building. He will tell you that the Royal Guard might have been blown off course by some winds.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (4)

  5. Go back to King Narnode and tell him what Caranock said. He will give you Narnode's orders and tell you to talk to Daero. Climb the ladder next to King Narnode up one level and go east to find Daero (on the same platform as Blurberry's bar).

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (5)

  6. Talk to Daero (on the same platform as Blurberry's bar) and he will take the orders, informing you of a secret mission the King has assigned you to. Ask him all of the questions and eventually you will be given the option to leave. He will then blindfold you and take you to a glider hangar. Talk to Daero one more time and he will introduce you to your pilot, Waydar.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (6)

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (7)

  7. Talk to Waydar and ask him all of the questions. He'll tell you the gliders can't be unfolded until reinitialisation has been completed, which is locked by a code. Head south and operate the Reinitialisation Panel to start the puzzle.

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  8. The code happens to be a sliding puzzle that you have to solve (See solution below).

    Note: You can skip the puzzle if you have 200k gp by paying Glough, who is located in his tree house southeast of the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold. If you logout half way through the puzzle, you will have to start all over. For extra help with solving the puzzle, See here.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (9)

  9. The screen will change and the gliders will fold out and stand ready. Now you are ready to go. Talk to Daero and Waydar and you will fly to the isle where the 10th guard crashed, known as Crash Island. You will find a member of the 10th squad named Lumdo. Talk to him. He will not trust you at first, until you show him the Royal seal. He will update you on the current situation.

    When you ask him to sail you to Ape Atoll, he will refuse. Talk to Waydar about convincing him. Lumdo will now take you to Ape Atoll. While you are sailing, a cutscene will occur back at the Karamja Shipyard.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (10)

    Here is a map of Ape Atoll. You may have to use this map as a reference for multiple steps.

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  10. Once you arrive on Ape Atoll, travel northwest until you find a cliff. Follow this west and north. You will be hit by a lot of arrows, so it is advised to turn the protect from missiles prayer on. Eventually one will poison you and you will lose consciousness.
  11. You will end up in a cage in the Jail with three members of the 10th guard, who will talk for a little while. There are Monkey guards outside. Do not get to close to them (stay back from the cage walls, otherwise you will be dealt up to 1500 damage when a guard walks by). One of them will patrol past your cage, then go to the switch room and switch with his partner. Your only chance to escape is when he heads to that room. Pick the lock and run out to the grass area where Karam is located (refer to the map below). Talk to Karam once you have reached the grass area.

    Note: If you want to pick the lock beforehand and wait outside on the left of the cage you can do so. However, there is a level 1 spider near the cage that will keep attacking you in an attempt to poison you.

    If you go on the south side of the Jail, the Monkey archers will attack you.Note: Do not talk to any monkeys (except for Hafuba); doing so will return you to jail.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (12)

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (13)

  12. Now you must speak to the Sergeant, Garkor. Head south from Karam until you are south of the temple, then go east through the tall grass. Do not walk past the Elder guard, if you do he will put you back in jail. When you see the house south of the temple, you will find the sergeant on the east side of it. Speak to him, he will tell you that you will have to make an alliance with the monkey king and speak to Zooknock in a tunnel.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (14)

  13. You now have to access a house filled with crates, south of the statue in the middle of the city (refer to the map above). To get into the house you have to GO AROUND THE BACK on the south side and enter through the back door. You must stay in the dark brown area of the floor once inside the house.

    Note: Stay in the grass as much as possible; do not run too long, even with the protect from missiles prayer on.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (15)

  14. Search the crates near the trapdoor (You cannot go near the trap door or the guard will send you back to jail). Take the Monkey dentures you find in the crate.

    Note: Make sure you get the Dentures before moving on to the next step.

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  15. Now search the most southeastern crate, reply with Yes and you will end up in a cave (be careful because it will damage you). Go to the northwest corner once in the cave (see upper part of the map below) and search the crates to find the Monkeyspeak amulet mould. Now teleport to the mainland.

    Note: Each crate has a specific item in it, if the Monkeyspeak amulet mould isn't in one, check the next crate.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (17)

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (18)

  16. Items needed for next part: a Gold bar, Monkey dentures, Monkeyspeak amulet mould, Ball of wool,5 Bananas (There are Bananas near where you will use them), and a Plank (There are Planks located in a house on the southwestern corner of the island).

    Find your way back to the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Speak with Daero to go to the hangar again. Then talk to Waydar and then to Lumdo. Once on Ape Atoll proceed into the dungeon just west of the little boat.

    Note: (Low level players) It is recommended that you bring 1-4 prayer and agility potions, depending on your prayer and agility levels.

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  17. Inside the tunnel, the best way to get through to the end is to ignore all the monsters (Auto-retaliate off), spikes, and wall traps. Just watch out for the claw traps and use your plank on them. Run to the end of the tunnel until you find three gnomes.

    Note: (Low level players) Turn on your Protect from Melee prayer and keep your run on at all times. Eat food when you have low health, drink antipoisons when you are poisoned, and drink energy potions when you are running out of energy. Be sure to bring plenty of antipoison: every time something hits you in this dungeon it lowers the timer of your antipoison buff.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (20)

  18. Speak with the Mage gnome, Zooknock. After the conversation, use the Gold bar, Monkey dentures, and Monkeyspeak amulet mould with Zooknock. In exchange for these items he will give you an "Enchanted Bar" and the Monkeyspeak amulet mould back.

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  19. Teleport out and travel back to Ape Atoll (or leave the tunnels the way you came in). Follow the path as you did when first coming to Ape Atoll, until you get shot down again and you end up in jail. Get out of jail, as before and make your way to where you found Karam.
  20. Now you need to go down the trapdoor in the temple, past Level 88/89 Monkey Guards.

    Note: You can recharge your prayer points at the altar inside of the temple. Be warned: the guards' punches knock you back and may preventing movement if you get surrounded. An easy way to get to the trap door is to go upstairs in the temple where there are very few guards. There will be a ladder leading back downstairs right next to the trapdoor.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (22)

  21. Climb down the trapdoor (with Protect from Melee on), which is located on the east side of the temple. Once inside the lower temple, go northeast to the large fire pit. Use the Enchanted bar with the fire, then use your ball of wool with the amulet to make a Monkeyspeak amulet (Strung). Leave the temple.

    Note: Teleport to the bank if needed at this point. Then make your way back to the jail on Ape Atoll and break out again.

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  22. Go west from the jail to the banana garden once you have reached the safety of the jungle grass near Karam. (refer to the Map above). The banana garden is between two buildings. There is an entrance to the garden at its northeast corner, that leads to a corridor.

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  23. Search the trees to get 5 Bananas (or bring your own), but make sure you are not seen by the Monkey's aunt.

    Note: The Monkey's Aunt patrols in a loop. Only enter the banana garden when she exits the south gate. When she returns (or is about to return) to the garden through the west gate, run into the corridor to the north-east so that the aunt doesn't see you. If The Monkey's Aunt spots you, Ninja Monkeys will come to imprison you.

  24. Wear your Monkeyspeak amulet, then talk to the Monkey child, while avoiding theMonkey's Aunt. Tell him that you are his uncle (This may take several tries). He will tell you that his aunt has asked him to collect 20 Bananas. Speak with him again and give him 5 Bananas (He doesn't count very well). Wait for the Monkey's aunt to make another loop, then speak to him again. He will give you the Monkey talisman (The toy). Teleport off the island.

    Note: If you lose the Monkey talisman, you can speak to the Monkey child again to get a new one.

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  25. Items needed for next part: Monkey talisman, and a monkey part (any of these will work, but it MUST be from Karamja, Monkey corpse, Monkey bones, or Monkey skull)

    Make your way back to Ape Atoll, then go down the tunnel to Zooknock. Use the Monkey talisman and monkey part with Zooknock to get a Monkey Greegree. A cutscene will occur showing Caranock and Waydar.

    Note: When you equip this Monkey Greegree, you will turn into a Karamja monkey and no longer be attacked on Ape Atoll.

  26. Equip your Monkeyspeak amulet and Monkey greegree, then leave the tunnel (teleport or walk). Go northwest, following the cliff until you see a gate (where the Monkey Archers normally shoot you down). Go through the gate and head to the east, then speak to Garkor, the Sergeant, south of the temple (refer to the Map above).

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  27. Afterwards, speak to the Elder guard right by the sergeant. He will not let you through and tells you to speak to Kruk. To get to Kruk, travel west of the town gate and climb the hill from the southwest to the highest point.

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  28. Climb up the ladder, cross the bridge, and go down the next ladder to speak to Kruk. Kruk will take you to Awowogei, the monkey king.

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  29. Speak with Awowogei and ask him for an alliance. He will tell you to rescue a monkey from Ardougne Zoo. Talk to the Elder guard south of the throne, to leave Awowogei's house when you have finished talking with him.

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  30. Teleport to Ardougne and head over to the zoo (you will need to unequip the Monkey Greegree to do this). Equip your monkey greegree and talk to the Monkey Minder. He will put you in a cage.

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  31. Speak with a monkey inside of the cage and you will put it in your inventory. Then unequip your Monkey Greegree to turn back into a human. Speak with the Monkey Minder and he will let you out.
  32. Walk to the Grand Tree. DO NOT teleport or use the spirit trees (You will lose the monkey if you do). Once there, fly back to Ape Atoll in the usual fashion. Equip the Monkey greegree and Monkeyspeak amulet again, then go to Awowogei by speaking to one of the Elder guards.
  33. Awowogei will think about an alliance. Talk to Garkor again and a cutscene will occur. Talk to him once more and he will give you a 10th squad sigil. You are now a member of the 10th Guard! DO NOT click the sigil yet!

    Note: You may have need to talk to the Sergeant 2 or 3 times to get the 10th squad sigil. Additionally, you might even need to be a human to get the 10th squad sigil. If you die and lose the 10th squad sigil, you will need to talk to Sergeant again.

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (31)

  34. It is time to fight the level 70 Jungle demon. Check ways to defeat it below this step. If you are ready to fight the Jungle demon, simply equip the 10th squad sigil and operate it. The ground will start to shake and you will be teleported to a platform where you will have to defeat the Jungle demon with the help of the 10th Guard.

    Note: If you die, your gravestone will appear west of Marim on Ape Atoll.

    Strategy: There are several ways of defeating the demon. Before you face the Jungle demon, you should at least take two Prayer potions, an Antipoison potion, good food, and a teleport (for low level players). The Jungle demon is very fierce and can deal 300+ damage with its melee and magic attacks. Therefore, make sure you have Protect from Magic on before you equip the 10th squad sigil. Once you are in the arena, you can use any of the following strategies.

    • You can use magic or ranged against him if you have a high level. A safespot is located in an alcove across one of the bridges where you will be out of range of its magic attacks.
    • You can use a dwarf cannon. This works really well if you can use Protect from Magic, because the cannon will do all the work for you. 100 Cannonballs should be about enough to defeat the Jungle demon with a cannon.
    • You can melee him, but since he can deal over 300 it is not recommend to go near him. Melee seems to work quite well on the Jungle demon if you have a Combat level of 90 or above. With some good food, you should be able to deal with him very fast.
    • Once you enter the room, you can run over to the nearest bridge and go to the side of the bridge where the Jungle demon cannot attack you. After that, wait until the gnomes weaken the Jungle demon. Then, you can finish it off. You can NOT let the gnomes kill the Jungle demon for you because it will regenerate at approximately 10% health.
    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (32)
  35. Once you have killed the Jungle demon, speak to Garkor and then Zooknock, who the arrows point to. You will then be teleported to Ape Atoll. Now quickly teleport out of Ape Atoll.
  36. Go to the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Speak with King Narnode on the bottom floor to finish the quest. Then go up the ladder and speak with Daero to get trained in other skills.

    Note: It is not necessary to talk to Daero to finish the quest. Pures may not want to talk to him because he will give you enough Defence experience that you may get a level.

    Congratulations! Quest Complete!

    Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (33)

Additional Information:

If you ever lose your Monkey talisman, simply go back to the Monkey child and he will give you another Monkey talisman for free. Alternatively, you may also buy one for 1K gp from Tutab at his Magic shop. Now, you can go back to Ape Atoll and kill other monkeys for their bones or corpses. Take their remains to Zooknock, who will make you additional Greegrees. These greegrees can be used to change yourself into the form of the monkey you killed.

Karamjan monkeyKaramjan Monkey (level 3)Karamja Island.
Small zombie monkeyZombie Monkey (level 82)Down the trapdoor in temple, you must go down the trapdoor as a monkey as you will have to go past Monkey guards (level 167).
Large zombie monkeyZombie Monkey (level 98 and level 129)Down the trapdoor in temple, you must go down the trapdoor as a monkey as you will have to go past Monkey guards (level 167).
Small ninja monkeySmall Ninja Archer (level 84)Throughout the town.
Medium ninja monkeyBig Ninja Pandulah (level 149At the town centre. Use protect from Range.
GorillaMonkey Guard (level 167)In the temple with altar.
Bearded gorillaMonkey Guard (level 167)In the temple with altar.
Monkey (Blue faced)N/ALoot a Monkey skull from a Zombie impling.

This Quest Guide was written by MuH-K0o0o. Thanks to Peloner, Fireball0236, Alk12, andro_girl, DRAVAN, Bob151jr, Im4eversmart, pokemama, bubble edie, BratDawg1, Brenden, spitfire_18, kndguild, Sonyshower, amiele, jeremy_78, Kynar, doublejk2000, pingu head, jubala, agent929, Mosy, Wizard Bob04, Demonichell, gkef, Dragoness246, Sheep01, Fierce Ardit, greatgecko, theamazingbender, hadesgamer, LogGamer, Maxima908, Thugbrudda, Hammeh, Flyer702, Drowned Pk, Borg Sphere, Terr002, Cloudsfinalh, Alfawarlord, uknowme60, Hilwin1, TitanofLife, Realruth, uknowme60, bddd11, youlovedme, dolphindevl1, spedinformer, Dragon_Aus_B, a stone yeah, Su1cidal, NuckFFuts, and GeraltRivia2. for corrections.
This Quest Guide was entered into the database on Wed, Dec 08, 2004, at 08:44:11 PM by dravan, and it was last updated on Thu, May 04, 2017, at 01:05:08 AM by ChathMurrpau.

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Monkey Madness - RuneScape Guide (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.