Monitoring in Moodle - (2024)

Today I want to share a few ideas around monitoring in Moodle: Setting up your Moodle courses to reduce the teacher management workload, effectively monitor student progress, and empower students with the autonomy to self manage as they progress through their studies.

So often teachers talk of the high workload in managing online components of the their courses; checking which students have completed what tasks, looking for forum contributions and checking what needs marking.

This post will show tracking options and reports available to teachers and students. I will focus on core tools that are available in a modern Moodle standard install. There are excellent modules and plugins available, however they’re not much use if you don’t have admin rights, so here’s what tools you will have.


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There are different types of reports available in Moodle through the administration block or through the user profile page.

Logs and live logs

You can generate logs of course activity by selecting any combination: participants, days, activities, actions or events. Then click on “Get these logs”.

Use the ? icon to get more information. The logs give you active links enabling you to access the student’s profile page or the particular page they were viewing. IP address gives an estimate of the student’s location.Monitoring in Moodle - (2)

Teachers and students both have access to logs but they get different information. See the user reports below for student views.

Course reports > Activity reports

Teachers can assess the usage of each activity and resource within their course using the activity report. It shows the count of clicks and the number of unique users who clicked. This can assist in having conversations with learners about why some activities and resources have more clicks than others, but the data in isolation should not be used to make assumptions.

A question that helps teachers understand this:

You read the Course > Activity report and find one resource has 200 clicks, another has 20 clicks. Discuss which resource is the most useful to your students and why? What is the data telling you?

Monitoring in Moodle - (3)

Ask teachers to discuss the possible causes of clicks:

  • “It was really useful so I referred to it often.”
  • “It was confusing and I read it over and over but still don’t understand.”
  • “I didn’t click on it because the name of it made me think I didn’t need to open that.”
  • “I didn’t open it because I already knew about it.”

Course reports > Course participation

Teachers can generate a participation report on a particular activity. For example: forum view or forum posts. A useful feature of the participation report is the option to send a message to all students who have or have not completed an action.

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Course reports > Activity completion

If the Moodle site has activity completion enabled this can drastically improve course management and a huge time saver for both the teacher and the student. Setting up activity completion is discussed later in this blog post, so keep reading!Monitoring in Moodle - (5)

The reports above are largely teacher focused. Next, let’s look at the reports and tools primarily for students.

User reports > Profile page

Monitoring in Moodle - (6)

User reports > Today’s logs and all logs

Students can use the logs to show their submissions were sent on time. They can also see what days of the week they are more active.Monitoring in Moodle - (7)

User reports > Outline report

This is a brief outline of the learner’s course participation. For more detailed information they can look at the complete report. This report is useful for a brief overview and to check if they have missed anything.Monitoring in Moodle - (8)

User reports > Complete report

The learner can use the complete report to get a detailed record of their course contributions. Depending on the course design, the learner can print their complete report and use it as a study guide. Teachers who would like to encourage this approach should get their students to write question and answers in forum posts, and ensure the layout of activities like database show the questions in the students responses so the questions appear in the complete report.

I have used this approach in a course that has an elearning pre-requisite to a face-to-face workshop. The learner prints their complete report and brings it to the workshop, instead of printing a large workbook.

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Using the reports

When I teach people how to use the reports and logs I give them scenarios to consider in groups.

  • A student says that they have submitted an assignment before the due date, but it is showing as late. Which reports can you look into to see exactly when the student accessed and submitted the assignment? Discuss in a group and submit your chosen answer in this choice activity.
  • The teacher wants to check the students are all keeping up with the course work. They should have done the first three topics. Which reports can you look into to see exactly where the students are at? Discuss in a group and submit your chosen answer in this choice activity.
  • One of the students has asked to meet with you about their course work. They are struggling with the course work but they say they have been trying to do all the course required activities. What report would you look at to prepare to meet with them?Discuss in a group and submit your chosen answer in this choice activity.

Completion settings

Earlier we showed you the Activity completion report. To use the report above, you need to set up activity completion at site level course level, and in each activity and resource.

It is helpful to refer toMoodle Docs > Activity completion settingsto learn about this feature, but the brief is that you can use activity completion settings in Moodle to track and display activities and resources as “complete” for students based on criteria set by the teacher for each resource or activity, dependent on viewing, submitting, receiving a grade, or posting or replying conditions being met.Monitoring in Moodle - (10)

When I teach this I show how to setup activity completion settings on existing activities such as forum, glossary, page, quiz, and assignment.I discuss with teachers self marked quizzes that show as complete immediately on submission, versus teacher marked assignments which can show as complete on submission or complete when a grade has been received. When the “completion” happens on grade received there is adelay.

Another consideration is that this tracking does not assess quality of contributions. For example, forum conditions can’t assess quality of posts, only quantity. Viewing a resource does not equal reading/understanding/processing etc.

Restrict Access settings

This feature allows you to restrict students from accessing a resource or activity based on criteria set by the teacher (roles are blurry, so I am simplifying here).Monitoring in Moodle - (11)

There is useful documentation atMoodle Docs > Restrict access settingsfor you to find out more.

Examples we use in our practice include:

  • Restrict access until another resource or activity is marked as complete – e.g. certificate not available until assignments are marked complete.
  • Restrict access until after a grade over 90% achieved in another graded activity.
  • Restrict access to a group or grouping – we use this to manage monthly new intakes and classes.
  • Restrict access until after a date – this could restrict the learner from viewing a resource or activity until after a presentation or a field trip.
  • Restrict access so only visible to people who have match a profile field – e.g. city equal to Auckland, this would allow you to show a label with a face to face event for learners in that city.

You can use restrictions to stop learners from viewing the certificate module until after feedback activity is marked complete, and they have a grade of 100% on the assessment activity. This ensures instructional designers are always getting feedback on their development, and the learner has met the assessment standards agreed with the SME.

Note that when you have two restrictionsthere is the option torequire the student to have met “all” or “any” of the requirements. With “all” you see “and” but with “any” you see “or” between the conditions.

The “Restriction set” is best left for teachers with some experience setting the other restriction types first.

Course completion criteria

When I teach course completion criteria, I demonstrate how to set this up and then encourage them to give it a go.Documentation for setting up course completion is here –Moodle Docs > Course completion– and you should totally read it.

This is a task list for workshop participants:

  • Turn on and off course completion tracking in course settings in practice course.
  • Add course completion block.
  • Set course completion criteria via the administration block
  • Discuss the risks of unlocking the criteria after a course has started (note the option to unlock without affecting current completions – how does this impact future participants?).
  • Discuss what happens if you want to add an activity, track it in course completion, after students have started? We promote pre-planning, but there is an option to retainsomeof the data if you do need to make adjustments after the course start date. We recommend reading

Grader report

Moodle includes a grader report that is automatically populated by graded activities in your course. The documentationMoodle Docs > Grader reportwill give you the steps to using grader report.

During workshops with teachers:

  • Look at what isautomatically put into the grader report, and what you can manually add, show how to set up categories and grade items, how to use groups for filtering and set grade visibility, type (real/percentage/letter), and weighting.
  • Get the workshop participants into groups and give them an existing course that is not currently used by students. Ask the groups to organise the grader report in a way that makes sense to their group, add categories and grade items as necessary, and decide on the weighting of activities.

What I want teachers to think about are the benefits to the students for having the grade structure organised, as well as themselves and moderators and auditors of courses.

I ask workshop participants to share examples and discuss ways they can use these features in their courses.

Feedback on these workshops is overwhelmingly positive. Participants are keen to spend more time on familiarising themselves with these features.

Some feedback received from participants:

  • “I have learnt more in the last 2 hours than in the last day… you have my creative juices flowing now.”
  • “This session is how I envisioned the whole day to be. It was great!”
  • “Impressed by the combination of solid development and “on the fly” flexibility.”
  • “I am very keen to add more activities to my courses. Our current pages are flat, unorganized and definitely have the scroll of death!”
  • “I’ve got a lot of information now to try and get more out of Moodle which is currently being hugely underutilized.”
  • “Really useful to discuss the ways the reports can be used and interpreted, using the as a start point for discussion!”

And despite each workshop being three hours long, when asked “Tell us one thing you would change or improve” received responses are like these:

  • “Too short! Could spend a whole day using this type of thing.”
  • “Restricted time limit.”
  • “It would be great to have a bit more time to go over how to create these things.”
  • “More time!”

I hope this blog post helps you monitor your students or provided you ideas for your courses.

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Monitoring in Moodle - (12)

Education design consultant at HRDNZ

I have been working with Stuart and HRDNZ for 10 years, and currently working as an Instructional Designer for Waitemata District Health Board.
I setup a testing community for the One Laptop Per Child project in 2009. I am a founding member of the Manaiakalani hackers, supporting an elearning and literacy strategy across lots of schools in the Tamaki region as part of the Tamaki Transformation Programme.
I am an advocate for Moodle and have been involved in organising the Moodlemoots in New Zealand, speaking and attending moots around the world.

Monitoring in Moodle - (13)

Latest posts by Tabitha Parker (see all)

  • Monitoring in Moodle – 4th November 2017
  • Communicating in Moodle – 4th October 2017
  • Technology as part of every day life – 26th November 2015
Monitoring in Moodle - (2024)


Does Moodle monitor your screen? ›

Supervisors receive alerts for inappropriate activities, such as noise in the room, ensuring effective oversight without continuous human monitoring. Unlike live proctoring, recorded proctoring, is fully automated, capturing the complete exam session, including the student's screen, audio, and webcam feed.

How to detect cheating in Moodle? ›

Moodle itself doesn't have built-in features specifically designed to detect cheating. However, it can be integrated with third-party tools or plugins that provide anti-cheating measures.

How do I track user activity in Moodle? ›

Moodle keeps tracks of user activity in Moodle. To view information from the Moodle logs, click on Reports at the top of the course page. There are a variety of reports on Moodle activity that are available. Dates - lists all of the course activities that have a date associated with them (ie.

Can Moodle track student activity? ›

Activity Logs: Moodle tracks student activity, helping educators identify unusual patterns. Quiz Security: Features like timed quizzes, randomized question orders, and question shuffling make cheating more challenging.

Can professors see your activity on Moodle? ›

A course activity report, showing the number of views for each activity and resource (and any related blog entries), can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/outline:view) in Administration > Course administration > Reports > Activity report.

Can Moodle take screenshots of your screen? ›

Moodle Proctoring

It will capture the picture automatically every 30 seconds and store it as a PNG image. It also captures the screenshot during the quiz.

Can Moodle see my other tabs? ›

Nope, it can't! When you're taking a quiz on Moodle, you might worry that flipping to another tab could get you caught. But here's the deal: Moodle can't actually see what you're doing outside of its own little world in your browser.

Can I see who is in my class on Moodle? ›

About. The Participants link enables teachers to easily enrol, view, search for, filter, edit and delete course participants. The Participants link can be accessed from Course navigation in the Boost theme or the Administration block in other themes.

Can e-learning detect cheating? ›

Automated software is usually powered by AI, which offers immense capabilities to educators and supervisors. Through facial recognition, object detection, and chatbots, AI remote proctoring tools help to detect cheating.

How do I hide my activity on Moodle? ›

To hide an activity from students:
  1. In your course homepage, turn editing on.
  2. Find the activity you wish to hide.
  3. Click next to its title.
  4. Click Hide.

How does LMS detect cheating? ›

These may include features like browser monitoring, which tracks if students navigate away from the quiz page, or time monitoring to flag unusually fast completion times. Teachers can access logs and reports to review student activity during quizzes, helping them identify potential cheating behavior.

Can Moodle see if you split screen? ›

The short answer is NO. By default, Moodle does not actively monitor or notify instructors if a student engages in screen splitting during an assessment. However, there are some nuances to consider: Test Setup: Depending on how the test is configured, Moodle can prevent simultaneous access to multiple Moodle sessions.

Can Moodle tests see if you switch tabs? ›

The Myth of Tab Switch Detection: Contrary to popular belief, Moodle itself does not have built-in tab switch detection capabilities. The platform cannot directly determine whether learners have switched to another tab while accessing course content or taking assessments.

What does Moodle proctoring detect? ›

Proctoring for Moodle is a quizaccess plugin to capture the user's picture via webcam to identify who is attempting the Moodle Quiz. It will capture the picture automatically every 30 seconds (Configurable) and store it as a PNG image. Get the Proctoring Pro plugin now.

Can Moodle track mouse movement? ›

The figure shows examples of mouse tracking implemented as a block plugin (in blue) and theme plugin (in red). Mouse tracking serves as an alternative to eye tracking in measuring the learning process in education because of its affordability.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.