Money Moves for Millennials: Building A Solid Foundation (2024)

Are you looking to turn your financial life from “meh” to marvelous? You’re in the right place. Let’s talk about money moves for millennials. Why? Because making smart choices with your cash now can set you up for a future as secure as a bank vault.


1 Budgeting: A Solid Starting Point

2 Tackling Debt: A Priority

3 Emergency Fund: Be Prepared

4 Start Early: The Power of Compound Interest

5 Retirement Savings: Never Too Early

6 Diversify Investments: Minimize Risk

7 Take Advantage of Technology

9 Side Hustles: Boost Income

10 Conclusion

Imagine two buddies, Jack and Jill. Both are 25 and earn about the same. Jack blows his paycheck on nights out and trendy gadgets. Jill, on the other hand, makes wise money moves. She budgets, starts a side hustle, and even dives into investing. Fast forward 20 years, and Jack is still living paycheck-to-paycheck while Jill is cruising toward early retirement. What sets them apart? Smart money moves, that’s what.

So, whether you’re tangled in student loans or trying to grow your retirement fund, it’s never too late (or early) to be like Jill. This article will show you some top money moves to get you on the path to financial freedom. We’ll dive deep into budgeting hacks, debt repayment strategies, and ways to invest like a pro.

Did you know? A study by Bankrate found that 66% of millennials have nothing saved for retirement. Yikes! Don’t be a part of that statistic.

Let’s get started. Your future self will thank you.

Budgeting: A Solid Starting Point

Ready to get your money in check and not let it fly away like a balloon at a fair? Here’s the scoop on one of the most crucial money moves for millennials: budgeting. Think of your budget as your financial GPS. You wouldn’t drive across the country without some direction, right? A budget does the same for your money; it shows you the way.

Take Sarah and Tom, for example. Sarah loves her designer coffee, and Tom can’t resist the newest tech gadgets. The problem is that they both wonder where their money vanishes every month. Enter budgeting. Sarah starts using a budget app that helps her see she’s spending a whopping $150 a month on coffee! Tom realizes he’s dropping $200 a quarter on gadgets he hardly uses. Both make a U-turn and start making wiser spending choices.

Let’s talk about tools that can make budgeting a breeze. Have you ever heard of apps like Mint or YNAB (You Need A Budget)? These apps link to your bank account and categorize your spending so you see the accurate picture. Want to go old school? Google Sheets or an Excel spreadsheet does the trick, too.

Data point:A survey by U.S. Bank showed that only 41% of Americans use a budget. Don’t be in the 59% driving without a financial GPS.

Budgeting isn’t just counting pennies; it’s about making your money work for you. So start today, track your income and expenses, and decide where you want your money. Your future millionaire self will high-five you.

Tackling Debt: A Priority

Ever feel like you’re stuck in quicksand because of student loans or credit card debt? You’re not alone. Paying off high-interest debt is one of the vital money moves for millennials. Picture this: Emily and Mark both owe $10,000 in credit card debt. Emily pays just the minimum, while Mark throws in extra payments. In a few years, Mark is debt-free, but Emily? She’s still in that quicksand, paying off more in interest than she could’ve imagined.

So how do you be a Mark and not an Emily? Simple: make extra payments effectively. First, tackle the debt with the highest interest rate. This strategy, known as the ‘avalanche method,’ can save you a ton on interest over time. Another approach is the ‘snowball method.’ Start by paying off your smallest debt first. The wins boost your morale, making sticking with your repayment plan easier.

Pro Tip:Use a debt repayment calculator to see how much you can save by making extra payments. These tools are often free and available online.

Fact Check: According to the Federal Reserve, the average credit card interest rate hovers around 16%. Imagine how much you’re losing if you only make minimum payments!

Here’s the kicker: Use any extra income, like tax refunds or bonuses, to make a lump-sum payment. Not only will this speed up your repayment, but it also saves you a ton in interest.

Don’t be like Emily; be smart and proactive about paying off your debt. It’s a game-changer money move for which your future self will thank you.

Emergency Fund: Be Prepared

Have you ever had your car break down and thought, “Great, there goes my weekend getaway fund?” That’s where an emergency fund comes in, one of the wisest money moves for millennials. Think of it as your financial safety net. You don’t want to walk a tightrope without one, right?

Here’s a story: Meet Laura and Jake. Laura has an emergency fund, but Jake is living on the edge. When they both face an unexpected job loss, Laura sails through the storm, but Jake? He racks up credit card debt just to pay his rent.

So, what’s an emergency you should save for? Car repairs, medical bills, or even sudden job loss. Experts suggest saving up at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a separate, easily accessible account.

Stat Alert:A Bankrate survey found that only 39% of Americans could cover a $1,000 emergency with savings. Don’t be in the majority who can’t.

Pro Tips:

  • Open a high-yield savings account for your emergency fund. It gives you better interest than a regular account.
  • Automate your savings. Even $50 from each paycheck adds up over time.

In short, an emergency fund isn’t optional; it’s a must-have. So, start building that cushion to ensure you bounce back, not break, when life throws a curveball. Your peace of mind will thank you.

Start Early: The Power of Compound Interest

You know the saying, “Time is money?” When it comes to investing, this couldn’t be more true. Making smart money moves for millennials isn’t just about saving; it’s also about growing that money tree as early as possible. Why? One word: compound interest.

Meet Sarah and Tim. Both are 25 years old. Sarah immediately starts investing $200 a month, while Tim waits until he’s 35 to do the same. By the time they’re 60, Sarah has a whopping $400,000 more than Tim! That’s not just because she invested more, but because her money had more time to grow thanks to compound interest.

Stat Alert:According to a Fidelity study, people who start saving at 25 could have 2x more money by retirement than those who start at 35.

How to get started?

  • Pick a low-cost index fund or ETF for starters. They’re generally less risky and give you a piece of many stocks.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t invest a lot. Even $50 or $100 a month can make a big difference over time.

Remember, the early bird gets the worm and a nice, cushy nest egg in investing. So make time your ally and let the power of compound interest work its magic on your wealth.

Retirement Savings: Never Too Early

Think retirement’s just for old folks? Think again. One of the smartest money moves for millennials is planning for the days when work is optional. It’s like saving for a killer vacation that lasts 20+ years. Too cool to pass up, right?

Let’s talk 401(k)s. If your job offers one, jump in! Many employers match what you put in up to a certain percentage. That’s free money, people! Suppose your company matches 50% up to 6% of your salary. If you earn $50,000 a year and contribute the full 6%, that’s an extra $1,500 a year from your employer.

Now, IRAs. You’ve got two flavors—Traditional and Roth. Traditional IRAs give you a tax break now, but you’ll pay taxes when you take the money out. Roth IRAs work the opposite way. You pay taxes now, but withdrawals are tax-free in retirement. According to the IRS, millennials can contribute up to $6,000 a year to an IRA.

Did you know? The younger you are when you start an IRA, the more time it has to grow. If you start at 25 and only put in $200 a month, you could have over $500,000 by 65.

In short, don’t snooze on retirement. Whether it’s a 401(k) or an IRA, pick one and start saving. Your future self will send you a thank-you note from a beach in Bali.

Diversify Investments: Minimize Risk

Alright, listen up! One of the golden money moves for millennials is diversification. Think of it like a solid sports team. You wouldn’t want a team with only quarterbacks, right? You need defense, offense, and special teams to win. Your money works the same way.

Start with stocks. They’re the quarterbacks—big players, big risks, and big rewards. According to Morningstar, the average annual return on the stock market over the last 90 years is about 10%. But they’re not the only game in town.

Add some bonds for defense. They’re stable and can keep you safe when the stock market goes nuts. The 10-year Treasury yield has been around 1-3% in recent years.

Real estate is your tight end. It’s flexible, offers decent returns, and can add some muscle to your money game. In 2019, the S&P 500 Real Estate sector had an average return of about 29%.

Don’t forget alternative investments like gold or even Bitcoin, for that matter. They’re like your special teams. They are not the main players but can surprise and significantly impact you.

So, why diversify? Did you know that during the 2008 recession, gold prices shot up 24% while stocks plummeted? Having a mix helped some folks sleep better at night.

Bottom line: Don’t put all your eggs—or dollars—in one basket. Spread it across stocks, bonds, real estate, and maybe some gold or Bitcoin. The mix helps you ride out tough times and could even boost your gains. Your portfolio will thank you.

Take Advantage of Technology

Okay, so you’re a millennial, you love tech, and you want to make your money work for you. Great! One of the best money moves for millennials is to use that tech to keep your finances in check. Let’s break it down.

Budgeting apps like Mint or YNAB can be your money’s personal trainer. These apps track your spending and show you where your cash goes each month. A 2021 Statista survey shows that 63% of millennials use a budgeting app. Take advantage of the trend; starting budgeting is easier than ever.

Got a couple of bucks to invest? Platforms like Robinhood or E-Trade can be your gateway into the stock market. According to CNBC, these platforms have made it so easy that 15% of current retail investors started in 2020 alone. That’s like a huge wave of new players in the market game.

Now, let’s talk about robo-advisors like Wealthfront or Betterment. Think of them as your financial GPS. They help plot your course to make the most of your investment money. In fact, robo-advisors managed about $460 billion in 2020, as per a report by Statista.

The takeaway? Use your tech love to make smart money moves. Budget apps help you save, investment platforms help you grow, and robo-advisors help you optimize. Get on it, and let the tech do the heavy lifting!

Enhance Financial Literacy

You’ve heard the phrase, “Knowledge is power,” right? When it comes to making savvy money moves for millennials, that saying hits the nail on the head. Invest some time beefing up your financial smarts—it’s like a gym workout for your wallet.

Take books, for example. A classic like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki can give you a new way to think about money and investing. In fact, it’s sold over 32 million copies worldwide, making it a go-to resource. Want to get into the nuts and bolts of investing? “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham is like the Bible for stock market buffs.

Don’t have time to read? No sweat. Plug into podcasts like “The Dave Ramsey Show” or “Planet Money.” According to Edison Research, about 37% of millennials are monthly podcast listeners. That’s a lot of learning on the go!

If reading or listening isn’t your thing, there’s a buffet of financial blogs out there. Sites like NerdWallet or The Motley Fool offer advice on everything from credit cards to retirement plans. A 2021 report by HubSpot mentioned that 60% of people trust advice from blogs, so find a couple you like and bookmark them.

Bottom line? Get learning. The more you know, the better your money moves will be. And hey, your future self will thank you.

Side Hustles: Boost Income

Do you ever think about putting your skills or hobbies to work for extra cash? When it comes to smart money moves for millennials, having a side hustle is like adding a turbo boost to your financial goals.

Let’s say you’re good with words. Freelance writing could be your golden ticket. According to the Freelancing in America 2019 report, over 57 million Americans are freelancing, and they’re earning more than 20% of the workforce. Not too shabby!

Or maybe you’re the artsy type. Why not monetize that creativity by selling custom artwork or crafts on Etsy? According to their annual report, over 4.3 million sellers hawked their wares on Etsy in 2020. That’s a lot of homemade candles and knit scarves.

Tech-savvy? Coding projects or website design could be your alley. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the median annual wage for web developers was about $77,200 in 2020.

And let’s not forget the classics like dog-walking, tutoring, or flipping thrift store finds. These gigs may seem like small earners, but those dollars add up.

So whether you’re paying down debt, boosting your savings, or investing for the future, a side hustle can get you there faster. Start small, but think big. Your wallet will thank you.


Ready to change your life but don’t know where to start? Mastering these money moves for millennials isn’t just smart; it’s a game-changer. The earlier you jump in, the better your financial future looks. No joke.

Here’s a quick rundown: Budgeting helps you know where your money’s going. Wiping out debt? That’s like lifting a giant weight off your shoulders. And let’s not forget about investing. It’s your golden ticket to building real wealth over time. Imagine putting just $50 a month into a retirement account at age 25. By 65, you could have around $300,000, assuming a 7% annual return. That’s the power of consistency and early action.

So, what’s the next move? Start now. Get that budget in order, pay extra toward debt, or research investments today. No more excuses. Your future self will high-five you for it.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.