Microsoft Codility Test (OA)- Practice Questions & Guide [2023] (2024)

Microsoft Codility Test (OA)- Practice Questions & Guide [2023] (1)

Hi, I'm David, JobTestPrep's expert for Microsoft's Coding Assessment Tests. Have a question? Feel free to send me an email at any time.

What isa Microsoft Codility Test?

Codility is a coding platform that Microsoft uses for its Online Assessment. The Microsoft Codility Test is an online programming examlater reviewed by a Microsoft (MS) reviewer. On this test, you will typically receive a combination of 3 coding questions to be solved in 60-90 mins.

The Microsoft Online Assessment, also called the Online Technical Screen (OTS), is one of the first stages of the hiring processfor software engineer roles. It will mostly involve a Codility exam, a phone interview, or both.

What isthe passingscore forMicrosoft’sCodility Test?

Your code will be graded automatically depending onitsefficiency with all possible inputs:

  • 100%=AutomaticPass
  • 60%and below=AutomaticReject
  • 60%-100%=Code goesthrough a review by a MSreviewer.

When reviewed, your code will be assessed based on your understanding of the solution and on how optimal it is.

What questionswill you be askedon the Microsoft Codility test?

Microsoft online test questions will generally assessbasic algorithm and datastructure knowledge. On the Codility test, question typesmay be:

  • DebuggingQuestions
  • Codingquestionsthat require implementing datastructuresand algorithms(Strings, Binary Trees, etc.)
  • MCQ (multiple choicequestions)
    For Ex.How many comparisonsdo you need to find the minimum value on a5-elementarray?
    Answer: (n-1)(4)

Microsoft’smost common question topics:

  1. Arrays/ Strings (most frequent)
  2. Linked lists
  3. Binary trees
  4. Search/Sort
  5. Dynamic programming
  6. Bit manipulation

You will also be expected to answer questions related tocomputersubjects

  • Operatingsystems
  • DBMS
  • Computer Networks

Practicing all these topicsmayseem like a lot,but once you practicethe most common Microsoft coding questions you will be able to save tonsof time and effort.

Here is what a Microsoft Coding question looks like on our Codility Test Prep:

Microsoft Codility Test (OA)- Practice Questions & Guide [2023] (2)

What programming language will you be usingon Codility?

You’ll be given the option tochooseyour preferred programming language before youbegin thetest. Therefore, when practicing for the Microsoft Codility Assessment, we recommend choosing the language you prefer to codewith.

IsMicrosoft’sCodility test hard?

Microsoft’s coding interview questions are easy-medium on the first round Codility test or phonescreen. Theirdifficulty also depends on your experience level and thespecific role you’re applying for.

The main challengeshere are:

  • Working under time pressure.
  • Not being able totell the interviewer your thought processdirectly.

Because of this, some people finish thistest with blank answersand fail to passMicrosoft's code review.

Do you still have questions about Microsoft's Codility test? Check these Codility test FAQs

Microsoft Codility Test Questions

Try solving some of the most popular Microsoft online assessment questions available on our prep course:

1. Bubble Sort

Given an Integer N and a list arr. Sort the array using bubble sort algorithm.



N = 5

arr[] = {4, 1, 3, 9, 7}


1 3 4 7 9

2. Search an Element in Sorted and Rotated Array

Given a sorted and rotated array A of N distinct elements which is rotated at some point, and given an element K, find the index of the given element K in the array A.



N = 9

A[] = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3}

K = 10

Output: 5

Explanation: 10 is found at index 5.

3. Longest Consecutive Subsequence

Given an array A of integers, find the length of the longest sub-sequence so that elements in the sub-sequence are consecutive integers. The consecutive numbers can be in any order.


Input: N = 7, A[ ] = {1, 9, 3, 10, 4, 20, 2}

Output: 4

Explanation: The subsequent 1, 3, 4, 2 is the longest subsequence of consecutive elements.

4. Kadane's Algorithm

Given an array arr of N integers, find the contiguous sub-array with the maximum sum.



N = 5

Arr[ ] = {1, 2, 3, -2, 5}



Get detailed answers & access to over 312 Microsoft Codility practice questions on our full Microsoft Codility Prep Course.

How to Prepare and PassMicrosoft’sCodility Test?

Learn how not to leave any blank questions because of time constraints

It may be difficult and sometimes unrealistic to come up with the optimal solution for all coding questions given to you under time limits. To ensure you provide the best possible solution on time:

  • Track yourspeed and work onsolving questionsmore quickly.
  • Learn yourspeed limitsso you could manage your time and divide it between questionson the actual Microsoft Codility test.

Practice datastructuresand algorithmsthoroughly

Practice all types of coding questions asked on online assessments, especially strings and lists questions that arfrequently asked in Microsoft'sCodility test and coding interviews. The more programming questions you solve, the better be better prepared.

Focus on the how as opposed to the what

Practicing thevast numberof coding questionsavailable on the web may take a lot of time and energy. To get the most out of your practice time, use practice resources that provide examples of optimal solutions to receive feedback regarding your answer and learn how to improve it. It willsharpen your ability to:

  • Ask important clarification questions.
  • Consider different and alternativesolutionsfor thesame problem.
  • Approach new problemsmoresmoothly and with more confidence.

Our prep course can help

In our preparation pack, you’ll get access to a thorough prep coursecoveringall questiontypesfoundonMicrosoft’s actual Codility test.

  • Practice relevant and Microsoft-specific coding questions based on Microsoft’s SDEinterview experiences.
  • Practice datastructuresand algorithmsthoroughly tosolve any coding problem
    With 350+ coding questions and simulations (Arrays, Linked Lists,and more).
  • Learn how not to leave any blank questions
    Keep track of yoursolving time with a timer on every question and time-limited codingsimulations.
  • Code with thesame language ason the actual Codility test
    Your choice of preferred language: C++, Java, Python, or Javascript.

All on one online coding platform.

Other Microsoft Codility Practice Resources

There are MANY different practice resources when it comes to coding interviews. Here is a list of the best practice resources for your upcoming Microsoft coding test. The idea is to get familiar with the program, learn solving strategies, and improve your coding skills:

The Codility platform

Take the (free)Codility sample test to boost familiarity with the coding platform and reduce stress on the Microsoft Codility test. Note that Codility test questions are usually quite different (mostly easier) than the questions asked by Microsoft. Yet, exploring the platform is recommended to ensure you know how to use it before the exam.

Leetcode Questions

The free practice questions in this MicrosoftLeetcode Thread are great for checking that you are familiar with the type of questions people recently received on their Microsoft Codility Test. However, the solutions are written by users and can often be inaccurate. In addition, it lacks more in-depth explanations that are vital for learning how you can improve.

Top 3 Tips for Microsoft's OA & Coding Interviews

1. Communicate your thought process
It is important to Communicate your rationale and write comments during the OA when possible. This is especially important for Microsoft’s First Round OA since it may not involve personal interaction with the reviewer. Here are a few tips for that:

  • Speak about what you're doing out loud as you solve each coding problem.
  • Use clear and formal coding concept names when making comments.
  • Use logical sequences to build your explanations.

2. Ask clarification questions
If possible, the first step when approaching a problem should be asking important (but not excessive) clarification questions. What if you can’t ask any questions? No problem. Write your questions in a comment, along with the appropriate adjustments that are needed for each case scenario.

3. Describe the efficiency of your code
Show the reviewer you fully understand your solution by commenting on your code’s time and space complexity and its benefits and drawbacks.

Microsoft Codility Test FAQs

How can I access the Codility test?

You’ll receive a link 1-2 days before the scheduled interview. Feel free to open the link and read the instructions, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to start the test.

Will I have to turn on my camera?

Codility usually requires turning on your camera, so be sure to be fully dressed, and if you thought about cheating - you may want to reconsider that.

Can I google during the Codility test?

You can use websites and books unless instructed otherwise by the recruiter.

What will happen once I hit “start the test”?

You will not be able to stop the timer. Your code will be saved automatically throughout the test, even if you close the browser window and open it again.

Is the Codility test recorded?

Codility Usually records the whole history, including runs and corrections. This does NOT mean you have to be perfect- the opposite is true. Mistakes tell the reviewer about your ability to work your way to the solution.

Could I go back and change my code?

When finishing a coding task, clicking “submit” will not allow you to go back and modify your code.

Applying for Other FAANG Companies?

Make sure you visit your thorough prep guides for theGoogle Software Engineer InterviewandAmazon Online Coding Assessment.

Microsoft, Codility, and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with JobTestPrep.

Greetings, I'm an experienced professional well-versed in Microsoft's Coding Assessment Tests. My expertise is demonstrated by my comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, and I have a proven track record in preparing candidates for success in Microsoft's coding assessments. If you have any inquiries or need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected].

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Microsoft Codility Test Overview:

  • Platform: Codility
  • Assessment Type: Online Technical Screen (OTS)
  • Stages: Typically includes a Codility exam, a phone interview, or both.

2. Passing Score Criteria:

  • Automatic Pass: Code efficiency with all possible inputs.
  • Automatic Reject: Below 60%
  • Code Review: 60% to 100%, assessed by a Microsoft reviewer based on understanding and optimization.

3. Question Types on Microsoft Codility Test:

  • Basic algorithm and data structure questions.
  • Types include Debugging, Coding (implementing data structures/algorithms), and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
  • Example: Minimum comparisons needed in a 5-element array.

4. Common Question Topics:

  • Arrays/Strings (most frequent)
  • Linked lists
  • Binary trees
  • Search/Sort
  • Dynamic programming
  • Bit manipulation
  • Computer subjects: Operating systems, DBMS, Computer Networks.

5. Choice of Programming Language:

  • Candidates can choose their preferred programming language for the test.

6. Difficulty Level:

  • Coding interview questions are easy-medium in the first round, but difficulty varies with experience and specific roles.
  • Challenges include time pressure and inability to directly communicate thought processes.

7. Microsoft Codility Practice Tips:

  • Speed: Track and improve solving speed.
  • Thorough Practice: Cover all question types, especially common ones.
  • Focus on How: Practice with optimal solutions to enhance problem-solving skills.

8. Preparation Resources:

  • Practice Course: Provides access to Microsoft-specific Codility questions.
  • SDE Interview Experiences: Learn from others' experiences.
  • Coding Platform: Familiarize with Codility through free sample tests.
  • Leetcode Questions: Supplemental practice for coding skills improvement.

9. Tips for Microsoft's OA & Coding Interviews:

  • Communicate Thought Process: Speak out loud, use clear coding concepts, and explain logically.
  • Ask Clarification Questions: If possible, seek important details.
  • Describe Code Efficiency: Comment on time and space complexity, benefits, and drawbacks.

10. Codility Test FAQs:

  • Access: Link provided 1-2 days before the interview.
  • Camera Usage: Usually required during the test.
  • Googling: Allowed unless instructed otherwise.
  • Timer: Continuous and can't be stopped.
  • Recording: Codility records the entire history, including runs and corrections.
  • Code Modification: Not possible after clicking "submit."

This comprehensive overview and practical advice aim to equip candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in Microsoft's Codility Test.

Microsoft Codility Test (OA)- Practice Questions & Guide [2023] (2024)


How do I prepare for Microsoft Codility test? ›

How to Prepare for the Microsoft Codility Test
  1. Understand the Test Structure – Familiarize yourself with the different sections and question types in the Microsoft Codility Test. ...
  2. Practice Algorithmic Puzzles – Solve algorithmic puzzles and practice optimizing algorithms.
Mar 15, 2024

How difficult is Microsoft Codility? ›

Microsoft's coding interview questions are easy-medium on the first round Codility test or phone screen. Their difficulty also depends on your experience level and the specific role you're applying for. The main challenges here are: Working under time pressure.

How to pass Codility tests? ›

Recognize and work on improving your coding speed. Understanding your own pace allows you to efficiently manage your time during the actual Codility test. Engage in timed Online Assessment (OA) simulations to familiarize yourself with coding under time pressure and reduce stress in the real test environment.

Are you allowed to Google during Codility? ›

Generally, Yes, you can use external resources like Google during a Codility test unless the instructions explicitly state otherwise. Companies even prefer the programmers who search for multiple solutions of the problem. Think of it like having access to reference materials during an exam.

Is the camera on during a Codility test? ›

Video Proctoring is disabled by default, giving recruiters the flexibility to choose when to enable it on new tests. Important Note: Proctoring can only be enabled for tests that have not had candidates invited yet.

What happens if you fail Codility test? ›

> passing or failing on codility means nothing. it just means the company trying to interview you through codility has no idea how to interview you. It's a decent enough way to filter out obviously bad candidates without eating up your time (which is a big deal for small teams).

Can we cheat in Codility? ›

Codility keeps the integrity of the assessment process by detecting potential suspicious behaviour, which might be related to fraud or impersonation and cheating on the assessment.

Does Microsoft Codility require a camera? ›

You won't be able to start the test until you go through the process of initial setup for the camera. If you don't have a camera on your device, you can switch to a different device.

Can we switch tabs in Codility test? ›

You have several tabs you can switch between: Summary (overall summary of the session), Review (check review results done by your internal Reviewer), Details (candidate and session details), Timeline (time used and user notes) and Codelive Rooms (associated Interview sessions).

Does Codility record the screen? ›

Screen proctoring is an additional media available for Proctoring Snapshots (the candidate's screen is being captured as snapshots at certain intervals) or for Video Proctoring (a full recording of a screen is made).

What is a good score on the Codility test? ›

Codility is used to screen candidates, and 75% is a good score to move on to the next phase.

How many tasks are in Codility test? ›

Codility allows you to add up to 10 tasks or questions into a test, however, we strongly recommend limiting your tests to just 2-3 tasks.

Does Codility have hidden test cases? ›

Correctness test cases are hidden from the Candidate and they determine the final score.

Can I use ChatGPT for Codility? ›

Codility offers the strongest and only ChatGPT-resistant solution in the market. Our three-pronged approach to addressing generative AI with prevention, detection, and innovation bolsters our initiatives even more.

Can you pause Codility test? ›

Keep in mind that once you begin the assessment, you cannot pause or stop the timer, so be sure to set aside enough time to complete the entire assessment in one sitting.

What is the difficulty of the Codility test? ›

Easy - if 25% - 50% of candidates score 90%. Medium - if 12.5% - 25% of candidates score 90%. Hard - if 2.5% - 12.5% of candidates score 90%. Very Hard - if 2.5% or less of candidates score 90% - this is currently shown as a Hard task with a "very-hard" tag assigned.

How do I prepare for Microsoft Office test? ›

  1. Review the study guides for technical exams. ...
  2. Skills review for Microsoft Office exams. ...
  3. Watch exam prep videos. ...
  4. Self-paced training on Microsoft Learn. ...
  5. Instructor-led training. ...
  6. Learn from a Microsoft Certified Trainer. ...
  7. Take a Practice Assessment. ...
  8. Microsoft Press resources.
Feb 16, 2024

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.