Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (2024)

In this tutorial, we explore microservices security, guiding you through setting up microservices and creating an API Gateway with Golang to centrally manage access control and request routing.

By Imran Alan ·

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (1)


In today's complex microservices architecture, ensuring robust authentication and authorization is a critical challenge.

This challenge arises because services operate independently, making it hard to manage and enforce consistent security policies across all microservices.

As an example, making sure users can access various services like managing accounts or processing payments can be developed using different languages or tech stack, making it difficult to implement a uniform security strategy across all services.

Moreover, as the number of services increases, managing and enforcing these consistent security policies becomes even more challenging.

In this tutorial, we'll dig into the details of microservices security, and guide you through setting up microservices in Golang and creating an API Gateway for improved security.

After that, we'll discuss the best practices to keep your microservices safe.

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (2)

What we'll cover in this tutorial:

  • Understanding the challenges of authentication and authorization in a microservices architecture.
  • Gaining a good understanding of the role and benefits of an API Gateway in microservices architecture.
  • Setting up microservices in Golang (UserService and ProductService) as the foundation of our application.
  • Implementing an API Gateway in Golang to centrally manage access, authentication, and request routing.
  • Exploring authentication mechanics using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and establishing authorization checks.
  • Running a practical example to observe the interaction between microservices and the API Gateway.
  • Highlighting best practices and considerations for a resilient microservices security strategy.

Let's start with Microservices Security.

Security in Microservices

Microservices are a modern software design approach where applications are divided into small, independent services, resembling a puzzle where each piece handles a specific task.

Communication between microservices over networks adds another layer of complexity, potentially exposing vulnerabilities. Without a centralized control point, ensuring consistent and robust authentication and authorization becomes critical.

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (3)

Each microservice requires its security measures, analogous to giving team members their access cards. This ensures only authorized services communicate, preventing unauthorized access.

Considering microservices often handle sensitive data, securing communication channels is crucial. It's like ensuring team members share information through a secure, encrypted channel, akin to a secret code language.

Different Ways of Access Management in Microservices

When it comes to managing access in the microservices world, there are various strategies. Let's explore two main approaches: one involves each service managing its access, while the other utilizes an API Gateway as the central authority.

Individual Service Access Management

In this approach, each microservice acts as its own gatekeeper. Just like different rooms in a club with their bouncers, each service has its own way of checking IDs and ensuring only authorized users gain entry.

This decentralized method gives autonomy to each service but can be challenging to coordinate, especially as the application grows.

API Gateway for Access Management

Now, imagine having a seasoned chief bouncer, an API Gateway, overseeing the entire club's access.

The API Gateway becomes the central authority, handling authentication and authorization for all services.

It's like having a VIP list where the chief bouncer checks credentials at the entrance, directing guests to the right rooms.

Benefits of Using API Gateway

Some of the benefits of API Gateway are:

  • Consistent Policies: The API Gateway ensures that access policies are consistent across all services, like making sure everyone adheres to the same rules.
  • Efficient Monitoring: The API Gateway can monitor and log access attempts, helping identify and address potential security issues efficiently.

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (4)

Authentication and Authorization in API Gateways

Let's dive into the mechanics of how an API Gateway manages the authentication and authorization – in the microservices realm.


Authentication is like the gatekeeper validating IDs at the entrance. When a request knocks on the microservices door, the API Gateway confirms the credentials, ensuring it's a legitimate and allowed visitor.

In this context, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) play a crucial role.

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are commonly used for authentication in microservices architectures. These compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties can be securely transmitted as part of the request.

The API Gateway validates these tokens, ensuring the legitimacy of the user and granting access accordingly.


Once the API Gateway confirms the visitor's legitimacy, it shifts to authorization.

This is where the orchestration occurs – similar to our gatekeeper guiding visitors to the correct locations.

The API Gateway, utilizing information from the JWT, checks if the authenticated user possesses the necessary permissions to enter specific microservices. It guarantees everyone heads to their designated areas without intruding on private spaces.

This process maintains a secure and orderly flow within your microservices architecture, similar to a well-managed entry point.

Now that we know the vital role of authentication and authorization in API Gateways, let's transition into implementing these principles in our microservices architecture.

Setting Up Microservices in Golang

Creating microservices involves building small, independent services that collectively contribute to the functionality of your application. In this example, we'll set up two simple microservices in Golang: UserService and ProductService.

These microservices will serve as the backbone of our application, each handling a specific domain.

UserService (microservices/UserService/main.go):

// main.gopackage mainimport ("fmt""net/http")func main() {http.HandleFunc("/user", getUser)fmt.Println("UserService is running on :8081")http.ListenAndServe(":8081", nil)}func getUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {fmt.Fprintln(w, "User data")}

The UserService is a straightforward Golang HTTP server that listens for requests on the /user endpoint. When a request is received, it responds with mock user data.

ProductService (microservices/ProductService/main.go):

// main.gopackage mainimport ("fmt""net/http")func main() {http.HandleFunc("/product", getProduct)fmt.Println("ProductService is running on :8082")http.ListenAndServe(":8082", nil)}func getProduct(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {fmt.Fprintln(w, "Product data")}

Similarly, the ProductService sets up an HTTP server, responding to requests on the /product endpoint with mock product data.

In these microservices, we've intentionally kept the logic simple for demonstration purposes.

In a real-world scenario, these microservices would perform more complex tasks, such as interacting with databases, processing business logic, or integrating with external services.

Code Explanation:

  1. main Function:The main function in each microservice sets up an HTTP server, defines an endpoint (/user for UserService and /product for ProductService), and specifies a handler function for processing requests.
  2. Handler Functions:The getUser and getProduct functions are the handlers for their respective endpoints. They respond to incoming requests with mock data, simulating the behavior of more complex services.
  3. ListenAndServe:The ListenAndServe function starts the HTTP server, making the microservices accessible on specific ports (8081 for UserService and 8082 for ProductService).

These microservices form the foundation of our application, and we'll enhance them further by adding an API Gateway for centralized access management and authentication.

Creating an API Gateway

Now that we have our foundational microservices – UserService and ProductService, let's introduce an ApiGateway.

The API Gateway will serve as a central hub for managing access, handling authentication, and routing requests to the appropriate microservices.

// main.gopackage mainimport ("fmt""html/template""log""net/http""io""github.com/gorilla/mux")// Demo credentialsconst (username = "demo"password = "password")func main() {router := mux.NewRouter()// Define routesrouter.HandleFunc("/login", loginPage).Methods("GET")router.HandleFunc("/login", loginHandler).Methods("POST")router.HandleFunc("/user", authenticate(proxy("/user", "http://localhost:8081"))).Methods("GET")router.HandleFunc("/product", authenticate(proxy("/product", "http://localhost:8082"))).Methods("GET")fmt.Println("API Gateway is running on :8080")log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router))}func loginPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {loginTemplate.Execute(w, nil)}func loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {r.ParseForm()user := r.FormValue("username")pass := r.FormValue("password")if user == username && pass == password {http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "auth",Value: "true",})http.Redirect(w, r, "/user", http.StatusSeeOther)} else {w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized)fmt.Fprintln(w, "Invalid credentials")}}func authenticate(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {cookie, err := r.Cookie("auth")if err != nil || cookie.Value != "true" {http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusSeeOther)return}next(w, r)}}func proxy(path, target string) http.HandlerFunc {return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {targetURL := target + r.URL.Pathreq, err := http.NewRequest(r.Method, targetURL, r.Body)if err != nil {http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadGateway)return}req.Header = r.Headerclient := &http.Client{}resp, err := client.Do(req)if err != nil {http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadGateway)return}defer resp.Body.Close()for key, values := range resp.Header {for _, value := range values {w.Header().Add(key, value)}}w.WriteHeader(resp.StatusCode)// Copy the response body to the client_, err = io.Copy(w, resp.Body)if err != nil {http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadGateway)return}}}var loginTemplate = template.Must(template.New("login").Parse(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Login Page</title></head><body><h2>Login</h2><form action="/login" method="post"><label for="username">Username:</label><input type="text" id="username" name="username" required><br><label for="password">Password:</label><input type="password" id="password" name="password" required><br><input type="submit" value="Login"></form></body></html>`))

In this ApiGateway implementation, we've employed the Gorilla Mux router for enhanced route handling. Let's break down the key components:

  1. Demo Credentials:We've set up demo credentials (username and password) for simplicity in this example. In a real-world scenario, robust authentication mechanisms should be implemented.
  2. Login Page Template:The HTML template provides a basic login form for user authentication. Users will interact with this form to gain access to the protected endpoints.
  3. Router Setup:The mux.NewRouter() initializes the router. We then define routes for login, user requests, and product requests using router.HandleFunc.
  4. Login Handling:
    • loginPage renders the login form when accessed via the /login endpoint.
    • loginHandler processes form submissions. If credentials match the demo values, it sets an authentication cookie and redirects the user to the /user endpoint.
  5. Authentication Middleware:The authenticate middleware ensures that only authenticated users can access the microservices. It checks for a valid authentication cookie and redirects unauthenticated users to the login page.
  6. Proxy Function:The proxy function acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding requests to the corresponding microservices (UserService or ProductService). It maintains headers for smooth data flow.

Running the Example

To observe the interaction between our microservices and the ApiGateway, follow these steps:

  1. Start Microservices:Open terminals for UserService and ProductService directories and run the following commands:

    go run main.go

    This initializes the UserService on http://localhost:8081 and the ProductService on http://localhost:8082.

  2. Start API Gateway:Open a terminal for the ApiGateway directory and run:

    go run main.go

    The ApiGateway will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

  3. Access the Login Page:Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/login. You'll encounter a simple login form.

  4. Authenticate:Use the demo credentials (username: "demo", password: "password") to log in. Upon successful authentication, you'll be redirected to the "/user" endpoint.

  5. Explore Endpoints:After logging in, you can access the protected microservices endpoints at http://localhost:8080/user and http://localhost:8080/product.

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (5)

Please note that this example is for demonstration purposes, and a production application would require additional steps, such as securing communication channels and enhancing user authentication mechanisms.

Key considerations include implementing HTTPS for secure communication, utilizing JSON Web Tokens (JWT) or OAuth for authentication.

Best Practices and Considerations

As we navigate the microservices security landscape, let's shine a light on some best practices – the guiding principles that ensure your security fortress stays resilient and effective.

1. Regular Access Policy Updates

Just like renovating your home to keep it secure, regularly update your access policies. As your application evolves, so should your security measures.

Periodic reviews and adjustments to access rules ensure that your security strategy remains aligned with your evolving microservices landscape.

2. Token-Based Authentication for Secure Communication

Implementing this approach adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that only those with the right credentials can access your microservices. It's like having a special key to open specific doors within your application.

3. Industry-standard Protocols: OAuth and Others

Consider using industry-standard protocols like OAuth. These are like universally accepted languages spoken in the security community.

Adhering to such standards not only streamlines integration with external systems but also ensures compatibility and familiarity, making your security measures more robust.

4. Access Monitoring and Logging

Imagine installing security cameras in your home – monitoring and logging access attempts serve a similar purpose in your microservices world.

Keeping a watchful eye on who attempts to access your services helps detect potential security threats early. Detailed logs provide valuable insights for effective incident response and continuous improvement.

In essence, these best practices form the foundation of a resilient microservices security strategy.

Regular updates, standardized protocols, vigilant monitoring, and a balance between security and performance create a secure environment for your microservices architecture to flourish.


To wrap up, learning about Microservices Authentication and Authorization with an API Gateway is crucial for keeping your applications safe and scalable.

By grasping how authentication and authorization work, along with the role of an API Gateway, you can control who accesses your microservices.

Always prioritize security and stick to best practices to keep your applications running smoothly.

You can find the complete code used in the tutorial in this GitHub repo.

Microservices Authentication and Authorization Using API Gateway (2024)


How does API gateway authentication work in microservices? ›

When a request knocks on the microservices door, the API Gateway confirms the credentials, ensuring it's a legitimate and allowed visitor. In this context, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) play a crucial role. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are commonly used for authentication in microservices architectures.

Do microservices always need an API gateway? ›

Without an API gateway, the inlets and outlets of the traffic are not unified, and the client needs to know the access information of all services. The significance of microservices will not exist. Therefore, a microservices gateway is necessary for a microservice architecture.

Should authentication be done in API gateway? ›

API gateway authentication is important because it helps to ensure that only authorized clients are able to access the microservices behind the API gateway.

How does OAuth work in microservices? ›

OAuth 2.0 enhances microservice security in several ways. First, it decouples the authentication and authorization logic from the business logic of the microservices, and delegates it to a centralized and trusted authorization server.

What is the best way to authenticate API? ›

  1. #1 API Key (identification only) One of the easiest ways to identify an API client is by using an API key. ...
  2. #2 OAuth2 token. OAuth2 is a comprehensive industry standard that is widely used across API providers. ...
  3. #3 External token or assertion. ...
  4. #4 Token Exchange. ...
  5. #5 Identity facade for 3 legged OAuth.
Feb 9, 2023

Which API gateway is best for microservices? ›

KrakenD. KrakenD stands out in the API management field with its high-performance, stateless architecture designed for a seamless microservices adoption. It differentiates itself by not just forwarding requests to backend services but by offering extensive data transformation, aggregation, and filtering capabilities.

How do microservices communicate with API gateway? ›

The API Gateway offers a reverse proxy to redirect or route requests (layer 7 routing, usually HTTP requests) to the endpoints of the internal microservices. The gateway provides a single endpoint or URL for the client apps and then internally maps the requests to a group of internal microservices.

What is the main advantage of using API gateway pattern in microservices architecture? ›

An API gateway can secure traffic between API consumer requests and the execution of services, protecting your organization against threats such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks based on IP address, specific mobile devices or message volume.

Can we have multiple API gateway in microservices? ›

Multiple API gateways

In the following illustration, each microservice has its own API gateway. The "Payments" microservice calls out individual systems and implements the API gateway pattern.

What happens if we don't use API gateway? ›

If you want to make sure that all your consumers are behaving fairly, then you need a gateway to provide rate limiting and throttling. If not, then you probably don't need a gateway, and you're fine with your single API server. However, you will, most likely, end up implementing some of the features yourself.

Should each microservice have its own authentication? ›

Every microservice is responsible for authenticating it separately and drawing the claims out of the token. There are several variations on this idea, but the main point generally involves having one component generate tokens, and all the others rely on those tokens. The advantages of this approach are clear.

How do you handle authentication in microservices architecture? ›

One common approach to implement authentication in microservices is to use a centralized identity provider (IdP) that issues tokens to authenticated users or services. Tokens are typically JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which are digitally signed and contain claims about the identity and attributes of the token holder.

What is the difference between API authentication and API authorization? ›

API authentication is the process of verifying the identity of the user or application making the request, while API authorization is the process of verifying that the authenticated user or application has permission to access the requested resources.

What is the difference between authentication and authorization? ›

What are authentication and authorization? In simple terms, authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.

How do you manage authentication and authorization? ›

The authentication credentials can be changed in part as and when required by the user. The authorization permissions cannot be changed by user as these are granted by the owner of the system and only he/she has the access to change it.

How authentication and authorization works in REST API? ›

The server verifies the signature of the JWT using the secret key, and if the signature is valid, it extracts the claims and uses them to authorize the request. JWTs are widely used in REST APIs, as they allow the stateless transmission of authentication and authorization data between the client and the server.

How to handle security in microservice? ›

How to secure your microservices
  1. Use authentication and authorization methods. ...
  2. Control communication between microservices. ...
  3. Prioritize container security. ...
  4. Implement centralized monitoring. ...
  5. Create an incident response plan. ...
  6. Regularly review security measures.

How do microservices communicate with each other with authentication? ›

In order to make a call, a microservice will need to know the endpoint of the called REST API and have the authentication to access this data or information. After the calling service sends the request, the called service will process it and provide a response.

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