Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (2024)

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Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (1)

While the Megalodon was certainly the largest shark known to have ever lived, it was not the only contender for biggest fish!Leedsichthys problematicus, meaning "Alfred Leed's problem-causing fish", was another prehistoric ocean giant. Estimates put Leedsichthys at approximately 16.5m long, substantially larger than the average Megalodon. Although huge, this fish was probably a filter-feeder, not a predator.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (2)

In fact, Megalodon might not even have been the largest predator in the ocean at the time it was alive -the recently discovered Leviathan whale (Livyatan melvillei)was potentially larger than Megalodon and occupied the same territorial waters. The Leviathan was likely a close ancestor of modern sperm whales, but it was a true apex predator with the largest teeth of any known animal (more than twice the size of the Megalodon's) and likely used a similar hunting strategy of modern orca whales.

Estimates of the first Leviathan found put it at a maximum size of 17.5m, although since then larger specimens have been discovered (but, at the time of writing, these findings were unpublished in scientific literature). In fact, although Leviathan was huge - we don't need to look back in time to find a predatory whale larger than Megalodon: Present-day sperm whales have been recorded reaching 20.7m - far longer than Megalodon.

Recent analyses carriedout by a team from Bristol and Swansea universities has come up with the most accurate Megaologon body proportions so far. Using a 16m Megalogon as an example, it's head would have been about 4.7m long and it's doral fin (the one on it's back) about 3.8m tall. Coincidentally, the body proportions of the fictional shark shown in The Meg are a pretty good approximation of that this shark may have resembled.

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Did Megalodon eat dinosaurs or people?

Fortunately, the Megalodonwent extinct recently enough that we have excellent fossil remains to show us exactly what it ate - and its prey should not surprise you: It ate mostly large marine mammals such as whales, seals, dolphins and dugongs, and large fish and turtles.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (3)

Megalodon's prey list should look familiar - it is almost identical to the prey of modern killer whales.

Did you know that you can watch sharks feeding, every Sunday at 15h00 at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (4)

Normal glass has a Moh's hardness 5.5 and tooth enamel is lower at just 5. In fact, even human teeth are harder than those of sharks.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (5)

Megalodon tooth fossils are common - in fact, they were used as jewellery by Native Americans for more than 10 000 years. Megalodon had approximately 276 teeth, arranged in five rows in each jaw. These rows enabled Megalodon to constantly shed worn out teeth and replace them with new, sharp ones - something that our ragged-tooth sharksdo too.

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Did Megalodon really bite whales in half?

Megalodon certainly had a strong bite - estimated to be the strongest bite force of any animal. However,they did not typically bite prey in half - their strong bite force was used to bite off the tails and fins of larger prey to immobilise them.

However, despite their powerful jaws and huge sizes, it seems that Megalodon actually preferred hunting smaller animals.

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Are great white sharks descended from Megalodon

It is a commonly held belief that Megalodon and great white sharks are related - with great whites being the descendant of Megalodon, but this is not at all accurate. Great whites are related to mako sharks, both descending from the now-extinct broad-tooth mako shark (Cosmopolitodushastalis).

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (6)

Megalodon in likely the ancestor of the ancient shark Otodus, which has no living descendants today.

Check out our top 10 prehistoric sharks - some are WAY cooler than Megalodon!

The original description of Megalodon in 1843, based only on fossil teeth, drew this conclusion from the fact that both sharks had serrated teeth and are apex predators. This myth has been allowed to grow by wishful thinkers who use the ongoing existence of great whites as evidence of the ability of Megalodon to survive.

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How do we know it is extinct?

Megalodon went extinct about 2.6 million years ago when the earth underwent a period of cooling, causing a drop in ocean temperatures and a corresponding disappearance of many of the large whale populations which Megalodon would have relied on for food.

Part of the reason that people think Megalodon is more recent, is because fossils found in the 1950s were dated using incorrect scientific techniques to an age of only 11 000 to 24 000 years. Not only did this study use an outdated technique, but it also did not account for the fact that the fossils had been reworked, meaning that although they were old, they were buried in younger sediment. Modern dating techniques showed that they are 5 million years old. Unfortunately, this incorrect information was deviously spread by Discovery Channel. Read more here.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (7)

The animals that outcompeted Megalodon, driving it to its final demise, were also predators - the much smaller great white shark and the orca whale, and their ancestors. Warm-blooded orcas could thrive in cool waters, their rigid skeletons allowed them to swim with more agility than Megalodon and their improved intelligence would have allowed them to exploit more diverse resources.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (8)

But, the nail in the coffin for Megalon was its sheer size - when food became scarce it starved, but smaller predators like orcas and great whites would simply reduce in numbers until their population reached an equilibrium with the available food.

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Can't Megalodon be hiding?

A popular idea is that Megalodon maybe hiding in a small population somewhere deep in the ocean that we haven't explored yet - much like the recently discovered mega-mouth shark and the coelacanth. There is a very key difference though: We know for an absolute fact the Megalodon was a huge predator that needed to eat more than a tonof meat a day to survive - that food abundance is simply not present anywhere in the ocean's depths.

Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (9)

And, in case you are sceptical about the scientific communities motivation to track down living Megalodons, an adult Megalodon would have approximately 1.5 tons of fins - enough to make more than 70 000 bowls of shark fin soup, worth almost a million dollars on the black market.

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Why are there so many lies about Megalodon?

Short answer: Discovery Channel aired fake documentariescalled Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives and Megalodon: The New Evidence in for Shark Week. Although these works of fiction had very short disclaimers noting that they were untrue, faked reports of a Megalodon attack near Cape Town and interviews with actors hired to play experts were convincing enough to convince many people of the reality of the series.

Why would anyone do this? Simply put, keeping the public afraid of sharks makes money - the scarier sharks seem, the more money Shark Week and horror movies make. The reality is that fewer than 100 people are bitten in unprovoked shark attacks each year (with fewer than five being fatal) - on the other hand, more than 100 million sharks are killed by people each year.

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Sharks are awesome - let's appreciate the ones we have today before they go the way of the Megalodon!

Learn more about the Two Oceans Aquarium's shark conservation efforts.

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Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived (2024)


Megalodon: the real facts about the largest shark that ever lived? ›

Estimates suggest megalodon actually grew to between 15 and 18 metres in length, three times longer than the largest recorded great white shark. It may have been comparable in length to today's biggest whale sharks, the largest of which has measured in at 18.8 metres.

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These studies suggested that shifting food-chain dynamics may have been the primary factor in megalodon's demise, as the availability of its primary food source, baleen whales, decreased and the numbers of its competitors—smaller predatory sharks (such as the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias) and whales (such ...

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💩 That's right; scientists have apparently found petrified portions of their feces, too! One report from a site in South Carolina documents coprolites (the fancy science term for fossilized poo) of a large shark, the largest of which totaled around 5.5 inches long.

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The most famous prehistoric shark, Carcharocles megalodon, nicknamed megalodon or megatooth, ruled the seas from about 17 million years ago up to almost three million years ago. The colossal predator reached lengths up to 60 feet, stretching as long as a boxcar.

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megalodon jaws is a sculpted model with real (or cast) teeth embedded in it. Fossil jaws like this have never been found. Nor do scientists expect to ever find intact O. megalodon jaws—shark skeletons are made of cartilage, meaning they lack the mineral content and endurance of bone.

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Is the megalodon still alive? 'No. It's definitely not alive in the deep oceans, despite what the Discovery Channel has said in the past,' notes Emma. 'If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it.

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Since these fictional documentaries, where science was removed and fiction was inserted are fairly popular, many people now believe that megalodon is still alive. The answer to the megalodon question is a resounding NO. Megalodon went extinct around 3.5 million years ago.

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The megalodon went extinct 3.6 million years ago, and is thought to be the largest shark that ever swam the Earth. But there's debate over what it looked like.

What is bigger than a megalodon? ›

Leedsichthys problematicus, meaning "Alfred Leed's problem-causing fish", was another prehistoric ocean giant. Estimates put Leedsichthys at approximately 16.5m long, substantially larger than the average Megalodon. Although huge, this fish was probably a filter-feeder, not a predator.

Is the megalodon real or fake? ›

There are lots of myths surrounding the megalodon, the biggest predatory shark in the world. Here, we sort fact from fiction. Megalodons are one of the most well-known species of sharks and for good reason: they are the largest predatory sharks to have ever existed.

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This data suggests that mature adult megalodons had a mean length of 10.2 metres (about 33.5 feet), the largest specimens measuring 17.9 metres (58.7 feet) long. Some scientists, however, contend that the largest forms may have measured up to 25 metres (82 feet) long.

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In 2022, Cooper and his colleagues converted this calculation into relative cruising speed (body lengths per second), resulting in an mean absolute cruising speed of 5 kilometers per hour (3.1 mph) and a mean relative cruising speed of 0.09 body lengths per second for a 16 meters (52 ft) long megalodon; the authors ...

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No Megalodon fossils that have been found have been confirmed to date beyond the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (approx. 2.6 million years ago). However, today, the Megalodon is decidedly extinct. No more does the bane of Miocene mysticetes roam the oceans it once called home.

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All of the continent's ice is freshwater and is a result of precipitation. There is no way that a magalodon would be able to find itself out of the ocean onto land and then be covered with precipitation. Megalodon went extinct 2.6 millions of years ago, before any of the ice currently on Antarctica formed.

How fast can a megalodon swim? ›

In 2022, Cooper and his colleagues converted this calculation into relative cruising speed (body lengths per second), resulting in an mean absolute cruising speed of 5 kilometers per hour (3.1 mph) and a mean relative cruising speed of 0.09 body lengths per second for a 16 meters (52 ft) long megalodon; the authors ...

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Megalodons are extinct. They died out about 3.5 million years ago. And scientists know this because, once again, they looked at the teeth. All sharks – including megalodons – produce and ultimately lose tens of thousands of teeth throughout their lives.

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Did Megalodon eat dinosaurs or people? Fortunately, the Megalodon went extinct recently enough that we have excellent fossil remains to show us exactly what it ate - and its prey should not surprise you: It ate mostly large marine mammals such as whales, seals, dolphins and dugongs, and large fish and turtles.

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Great whites and megalodons were at least somewhat warm-blooded, the team found. A megalodon's body was warmer than the water around it. It also was warmer than the bodies of great white sharks. Neither shark, however, was as warm-blooded as marine mammals, such as whales.

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