Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (2024)

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Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (1)

Florida is one of just 10 states that have refused to expand Medicaid, leaving hundreds of thousands without access to coverage

Key Takeaways

  • Who is eligible for Medicaid in Florida?
  • How do I enroll in Florida Medicaid?
  • Medicaid expansion in Florida
  • See Frequently asked Questions about Florida Medicaid
  • Legislation impacting Florida Medicaid

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (2)

Who is eligible for Medicaid in Florida?

To qualify for federal funding, state Medicaid programs are required to cover certain populations, such as low-income children and pregnant women. States can also choose to cover optional coverage groups, like low-income adults without dependents. Each state sets its own income limits for qualification, and can exceed minimum levels set by the federal government.Florida’s Medicaid/CHIPeligibility standards(including a built-in 5% income disregard) are as follows:

  • Children up to 1-year-old: 211% of the federal poverty level (FPL)
  • Children ages 1-18: 138% of FPL
  • Children under age 19 can qualify for Florida Healthy Kids (CHIP), with modest monthly premiums, if household income is between 138% and 200% of FPL (The cap was supposed to be increased to 300% as of January 2024, underlegislationFlorida enacted in 2023.1But Florida officials did not submit a timely1115 waiveramendment proposal to CMS to obtain approval for this change, so the implementation has been delayed.2)
  • Pregnant women: 196% of FPL (this coveragecontinues for 12 monthsafter the baby is born)
  • Adults with minor children: 26% of FPL (note that this percentage changes as the federal poverty level changes, becauseFlorida uses a flat dollar limitfor Medicaid eligibility for parents, so it doesn’t keep pace with the poverty level)
  • Adults under 65 who aren’t disabled or caring for minor children are not eligible for Medicaid regardless of how low their income is, because Florida hasn’t expanded Medicaid under the ACA.

People who qualify forSupplemental Security Income(SSI)automatically qualify for Medicaid in Florida. See more information in theSSI-Related Programs Financial Eligibility Standards.

Federal poverty level calculator


of Federal Poverty Level

Apply for Medicaid in Florida

Online at ACCESS Florida, or submit a paper application by mail, fax or in person to a local service center. For help with the application process, call 866-762-2237.

Eligibility: Children up to 1 year old with family income up to 206% of FPL; children 1-5 with family income up to 140% of FPL; children 6-18 with family income up to 133% of FPL; pregnant women with family income up to 191% of FPL; young adults 19-20 with family income up to 30% of FPL; adults with dependents with family income up to 30% of FPL.People who qualify for Supplemental Security Income automatically qualify for Medicaid. For information: SSI-Related Programs Financial Eligibility Standards

Has Florida expanded Medicaid for low-income adults?

No. As of 2024, Florida is one of ten states where the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid for low-income adults has not been implemented. Democrats in the Florida legislature have been pushing for Medicaid expansion for years, but have consistently been blocked by Republicans, who control both chambers of the legislature. On the first day of the 2024 legislative session in Florida, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo noted “We have had the debate several times over the last decade. Medicaid expansion is not going to happen.”1

The ACA doesn’t provide subsidies for people with income below the poverty level, because the law called for them to have Medicaid instead. But in states that have refused Medicaid expansion people who aren’t eligible for Medicaid and whose income is too low for exchange subsidies are in what’s called the coverage gap, with no realistic access to affordable health coverage. An estimated 388,000 Florida residents are in the Medicaid coverage gap. Only Texas has more people in the coverage gap.2

Medicaid expansion advocates are working to get a Medicaid expansion ballot measure on the 2026 Florida state ballot. But it would have some high bars to clear both in terms of getting on the ballot and being successful. Under Florida rules, nearly a million voters would have to sign the petition, and then the Florida Supreme Court would have to certify that the amendment is eligible to be added to the ballot. If it makes it that far, it would need at least 60% of voters supporting it to pass.3

Several other states have implemented Medicaid expansion via ballot measure, but only one (Idaho) passed by more than 60%. The rest were all between 50.5% and 59%, but they were in states where only a simple majority was needed.4

  • 4,234,627 – Number of Floridians covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of October 20235
  • 1,463,000– Number of additional Florida residents who would be covered if the state accepted expansion6
  • 1,218,182Number of FL residents disenrolled from Medicaid during “unwinding” as of December 20237
  • $5 billion – Federal money Florida left on the table by not expanding Medicaid in 2023 (plus additional American Rescue Plan funding)8

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (3)

Explore our other comprehensive guides to coverage in Florida

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Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (12)

This guide will help you understand the Florida health insurance options available to you and your family. Many people find that an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plan – or Obamacare – helps them save money on health insurance expenses.

Learn about health insurance coverage options in Florida.

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (13)

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (14)

Our guide walks you through affordable dental plan options in Florida.

Learn about dental insurance options in Florida.

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (15)

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (16)

As of early 2023, nearly 5 million Floridians have Medicare coverage. That’s about 23% of the state’s total population.9

Learn more about Medicare in Florida.

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (17)

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (18)

As of 2023, there were at leastfive insurers offering short-term health insurancein Florida.

Learn about short-term insurance regulations in Florida.

Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (19)

Frequently asked questions about Florida Medicaid eligibility and enrollment

How do I enroll in Medicaid in Florida?

Review Florida’s eligibility criteria, and if you believe you are eligible to enroll in Medicaid you have several options:

  • Apply online at ACCESS Florida, or fill out a paper form. Use thisapplicationfor low-income children, pregnant women, families, and aged or disabled individuals who are not currently receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • Use thisapplicationto apply for food or cash assistance in addition to Medicaid. You should also use this form if you currently receive SSI or if you are applying for home-based and community services, hospice care, or nursing home care.
  • Submit a paper application submitted by mail, fax or in person to alocal service center.

For help with the application process, call 1-866-762-2237.

How does Medicaid provide financial help to Medicare beneficiaries in Florida?

Many Medicare beneficiaries receive Medicaid financial assistance that can help them with Medicare premiums, lower prescription drug costs, and pay for expenses not covered by Medicare – including long-term care.

Our guide tofinancial assistance for Medicare enrollees in Floridaincludes overviews of these programs, including Medicaid nursing home benefits, Extra Help, and eligibility guidelines for assistance.

How is Florida handling post-pandemic Medicaid renewals?

Medicaid disenrollments were paused nationwide throughout the COVID pandemic. But that ended in April 2023, and states resumed regular eligibility redeterminations, disenrolling people who were no longer eligible for Medicaid (as well as those who fail to respond to renewal information requests).

During the pandemic, Medicaid enrollment in Florida grew from 3.8 million in March 2020 (when the pause on Medicaid disenrollments began) to nearly 5.8 million by April 2023. Eligibility redeterminations must be conducted for all of these enrollees during a 12-month window referred to as the “unwinding” period.

Florida resumed disenrollments in April 2023. By December 2023, more than 1.2 million people had been disenrolled from Florida Medicaid,7 mostly for “procedural” reasons — meaning the state didn’t have enough information to determine whether they were still eligible.

But coverage had been renewed for another 2.4 million enrollees7 who still met the eligibility criteria and completed their renewal paperwork, if necessary (in many cases, eligibility can be automatically redetermined using data the state has on file and integrated systems that work with SNAP and TANF eligibility).

Florida continued to process renewals and eligibility redeterminations throughout the pandemic. But if a person was found to be ineligible or didn’t reply to a request for information, their coverage did not end. As of late 2022, Florida Medicaid estimated that they had 900,000 cases in which at least one person in the household was no longer eligible for Medicaid, and 850,000 cases in which the enrollee didn’t respond to eligibility redetermination information requests during the pandemic. But these individuals were still enrolled at that point, due to the pandemic-related rules.

Starting in April 2023, Florida began prioritizing eligibility redeterminations for enrollees who were already flagged in the system as likely ineligible, and who had not used Medicaid services in the past 12 months (indicating that they may already have other coverage in place). After that, the state began processing eligibility redeterminations for the rest of the people who had been flagged as likely ineligible. Vulnerable populations, including those under 21 with complex medical conditions and low-income people who are institutionalized or in hospice care will have their eligibility redetermined towards the end of the 12-month “unwinding” period.

If a person is no longer eligible for Medicaid, they should understand what their coverage options are once their Medicaid coverage terminates. Other coverage options might include an employer-sponsored plan, Medicare, or a plan purchased through the exchange/marketplace. Florida’s integrated eligibility system will also be able to determine whether a person might now be eligible for Florida KidCare (CHIP) or a subsidy in the exchange/marketplace (, and will transfer the enrollee’s application to those resources when applicable.

For people who end up needing to purchase their own replacement coverage (ie, they aren’t eligible for Medicare or an employer’s plan), is offering an extended enrollment opportunity, through July 31, 2024, for anyone who loses Medicaid at any time during the “unwinding” process. Since Florida does still have a coverage gap due to the state’s refusal to expand Medicaid under the ACA, low-income residents need to be aware of how to avoid this coverage gap.

People who are eligible for Medicare will have a special enrollment window during which they can sign up for Medicare without a late enrollment penalty it continues for six months after the person’s Medicaid ends. People who are eligible for an employer’s plan will generally only have 60 days to sign up for that plan after their Medicaid ends (enrollments can also be submitted before the termination of Medicaid, and that’s generally necessary to avoid a gap in coverage).

How many people are enrolled in Florida Medicaid?

Although Florida has not expanded Medicaid under the ACA, enrollment in the state’s program continued to grow over the years. But it began to decline in 2023, due to the end of the pandemic-era pause on disenrollments. Enrollment stood at 3.7 million by late 2013. By April 2023, total Florida Medicaid and CHIP enrollment stood at nearly 5.8 million people, but it had dropped to 4.2 million by October 2023, after several months of “unwinding” disenrollments.5

Legislation impacting Florida Medicaid

History of Florida’s Medicaid program

Florida was one of the later states to implement Medicaid, not adopting the program until January of 1970 (the first states to implement Medicaid did so in early 1966).

Florida Medicaid spending grew13.5%on average every year between 1980 and 2004. In an effort to slow that trend, Florida applied for and received approval for an1115 waiverfor itsMedicaid Reformpilot. The pilot implemented managed care in two counties in 2006 and added three more counties in 2007; the waiver was extended several times.

In 2013, the federal government approved anamendmentfor statewide expansion of managed care; the amendment also renamed Medicaid Reform asManaged Medical Assistance(MMA).Almost nine out of tenFlorida Medicaid beneficiaries are now enrolled in managed care plans, like health maintenance organizations (HMOs). The state hopes to improve quality through better coordination of care and save money through smaller networks of providers.

As originally written, the Affordable Care Act included Medicaid expansion as a key strategy to reduce the number of uninsured people in the U.S. The ACA allowed the federal government to reduce funding for states’ existing Medicaid programs if they did not expand Medicaid to cover adults with household income up to 138% of the federal poverty level.

However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the withholding of funds for existing Medicaid programs was unconstitutional. Medicaid expansion was left as an option for states, and Florida has not implemented it. As of mid-2023, Florida is one of 11 states that have not expanded Medicaid.

Florida’s decision not to expand Medicaid leaves nearly 400,000 people in the state in thecoverage gap— ineligible for Medicaid and also ineligible for tax subsidies to help them afford private health insurance (people with income over 100% of the poverty level are currently eligible for premium subsidies in the exchange, but those with income between 100% and 138% of the poverty level would switch to Medicaid eligibility if Florida were to expand coverage).

Florida’s economy is negatively impacted by not expanding Medicaid. According to an analysis by the Florida Policy Institute, Florida couldsave $200 million per yearby expanding Medicaid. And that was before the American Rescue Plan created a provision to give states additional Medicaid funding for two years if they newly expand Medicaid. Florida could choose to start receiving that funding at any time, by opting to expand Medicaid.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.


  1. FL Senate president shuts down Medicaid expansion in Florida. The Florida Phoenix. January 2024.
  2. How Many Uninsured Are in the Coverage Gap and How Many Could be Eligible if All States Adopted the Medicaid Expansion? KFF. March 2023.
  3. Florida group seeks to put Medicaid expansion on the 2026 ballot. Tampa Bay Times. February 2024.
  4. Maine Question 2; Utah Proposition 3; Nebraska Initiative 427; Oklahoma State Question 802; Missouri Amendment 2; South Dakota Constitutional Amendment D. Ballotpedia. Accessed February 2024.
  5. October 2023 Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Data Highlights,, Accessed February 2024
  6. 3.7 Million People Would Gain Health Coverage in 2023 If the Remaining 12 States Were to Expand Medicaid Eligibility” ,, Accessed July 2022
  7. Florida Unwinding Monthly Reports: April through December 2023. Florida Health Justice Project. Accessed February 2024
  8. Last 11 States Should Expand Medicaid to Maximize Coverage and Protect Against Funding Drop as Continuous Coverage Ends” ,, Accessed January 2023
  9. Medicare Monthly Enrollment”, April 2023
Medicaid eligibility and enrollment in Florida | (2024)


How does Florida determine Medicaid eligibility? ›

Florida's Medicaid/CHIP eligibility standards (including a built-in 5% income disregard) are as follows: Children up to 1-year-old: 211% of the federal poverty level (FPL) Children ages 1-18: 138% of FPL.

What is the highest income to qualify for Medicaid in Florida? ›

As of January 1, 2024, the LTC Medicaid Income Cap in Florida is: $2,829.00 per month. All sources of income are added up together (i.e. Social Security, IRA / 401k / 403b distributions, annuity payments, pensions, rental income, etc...).

Who is eligible for Medicaid in Florida for seniors? ›

Florida seniors must have limited income and assets, and a medical need to qualify for Medicaid long-term care. In 2024, a single Nursing Home Medicaid applicant must meet the following criteria: 1) Income under $2,829 / month 2) Assets under $2,000 3) Require a Nursing Home Level of Care.

How do I verify providers for Medicaid eligibility in Florida? ›

Methods to Verify Eligibility

Providers may call Provider Services at 1-844-477-8313. Providers are asked to supply the member's name and date of birth or the member's Medicaid identification number and date of birth.

Does Medicaid check your bank account in Florida? ›

Does Medicaid Check Bank Accounts? This one has an easy answer – yes. You will need to provide a variety of documents to verify the information you provide on your Medicaid application, and that is sure to include checking and savings accounts.

What documents do I need to apply for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Florida Medicaid Application – Online Filing
  1. Your Social Security number.
  2. You date of birth.
  3. Proof of identity.
  4. Proof of citizenship.
  5. Income verification, which can include (but is not limited to) income from a job or self-employment, child support or alimony payments, pensions, etc.

What is the 5 year rule for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Why Florida Utilizes a “Look Back” Period. Generally, in order to receive Medicaid Long-Term Care, the applicant must not have “given away” assets within five years of applying for Medicaid benefits. This five year window is known as the “look back” period.

Is Florida Medicaid based on income? ›

The income limits for Florida Medicaid programs depend on the category of eligibility. For instance, for families with children under 19 years old, the income limit is set at 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). This means a family of three can earn up to $29,974 per year to qualify.

What is the cut-off for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Florida Medicaid Income Limits 2024
Household Family SizeMaximum Income Level (Per Year 150% FPL)
4 more rows
Aug 1, 2023

What is the income limit for Medicaid in Florida 2024 for seniors? ›

Limits on Medicaid Applicant's Gross Monthly Income

Effective Jan 1, 2024, the applicant's gross monthly income may not exceed $2,829 (was $2,742). The applicant may retain $160 per month for personal expenses.

How long does it take to get approved for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Once all the information needed to make a determination is available, the Department will make a decision on eligibility within 45 days. The Department will review your application to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid and the level of Medicaid coverage you are eligible to receive.

Can you own a house and get Medicaid in Florida? ›

The short answer is: You don't have to sell your home to qualify for Medicaid in Florida, as it's generally exempt so long as you meet specific criteria. However, there are a number of caveats that affect this exemption, which Florida Medicaid applicants should be aware of.

Why was i denied Medicaid in Florida? ›

The number one reason for a Medicaid application rejection in Florida is breaching the income limits. As of 2022, your gross monthly income must be no more than $2,523. A common error is to assume gross income is the same as taxable income.

Which Medicaid plan is best in Florida? ›

MIAMI – Oct. 18, 2022 – Molina Healthcare of Florida (“Molina”) is the top-rated Medicaid plan in Florida, with a rating of 4 out of 5 stars in the National Committee for Quality Assurance's (NCQA) Medicaid Health Plan Ratings 2022.

How can I contact Florida Medicaid? ›

If you have questions, please call 1-877-711-3662, TDD 1-866-467-4970, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The call is free. Text your enrollment or frequently asked questions to 357662. Click here to create a FL Medicaid Member Portal account and send a secure message.

Does Florida have an asset limit for Medicaid? ›

Florida does not allow an applicant to own countable assets worth more than $2,000. However, if the person's income is under $856 a month, then the person cannot own assets more than $5,000.00. The Well Spouse can retain up to $148,620.00 (Jan 2023) in individual or joint assets in addition to exempt assets.

How long does it take to qualify for Medicaid in Florida? ›

Once all the information needed to make a determination is available, the Department will make a decision on eligibility within 45 days. The Department will review your application to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid and the level of Medicaid coverage you are eligible to receive.

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