Maximize Your Chargeback Win Rate: 5 Tips From the Experts (2024)

Chargeback Win Rate & Net Recovery Rate: Two KPIs That Hold the Key to a Winning Chargeback Strategy

In order to accurately diagnose chargeback sources and deploy solutions, you need data about the disputes being filed against you. A lot of this data hinges on the specific metrics you use to gauge performance.

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, can (and should) influence your strategy. Stats like order abandonment rate, refund rate, and decline rate are all important stats.

If you want to know whether your chargeback management strategy is working, though, there’s one KPI that stands out in terms of direct relevance: your chargeback win rate. This figure is crucial to overall loss prevention and revenue retention.

Recommended reading

  • The Pre-Arbitration Chargeback Process: Explained
  • Chargeback Reversal: 8 Simple Steps to Get Your Money Back
  • Arbitration Chargeback: The Last Step in the Dispute Process
  • Second Presentment: The Key to Chargeback Recovery
  • 4 Easy Steps to Win Your Next Chargeback Response

What is a Chargeback Win Rate?

Chargeback Win Rate

[noun]/chahrj • bak • win • rāt/

A chargeback win rate is the rate at which a merchant disputes and successfully recovers transactions following an initial chargeback. This figure is expressed as a percentage of overall chargebacks.

Your chargeback win rate is the cumulative tally of all disputes filed against you, compared to the number of transactions you recover through representment following an initial chargeback. It’s expressed as a percentage of overall chargebacks to gauge how successful you are at recovering revenue from chargebacks.

There are differing levels of granularity here. You can segment your chargeback win rate based on factors like product category, for instance, to compare representment success in different verticals. In all cases, though, you chargeback win rate can be calculated using this simple equation:

Your chargeback win rate offers key insights as to whether or not your chargeback management strategy is working. In short, it’s a measure of how effective you are at submitting chargeback representments, and overturning chargebacks to recapture disputed charges.

Tracking win rates over time can also help you tweak your strategy to get better results. Without this data, you’re basically flying blind.


Your win rate (sometimes referred to as a “chargeback success rate”) is distinct from your chargeback rate (sometimes called a “chargeback ratio”). Your win rate looks at how well you manage to fight — and win — against disputed transactions. In contrast, your chargeback rate measures your total monthly chargebacks as a portion of overall sales.

Why Your Chargeback Win Rate Matters

Maintaining a high win rate is a vital indicator for merchants. The higher your chargeback win rate, the more revenue you recover from disputes. For instance, chargeback win rates can help you determine:

  • Whether a chargeback is worth fighting or not
  • The chargeback reason codes you are more likely to win against.
  • How to organize and format documents for representment
  • What compelling evidence you will need to gather
  • Estimated time and revenue you will spend fighting a chargeback
  • Which platforms or systems are gaining the most wins

Struggling with chargebacks issuances? The solution could be just a click away.

Not only that, but a higher win rate may incentivize banks to conduct greater due diligence before filing a chargeback in the future. In that way, winning one dispute may help prevent the next chargeback to come after it.

For best results, your chargeback win rate should be as close to 100% as possible. That said, there’s not really a solid universal indicator for what constitutes a “good” win rate.

It’s also important to note that win rate isn’t really the most precise or revealing chargeback KPI. Your chargeback win rate should be considered alongside another KPI, called your net recovery rate.

Chargeback Win Rate vs. Net Recovery Rate

Chargeback win rates and net recovery rates are two related, but separate KPIs. It’s important to distinguish between these two figures; the latter indicator may reveal issues hidden by your win rate.

Remember: your chargeback win rate is the ratio of chargebacks you "win" among a total number of submitted responses. In contrast, your net recovery rate is the ratio of chargebacks you won as a portion of total chargebacks filed by customers.

You need to factor both your chargeback win rate and net recovery rate to accurately determine what is (and is not) working for you.

To illustrate, let’s assume that a business receives 100 chargebacks in a month. The merchant fights 25 of those chargebacks and wins 12 of them. That means the business has a win rate of almost 50%, which is relatively high. Things are a lot less rosy if we look at the other figure, though, as the merchant in our example has a net recovery rate of only 12%.


The average merchant in 2021 had a chargeback win rate of 42%. However, they had a net recovery rate of just 12%, meaning they only recovered revenue from 1 in 8 disputes issued against them.

The disparity between the average chargeback win rate and net recovery rate suggests merchants are overlooking the latter KPI. They’re relying solely on win rates to gauge the effectiveness of their chargeback management. Considering that first-party (or “friendly”) fraud was the most prevalent fraud attack method in 2021, this mistake could literally translate to billions of dollars in unnecessary losses every year.

If you’re not tracking both of these KPIs, you’re probably leaving a lot of money on the table. There’s a good chance that you’re choosing not to fight chargebacks which you could probably win if you took the initiative to contest them.

Become a Full-Fledged Chargeback GeniusThe only resource you need to become an expert on chargebacks, customer disputes, and friendly fraud.Download the Guide

5 Tips to Maximize Your Chargeback Win Rate

You may not be able to win every dispute, but you can act to keep your success rate as high as possible. Here are our top five suggestions:

Know the Reason Codes

Every dispute comes with a reason code. This code is meant to offer insight on what caused the dispute, how you could potentially resolve it, and how you can prevent recurring issues. Be aware, though, that the codes vary from one card network to the next. You can use our chargeback reason code tool to look up reason codes.

Know the Timeframes

Chargebacks are limited to strict timeframes. In many cases, you’ll only have a few days to respond. Be aware of the chargeback time limits, how they differ from one card brand to the next, and how long different stages should take. Most importantly, remember to keep up with all messages from your processor so you don’t miss a dispute.

Understand the Components of a Dispute

You need two key items for representment: compelling evidence to show why the chargeback is invalid, and a chargeback rebuttal letter that gives the evidence context. Without these, the bank would have no reason to treat your second presentment any different from the first. They’re both essential to protecting your chargeback win rate.

Organize Your Data

You need to move fast when fighting a chargeback. The key to assembling strong cases in a timely manner is data organization. All relevant data sources, such as customer profiles, sales records, order details, and billing information, should be captured at the point of transaction and stored so as to be instantly recallable.

Draft Compelling Rebuttals

Your rebuttal should be fact-based and informative, but it should be engaging, too. It’s fine to break from the dry legal language in your rebuttal as long as you don’t let frustration or anger show. The goal is simply to make the reader envision that you did everything right when handling the initial transaction.

Multi-Layered Strategies Are Best

Your chargeback win rate plays an important role in chargeback management. It can also help you identify and isolate post-transactional threats like friendly fraud, return fraud, and cyber shoplifting.

KPIs like win rates and recovery rates can vastly improve your chargeback analysis and response, as well as provide critical data for a more comprehensive chargeback management system. To get the most of of your chargeback strategy, you should:

  • Look beyond reason codes to find the true sources of chargebacks
  • Be more proactive about future disputes
  • Identify new revenue opportunities
  • Aim to reduce fees, overhead, and other costs
  • Eliminate false positives and accept more transactions

With over a decade as a leader in chargeback prevention and management, Chargebacs911 is uniquely placed to help you discover true revenue recovery and sustainable growth. Click here to learn more and get started today.


What are the chances of winning a chargeback?

The average merchant wins roughly 45% of the chargebacks they challenge through representment. However, when we look at net recovery rate, we see that the average merchant only wins 1 in every 8 chargebacks issued against them.

How often do people win chargebacks?

All things considered, cardholders tend to win about 7 out of 8 chargebacks issued.

Merchants have less than a 50/50 shot of winning their representment cases. Although, their situations could be improved with better data leveraged through KPIs like chargeback win rates.

Is it easy to win a chargeback?

For consumers, it tends to be fairly easy. If the consumer’s claim is valid, they can often be issued a provisional credit by the bank and receive the funds almost immediately. It’s very hard for merchants, though.

The chargeback process is often a costly and time-consuming process for merchants. Merchants also have a very tight timeframe in which to submit a response (usually less than a week).

How long does it take to win a chargeback?

The length of time is takes to win a chargeback depends on how far it progresses. If the consumer’s claim is valid, they can often be issued a provisional credit by the bank and receive the funds almost immediately.

If the merchant re-presentments the charge, though, it could take several weeks — or even months — to resolve a dispute.

What's a "good" chargeback win rate?

There’s not really a solid universal indicator for what constitutes a “good” win rate. Instead, win rates are intended to measure the efficacy of your chargeback management and prevention methods.

Rather than aiming for a “good” win rate, you want your win rate to be as high as possible.

Maximize Your Chargeback Win Rate: 5 Tips From the Experts (2024)


Maximize Your Chargeback Win Rate: 5 Tips From the Experts? ›

Implementing fraud detection tools and actively fighting invalid chargebacks can significantly reduce the impact of chargebacks on a business. 32% The chargeback win rate average was 32% in 2021. Signifyd's average chargeback win rate is 38% in 2024, year to date.

What is a good chargeback win rate? ›

Implementing fraud detection tools and actively fighting invalid chargebacks can significantly reduce the impact of chargebacks on a business. 32% The chargeback win rate average was 32% in 2021. Signifyd's average chargeback win rate is 38% in 2024, year to date.

How to win a chargeback claim? ›

How to Fight
  1. Know when you've received a chargeback.
  2. Check the reason code.
  3. Check the expiration date.
  4. Check the ROI.
  5. Collect compelling evidence.
  6. Write a great rebuttal letter.
  7. Submit your response.
Jun 12, 2024

How likely are you to win a chargeback? ›

Chargeback Win Rate

On average, merchants win approximately 32 out of every 100 chargebacks they decide to contest. This means that if you're a merchant dealing with 100 chargebacks, you can typically expect to successfully recover funds from around 32 of those disputes.

What is the success rate of chargebacks? ›

In general, our merchants have an average chargeback win rate between 40% and 85%. However, the annual Year in Chargebacks report reveals there are individual businesses that fall well outside that average. But the win rates that differ from the norm aren't good or bad — they're just different.

Who decides who wins a chargeback? ›

If the issuing bank rules that the merchant has not provided compelling evidence, they'll rule in favor of the cardholder and the chargeback stands. The provisional credit to the cardholder becomes permanent and temporary credit reversal takes place for the merchant.

What is an acceptable win rate? ›

Defining a good win rate depends on your company, niche market, and product. However, a rate of over 60% is considered a strong indicator that you have efficient and effective sales strategies. Some industries might have lower success rate expectations because of the size and complexity of the target market.

What to say to win a credit card dispute? ›

The best way to resolve a credit card dispute is to address the issue directly with the merchant, and to seek a resolution before escalating the dispute to the credit card issuer and by providing all relevant documentation to support your case if the dispute needs to be formally filed.

Who loses money in a chargeback? ›

Merchants are often responsible for the chargeback costs—including both refunding the purchase and any associated fees. Here's a look at the impact chargebacks have on merchants: Lost revenue, as merchants generally are obligated to refund the customer's purchase when a chargeback is granted.

Do merchants ever win chargebacks? ›

Compelling evidence: If you have strong compelling evidence that shows the customer's dispute is unwarranted, then you have a good chance of winning the chargeback dispute and keeping the sales revenue (because the consumer won't receive the chargeback refund).

What evidence do I need for a chargeback? ›

You need to prove that the customer was aware of the cancellation and no-show policies. Explanation of how and when the customer was shown a refund policy and an explanation of why the customer is not entitled to a refund. The reservation confirmation.

Is it worth fighting a chargeback? ›

You may feel angry or upset and want to fight back. Unfortunately, chargebacks are ultimately designed to favor cardholders, not merchants, and there are some cases when putting time and money toward overturning a chargeback will be a losing battle.

How do you get a successful chargeback? ›

Contact your card provider to make a claim

A good place to start is to visit your card provider's website and look for details on 'disputed transactions' or 'chargeback claims'. If you can't find it, get in touch with your card provider and tell them you want to use the 'chargeback scheme'.

What is the burden of proof for chargebacks? ›

In chargeback cases, the burden of proof falls on the merchant. In order to win back their lost revenue, the merchant must prove that their charge was authorized, and that the goods or services were delivered.

How to calculate chargeback win rate? ›

The formula, though, is the same. That is: the number of chargebacks in a given month divided by the number of transactions in the same period or current month. The difference, however, is the source of their data for the computation.

What is the acceptable chargeback rate? ›

Payment networks, such as Visa and Mastercard, have their chargeback rate thresholds, and exceeding these thresholds can lead to penalties or restrictions. It is commonly agreed in the payments and banking industry that an acceptable chargeback rate is below 1%.

What is the ideal chargeback ratio? ›

Ideally, you should keep your chargeback to transaction ratio as low as possible. Typically, a ratio of above 0.9% can start to get you in trouble and lead to consequences.

What are the odds of winning a dispute? ›

Likelihood of winning disputes
Dispute Win Likelihood RankingChance of Winning the Dispute
5 dots60%
4 dots40%
3 dots25%
2 dots15%
1 more row

What is the acceptable dispute rate? ›

The credit card processing industry standard recognizes dispute activity above 0.75% as excessive, but other factors, such as a sudden spike or steep upward trend can trigger placement in a monitoring program before dispute activity reaches the 0.75% threshold.

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