Mastering Music Taxes: A Comprehensive Guide for Music Professionals (2024)

Navigating the realm of taxes is a crucial yet complex task for music professionals. Whether you're a seasoned musician, an emerging artist, or run a record label, understanding tax obligations and opportunities is essential.

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify music taxes filing essentials, and strategic financial practices to bolster your music venture's financial health. As you traverse the melodies and harmonies of the music industry, let this guide be the rhythm that orchestrates your tax management, ensuring a sound financial footing in your musical journey.

Music Tax Filing Essentials - Deductions, Business Formation, and Common Misconceptions

Musicians with strong musical foundations can better understand what they play. With filing taxes, knowing the basics can help you with a lot of understanding of them.

To understand them, it helps to know the goal of tax filing: saving as much as possible by being strategic. For example, deductions allow you to save on your taxes. Read our article on write-offs for DJs and producers with more help on deductions. Later, you'll learn more on deductions.

For now, let's address some common questions related to music taxes.

When do you need to pay taxes on music?

Anytime you make more than $400, musicians need to pay self-employment tax. If you are a business owner (not self-employed), you need to file your taxes, regardless of how much you make.

The self-employment tax is 15.3% of income earned from your music business (it doesn’t includes income from other sources, such as investments). This tax is in addition to income taxes.

As a music business professional, you must make quarterly payments if you expect to owe more than $1,000 when filing your tax returns. Whether you're self-employed or a business owner, those dates remain the same:

  • April 16th
  • June 15th
  • October 15th
  • January 15th

Pro Tip: Self-employed musicians need a Schedule C from Form 1040 to get started. For other business types, you'll need other kinds of tax forms.

What's the best business formation for music businesses?

When choosing the best business formation, it’s important to distinguish between legal entities and tax entities. Legal entities include LLCs, corporations, LLPs, and others depending on the state where you registered the business.

You don’t need to form a legal entity in order to file a tax return for your music business. However, your choice of legal entity can impact how your business files its tax return. Each tax entity files its own type of tax return. Here is some general guidance:

  • Single musicians just starting out shouldn’t form a legal entity early on, as it adds unnecessary expenses and generally won’t provide tax benefits. As an unincorporated sole proprietorship, you’ll file taxes on your personal tax return.
  • For one person at the head of a band, record label, or other well-established music business, consider forming an LLC. The LLC will provide legal protections that are essential when making contracts with third-parties. You'll report the LLC’s income as a sole proprietorship on your personal tax return.
  • For multiple owners working together in the music business, consider forming an LLC for the legal benefits. You’ll then file a separate business tax return. Each partner then reports their share of the LLC’s income on their personal tax return. Also consider forming a corporation, if you’d like to avoid reporting the income on the owners’ personal tax returns.

There’s a common misconception that LLCs are automatic tax savers. But here’s the truth: LLCs by themselves do not provide tax benefits, these business types provide legal benefits.

LLCs are pass-through organizations. This means that an LLC’s owners must report the LLC’s income on their personal tax returns, even if the LLC files as a partnership.

How can different formations affect your music business taxes?

Broadly speaking, the business type with the most potential tax benefits in the music business is an S Corporation, which is a tax entity election that an LLC or corporation can make with the IRS S Corporations are beneficial because they avoid the double taxation of a C-Corporation and the self-employment taxes of a sole proprietorship or partnership.

Sole proprietorship LLCs, partnerships, and unincorporated individuals are ‌all taxed on the personal level. The owners must pay self-employment taxes on this income.

You could form a corporation to avoid self-employment taxes. But that corporation would file its own tax return and pay taxes on the income. You’d then pay taxes on your personal tax return for any distributions.

By setting up an S-Corporation, you avoid both double taxation and self-employment taxes.

So why isn’t everyone running out and starting S-Corporations? Because the tax benefits of this tax entity really depend on a variety of factors. The costs of setting up and running an S-Corporation might outweigh the tax savings due to phase-outs and deduction limitations that apply to business owners in the music industry.

Furthermore, not all businesses are eligible. To form an S-Corp, you need to be a domestic corporation with fewer than 100 shareholders and have one class of stock. You also need to only have allowable shareholders that include individuals, some trusts, and estates. Shareholders must be U.S. citizens or residents.

To form an S-Corporation, it’s also best that you already have a well-established business. Those just starting out should stick to a sole proprietorship, partnership, or self-employed status.

Below is a simple worksheet guide showing you the different basic tax forms you’ll need to get started:

These forms give you some idea about how complex things can get. But there are many more tax forms you likely will run into when running a business.

Other Common Misconceptions About Music Taxes

LLCs are just one common assumption people make in reducing your taxable income. Here are some other misconceptions professional musicians and their business associates might have:

  1. All expenses are deductible: Not every expense incurred is tax deductible. It must be both ordinary and necessary for the music business.
  2. Hobby income is not taxable: Income from music, even if it's a hobby, is taxable.
  3. Home studios are always deductible: Home studio deductions are subject to strict IRS rules.
  4. Only full-time musicians can claim deductions: Part-time musicians can also claim business-related deductions.
  5. Self-employment tax doesn't apply: Music professionals are subject to self-employment tax on their net earnings.
  6. You don't need to report cash payments: You must report cash income to the IRS

Keep these misconceptions in mind anytime you're spending money, making money, or working with a tax preparer. Of course, if you want to save money using tax rules, deductions are your friend.

8 Unique Music Business Deductions for Your Tax Return

In filing taxes, every bit of savings counts. Being in the music industry provides unique opportunities for deductions other industries don’t have. Understanding these unique deductions can lower your taxable income, ensuring more money stays in your pocket.

1. Musical Instruments and Equipment

If you've purchased musical instruments, equipment, or software for your music business, they apply as business expenses. Keep all receipts and records of these purchases to make the deduction process smooth and straightforward.

Since it's a usable asset, you'll be able to take the entire expense as depreciation upfront. This upfront depreciation applies as Section 179, saving you a lot with more expensive instruments and musical equipment.

You can also choose to expense software that might include tools like GarageBand, beats for FL Studio, or other kinds of digital instruments.

2. Professional Studio

Whether renting or owning, you can expense off the costs of a professional studio. But like most music careers, you might end up having an at-home studio.

If you have a home studio, a portion of your home expenses, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance, is usually deductible. However, you need to ensure that you only use the area for your music business to qualify for this deduction.

The home office deduction provides two sets of rules:

  • The simplified method is $5 per square foot (up to 300) and
  • The regular method lets you take a percentage of home expenses based on the time you use your home only for business.

For more info, check out our deep dive on the home office deduction for music industry professionals.

3. Professional Development

Investing in your musical skills? Expenses for music lessons, coaching, and workshops are usually deductible as well. This also includes any fees for conferences or seminars that help enhance your music business knowledge and network.

What counts as professional development might change depending on the person. For example, a marketing professional could not justify taking lessons to get better at playing music. Keep in mind that any development must be ordinary and necessary for the business.

4. Travel Expenses

Did you go on a tour or have gigs out of town? You can deduct travel expenses including lodging, meals, and transportation. Keep a detailed record of all expenses incurred during your travel for music business purposes.

5. Marketing and Promotion

Costs for marketing and promotion, such as website maintenance, advertising, and promotional materials, are also deductible. This includes the cost of producing music videos, photography, and other promotional content.

Every musician, record company, and business professional needs to market their business. If hiring outside support, you'll need to provide the specialist a 1099 form if you paid them at least $600.

6. Booking Fees

An artist's booking fee is the smallest amount an artist will accept to play at a show. If you're a booking agent in the music business, you'll need to be aware of these booking fees to know how much you'll need to pay to bring in prominent artists.

On the other side, self-employed musicians and artist managers will need to establish this minimum booking fee. For more information, check out our article on how to calculate a minimum artist booking fee.

7. Miscellaneous Costs

Other expenses like membership fees for music organizations, subscription services for music platforms, and costs related to copyrighting and protecting your music can also be deducted. Here are just a few examples:

  • Business license and insurance
  • Vehicle repairs
  • Office supplies
  • Manufacturing costs (When Creating Merch)
  • Legal cost (such as ensuring you are paid proper royalty checks)

Need more help with your music taxes? Contact Augur CPA for specialized tax planning and advice tailored for music professionals.

Documentation and Organization Strategies

Proper documentation and organization are the backbone of effective tax management, especially for music professionals who often juggle multiple income streams and expenses. Here’s how you can keep your financial affairs in tune:

Receipt Management

In the world of taxes, receipts are golden. They serve as proof of your expenses, which is crucial for claiming deductions. Develop a habit of keeping business-related receipts, and consider using digital tools or apps that can scan, store, and organize these receipts for you. This practice not only makes tax filing easier but also prepares you in case of an audit.

Digital Tools for Organization

Leverage digital tools and software designed for financial organization. Many of these tools can link with your bank accounts and credit cards, automatically categorizing and tracking expenses, and providing a clear, real-time picture of your financial situation. They can also help in generating financial reports, making it easier to analyze your finances and plan accordingly.

Regular Financial Review

Set aside time for regular financial reviews. This practice helps in keeping you informed about your financial health and allows you to make timely adjustments to your tax planning strategies. Regular reviews also aid in identifying any discrepancies or issues, allowing for timely resolution.

Work with a Professional

While it's essential to be actively involved in your financial management, working with a tax professional or accountant who understands the music industry can be invaluable. They can provide guidance, ensure compliance with tax laws, and help optimize your tax situation.


Navigating the world of music taxes may seem like a daunting symphony of numbers, forms, and regulations. However, with the right knowledge and strategies, you can conduct your financial affairs with confidence and precision.

To recap, it's crucial to understand the basics of taxes as a musician or related professional. Whether you're a sole proprietor or a self-employed music mogul, music-related taxation differs in some ways. For example, pursuing music professionally offers unique deductions available to professionals, including expenses for instruments, equipment, home studios, professional development, travel, and marketing.

Proper documentation and organization are paramount. Embrace digital tools for receipt management and financial organization, and ensure regular financial reviews to stay on top of your financial health. Deduction planning is an ongoing task, and staying informed and organized will help you maximize your tax savings effectively.

Remember, the realm of taxes is full of opportunities for savings, and staying vigilant in seeking these opportunities will ensure your music venture remains financially sound and thriving.

CTA: Ready to hit the high notes of tax savings? Contact Augur CPA today.


Can I deduct the cost of concert tickets or music streaming subscriptions?

Concert tickets and music streaming subscriptions are personal expenses and are usually not deductible. However, if you can prove that you directly related these expenses to your music business, such as market research or professional networking, they may be deductible. Maintaining good records is crucial when differentiating what’s a business vs a personal expense.

Can I deduct clothing purchases for performances?

Clothing used only for performances and not suitable for everyday wear can be deducted as a business expense. However, everyday clothing, even if worn for performances, is not deductible.

Are royalties from music streaming platforms considered taxable income?

Yes, royalties received from music streaming platforms are considered taxable income and must be reported on your tax return.

I teach music lessons. Can I deduct the cost of sheet music and other teaching materials?

Yes, the cost of sheet music, teaching materials, and other supplies used only for your teaching activities can be deducted as a business expense.

Can I deduct travel expenses for a non-paying gig?

Yes, travel expenses for a non-paying gig can be deducted as long as the gig is for business promotion and not a charitable event or a hobby.

I received a grant for my music project. Is it taxable?

Grants are generally considered taxable income unless they are explicitly classified as non-taxable by law. It's essential to report grant income on your tax return.

Can I deduct the cost of hiring a manager or agent?

Yes, fees paid to managers, agents, or other professionals for services related to your music business are deductible expenses.

Are donations to my music project tax-deductible for the donors?

Donations to individual artists or projects are generally not tax-deductible for the donors unless made through a registered non-profit organization.

Mastering Music Taxes: A Comprehensive Guide for Music Professionals (2024)


Can I write off music lessons on taxes? ›

Generally, Music Lessons Are Not Tax-Deductible

As a general rule, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) views music lessons as part of maintaining a hobby.

How much do musicians pay in taxes? ›

The self-employment tax is 15.3% of income earned from your music business (it doesn't includes income from other sources, such as investments). This tax is in addition to income taxes. As a music business professional, you must make quarterly payments if you expect to owe more than $1,000 when filing your tax returns.

What is the tax code for musicians? ›

Code 9811 is for musicians - as well as theatrical performers, agents, producers and those in related fields.

Can musicians write off instruments on taxes? ›

Instruments are usually considered capital expenses, but you may be able to claim some of the cost in small increments over time. Costs of tickets, transportation, and parking when attending other musicians' performances are deductible.

Can musicians deduct mileage to gigs? ›

Travel Expenses

Traveling for gigs, tours, and recording sessions is a common part of a musician's life. These travel expenses can be deducted from your taxable income. This includes airfare, accommodation, meals, and local transportation. However, it's important to differentiate between personal and business travel.

Do musicians get audited? ›

The IRS knows most self-employed taxpayers, such as working musicians, typically are scrambling to find business deductions to lower their tax liability. Frankly, we only see about three to five tax returns of the 1,800-plus we prepare each year get audited.

How to report income as a musician? ›

So if you're bringing in income from selling records and shirts from your website or generate royalties from your music, then you're a sole proprietor. Chances are you're both and will file a Schedule C (Tax Form 1040) as an individual/sole proprietor with the IRS and pay self-employment taxes.

How much can an artist make before paying taxes? ›

If you make over $600 as a freelance artist, then you will receive a form 1099-NEC or form 1099-MISC from your payer. One of these forms will go to you, and the other will go to the IRS - which means they will certainly know you owe taxes. If you make under $600, then you won't get either of those forms.

Do musicians get 1099? ›

For the most part, royalty and other music income will be reported on either Form 1099-MISC or Form 1099-NEC.

Do musicians pay taxes in every state they play in? ›

When musicians go on tour in different states do they pay sales tax to the state where they show is or only sales tax to the state where they are based? You have to pay income taxes where they are earned.

Are music royalties tax free? ›

If you are an artist such as an author, musician, songwriter, or singer; your income from royalties is taxable.

Can you write off clothes as a musician? ›

Generally, more formal clothing that is not suitable or adaptable to everyday wear is deductible. Tails, tuxedos, patent leather shoes (but not regular black shoes), formal (pleated) white shirts (but not regular department store white shirts), formal length black skirts and dresses, sequined blouses, etc.

What does the IRS consider a performing artist? ›

You must also have performed services in the performing arts as an employee (meaning you will receive a W-2) for at least two employers during the tax year and received from at least two of those employers wages of $200 or more per employer. Again, these employers must be involved in the performing arts field.

What is Section 179 for musical instruments? ›

Section 179 allows for the immediate expensing of musical equipment and assets. Instead of spreading out the deduction over five to seven years, you can deduct the full purchase price of equipment to reduce your taxable income.

What entertainment can you write off on taxes? ›

2023 meals and entertainment deduction
Type of ExpenseDeduction
Entertaining Clients (Concert tickets, golf games, etc.)0% deductible
Business meals with clients50% deductible
Office snacks and meals50% deductible
Company-wide party100% deductible
1 more row
Jan 3, 2024

Can I write off personal training on my taxes? ›

Medical Expenses: One key factor in determining the tax deductibility of personal training sessions is the distinction between personal and medical expenses. Generally, expenses related to maintaining general health and fitness, such as personal training for overall well-being, are not considered medical expenses.

Can you deduct training on your taxes? ›

If you're an employee, you can deduct the cost of education that: Maintains or improves the skills required for your present job. Is required by your employer.

What education items are tax deductible? ›

Qualified education expenses
  • Tuition and fees.
  • Room and board.
  • Books, supplies and equipment.
  • Other necessary expenses (such as transportation).

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.