Mastering Mudae Commands: A Comprehensive Guide - Social Tech Savvy (2024)

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Explore the world of Mudae commands with our detailed guide covering , advanced, and customization commands. Enhance your experience and master the art of claiming, trading, and .

Basic Mudae Commands

Prefix Commands

When it comes to navigating the world of Mudae, understanding the prefix commands is essential. These commands are used to customize the prefix that triggers Mudae’s responses in your server. By setting a unique prefix, you can ensure that Mudae responds only to your designated commands, making the experience more personalized for you and your fellow users. To change the prefix, simply use the following command:

!prefix [new prefix]

Replace [new prefix] with your desired prefix, and Mudae will adjust accordingly. This simple command allows you to tailor Mudae’s responses to your liking, creating a more seamless and enjoyable interaction.

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Help Command

Feeling lost in the vast world of Mudae? Don’t worry, the help command is here to guide you. By using the help command, you can access a wealth of information about Mudae’s features and functionalities, making it easier to navigate and utilize all that Mudae has to offer. To access the help command, simply type:


This command will provide you with a comprehensive list of all available commands, as well as detailed explanations of how to use each one. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned Mudae veteran, the help command is a valuable resource for getting the most out of your Mudae experience.

Search Command

Looking for a specific waifu or husbando in Mudae? The search command is your key to finding the character of your dreams. By using the search command, you can quickly locate any character within Mudae’s extensive database, allowing you to add them to your collection or interact with them in various ways. To use the search command, simply type:

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!search [character name]

Replace [character name] with the name of the character you’re looking for, and Mudae will display all relevant results. Whether you’re searching for a specific character or just exploring the vast world of Mudae, the search command is a powerful tool for enhancing your experience.

Advanced Mudae Commands

Claim Command

One of the most exciting features of Mudae is the Claim command, which allows users to claim characters they come across in the game. When you encounter a character that catches your eye, simply use the Claim command to add them to your collection. This feature adds a level of competitiveness to the game as you strive to collect rare and valuable characters before other players do.

With the Claim command, you can build a diverse and impressive collection of characters from various anime and manga series. Whether you’re a fan of shonen, shojo, or any other genre, there’s bound to be characters that appeal to you. By claiming these characters, you can show off your knowledge and taste to other players in the Mudae community.


To use the Claim command, simply type “!claim” followed by the name of the character you want to claim. For example, “!claim Naruto” would add Naruto to your collection. Keep in mind that some characters may be more popular and sought after than others, so be quick to claim them when you see them!

Trade Command

In the world of Mudae, the Trade command opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for players. With this command, you can trade characters with other players to diversify your collection and acquire characters you’ve been coveting. Trading is a great way to interact with other players and build relationships within the Mudae community.

To initiate a trade, simply use the Trade command followed by the names of the characters you want to trade. For example, “!trade Naruto for Luffy” would indicate that you want to trade your Naruto character for another player’s Luffy character. Negotiating trades can be an exciting and strategic process as you try to find the perfect match for both parties involved.

Trading characters can also help you complete collections or acquire characters that are difficult to find through other means. By engaging in trades with other players, you can expand your collection and enhance your overall gaming experience. So don’t hesitate to reach out to other players and explore the possibilities that the Trade command has to offer.

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Lottery Command

If you’re feeling lucky and adventurous, the Lottery command in Mudae is the perfect feature for you. With this command, you can participate in a virtual lottery to win rare and valuable characters that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. The Lottery command adds an element of chance and excitement to the game, keeping players on their toes and eager to see what they might win.

To enter the lottery, simply use the Lottery command followed by the number of tickets you want to purchase. Each ticket gives you a chance to win a character from the lottery pool, so the more tickets you buy, the higher your chances of winning. Keep in mind that the lottery pool may contain a mix of common, uncommon, and rare characters, so every draw is a thrilling surprise.

Participating in the Lottery command can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially when you strike it lucky and win a character that’s highly coveted by other players. So why not test your luck and see if you can come out on top in the next Mudae lottery draw? Who knows, you might just walk away with a prized addition to your collection.

Customization Commands

Prefix Change Command

Changing the prefix in Mudae can help personalize your experience and make it easier for you to interact with the bot. To change your prefix, simply use the command m!prefix [new prefix]. For example, if you want to change your prefix to “!”, you would type m!prefix !. This simple command allows you to customize Mudae to suit your preferences and make it more user-friendly for you.

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Set Description Command

The description of your character in Mudae is an important aspect of your profile, as it gives others a glimpse into who you are and what you’re interested in. To set your description, use the command m!sd [character ID] [description]. For instance, if you want to set your character’s description to “A fierce warrior with a heart of gold”, you would type m!sd 1234567890 A fierce warrior with a heart of gold. This command helps you add a personal touch to your profile and make your character more unique.

Set Color Command

Customizing the color of your character’s name in Mudae can help you stand out and make your profile more visually appealing. To set the color of your character’s name, use the command m!sc [character ID] [color]. You can choose from a variety of colors such as red, blue, green, and more. For example, if you want to set your character’s name to red, you would type m!sc 1234567890 red. This command allows you to add a pop of color to your profile and make it more eye-catching to others.

In summary, the customization commands in Mudae, including the prefix change command, set description command, and set color command, allow you to personalize your experience, add a personal touch to your profile, and make your character stand out. By using these commands, you can make Mudae more enjoyable and engaging for yourself and others. So go ahead and get creative with your customization to make your mark in the Mudae world!

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Mastering Mudae Commands: A Comprehensive Guide - Social Tech Savvy (2024)
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