Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (2024)

Sam and Layla had been together for two years and were ready to tie the knot. Their families were present to celebrate their special day, and Layla looked gorgeous in her white dress. But as Sam was about to slide the ring onto his bride's finger, an unexpected event took place. Layla suddenly cringed in pain and collapsed to the ground. Everyone in the room was shocked and quickly sprang into action to help her.

She's In Labor!

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (1)

The wedding ceremony was abruptly disrupted as the heavily pregnant bride, Layla, sank to the floor. Sam, her soon-to-be husband, could tell the baby was coming. Thankfully, a doctor was available to assist with the delivery. However, when Sam caught sight of his newborn son, his joyous anticipation quickly vanished. The room was left in a state of stunned silence.

Everyone Was Shocked

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (2)

Nobody among the guests could believe what they were witnessing. A lot had turned away their gaze when Layla gave birth, but the few that were still looking alongside Sam nearly screamed when they saw the face of the newborn baby…

Suddenly It All Made Sense

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (3)

Layla knew exactly how this looked, and it was clear that she felt embarrassed beyond belief. And suddenly, it started to make sense to Sam why Layla was so adamant about getting married before she gave birth. All the love he felt for her quickly started to turn into pure hate.

Throwing His Wedding Ring

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He picked up his wedding ring and threw it through the church before storming out of the building. He never wanted to see Layla again… But what was going on with the baby's face? Why did Sam react like this, and why did Layla want to get married before giving birth?

A Wedding And A Pregnancy

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (5)

Sam knew that it might not be the greatest idea to plan his wedding with Layla so close to her due date. She had been pregnant for nearly 8 months and Sam had tried to push Layla to move the wedding to later in the year. But there was no changing her mind…

Layla Did Not Want To Wait

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (6)

The moment Layla found out she was pregnant, she immediately started pushing to get married to Sam. The pregnancy was not planned and it was not like Sam had proposed to Layla. But that all did not seem to matter after the couple decided to keep the baby…

Afraid She Could Not Get Pregnant

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (7)

For a long time, Layla had been afraid that she might be unable to get pregnant due to a uterus operation she had done years ago. So when she found out that she was actually having a baby, she did not want to give it up in case this might be her only chance.

Wanting To Be A Father

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Sam always wanted to be a father, so he was very much in favor of keeping the baby. And he was also convinced that Layla was the right person to start a family with, but he was just feeling like the wedding, and the organization of it was very rushed due to the pregnancy.

Keeping Layla Happy

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But he went along with everything to keep his wife-to-be happy. She was carrying his child, and he was trying to keep as much stress and discomfort as possible away from her. He also ended up doing most of the wedding planning.

Three Weeks Before The Due Date

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The date they ended up choosing for their wedding was about 3 weeks before Layla was set to give birth to their baby. This should have been plenty of time, but Sam was very aware that babies did not always stick to a very rigid time schedule…

Getting More Nervous

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And as the wedding day approached, both Layla and Sam got more and more nervous. Layla started to get sick more intensely as the days passed, which was not uncommon for this stage of the pregnancy. Was she still adamant about continuing the wedding?

Going To A Doctor

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But Sam did not feel completely confident about this and convinced Layla to go see a doctor with him and let him determine whether it was a good idea to get married in a couple of weeks. And as you might expect, the doctor was not a big fan of the idea.

Very Much Against The Wedding

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He sided very much with Sam in the opinion that it was crazy to do something so emotionally draining and significant, so close before one was set to give birth. So even though the doctor could not determine that there was something very wrong with Layla’s health, there was something very wrong with her decision-making…

No Changing Layla’s Mind

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Armed with the doctor's strong advice, Sam was ready to call all the guests and inform them that the wedding had to be postponed due to the pregnancy. But Layla had not changed her mind one bit and explicitly forbade Sam from moving the wedding. It was now or never for her…

Why Was Layla Like This?

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Sam had been very considerate up until this point, but now he had had enough. He demanded that Layla gave him a good reason why she was risking her health and that of their unborn son, just to get married as soon as possible. How could that be so important?

Religious Reasons

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After a bit of thinking, Layla finally gave Sam an answer. But it was not an answer that he expected at all or that he believed. She told him that she was afraid to be judged by her religious grandparents if she had a child before marriage.

A Clear Excuse

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Even though Sam knew that Layla did, in fact, have very religious grandparents who would definitely judge her, they were most likely going to judge her regardless because it was very, very clear that they had sex before marriage. That baby did not come from nowhere…

Not Able To Convince Layla

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He told Layla that, but she kept her story very straight and claimed that it was mainly the baby being born that her grandparents would be upset about. By this point, it had become very clear to Sam that he was not going to be able to convince Layla.

Unlike Her

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Sam just could not wrap his head around this strange behavior from Layla, but if he was honest with himself, it was not completely out of character for his girlfriend. At least, not considering how much she had been lying to him for the past few days already...

Lying Through Her Teeth

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (20)

He knew that she was lying through her teeth about her being concerned about her religious grandparents. He had only met them once, as Layla did not even stay in contact with them all that much, and yes, they believed in god, but not to the extent that would make them mad about this.


Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (21)

Sam was getting sick and tired of his girlfriend not being completely honest with him. But the problem was that he never had enough proof to really make a good case for his suspicions. So, he couldn't do much about it. He tried to talk to her, but she always came up with excuses for her behavior.

The Girl of His Dreams

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (22)

When Sam first got together with Layla, he quickly realized that she was the girl of his dream. He fell head over heels in love with her, and she seemingly did the same. The pair did everything together and really formed what felt like an unbreakable bond. But something had started to change recently...

She Had Changed

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Layla's behavior changed over time, and she became easily irritated. She used to be so loving and affectionate, but now, Sam barely recognized her. Layla had told him she wanted to work on herself for him and their future family, but Sam wondered if she was even able to do that.

The Wedding Was Happening

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Whether he liked it or not, the wedding was happening. Because despite everything, he still wanted to marry Layla, and he was still beyond excited for their child to be born. And so he started to make the final preparations for the event.

Layla Felt Better

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Luckily, it did seem that Layla was starting to feel better. Maybe she was faking it a bit, but Sam still got a bit of confidence from it. And when the wedding day finally arrived, Sam could honestly say that he was somewhat excited about it.

The Day Finally Arrived

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All the friends and family arrived on the day, and Sam was waiting to greet them at the entrance of the church. Layla was preparing in the back, and according to tradition, he was not supposed to see her until she arrived at the altar to meet him.

He Hadn't Seen Layla Today

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Sam knew that Layla was very nervous, but also that she was in the very capable hands of her mother and sister. She, or the baby, were not even really on his mind as he had enough to worry about making sure that everything went smoothly on the day.


Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (28)

As the day went on, Sam grew worried as he hadn't heard from Layla or her mother all day. He had texted her multiple times and wondered why she didn't text him back. He kept telling himself she was in good hands, but something felt off. And he was about to get even more upsetting news.

Something Was Wrong

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But when everybody was seated at the wedding, and he was ready to make his way to the altar, Sam got his first bit of worrying news. According to her sister, it was not going great with Layla. She was not feeling well and needed a little more time to prepare.

No Need To Worry

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Sam was, however, told not to worry about it and that everything was going to be alright. The wedding was still set to happen, and he just had to tell everybody to wait a little bit longer. But Sam already started feeling like something bad was set to happen.


Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (31)

He had no idea what exactly was happening in the back. And because he was not allowed to be with his wife-to-be, Sam decided to just spend his time trying to calm down the guests. Nobody here knew what was happening, and the speculations were going wild.

Sam Agreed With The Guests

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A lot of people were saying how irresponsible it was to have the wedding so close to Layla’s due date. What if there was something happening with the baby right now? Sam really wanted to wholeheartedly agree with them, but he held back his opinion…

Supporting His Wife-To-Be

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This was not the moment to publicly disagree with his wife on such a big decision. At this moment, when she was not able to defend herself, he needed to support her even though he did not agree with her. But soon, the truth would be revealed to everybody…

Still No Word

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The longer the wait for Layla was, the more restless the guests became. Every single person cared about her to some level, and they were worried something was seriously wrong with her. And nobody came out to tell them what was happening!

Demanding To See His Wife

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Sam was also done with waiting after trying to calm everybody down for nearly 2 hours. He knew where Layla was supposed to be, and so he went to the door and started to pound on it, demanding to hear what was going on and to be let in.

His Racing Heart

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His heart raced as he pounded on the door, and his mind was running wild. He couldn't stop thinking about Layla and what she might be going through. He desperately wanted to be with her, as he feared something could be terribly wrong. This wasn't just his fiancé anymore, this was the mother of his child.

What Happened To Layla

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At first, he did not get any response, and the door was locked. This only worried him more. Had Layla run away, maybe? Did she have doubts she had not told him about? Sam started to shout that he was going to kick in the door if they did not open it right now, and only then did she get a response…

Almost Ready

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Apparently, they were almost ready. Sam was told he needed to get the guests back into their seats and go wait on the altar as quickly as possible. This wedding was happening, and it needed to happen right now! Sam was hesitant, but he decided to go with it…

Waiting At The Altar

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It only took him a couple of minutes to get everything in place. Even the pastor had taken his place, ready to legally bind Layla and Sam to each other forever. Everybody was silent in anticipation of what was about to happen when the previously closed door suddenly opened up.

Was Layla In Pain?

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Layla slowly and carefully walked out, holding onto the arm of her father. She looked absolutely stunning, but guests that she passed on her way to the alter could not help but notice that there was something off about her. It looked like she had been crying. Or that she was in pain…

People Knew Something Was Wrong

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Layla tried to muster up a smile as much as she could, but the closer she got to the altar, the more often it made way for a grimace of pain. She nearly went down to the ground when her father let go of her arm, but collected herself in time. The murmuring in the room got louder and louder. What the hell was going on?

No Eye Contact

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Sam could clearly see Layla was going through something. The expression on her face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, was undeniable. She was in pain. He looked at her and tried to speak through his gaze, but Layla didn't even dare to make eye contact with him.

The Pastor Had To Be Quick

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Layla took her place at the altar, barely able to stand up straight. She looked at the pastor and, with tears in her eyes, asked him to please be quick. Sam looked at his bride-to-be, and the expression on his face said it all. ‘Why are you doing this…?’

The Long-Awaited Yes

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Sam felt very uneasy about the situation and wanted to get Layla to a hospital quickly. But it was clear to him that she was not going to allow this until she was wearing that ring and they had given each other the confirmation that they were married.

Very Important To Her

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He knew how important this was to her, even though he didn't understand why. To him, it didn't matter when they got married, but the thought of Layla's angry grandparents stayed in the back of his mind. He sighed and composed himself. He was doing this for her, and it wasn't in her favor if the wedding got postponed.

No Vows

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And so the pastor started off the ceremony quickly, brushing over some parts of his text that did not seem too important and got to the vows in record time. Layla was set to go first, but it was clear that she was in no state to deliver them.

It Just Did Not Feel Right

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Sam had no idea if she had even bothered to write any vowels. He had his prepared but did not really feel like it was appropriate to read them now. Layla was clearly not in the right frame of mind for it, and in all honesty, neither was he.

No Longer About Love

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This whole process had become about just getting it done as quickly as possible. Ever since Layla found out that she was pregnant. It was not even really about love anymore, and deep in his heart, Sam did not even know if he wanted to go through with this…

He Was Doubting

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It was almost time for them to say the long-awaited yes. But Sam wasn't so sure about saying it anymore. Sweat gathered on his forehead with every word the pastor spoke. He had to make up his mind, or else he would do something he would later come to regret.

A Dreadful Silence

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The pastor asked the question to Layla first, and she confidently said yes despite her pain. Then, the pastor turned to Sam. He asked him the question, but Sam stayed silent. He hesitated a little too long and looked at Layla, who was now almost crying in front of him.

He Said Yes

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Sam looked at the audience, who all looked very confused. Then, he eventually said yes. He wasn't sure if it was the right decision, but he felt like he had no other choice. He could sense the relief of the audience but didn't dare to look at them anymore. Had he just made a big mistake?

Layla Collapsed

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But that decision would very quickly be made for him. As just before the pastor wanted to pronounce Layla and Sam as husband and wife, Layla collapsed onto the ground screaming. She could simply not hold it anymore, and everybody knew what was happening…

No Time For Questions

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Sam had a million questions and comments for Layla. But at this point, none of them seemed to matter as all the focus needed to be on bringing this baby into the world safely. But when this baby came into the world, a lot of questions were immediately answered for Sam.

A Medical Professional

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It was very lucky that the medical professional was already present at the wedding, as she was able to deliver the baby very quickly. Most of the guests had their eyes avoided from what was happening on the altar, but the ones that were still watching could not believe what they were seeing.

Almost Time to Push

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She quickly jumped to Layla's aid and helped her onto a stretcher that she brought. She looked at how far along Layla was and was shocked to see it was almost time to push. The medical professional asked everyone to make room, but there was no more time to get her some privacy.

A Lot of Pain

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Layla screamed in pain as she lay on the ground with only her wedding dress for coverage. Sam tried to calm her down, but she wasn't having any of it. She cried as she grabbed his hands and told him to shut it. The medical professional looked once more and told her she had to start pushing right now.

Confused Looks

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Layla pushed and pushed, and the baby was almost out. The medical professional told Layla she had one more push left as the baby was already crowning. But Sam couldn't shake the feeling that the medical professional looked confused. What the heck was going on down there?

The Baby

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One final scream filled the room as Layla pushed her baby into this world. The scream was followed by the cries of her baby and the gasps of everyone in the room. Sam's eyes stood wide open as he looked at the baby and then at the people next to him, but no one said a word.

Everybody Was Shocked

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They were just as shocked as Sam. Only Layla’s mother and sister did not seem to be surprised. Only embarrassed. But nowhere close to how embarrassed Layla was. She knew that her secret was out and there she would have to pay the price…

Not Sam's Child

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It was very clear that this baby wasn't from Sam. The color of the baby's skin left little to the imagination. There was no doubt that Layla had cheated on Sam and had gotten pregnant from that other bed partner. And she had for sure known this…

She Cheated

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Suddenly, everything fell into place. The change in her behavior, the irritations, and her lack of affection. She had cheated. Sam's whole world fell apart in front of his eyes. Tears welled up as he looked at Layla and the baby, but he couldn't say a word. He was just too shocked.

Demanding An Explanation

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Finally, he was able to compose himself. And soon, his shock shifted into anger. He asked Layla what she had done, but she was too ashamed. He demanded an explanation, as that was the least that he deserved from her. Layla looked at the ground and finally told everyone the truth.

Everything Made Sense Now

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As it would turn out, this was the whole reason why she had wanted to have the wedding before the birth. She wanted to be legally married to Sam so that he could not just walk away from her when he found out the skin color of the baby.

Layla Had Always Known

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And if he still wanted to leave her, she would at least get half of his money. That was Layla’s plan, but there were a lot of holes in that plan. Layla did not know that the marriage could still be nullified within a month after it was made official. But luckily, it did not even get that far.

Sam Was Furious

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Sam was absolutely furious at Layla. She had cheated on him and, knowingly kept a big secret from him. there was no way he was going to get married to her and not even a chance he was going to stay together with this woman. And nobody could disagree with him.

Throwing The Wedding Ring Away

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He took the wedding ring, threw it into the crowd, and stormed off the stage, leaving the still, very weak Layla behind in the care of her family. He never wanted to see her again. He drove home and, in a rage, grabbed all of Layla's belongings and drove them to her mother's house.

Nobody Blamed Him

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He called a locksmith and arranged for them to change the locks that same day. He never wanted to have anything to do with Layla ever again, and nobody could blame him for it. Layla had betrayed his trust in a horrible way and even tried to get something out of it.

Layla Felt Horrible

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Layla was later transferred to a hospital with her baby and was doing fine. Her mother and sister stayed with her the whole time as she recovered from childbirth. She tried calling Sam multiple times, as she felt horrible about what she had done. She never intended it to happen and didn't want to live without him.

The End

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But Sam had no intention of ever speaking to Layla again. He blocked her number and even the number of her mother. After that, he moved on and got the relationship he deserved. A loving wife and child that was his. Layla eventually married and divorced the father of her child.

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

Man Calls Off His Wedding When He Sees His New Baby (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.