Malware - What Is It and How To Avoid It (2024)

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Malware - What Is It and How To Avoid It

Malware– which isshort for Malicious Software–is a catch-all term forappsorsoftwareintentionallydesignedto damageorcontaminatean electronic device.Itmaysteal sensitiveandconfidentialinformationstored on your deviceorinstall harmful softwareto spy onyour onlineactivitiesandpossibly even hold your device hostage.Malware can infect all types of electronic devices, including cell phones, personal computers, tablets, smart televisions,and even gaming systems.

Malwaretypically spreads by duplicating itself.Ithides within the device’s data files,and the device must run that fileforthe malwareto do its dirty work.Malware may remain dormant until the infected file is accessed,which then causesthemalware to execute and dodamage.Once activated,malware may spreadto other files and programs across your device.


The most commonwayspeople are exposedto malware risksarethrough email,web sites, phone calls, and software or app downloads.

  • Email:Sending out malware through email is simple and effective foracybercriminal.Emails may appear to come from trusted sourcessuch as the user’s bank or credit card company,or even a contact within the user’s list.The email will feature an appealing linkor attachmentthat, if clicked on, will direct the usertowardaseemingly legitimateversionofa trustedwebsite, convincingtheuserto changeapassword and send login information to the cybercriminal.The link or attachmentistypicallyavirusthat immediatelybeginscollecting data onceit isopened.
  • Websites:A cybercriminalmaydesignpop-up ads thatwarn users they have avirusto entice the user intoclicking“OK”to clean their system. Clicking OK installs the virus on the host system.Even going to an unsecure website providesanopportunityfor a virus tobe downloaded.
  • Phone:Usersmayreceive a callfroma cybercriminalclaiming to be tech support,statinga virushas beendetected on oneor moreelectronic device,andrequestingpermission to access thatdeviceremotely.Thecybercriminalwillthendownload a virus, hijackthedevice,andsteal personalandconfidential information.
  • Apps: A cybercriminal mayinsert maliciouscodein a popular app,and thenadvertise it asafree appfordownloading.Once the user downloads the app, the malware infects the device.

Cybercriminalscando thisfrom the comfort of homeand belocatedanywhere in the world.Theydo notneed direct contact with you to be successful.Cybercriminalscandefinitelytrickusersinto infectingtheirown devices.But malwareattackswill not work without the most important ingredient: YOU!

This is why it is so important to know what malware is, how to detect it, andhow to deal with it.

The many forms of malware

  • Viruses:A virus ismalware that attaches to another program or app and,when triggered,replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and infecting them with its own code.Thismaycauseadevice to crash andallowcybercriminalsto steal or destroydata.At the very least, it can create performance issuesthat hindereffective use of thedevice.
  • Computer worm:A worm issimilar to a virus,butit does notrequire user interaction to trigger.
  • Trojan horse:A trojan horse ispopular malware that can harmadigital device and its data by crashingthedevice, deleting files, and stealing confidential information.
  • Ransomware:Ransomware ismalware that will lockadeviceanddenyaccess toitsfiles and data.Cybercriminals then seek paymentto unlock the device.Ifthedevice is infected with Ransomware, the FBI urgesusersto report these infections to the Federal Internet Crime Center.
  • Spyware: Spywareoftenappear as pop-up advertisem*nts to deceiveusersand sharetheirinformation with third-party entities.
  • Adware:Adware isadvertising-supported software that generates ads automatically for creating revenue.Adware typicallyis bundled with softwareinstalledandthen identifies the websites visited to presentselectadvertisem*nts totheviewer.
  • Scareware:Scareware is amalicious computerprogramdesignedto tricktheuserinto buying and downloading unnecessary and potentially dangerous software, such as fake antivirus protection.

Detecting malwareonadevice

Usersmayexperiencea variety ofsymptomsthatindicate the presence of malwareon their device.Somesystembehaviors that raise red-flagsareobvious,such as reduced performance, frequent crashing or freezing,sluggishapps, internet connection issues, unexpected pop-up ads,changes to thebrowser’s home page, current antivirus software or appstopworking,andexcessive battery usage.

Less obvious behaviors thatshouldbe monitoredareloss of disk space, an increase in the system’s internet activity,orthe deviceturningonWi-Fiand internet connectionswithoutuserknowledge.

Sometimes thereareno signs, but this does not meanoneshould be complacent, because no newsis notalwaysgood news.Powerful malware can hide deep inasystem, going about its dirty business without raising any redflags as it snags passwords, steals sensitivefiles,or even usesthe devicesystem to spread tootherdevices.

Proper responseto malware infection once detected

Ifmalwareis believedto havetaken up residence inadevice,there are a few stepsthatshouldbetaken.

  1. First, isolate the infected system or device.Disable thewireless connection andturn-off Bluetoothso otherconnected devices will not become infected.
  2. Next,install atrustedand legitimate anti-malware/anti-virusprogramandrun a scan.
  3. Once the device is clean,it isimportantto changepasswords, not only fordevices but alsoforemailandsocial media accounts, favorite shopping sites,and online bankingandbilling centers. Finally, REPORT IT.Several agencies want to knowabout malware attacksincludingthelocalFBI Office, theFederal Trade Commission (FTC),andtheInternet Crime Center (IC3).

No protection is absolute, but a combination of personal awareness and well-designed protective tools will make your device as safe as it can be.

Avoiding malwarebefore it happens

All devices are vulnerable to malware.Given the choice, who wouldn’t want to preventacomputer virusinstead of dealing with the aftermath?So themost important questionis: “How do I make sure my device remains malware free?”

The answer to thatis twofold:(1)personal vigilance and(2)protectivetools.

  1. Personal vigilanceis the first layer of protection against malware, but simply being careful is not enough.Because online security is not perfect, even downloads from legitimate sites can sometimes have malware attached.Thismeans even the mostcautioususer is at risk unless additional measures are taken.


  • download apps from third-party sources.Most malicious software is found in third-party apps.
  • openstrange,unsolicited,andunverified emails, texts,or messagesof unknown origin.These can all be disguised to look like they are from awell-known company, bank,or even a friend.For additional information about fraudulent emails, please see “Fraudulent Email Thieves Intend to Steal Your Personal Information.”
  • open or click onhyperlinksor attachmentsininstant or textmessages from unknown sources ...clickon pop-up ads while browsing the internet.
  • use public Wi-Ficonnections ifyou can avoid it.


  • download a trusted ad-blockertoenable the device’sbrowser to block advertisem*nts and pop-ups.
  • visit secure websitesonly,where the web address starts withhttps://. (The S indicates secure.)
  • install applications from trusted sources,reviewingthevendor prior to downloading.
  • installand regularly updatetrustedanti-virus or anti-malware software.Thesecurity software that comes built intoadevice covers the basics, but it cannot always stop new, advanced, or rapidly-evolving threats.
  • set up account alerts for online bankingtobe notifiedwhen account updates occur.
  • changesystemlogin ID and password frequently.Do the same for any personal accounts such bank or credit card online accounts.
  • installa virtual privatenetwork (VPN).Byrunningtheinternet connection through an encrypted channel, the VPN protects data even when it is in aware of current and popular scamsthattrickusers intounknowinglydownloadingthevirus.
  • back up devicesregularly. Backingup files keeps them in an offline location that is not connected to the internet.This will help protectusersiftheylose access to data due to malware.
  1. Protective toolsare created to address malware and virusesandare designed to seek out and eliminate any malware on a device.Well-designed anti-virus programs will check any newly downloaded app to ensure it is malware-free, periodically scan the device to detect and defeat any malware that might have slipped through, and is regularly updated to recognize the latest threats.Current and expert reviews of the latest technology products and software can be found online.

Moreinformation aboutmalware canbe found on theFederal Trade Commission (FTC)website.

Formoreinformation about unsolicited email scams, please seeFraudulent Email Thieves Intend to Steal Your Personal Information.

Forgeneralinformation on specific scams, see theAttorney General’s list of current Consumer Alerts.

Report Fraud

To report fraud or if you have a general consumer complaint, contact theAttorney General's Consumer Protection Team at:

Consumer Protection Division
P.O. Box 30213
Lansing, MI 48909
Fax: 517-241-3771
Toll free: 877-765-8388
Online complaint form

Malware - What Is It and How To Avoid It (2024)


Malware - What Is It and How To Avoid It? ›

Malware is any type of software that causes damage to a system or allows access to unauthorized data from viruses that replicate themselves throughout a system. You can prevent malware with anti-virus software, email security software, and training.

What is the first thing you can do to avoid malware? ›

How to prevent malware
  1. Keep your computer and software updated. ...
  2. Use a non-administrator account whenever possible. ...
  3. Think twice before clicking links or downloading anything. ...
  4. Be careful about opening email attachments or images. ...
  5. Don't trust pop-up windows that ask you to download software. ...
  6. Limit your file-sharing.

How do I get rid of malware easily? ›

Follow these six steps to malware removal on a PC.
  1. Step 1: Disconnect from the internet. ...
  2. Step 2: Enter safe mode. ...
  3. Step 3: Check your activity monitor for malicious applications. ...
  4. Step 4: Run a malware scanner. ...
  5. Step 5: Fix your web browser. ...
  6. Step 6: Clear your cache.

How do I check if I have malware? ›

How To Know if You Have Malware
  1. suddenly slows down, crashes, or displays repeated error messages.
  2. won't shut down or restart.
  3. won't let you remove software.
  4. serves up lots of pop-ups, inappropriate ads, or ads that interfere with page content.
  5. shows ads in places you typically wouldn't see them, like government websites.

Can you protect yourself from malware? ›

Use antivirus software

Antivirus software can help prevent, detect, and remove malware from your device. Make sure you turn on your antivirus software and keep it up-to-date.

What is the most common way to get malware? ›

By far the most common method for hackers and state-sponsored hacking organizations to spread malware is through phishing emails. Hackers have become incredibly skilled at crafting emails that trick employees into clicking on links or downloading a file that contains malicious code.

Can antivirus remove malware? ›

Antivirus software is designed primarily to prevent infection, but also includes the ability to remove malware from an infected computer. Stand-alone malware remover provides a convenient way of finding and removing malware from a computer or device in case the product already installed is unable to do so.

Can I remove malware myself? ›

Some computer viruses and other unwanted software reinstall themselves after the viruses and spyware are detected and removed. Fortunately, by updating the computer and by using malicious software removal tools, you can help permanently remove unwanted software.

How do I clean my device from malware? ›

How Do I Completely Remove Malware from Android?
  1. Step 1: Immediately Turn Your Phone Off Before Performing Some Research. ...
  2. Step 2: Turn the Phone On in Safe Mode or Emergency Mode. ...
  3. Step 3: Go to Device Settings to Locate the Malicious App. ...
  4. Step 4: Uninstall the Infected Application. ...
  5. Step 5: Opt For A Factory Reset.

Can malware be installed without you knowing? ›

New programs or files: Malware can install new programs or files without your knowledge. Modification of settings: Malware can change settings on your computer, such as your homepage or default search engine, without your knowledge.

Can you tell if malware is on your phone? ›

A few signs you've got mobile malware and your device has been compromised include: Battery draining faster. Pop-up ads. Unexplained apps.

What's the best defense against malware? ›

A robust antivirus software package is the primary component of technological defenses that every personal and business computer system should have. Well-designed antivirus protection has several characteristics. It checks any newly downloaded program to ensure that it is malware-free.

Can antivirus really detect malware? ›

While installing anti-virus software is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your computer, it has its limitations. Because it relies on signatures, anti-virus software can only detect malware that has known characteristics. It is important to keep these signatures up-to-date.

What are 3 things malware can do? ›

Once up and running, they then can steal personal data, crash a device, spy on activities or even launch an attack. Adware programs push unwanted advertisem*nts at users and typically display blinking advertisem*nts or pop-up windows when you perform a certain action.

What is the first step in malware removal? ›

Seven Step Malware Removal Process Flashcards
Step 1Identify and research malware symptoms
Step 2Quarantine the infected systems
Step 3Disable System Restore (in Windows)
Step 4Remediate the infected systems
3 more rows

What is the first layer of protection against malware? ›

Layer 1: Block attacks on your network with a firewall

Typically, the outermost layer of your security setup will be a firewall. A firewall is positioned between your computer and the Internet and prevents unauthorized access to your local network.

What is the first stage of malware? ›

Stage 1: Entry

Cybercriminals can compromise a trusted website by exploiting vulnerabilities in its servers or content management system (CMS) or using stolen credentials to inject malicious code.

What is the best protection against malware? ›

10 best malware protection solutions
  1. Bitdefender. Bitdefender has established itself as a leading name in anti-malware software. ...
  2. SentinelOne. ...
  3. CrowdStrike. ...
  4. Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware. ...
  5. Avast Antivirus. ...
  6. Microsoft Defender XDR. ...
  7. Norton AntiVirus. ...
  8. Webroot.
Aug 22, 2024

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.