Gardening can also save you money in other ways. You can eat the produce you grow, which can reduce your grocery bill and the amount of fuel and transportation costs associated with buying groceries. You can also control what pesticides you use in your garden. 
Bonnie Plants
The Best Vegetables to Grow to Save Money | Bonnie Plants
You'll save money by eating what you grow and making fewer trips to the grocery store. In ...
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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to garden cheaply?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Here are 10 ways to garden without breaking the bank.
  1. Be on the lookout for plant swaps. ...
  2. Shop for plants in the off-season. ...
  3. Start from seeds. ...
  4. Save seeds. ...
  5. Accept cuttings from friends. ...
  6. Build a raised bed from found materials. ...
  7. Make your own soil amendments. ...
  8. Find free mulch.
More items...
Jan 14, 2022
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the best foods to grow at home to save money?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"To save money, grow more expensive items, like tomatoes and melons, or large quantities of vegetables that you purchase regularly. Consider vegetables like beans, beets, onions, spinach, broccoli, peppers, carrots, summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, peas, and Swiss chard."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are 2 tips for saving money while buying fruit and vegetables?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
These tips can help you get the most for your money:
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What plants are the most profitable to grow?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Most Profitable Crops to Grow This Season
More items...
Apr 18, 2024
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is backyard gardening profitable?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Gardening can, in fact, be very profitable but requires a lot of time and energy. On the other hand, garden money-making can consist of simply earning a little pocket change to spend on new gardening tools or something else you enjoy."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How much can a backyard garden produce?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"With good soil and close planting, you might estimate a conservative yield of about 1 pound per square foot. So in a 400-square-foot garden — just 20 by 20 feet — you can grow enough veggies for yourself."}}]}}

Making money from your vegetable patch (2024)

Lemon pudding with locally grown strawberries; salads sprinkled with edible flowers from community gardens; foraged elderflower champagne … locally sourced produce is increasingly on the menu at restaurants and on sale in markets and shops. So if you've got a glut of gooseberries or a rash of raspberries and radishes, perhaps you could make some money from them.

Several projects have sprung up with the aim of helping people gain an income off the land. The bad news is that you're unlikely to make enough to give up the day job – but selling your surplus should make tending the veg plot more worthwhile.

BigBarn and Crunchd are resources to help growers sell produce, the latter being a social network, with a website and app, which allows seasoned gardeners and novices to swap advice and trade produce.

Founder Tony Montague, an ex-City trader, says: "Growers can swap and sell produce, and if they want to sell on a bigger scale can meet up and pool their resources so they have enough produce to sell to restaurants, for example."

Individual sellers may find it easier to sell to a shop if they join BigBarn's Crop for the Shop initiative. BigBarn is a community interest company that connects customers with independent food retailers and producers (you can also buy groceries on the site), while Crop for the Shop is designed to help you get involved. It has an online local food map where you can search for independent retailers, advice on how to sell, and basic documents to download, such as an agreement between a grower and a retailer.

Typically, retailers sell produce a third cheaper than at the supermarket, and the grower gets 70% of the retail value of sales, given in credit to spend in the shop. BigBarn founder Anthony Davison says: "Giving retail credit instead of cash helps boosts sales at independent retailers and keeps money in the local community."

Other places to sell produce are local markets, farmers markets (stalls can typically cost £35, so you may need to team up with other growers), car boot sales, fetes, festivals, restaurants and cafes.

Making money from your vegetable patch (1)

There are also new food markets that encourage individuals to sell, such as the recently opened Crystal Palace Food Market. Rachel de Thample, author of More Veg, Less Meat, is one of the organisers: "Anyone can grow for the market. People arrive with bin bags of spinach from the allotment, chilli plants they've grown indoors and handfuls of herbs and lettuces from their window boxes."

The market sells bags of mixed leaves for £1 per 100g compared to about £1.50 at supermarkets (for non-organic). Packets of lettuce seeds cost less than £1 for 100.

If you want to get your pea shoots on to the specials board of your local restaurant, however, you need to start networking, says Matt Smee, co-founder of Cheshire-based growers Natural Veg Men. "Build relationships with local chefs; find out what they want to buy, see if you can grow it. Let them sample your produce before you ask them to put in an order," he says.

Cafes, pubs and restaurants are often able to take small amounts of produce for their specials, so there's no pressure to supply huge, regular orders. Even if you have only a tiny space you can still make it work. Pick a sought-after crop and you are more likely to be profitable.

Sophie Davies, author of Design, Grow, Sell , a guide to running a garden business from your home, says: "There's a market for home growers producing very specialist items such as herbs or nasturtium and borage flowers to decorate salads."

Making money from your vegetable patch (2)

Crops that are expensive to buy can be easy to grow, says author and gardener Mark Diacono. He suggests asparagus, herbs and chillies: "These are transformer plants because despite being little in volume they are big on flavour." Other ideas include rocket, spinach and pak choi.

Those growing on a larger scale can sell via co-operatives like Manchester Veg People, which supplies restaurants and shops. Deb Burton, 47, has sold baby sorrel leaves to the Aumbry restaurant in Manchester. She is working on Farmstart, an initiative which rents out land and trains growers to sell crops, and which sells produce through Manchester Veg People.

"I never thought I'd be able to grow, let alone sell, produce," she says. "It's not going to make millions, but I'm hoping one day I'll earn a proper income from it."

Know the rules

Sell some courgettes to your neighbours and there's no need to inform HMRC. But you do need to let it know if it's more of a business. Its website lists several "badges of trade", which determine whether you are considered a trader.

An HMRC spokesperson says: "Going to the market every day with a pile of produce to make money means you are trading – you need to let us know and pay tax on profits."

Making money from your vegetable patch (3)

There is much discussion about the legality and ethics of selling allotment-grown produce. The Allotments Act 1922 has a general prohibition on any "trade or business" being conducted on an allotment. But allotments are allowed to have an allotment shop, which councils tend to regard as fund-raising rather than a business.

Some interpret the law to mean that while you cannot trade at the allotment, you can sell surplus produce away from the site. In general, the spirit of the law is that commercial growers shouldn't use council-operated sites as a low-cost way to operate a business.

If you are an occasional seller of produce you don't need a food hygiene certificate, but you must make sure the food is safe. However, the Food Standards Agency says that if you are a business you do need to register – selling at markets and shops may require council registration.

But even pint-sized entrepreneurs are giving it a go: some schools are growing produce to sell at local markets and fundraisers, and Waitrose has launched a scheme where pupils are given seeds and are able to sell produce in stores.

Making money from your vegetable patch (2024)


Can you make money with a vegetable garden? ›

If you've been successful in growing a bountiful harvest of fruits, vegetables, or herbs, you can tap into the farm-to-table trend and sell your produce locally. Farmers market attendees, those interested in farmers market supplies, and local grocery stores would be interested in sourcing fresh, organic produce.

Do you really save money growing your own vegetables? ›

You'll make fewer trips to the grocery store, and your food will be fresher. Get started here. Growing all—or even a portion—of your own vegetables and herbs at home pays you back in freshness and convenience. You'll save money by eating what you grow and making fewer trips to the grocery store.

What is one money save hack for growing vegetables? ›

Save plant seeds.

Plant seeds are cheaper than started plants, but you'll save even more money if you preserve your own vegetable, herb and flower seeds. Most often, plant seeds are gathered either in late summer or fall and then they're dried in a single layer on a baking sheet.

How much money can I make gardening? ›

You can also calculate it on a square foot basis which in our case works out to be roughly $1.50/ft2. That would mean that a smaller garden of say 400ft2 would produce $600 of produce. Keep in mind that these are averages and that certain crops are more profitable and space efficient than others.

What is the most profitable vegetable to sell? ›

Top 13 Most Profitable Crops To Grow
  • Mushrooms.
  • Microgreens.
  • Ginseng.
  • Lavender.
  • Saffron.
  • Goji Berries.
  • Wasabi. ...
  • Bonsai Plants.

How to make money off gardening? ›

The First Step to Make Money as a Gardener
  1. Sell Your Gardening Experience, Not Plants or Produce. ...
  2. Grow a Business from Your Gardening Experience. ...
  3. Document What You're Doing. ...
  4. Create Content. ...
  5. Define Your Methodology. ...
  6. The First Thing to Do Is Begin.
Jul 10, 2024

Is gardening financially worth it? ›

Growing your food is a healthy way to save money and enjoy fresh produce at home. When done correctly, even the smallest backyard plot can produce copious amounts of fruits and vegetables and possibly even a significant saving to the grocery budget.

What foods are cheaper to grow than buy? ›

They're inexpensive to buy, have a high yield, and won't take much time to cultivate.
  • Tomatoes. Most tomato plants will produce at least eight pounds of tomatoes. ...
  • Zucchini and Summer Squash. ...
  • Leaf Lettuce. ...
  • Green Beans. ...
  • Herbs. ...
  • Berry Bushes.
Oct 31, 2017

Is gardening an expensive hobby? ›

Gardening can be expensive, especially when you consider the initial costs of seeds, soil, structures, and tools. According to a 2023 survey, the average household spends about $616 per year on gardening and lawn activities. However, there are ways to reduce costs and save money:
  • Start small: Begin with a small bed and plants that grow well in your area.
  • Grow your own seedlings
  • Use organic methods: Make your own compost or use homemade plant feed to nurture the soil.
  • Buy secondhand: Look for used items on gardening advice pages and secondhand sites.
  • Avoid impulse purchases: Set up a separate account for gardening money and establish waiting periods before making purchases. For example, you could wait 24 hours before making a purchase or discuss purchases over a certain amount with someone first. 
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    The Guardian
    Gardening is good for your health. Now make it easy on your wallet
    May 25, 2015 — Take an organic approach This not only benefits wildlife, it saves you money,
    Utah Farm Bureau
    Gardening on a Budget
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    But there is a start-up cost that has to be factored into your decision, including buying ...
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    Top 7 Gardening Statistics and Trends [2024] - Raleigh Realty
    Feb 7, 2024 — Gardening is an enjoyable hobby many people use to allow themselves to connect ...
Gardening can also save you money in other ways. You can eat the produce you grow, which can reduce your grocery bill and the amount of fuel and transportation costs associated with buying groceries. You can also control what pesticides you use in your garden. 
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How to garden cheaply? ›

Here are 10 ways to garden without breaking the bank.
  1. Be on the lookout for plant swaps. ...
  2. Shop for plants in the off-season. ...
  3. Start from seeds. ...
  4. Save seeds. ...
  5. Accept cuttings from friends. ...
  6. Build a raised bed from found materials. ...
  7. Make your own soil amendments. ...
  8. Find free mulch.
Jan 14, 2022

What are the best foods to grow at home to save money? ›

To save money, grow more expensive items, like tomatoes and melons, or large quantities of vegetables that you purchase regularly. Consider vegetables like beans, beets, onions, spinach, broccoli, peppers, carrots, summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, peas, and Swiss chard.

What are 2 tips for saving money while buying fruit and vegetables? ›

These tips can help you get the most for your money:
  • Buy in season. When produce is in season, there's more of it available—so it's more affordable.
  • Time it right. Visit the farmers' market near the end of the day. ...
  • Buy in bulk. It's often possible to get a case price on fruits and vegetables. ...
  • Grow your own.

What plants are the most profitable to grow? ›

Most Profitable Crops to Grow This Season
  • Growing Ginseng. ...
  • Grow Teff. ...
  • Growing Microgreens. ...
  • Grow and Sell Bonsai trees. ...
  • Growing Garlic. ...
  • Grow Bamboo, Ground Covers, and Drought-Tolerant plants. ...
  • Grow Wasabi. ...
  • But First, Market Research.
Apr 18, 2024

Is backyard gardening profitable? ›

Gardening can, in fact, be very profitable but requires a lot of time and energy. On the other hand, garden money-making can consist of simply earning a little pocket change to spend on new gardening tools or something else you enjoy.

How much can a backyard garden produce? ›

With good soil and close planting, you might estimate a conservative yield of about 1 pound per square foot. So in a 400-square-foot garden — just 20 by 20 feet — you can grow enough veggies for yourself.

How profitable is growing vegetables? ›

Low start-up costs

JMF claims that a well-established, smoothly running market garden with good sales outlets can generate $60,000 to $100,000 annually per acre in diverse vegetable crops. That's a profit margin of over 40%.

Is it profitable to sell vegetables? ›

Selling vegetables is a business activity that can yield significant profits for convenience stores, supermarkets, etc. This fresh product is widely used in daily life, offering numerous health benefits. Additionally, vegetable and fruit business can extend to B2B distribution.

Are vegetable gardens worth it? ›

When done correctly, even the smallest backyard plot can produce copious amounts of fruits and vegetables and possibly even a significant saving to the grocery budget. However, it takes time, patience, and a small outlay of money to buy seeds, fertilizer, coverings, tools, and accessories, if you need them.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.