Love potion (2024)

Love potion (1)Warning!

At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells& Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.
As such, spoilers will be present within the article.

"Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skilful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called love."
Hector Dagworth-Granger regarding love potions[src]

Love potions were potions which caused the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to them.[1][2] Love potions were considered to be powerful and highly dangerous.[1][11] Amortentia was the most powerful love potion in existence.[1] Pearl Dust was an ingredient found in all love potions.[8]

Love potions were banned items at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,[12] though students still smuggled them into the school through various means.[13]


  • 1 History
  • 2 Ingredients and brewing
  • 3 Effects
  • 4 Varieties
  • 5 Behind the scenes
  • 6 Appearances
  • 7 Notes and references
  • 8 See also


Love potion (2)

Laverne de Montmorency invented a number of different love potions in the 1800s. For her achievements of inventing of many love potions, she was immortalised on a Chocolate Frog Card.[5]

Albus Dumbledore believed that Merope Gaunt used a love potion to obtain the affections of Tom Riddle Snr, a wealthy Muggle who lived in her village and whom she was infatuated with, as it would seem to be a more romantic method of obtaining his "love" than the also possible method of the Imperius Curse. She then seemed to stop giving it to him and he (understandably) ran off, leaving her and her unborn baby to fend for themselves.[14]

Love potions were banned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[12] but this has not stopped students from making them, or from trying to win hearts by their use. Even Molly Weasley admitted to having brewed a love potion when she was a girl at Hogwarts.[15]

Love potion (3)

In the 1988–1989 school year, Ismelda Murk planned on giving Barnaby Lee a love potion hidden in a sandwich. However, it made Barnaby infatuated with Jacob's sibling instead.[16] Indeed, love potions were usually hidden in food or drinks so that the recipient would not notice.[3]

Jae Kim at some point gave Alistair Fidgen Butterbeer falsely claimed to be love potion.[17] During the 1989–1990 school year at Hogwarts, Jacob's sibling and Penny Haywood brewed a love potion in the Artefact Room which they planned to trade for an Invisibility Cloak with Alistair Fidgen. Jacob's sibling collected rose thorns from the Herbology Classroom, peppermint from the Hogwarts kitchens and picked up pearl dust and powdered moonstone from a witch at Hogsmeade station.[18] Jacob's sibling, Jae Kim and Talbott Winger then gave Alistair the potion in Knockturn Alley in exchange for the cloak.[19]

On Valentine's Day 1992, Gilderoy Lockhart implored his co-workers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to join him in celebrating the occasion, suggesting that students should ask Professor Snape how to brew a love potion. Snape did not approve of this, and "was looking as though the first person to ask him for a love potion would be force-fed poison."[20]

In her fourth year, Pansy Parkinson told Rita Skeeter that she believed Hermione Granger was capable of brewing a love potion, and that this was the method she thought Hermione had used to win the interest of Viktor Krum and, allegedly, Harry Potter. Skeeter published these false and defamatory claims in Witch Weekly and urged Albus Dumbledore to investigate them further.[12]

Love potion (4)

The Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shop began carrying a range of love potions as part of its WonderWitch line in 1996.[10] When Argus Filch banned all Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products from Hogwarts, Fred and George Weasley began shipping love potions disguised as perfumes and cough potions, allowing Hogwarts students to order love potions, despite mandatory searches on owls. Hermione Granger overheard girls in the bathroom discussing ways to sneak Harry Potter a love potion.[21]

Romilda Vane tried to give one of the Weasleys' love potions to Harry Potter by spiking Gillywater and a box of Chocolate Cauldrons. Having been warned by Hermione, Harry refused the Gillywater when Romilda offered it to him, but was forced to accept her chocolates.[21] Harry kept the unopened box in his room until March of the next year, when Ron Weasley found it, and, mistaking it for a birthday gift, ate half the chocolates. Ron instantly became obsessively smitten with Romilda and had to be taken to Horace Slughorn to be given an antidote.[3]

Ingredients and brewing[]

"Rose Petals - There are over a hundred species in the genus Rosa. Wizards and Muggles alike have been breeding garden roses for thousands of years. Thorn: Some love potions use more thorns instead of rose petals, although I personally have found the effects of these potions tend to be brief and somewhat unstable."
Zygmunt Budge[src]
Love potion (5)

Ashwinder eggs were a common ingredient in many varieties of love potions,[6] as were rose thorns, peppermint, and Moonstone.[7] Since there are many different types of love potions, therefore there are many different methods in which to brew them.[9]

Pearl Dust was an ingredient in all love potions.[8] The famous Potioneer Zygmunt Budge personally favoured Rose Petals.[9]


Harry Potter: "They didn't fall off your bed, you prat, don't you understand? They were mine, I chucked them out of my trunk when I was looking for the map. They're the Chocolate Cauldrons Romilda gave me before Christmas and they're all spiked with love potion!"
Ron Weasley: "Romilda? Did you say Romilda? Harry - do you know her? Can you introduce me?"
Harry Potter: "Yeah, I'll introduce you. I'm going to let you down now, okay?"
Ron's intense love potion-induced feelings for Romilda Vane[src]
Love potion (6)

Love potions ostensibly caused the drinker to romantically obsess over the person who gave them the potion.[1] However, it was important to note that love potion did not create actual love, true love could not be produced through artificial means,[1][2] and thus the feelings that love potions created were more like obsession than affection.[1]

The effect that a love potion had would wear off over time. In order to maintain the potion's effect, the giver needed to administer doses continually, or else the recipient would "fall out of love" with them.[14] A single dose typically lasted up to 24 hours, but the precise duration was dependent on the weight of the drinker, as well as the attractiveness of the giver.[10]

Love potion (7)

Love potions would work regardless of whether the giver is present when the recipient consumes them. The longer the recipient kept the potions (or potion-spiked items), the more potent their effect would become, as love potions matured over time.[3]

It was possible for the creation of a love potion to go wrong, causing the recipient to obsess over a person other than the giver.[16]

There was an antidote to counteract the effect of love potions, but, even after it had been given, one would still retain all the embarrassing memories of how one acted under the influence of the administered love potion.[3] Love potions could cancel out the effects of a Hate Potion, and vice versa, as they were the opposite of each other.[22]


"And they've ordered Fred and George's love potions, which I'm sorry to say probably work."
— The different varieties of love potions[src]
Love potion (8)

Laverne de Montmorency invented a number of different love potions in the 1800s.[5] Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes sold a whole "range" of love potions in 1996, including: Cupid Crystals, Kissing Concoction, Beguiling Bubbles, and Twilight Moonbeams, further suggesting that there is more than one kind, possibly each with its own unique effect.[10]

Amortentia was the strongest love potion in the world. It was recognisable by its mother-of-pearl sheen and by the spiralling steam that rose from it. The smell of the potion varied from person to person and was dependent upon what each individual found appealing.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • J. K. Rowling has said that it is of important symbolic significance that Voldemort, incapable of love himself, was conceived in an act of coercion, rather than genuine love.[23] In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Snape also claimed that someone conceived under such means will never be capable of love, but how he could have possibly known about Merope Riddle is ambiguous.[16]
  • Given how easily the potion can be abused to manipulate others, much like the Imperius Curse, it is unclear why the Ministry did not ban it, or why Hogwarts allowed it to be part of the Potions curriculum although it is possible that they were taught about it so that they could recognise the effects and counter them for their own safety, which Snape implied to be the case in one of his classes.[16]
  • Love potions are noted to have an "expiration date" of safe usage, as they mature over time; using the Love potion after the expiration date amplifies the desired effects, but it's unknown if it also lengthens the time of the effect above 24 hours.
  • In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, the player can win a love potion necklace in a limited-time event.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9 (The Half-Blood Prince)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Tales of Beedle the Bard, "The Warlock's Hairy Heart"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 18 (Birthday Surprises)
  4. Pottermore
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Check this on the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game) Official Website.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Act Four, Scene Five
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Wonderbook: Book of Potions
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 6 (Draco's Detour)
  11. Wizarding World - The love potion: a guide to Hogwarts’ most intoxicating tonic
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 27 (Padfoot Returns)
  13. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 15 (The Unbreakable Vow)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 10 (The House of Gaunt)
  15. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 5 (The Dementor)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Side Quest "Crushed"
  17. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 10 (Cloaks and Conflicts)
  18. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 11 (Love in a Bottle)
  19. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 12 (Now You See Me)
  20. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 13 (The Very Secret Diary)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 15 (The Unbreakable Vow)
  22. Daily Prophet Newsletters, Issue 3
  23. 30 July, 2007 Bloomsbury webchat
Potions Club

Love potion (9)

Harry Potter · Hufflepuff girl · Horace Slughorn (possibly)
Antidote to Common Poisons · Cure for Boils · Dragon dung fertiliser · Draught of Living Death · Draught of Peace · Elixir to Induce Euphoria · Girding Potion · Love Potion Antidote · Oculus Potion · Polyjuice Potion · Shrinking Solution · Stamina Game · Volubilis Potion · Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Love Potion · Wiggenweld Potion · Wit-Sharpening Potion
Last Gasp Badge · Master Potioneer Badge · Messiest Mixer Badge · Potions Beginner's Luck Badge · Potions Club Member Badge · Potions Club Star Badge · Potions Club Veteran Badge · Potions Endurance Badge · Smoky Brewer Badge · Speedy Brewer Badge
Hogwarts greenhouses

See also[]

Love potion (2024)


Are love potions illegal? ›

Love potions are not illegal in the wizarding world, but they are forbidden within Hogwarts grounds due to the potential dangers and chaos they could cause among hormonal teenagers. Voldemort is said to be a product of a love potion, which resulted in his inability to feel love and his twisted nature.

What is the most powerful love potion called? ›


Amortentia is the strongest love potion in existence, causing the person who consumes it to develop a powerful infatuation for the person who administers it.

What happens when you drink a love potion? ›

Love potions were potions which caused the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to them. Love potions were considered to be powerful and highly dangerous. Amortentia was the most powerful love potion in existence.

What are love potions called? ›

Love potions, which were commonplace in the ancient world, have their own classically derived name: philtre. This word traces its roots to the Greek philtron, which describes a substance that was eaten or drunk to induce passion.

Why is the love potion so cheap? ›

The reason that the love potion costs so little is because it is an investment for the old man. He knows that Alan, as any man, will get so tired of being watched, interrogated, and cared for that he will “… save up [money] for [poison]” (Collier), which he will then use to kill Diana (clean his life).

What does love potion smell like? ›

It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person themselves doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection e.g. Hermione Granger smells fresh cut grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste, ...

Is coffee a love potion? ›

Scientifically, caffeine is considered an aphrodisiac because it immediately improves the mood by stimulating dopamine, the chemical in the brain that makes people feel pleasure. An increased production of dopamine in the brain can heighten a person's senses and movements.

Who uses the love potion? ›

One of Shakespeare's most famous love potions is used by the fairy Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and made from a flower called 'love-in-idleness', otherwise known as the wild pansy (Viola tricola).

What color is love potion? ›

Love Potion is a dark, shaded, dusty violet purple with a mauve undertone.

What does love potion taste like? ›

This flavor hits your taste buds with its tart raspberry swirls, and the chocolate flavored chips melt in your mouth while the raspberry-filled chocolate flavored hearts introduce a luxurious feeling of biting into a dark chocolate truffle, making you fall deeper in love with every scoop.

What is the potion that smells like your soulmate? ›

The most powerful love potion in existence. Smelling different to each person according to what they find attractive, the potion was considered to be dangerous as it could induce obsessive infatuation in the unsuspecting drinker.

Is it illegal to use Veritaserum? ›

Despite the potion's usage being heavily controlled by the Ministry, the usages over the series are unauthorised and/or illegal: Dumbledore did not acquire permission from the Ministry before using it on Crouch, Umbridge used it for interrogating students despite such action being forbidden, and Skeeter used it on ...

What are the side effects of Amortentia? ›

It caused a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It had a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rose from it in characteristic spirals. Amortentia was considered an incredibly dangerous potion, as one should have never underestimated obsessive infatuation.

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