Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (2024)

Table of Contents

Essay on Money: Money is the medium used by people to buy required goods and services. It is used as the source to fulfill basic needs and is also a source of comfort in life. Money is the most important source to live a healthy and prosperous life; however, it cannot be compared with the significance of love and care. Both have their own importance and benefits. Nevertheless, money is a useful and necessary commodity to live contentedly disposing all your usual liabilities towards your family and loved ones.

    Long and Short Essay on Money in English

    We have provided some simply written essay on money to help your kids to do better in their essay writing competition.

    These Money Essay are written in easy English so that student of any class can easily understand it and also reiterate it or write it down, whenever required.

    We have divided following essays under long and short essay on money in English according to the need, to help your kids to do better in their school competitions.

    These essay on money will prove useful in your school assignments or general discussion with your family and friends.

    Money Essay 1 (100 words)

    Money is the most basic requirement of the life without which one cannot fulfill his basic needs and requirements of the daily routine. We can never compare the importance of the money with the importance of love or care. When one need money, love cannot fulfill this requirement and if one need love, money cannot fulfill this requirement.

    Both are highly required for the healthy life but they have their significance and importance separately. Both are required by us on urgent basis so we cannot rank both on the same scale. We need money everywhere such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to see TV, news, subscribe newspaper, wear clothe, get admission and many more requirements.

    Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (1) Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (2)

    Money Essay 2 (150 words)

    Money is the basic requirement of the life without which one cannot imagine a healthy and peaceful life. We need money even buying a little needle. In the modern time, where growth of civilization is going very fast and following western culture, we need more money because of the increasing prices of everything. Earlier there was a system called barter system in which one was allowed to exchange things to get goods however, in the modern one need only money to buy everything.

    The importance of money is increasing day by day as the living has become so costly. The significance of money has increased to a great extent in the field of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public finance and etc. It plays a very crucial role in determining the input, income, employment, output, general price level of anything, etc.

    Money Essay 3 (200 words)

    In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need money to fulfil our basic needs of the life such as buying food, and other many basic necessities of life which are almost impossible to buy without money. People in the society who are rich and have property are looked as honourable and respectful person of the society however a poor person is seen as hatred without any good impression.

    Money increases the position of the person in the society and gives good impression to him. All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business in order to fulfil all the increasing demands of the modern age. However, only few people get this chance of completing their dreams of being a millionaire.

    So, money is the thing of great importance all through the life. Money is required by everyone whether he/she is rich or poor ad living in urban areas or rural areas. People in the urban areas are earning more money than the people living in backward or rural areas as the people of the urban areas have more access to the technologies and get more opportunity because of the easy sources.

    Money Essay 4 (250 words)

    Money is very much required thing in the life however; it cannot buy things like time, love and true care. It can only fulfil the outer needs of the person and not the inner needs like true love. Now-a-days, everything has become so costly but necessary to buy for living a simple life. And what if we have no money, either we would die or suffer more if saved.

    Money has capability to buy anything virtually and helps us a lot throughout the life. By taking the importance of the money in our life we should never destroy or waste the money without any purpose. We should not compare the money and love because both are required separately to run a successful life.

    In this competitive world, everyone wants to get good study with higher education from the popular college and university to get good job in order to earn more money. A person needs more money to fulfil the requirement of the all members of the family especially one who is only working person of the family.

    He or she needs to fulfil the eating, clothing and living requirements of the family members and for that money is required. Rich people of the society are given particular recognition and popularity however poor people live their life by arranging just food for two times a day. All the changes and differences are just because of the money.

    Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (3) Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (4)

    Money Essay 5 (300 words)

    Money is really a very important thing for the human beings to lead their life in the satisfactory way. Unlike animals and plants, we need more money everywhere. In order to live in the society, we need to maintain our status and position in the society for which we need money. In order to eat food or drink water, wear cloth, get admission to the school, take medicine or go to the hospital and other many activities we need lots of money. Now the topic arise is, where we got such required money. We need to get higher level study and do hard works to get good job or open our own business which requires more skill and confidence.

    Earlier the condition of poor people was very poor because of the pressure of the rich people. They were not helping the poor people and use them only as a servant on the very low salary. However the condition of the poor people has become good as the rule and regulations of the government as been change in order to equalize the condition of both. Now everyone has equal rights to study higher and get good job. Many people understand that money is the origin of the evil in the mind however I do not think so because thinking is the process of human mind and not the creation of money.

    I understand and believe that money is the most important key of happiness gifted by the God. It is the human mind to take anything in different ways. Some people take it only to fulfil their physical needs and they never take it heartily however some people understand everything to the money and they can do anything for getting the money such murder, corruption, underworld work, smuggling, promoting bribe, etc.

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    Money Essay 6 (400 words)

    There is no any doubt that money is so essential for our healthy living. Money is almost everything for us to live a life and maintain the good stats in the society. It is the money which fulfils the need of bringing necessary comforts and amenities of the life. If one has money, he/she can get anything in his/her life. It is the money which helps us in developing good personality, improving confidence, makes us able to creditworthiness, improving capacity, increasing capabilities and enhancing our courage to a great level. Without money we feel helpless and alone in this world where no one is ready to help and assist. In the current materialistic world, money is very important and powerful thing without which one cannot live and survive.

    Now-a-days, in order to earn more money in wrong ways, bad people are taking help of corruption, bribe, smuggling, murder rich people of the society, and other callous activities by degrading the moral and ethical values of the humanity. Lazy people follow wrong ways to earn money as they understand that these ways are simple and easy however it is not true. One can earn more money in less time and effort but not for long; surely he would be lost in the near future as he is following wrong and weak way. The people who are earning money by following all the rules of humanity earn less money but for long time and they become the high status personality of the society.

    People doing corruption save their money as a black money in other countries to keep hidden from the common public and use that money for bad works or increasing their physical luxury. However, common people of the society respects a lot to the people earning money using wrong techniques as they have fear of them and little bit greediness that they can get some money in return whenever required by giving them respect. They are generally called as the bhai or dada or don. Money cannot buy or stay the time as well as cannot give true love and care however highly required by all of us to run the life on the right path. It cannot give time and love however gives happiness, confidence, satisfaction, feeling of well being mentally and physically, makes life easy by solving all the difficulties, and many more.

    All the essays on money given above are written by the professional content writer to help students in getting fulfilled their needs and requirements. Essay on money is generally assigned to the students to write something in their own way. Money essay is given under the category of general essay.

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    Frequently Asked Questions on Money

    Who found money?

    Money, in various forms like barter or trade, has existed since ancient times. The first coined money is believed to have been created by the Lydians, in what is now Turkey, around 600 BC.

    Who said money is life?

    This specific quote isn't attributed to a singular famous person. Various interpretations and contexts might exist, but the idea that money plays a significant role in many aspects of life is widely acknowledged.

    What is money quotes?

    A popular quote about money is, Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly helps.

    What is the nature of money?

    The nature of money is abstract. It has no intrinsic value but is accepted as a medium of exchange. Its value is determined by trust and the backing of an authority, like a government.

    What is the value of money in life?

    The value of money in life goes beyond purchasing power. It provides security, freedom, and opportunities, but isn't the sole determinant of happiness or success.

    What is the importance of money?

    Money is essential as it enables trade, provides financial security, meets daily needs, and offers the potential for a better life. It's a measure of one's ability to afford services and products.

    What is money in own words?

    Money is a tool that facilitates trade, allowing us to purchase what we need or desire. It represents value and can be saved, spent, or invested.

    What is the few lines on money?

    Money is a medium of exchange, used to buy goods and services. It acts as a unit of account, a store of value, and is universally accepted in transactions.

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    Long and Short (Essay on Money) in English for Children and Students (2024)


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    To write an essay on money, you need to highlight the key aspects of this essential resource. The multiple transactions in which money is used in our day-to-day lives make money an important part of our lives. Give examples of how money can change our lives and what would happen if we were out of money.

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    Essay on Money: Money is the medium used by people to buy required goods and services. It is used as the source to fulfill basic needs and is also a source of comfort in life. Money is the most important source to live a healthy and prosperous life; however, it cannot be compared with the significance of love and care.

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    Money is a mode of payment accepted by both sellers and buyers for goods and services. Money is what we give in return when we buy stuff like food, clothes, house, groceries, etc. We give money in return for purchasing anything. This is a simple trade or exchange.

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    Money has significant power to rule human life. It provides people with the ability to have the freedom to do what they want, be who they want and go where they want. Life with money will have success, freedom, choice, security, happiness and many more. Without money, we would be reduced to a barter economy.

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    Check out these 16 markets for places to get paid to write personal essays:
    1. The Alpinist. Are you an experienced mountain climber or new to the sport? ...
    2. Brain, Child. ...
    3. The Bold Italic. ...
    4. Bugle Magazine. ...
    5. Buzzfeed. ...
    6. Christian Science Monitor: Home Forum. ...
    7. Dame Magazine. ...
    8. The Establishment.

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    Money is a medium of exchange; it allows people and businesses to obtain what they need to live and thrive. Bartering was one way that people exchanged goods for other goods before money was created. Like gold and other precious metals, money has worth because for most people it represents something valuable.

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    Hello everyone, I am here to present a speech on Money. Money is anything that people use to buy goods and services. Money is also that people receive for selling their own things or services. Most countries have their own kind of money such as the United States has a dollar, Britain has pound and Indian has rupees.

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    Money provides a safety net, shielding us from the uncertainties of life. It allows us to cover our basic needs—food, shelter, and healthcare—and grants us peace of mind. Knowing that we have the resources to weather unexpected expenses or emergencies contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

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    Money is important to college students, but having money as one's chief aim in life is negatively correlated with subjective well-being. Money plays a significant role in a student's life as it influences their spending behavior and affects their ability to manage their finances effectively.

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    How to Teach Preschoolers and Kindergartners About Money
    1. Use a clear jar for their savings. ...
    2. Set an example with your own money habits. ...
    3. Show them stuff costs money. ...
    4. Show them how opportunity cost works. ...
    5. Give commissions, not allowances. ...
    6. Avoid impulse buys. ...
    7. Stress the importance of giving. ...
    8. Teach them contentment.
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    What are 10 facts about money? ›

    • Each Dollar Amount Has Its Own Lifespan. ...
    • A Banknote Can Be Folded 4,000 Times. ...
    • There's a Reason US Dollars Are Green. ...
    • A Coin Can Last Around 30 Years. ...
    • The Highest Bill Denomination Issued by the US Was $100,000. ...
    • A Penny Costs More to Make than It's Worth. ...
    • Money Is Dirtier Than You Think. ...
    • The Dollar Sign Was First Used in 1785.
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    Money is made in factories called mints! The U.S dollar is the most commonly used currency in the world! The first Credit-Card like payment method appeared in 1950 when the “Diners Club” issued its first charge card. Before money existed, people used other systems to pay for goods, like bartering.

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    Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today's world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it.

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    Why do we need money? Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy security and safety for you and your loved ones. Human beings need money to pay for all the things that make your life possible, such as shelter, food, healthcare bills, and a good education.

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    10 Line Speech on Money

    It is the commodity used as a means or mode of exchange when in consumption of a product or service. Everyone needs it, but one has to strive hard to earn, save and grow forward with it. It can be cash, which is usually a note or coin that is now used as an exchange commodity.

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    Spell out amounts of money that do not involve change, and write out the unit of currency as well. If you use symbols for currency, write the amount in numerals. Also use numerals to express exact amounts of money.

    How do you write US dollars in an essay? ›

    A dollar sign ($) is fine for American dollars, but use US$ or USD if there's any room for confusion. Use the euro symbol rather than writing the word out in full.

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    1. Longreads. First on our list of websites where you can get paid to write articles is Longreads. ...
    2. Copyhackers. ...
    3. Listverse. ...
    4. OpenNews / Source. ...
    5. Sport Fishing Magazine. ...
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    Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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