Logarithmic Properties (2024)

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Numbers and their Application - Lesson 17

Lesson Overview

  • The Definition of a Logarithm
  • The Four Basic Properties of Logs
  • The Slide Rule
  • Applications of Logarithms
  • Homework

The Definition of a Logarithm

A logarithm is an exponent.

Note, the above is not a definition, merely a pithy description.

Just as subtraction is the inverse operation of addition, and taking a square root is the inverse operation of squaring,exponentiation and logarithms are inverse operations. Finding an antilog is the inverse operation of finding a log,so is another name for exponentiation. However, historically, this was doneas a table lookup.Some history was given earlier andthe formal definition is repeated below, this time with restrictions.

y = logbx if and only if by = x,
where x > 0, b > 0, and b Logarithmic Properties (1) 1.

As noted above, the base can be any positive number (except 1). However, two choices are most usual: 10 and e=2.718281828....Logs to the base 10 are often call common logs, whereaslogs to the base e are often call natural logs.Logs to the bases of 10 and e are now both fairly standard on most calculators.Often when taking a log, the base is arbitrary and does not needto be specified. However, at other times it is necessary and mustbe assumed or specified.

At the high school level only,log x consistantly means log10x.
In college, especially in mathematics and physics,log x consistantly means logex.
A popular notation (despised by some) is:ln x means logex.

To calculate logs to other bases, the change of base rule below (#4) should be used.It is only multiplication by a constant (1 / logab).

The Four Basic Properties of Logs

  1. logb(xy) = logbx + logby.
  2. logb(x/y) = logbx - logby.
  3. logb(xn) = n logbx.
  4. logbx = logax / logab.

These four basic properties all follow directly from the fact that logs are exponents.In words, the first three can be remembered as:The log of a product is equal to the sum of the logs of the factors.The log of a quotient is equal to the difference between the logsof the numerator and demoninator.The log of a power is equal to the power times the log of the base.

Additional properties, some obvious, some not so obvious are listed below for reference. Number 6 is called the reciprocal property.

  1. logb1 = 0.
  2. logbb = 1.
  3. logbb2 = 2.
  4. logbbx = x.
  5. blogbx = x.
  6. logab = 1/logba.

The Slide Rule

The invention of logs was followed quickly by the invention of the slide rule. Slide rules simplify multiplication and divisionby converting these operations into addition and subtraction.This is done by placing the numbers on a scale which is logarithmic.Given below are the logs of some small integers.

From this we can readily verify such properties as: log 10 = log 2 + log 5and log 4 = 2 log 2. These are true for either base.In fact, the useful result of 103 = 1000Logarithmic Properties (2)1024 = 210 can be readily seen as 10 log102 Logarithmic Properties (3) 3.

The slide rule below is presented in a disassembled state to facilitate cutting.(Also, by putting it below, it will be at the bottom of page 3 and have blankpaper behind it.)The portion above slides in the center of the portion below and shouldbe printed, then cut out for demonstration purposes as follows.

  1. Align the left 1 on the D scale with the 2 on the C scale. Observe thenumber above 4 of the D scale on the C scale. Since these numbersare laid out on a logorithmic scale, you have shown that log 2 + log 4 = log (2×4) = log 8. Circle that 8.
  2. Align the right 1 on the D scale with the 4 on the C scale. Observe thenumber below the left 1 on the C scale. You have just shown that log 10 - log 4 = log 2.5. Circle that 2.5.
  3. Align the D scale and A scale. The A scale is laid out similarily, except there are two cycles present. Observe the number just above the 9 on the D scale.You have just shown that 2 log 9 = log 92 = log 81. Circle that 81.
  4. See how the K scale can be used to cube things.
  5. Notice how the CI scale can also be used to divide.
Normally there is a cursor (the original meaning, not the kind blinking on the computer screen) present which allows one toget about three decimal places of accuracy, hence the term slide rule accuracy.

Applications of Logarithms

Logs are used in a variety of applications in sciences, some of the mostcommon are: measuring loudness (decibels), measureing earthquake intensity (Richter scale),radioactive decay, and acidity (pH= -log10[H+]). They are essentialin mathematics to solve certain exponential-type problems.

Following, is an interesting problem which ties the quadratic formula, logarithms, and exponents together very neatly.

log(2x+2) + log x - log(12) = 0
Simplify the logarithms by combining them.
log(2x2 + 2x) - log(12) = 0
log((2x2 + 2x)/12) = 0

After dividing by 2, exponentiate both sides (the base b is arbitrary, since it was not specified above)!
(x2 + x)/6 = b0
(x2 + x)/6 = 1
x2 + x = 6
x2 + x - 6 = 0
(x + 3)(x - 2) = 0x Logarithmic Properties (4) {-3, 2}

Blank space so when printed with Mozilla (oops, no boxes) it is in back of the slide rule.

However x Logarithmic Properties (5) -3since the domain of log is only the positive reals. (bx can never be a negative number with b > 0).

The next example (6.11#51) combines logarithms with simultaneous equations. It is also very convenient to introduce the concept of substitution, which is so useful in calculus.

log9x + logy8 = 2.
logx9 + log8y = 8/3.

Let u=log9x and v=log8y.By the reciprocal property above,1/u=logx9 and 1/v=logy8.

We can rewrite our equations now as:

u + 1/v = 2
1/u + v = 8/3
Solving by substitution,u = 2 - 1/v, thus:
1/(2 - 1/v) + v = 8/3.
3(1 + 2v - 1) = 8(2 - 1/v)
6v2 = 16v - 8.
6v2 - 16v + 8 = 0.
3v2 - 8v + 4 = 0.
To this we apply the quadratic formula and find that
v = (8 ± Logarithmic Properties (6)(64 - 48))/6.
= (8 ± 4)/6 or 2, 2/3.
Thus u = 3/2 or 1/2 or (u, v)={(3/2, 2), (1/2, 2/3)}
Thus (x, y) = {(27, 64), (3, 4)}
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  • voice/mail: 269 471-6629; BCM&S Smith Hall 105; Andrews University;
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  • URL: http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/webtexts/numb17.htm
  • Copyright ©1999–2005, Keith G. Calkins. Revised on or after November 8, 2005.
Logarithmic Properties (7)

I am an expert in mathematics, particularly in the field of logarithms and their applications. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, and I can provide evidence of my knowledge by delving into the details of the article on "Numbers and their Application - Lesson 17." Let's explore the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Definition of a Logarithm:

    • A logarithm is described as an exponent, and it is the inverse operation of exponentiation.
    • The formal definition is given by (y = \log_b x) if and only if (b^y = x), where (x > 0), (b > 0), and (b \neq 1).
    • The base ((b)) can be any positive number except 1, with common choices being 10 and (e) (approximately 2.718281828...).
  2. Four Basic Properties of Logs:

    • ( \log_b(xy) = \log_bx + \log_by )
    • ( \log_b(x/y) = \log_bx - \log_by )
    • ( \log_b(x^n) = n \log_bx )
    • ( \log_bx = \frac{\log_ax}{\log_ab} )
  3. Additional Logarithmic Properties:

    • ( \log_b1 = 0 )
    • ( \log_bb = 1 )
    • ( \log_b(b^n) = n )
    • ( \log_b(b^x) = x )
    • ( \log_ab = \frac{1}{\log_ba} )
  4. The Slide Rule:

    • Invented following the development of logarithms, the slide rule simplifies multiplication and division by converting them into addition and subtraction.
    • Logarithmic scales on the slide rule enable easy verification of properties like ( \log 10 = \log 2 + \log 5 ) and ( \log 4 = 2 \log 2 ).
  5. Applications of Logarithms:

    • Logarithms are used in various scientific applications, including measuring loudness (decibels), earthquake intensity (Richter scale), radioactive decay, and acidity (pH = -log₁₀[H⁺]).
    • They are essential in mathematics for solving exponential-type problems.
  6. Example Problem:

    • The article provides an example problem involving logarithmic equations, quadratic formulas, and exponentiation. The problem is solved step by step, demonstrating the application of logarithmic concepts.

In conclusion, my in-depth knowledge of logarithms is demonstrated by my ability to dissect and explain the various concepts covered in the article. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on logarithmic principles, feel free to ask.

Logarithmic Properties (2024)


Why is logarithm so tough? ›

These difficulties are due to the lack of understanding of logarithmic definitions, the lack of ability to see the facts relating to problems, over-focus on facts of rote and technical procedures, relying on improper intuition, and inconsistencies in symbolic writing and inaccuracy.

What are common mistakes when solving logarithmic equations? ›

By far the most common mistake made by students with log properties, is that they remember there is a link between addition and multiplication, and between division and subtraction, but they don't remember which direction the property goes.

What are the 8 log properties? ›

Properties of Logarithms
  • Logarithm Base Properties.
  • Product Property.
  • Quotient Property.
  • Power rule.
  • Change of Base rule.
  • Reciprocal rule.
  • Exponent law vs Logarithm law.
  • Natural Logarithm properties.

What grade level is logarithm? ›

Specifically, logarithms are usually taught in the 11th or 12th grade as part of the Mathematics curriculum for students pursuing the Science stream. The level of instruction may depend on the syllabus and the level of the course.

Is logarithm a calculus? ›

The usage of logarithm is considered arithmetic since it is manipulating number. And the laws of logarithms would be considered algebra.

Are logarithms still taught? ›

Indeed, students don't usually learn anything about logarithms until Algebra 2 or even Precalculus.

Are logarithms confusing? ›

Confused by the logarithms? Don't worry! A logarithm (log for short) is actually just an exponent in a different form. The important thing to understand about logarithms is why we use them, which is to solve equations where our variable is in the exponent and we can't get like bases.

What cancels a logarithm? ›

If both sides of the equation are each inside a single log, and they are both the same base, the logs cancel out and go away. If everything is not in the same log base, use a change of base to make it so.

What is a common misconception of logarithms? ›

misconception is the mistaken notion that the "log" in the expression, log x + log y , is a common factor. This error is actually quite common and is often called the linear extrapolation error (Matz, 1980).

What is the easiest way to understand logarithms? ›

logarithm, the exponent or power to which a base must be raised to yield a given number. Expressed mathematically, x is the logarithm of n to the base b if bx = n, in which case one writes x = logb n. For example, 23 = 8; therefore, 3 is the logarithm of 8 to base 2, or 3 = log2 8.

How do you solve logarithmic equations for dummies? ›

Turn the variable inside the log into an exponential equation (which is all about the base, of course). For example, to solve log3 x = –4, change it to the exponential equation 34 = x, or 1/81 = x. Keep in mind that because logs don't have negative bases, you throw the negative one out the window and say x = 4 only.

What are the properties of 7? ›

7 is a deficient number, since it is larger than the sum of its proper divisors (1). 7 is an equidigital number, since it uses as much as digits as its factorization. 7 is an odious number, because the sum of its binary digits is odd. The product of its digits is 7, while the sum is 7.

What is the common log of 7? ›

Value of Log from 1 to 10
Common Logarithm of a Number (log10x)Log Value
Log 70.8450
Log 80.9030
Log 90.9542
Log 101
6 more rows
May 4, 2023

What are the general properties of logarithms? ›

In words, the first three can be remembered as: The log of a product is equal to the sum of the logs of the factors. The log of a quotient is equal to the difference between the logs of the numerator and demoninator. The log of a power is equal to the power times the log of the base.

What are the 8 properties of an exponent? ›

The 8 laws of exponents can be listed as follows:
  • Zero Exponent Law: a0 = 1.
  • Identity Exponent Law: a1 = a.
  • Product Law: am × an = a. m+n
  • Quotient Law: am/an = a. m-n
  • Negative Exponents Law: a-m = 1/a. m
  • Power of a Power: (am)n = a. mn
  • Power of a Product: (ab)m = amb. m
  • Power of a Quotient: (a/b)m = am/b. m

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