List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (2024)

.Blockchain and web3 are the most commonly noticed terms in any discussion on technology for the future. Both the terms are interwoven in the fact that web3 defines the principle while blockchain offers the foundation for offering reality to the vision behind web3. For example, web3 implies exclusion of control over data by centralized intermediaries, and blockchain offers exactly the same.As the demand for blockchain developers continues increasing, the curiosity regarding top web3 programming languages has also been developing gradually. Beginners would experience many troubles in finding out suitable blockchain programming languages. On the other hand, a closer look at the features in each programming language for web3 could help you make a better decision. The following discussion offers an outline of the best programming languages in the field of web3.

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Best Programming Languages for Web3

The discussions about programming languages used in web3 have increased considerably in recent times. Web3 applications are gradually taking the limelight with real effective implementations through NFTs, DeFi and the metaverse. In addition, you can also find the massive ecosystem of decentralized applications as a significant highlight for the future.

What holds all of these elements together? The answer points to smart contracts, which help in defining the functionalities of web3 applications. Now, you must have obtained clarity about how blockchain programming languages are suitable for web3 programming. Here is an overview of the top choices among programming languages for developing web3 solutions.

1. Solidity

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (1)

The first candidate in any list of web3 programming languages would be Solidity. The object-oriented and Turing-complete programming language is the most popular choice for developing Ethereum smart contracts. It can also help in developing smart contracts on other blockchain networks, which use the Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM. You can find influences of C++, JavaScript and Python in Solidity, thereby making it a high-level programming language.

Solidity is the favorite programming language for Ethereum smart contract developers. Therefore, you are most likely to use Solidity when you have to develop dApps or smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. As one of the popular programming languages for web3, Solidity is easier to learn with access to multiple learning resources. You can start by learning from the foundational topics such as non-fungible tokens, token standards and Ethereum Virtual Machine.

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2. C++

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (2)

As a high-level programming language, C++ also presses its claim as a reliable choice for web3 programming. Interestingly, C++ is not only one of the top blockchain programming languages but also a staple favorite of programmers in various domains. As a matter of fact, C++ is one of the common high-level programming languages for beginners to start learning about programming.

The foremost advantage associated with C++ refers to the primitive control of memory, alongside the necessary support for movement of semantics. You must also notice that C++ includes various object-oriented features as well as advanced multi-threading. It can also help web3 developers in combining functions and data in one module. The popularity of C++ as a web3 programming language is evident in the fact that it was used for writing the first Bitcoin client implementation.

3. Java

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (3)

The outline of object-oriented programming languages among the most popular web3 programming languages would also point at Java. It is a class-based language with the official role in supporting development of Android mobile apps. On top of it, Java also works as the popular language in web3 programming with the influences of C-syntax.

Developers can use Java to create smart contracts featuring extensive libraries, object-oriented programming support and direct memory cleaning. The addition of Java among the popular programming languages in the field of web3 might come as a surprise. On the contrary, Java is the trusted programming language behind many popular blockchain platforms, such as Hyperledger Fabric.

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List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (4)

The next addition among the top web3 programming languages would refer to HTML or Hypertext Markup Language. It serves as a standard markup language helping developers work effectively on structuring their web content. Developers would agree on the fact that HTML serves as an essential layer in web2 applications. HTML is an important requirement for definition of headings and paragraphs in an application or web page.

In addition, HTML is also a mandatory requirement for embedding images and videos across different web pages. As the standard language for displaying documents in web browsers, HTML takes up a major chunk of the work in web development. The presence of HTML in the foundation of multiple websites offers assurance for its applications in web3 programming.

5. Rust

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (5)

The list of web3 programming languages would remain incomplete without referring to Rust. The open-source and statically typed programming language supports multiple programming principles. In addition, you can also have the benefit of higher memory efficiency with Rust.

Developers can create trustworthy software alongside controlling the low-level details by investing minimal effort. One of the most striking advantages of Rust for web3 programming would focus on the elimination of different bug classes during compliance. Therefore, Rust can offer the best choice of programming languages used in web3 for applications that demand high performance.

On top of it, you can enjoy the flexibility of integration with other general programming languages. Web3 developers can remove any instances of conflicts in the problem-solving stages alongside reducing barriers to entry. Rust also presents an impressive track record in achieving better productivity.

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6. Vyper

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (6)

Another common choice among web3 programming languages would take you to Vyper. It serves as a promising alternative to Solidity and features significant similarities with Python. Although Vyper features the same syntax as Python, it has been played down on the list of features. Developers can use Vyper for interactions with the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

On the contrary, Vyper deals with organization of security and control in a completely new approach when compared to Solidity. Vyper qualifies as one of the most popular web3 programming languages in recent times for the effective reduction of security flaws. The Python-inspired web3 programming language offers freedom from issues due to recursive calling, infinite loops and modifiers.

7. Golang

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (7)

Golang or Go also qualified as an interesting addition among web3 programming languages. Developed by a team of three professionals at Google, Go is a unique example of adding multiple features in a compact web3 programming language. It is a statically typed and compiled programming language featuring a syntax like C programming language.

As one of the emerging programming languages for web3, Go delivers the features of memory safety, CSP-style concurrency, and structural typing and garbage collection. In addition, it is also easy to learn, thereby ensuring a favorable reduction in development times. Big companies such as Netflix, Uber and American Express use the Go programming language for developing scalable and sleek applications.

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8. Python

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (8)

The big names in a collection of popular web3 programming languages would also include Python. It is an interpreted and object-oriented language for web3 programming with multiple value advantages for developers. Python can help in facilitating faster development of prototypes alongside serving use cases in testing and control.

As an interpreted language, Python can present a few issues regarding the development of improved cryptographic operations. However, Python still makes it to the list of top blockchain programming languages for its capabilities in managing various performance-related issues. Furthermore, easier access to a massive collection of plugins and libraries serves effective results for all developers. On top of it, Python is easy to learn and allows better scope for faster development of ideas.

9. Ruby

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (9)

Ruby also qualifies as one of the renowned web3 programming languages with a dynamic and open-source model. The general-purpose, object-oriented programming language had been developed particularly on the grounds of facilitating productivity through simpler programming principles.

The naturally readable and easy-to-write syntax, alongside the support for multiple programming principles, ensures an easier learning curve for web3 developers. Although it is not one of the most popular web3 programming languages, Ruby delivers object-oriented programming support. As a result, it could expand the number of reusable code developers can use to improve efficiency.

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10. JavaScript

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (10)

The final addition in the collection of programming languages used in web3 would refer to JavaScript. It is the preferred choice for developing interactive web pages, and the text-based language works as a third layer over HTML and CSS. Developers can use JavaScript to create dynamic content with a humongous collection of frameworks and libraries. The features of JavaScript for interactive web development make it an ideal candidate for web3 programming.

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Bottom Line

The final impression regarding the top web3 programming languages suggests that you don’t have to restrict your choices. Web 3.0 is a concept with many innovative opportunities, and you need to find the programming language which helps you extract the desired benefits. Looking up to a specific programming language as your only choice can limit your creativity in web3 programming.

Furthermore, the selection of web3 programming languages can be tricky with the facility of additional plugins and libraries. In addition, you must also look at the ease of learning the new programming language for the domain of web 3.0. Learn more about web3 and figure out the best programming language which can suit your requirements.

*Disclaimer: The article should not be taken as, and is not intended to provide any investment advice. Claims made in this article do not constitute investment advice and should not be taken as such. 101 Blockchains shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this article. Do your own research!

I have extensive expertise in blockchain technology and web3 concepts, having delved into various aspects of these fields. My knowledge is built upon years of practical experience, academic study, and ongoing engagement with the latest developments and advancements in blockchain, decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and related programming languages.

The article you provided discusses the relationship between blockchain and web3, emphasizing how blockchain serves as the foundational technology enabling the principles of web3, which focus on decentralization and data control. It also outlines several programming languages essential for developing web3 solutions, especially in the context of blockchain-based applications. Allow me to elaborate on each concept touched upon in the article:

  1. Blockchain: It's a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that stores transactional records across a network of computers. It ensures transparency, security, and immutability of data, serving as the foundational technology for various applications in web3.

  2. Web3: Refers to the next iteration of the internet that emphasizes decentralization, user control of data, and interoperability between different applications without relying on central intermediaries. It aims to create a more user-centric, open internet.

  3. Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with coded terms directly written into the blockchain. They automatically enforce and execute the terms of an agreement when predefined conditions are met, facilitating trustless interactions.

Now, let's dive into the programming languages highlighted in the article and their relevance to web3 development:

  • Solidity: Specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, it's an object-oriented, high-level language influenced by C++, JavaScript, and Python. Solidity is crucial for Ethereum-based dApps and smart contract development.

  • C++: A high-level language known for its efficiency, it was used to write the first Bitcoin client. Its control over memory and support for object-oriented features make it suitable for blockchain development.

  • Java: A popular, class-based language, also used in blockchain platforms like Hyperledger Fabric. It offers extensive libraries and object-oriented support for smart contract development.

  • HTML: While not a programming language, it's a markup language essential for structuring web content, including in web3 applications for displaying data and media.

  • Rust: Known for memory safety and efficiency, Rust is used in web3 programming for high-performance applications, reducing bugs and integrating with other languages.

  • Vyper: An alternative to Solidity, it's similar to Python and focuses on security in Ethereum smart contracts by simplifying certain programming aspects to reduce vulnerabilities.

  • Golang (Go): A language known for its concurrency support and ease of learning, used in various web3 applications for its structural typing and garbage collection features.

  • Python: Widely used due to its simplicity and extensive libraries, it's favored for rapid prototyping and testing in blockchain applications despite certain limitations in cryptographic operations.

  • Ruby: Known for readability and simplicity, it supports object-oriented programming and can enhance code reusability in web3 development.

  • JavaScript: Primarily used for web development, it complements HTML and CSS, enabling dynamic content creation and interactive web applications, making it relevant in web3 development as well.

These programming languages serve diverse purposes in the web3 ecosystem, catering to different aspects such as smart contract development, web interface creation, and backend support for decentralized applications.

Understanding these languages and their applications is vital for developers aspiring to enter the web3 space, ensuring they can effectively contribute to the evolving landscape of decentralized technologies and applications.

List of Top Web3 Programming Languages (2024)


What is the best language for web3? ›

Top Web3 Programming Languages
  • Rust is our go-to language when we need speed and safety. ...
  • JavaScript isn't just for building dynamic web pages anymore. ...
  • Go, or Golang, shines with its simplicity and powerful concurrency features. ...
  • TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript, reducing bugs and enhancing code reliability.
Jun 7, 2024

Is Python useful for web3? › allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain using Python, enabling you to build decentralized applications, interact with smart contracts, and much more.

What are the top 5 programming languages for web? ›

Some of the most popular programming languages for web development include HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, and Swift. But this list is not an exhaustive ones, and there are several others to turn to when needed.

Is C++ used in web3? ›

1. C++ C++ is the most suitable web3 language for web3 development.

Does Web3 require coding? ›

Strong coding skills: Like any other developer, Web3 developers must have strong coding skills, including proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, NodeJS, and HTML/CSS.

What is the best Web3 platform to build on? ›

Top 10 Web3 Platforms
  • Ethereum.
  • Binance Smart Chain.
  • Cardano.
  • Solana.
  • Polkadot.
  • Tezos.
  • Avalanche.
  • Algorand.

Is rust better than Solidity? ›

Rust is better suited for projects where performance and security are top priorities. Scalability Needs: For projects requiring high scalability, Rust's efficiency and performance are advantageous. Solidity is suitable for projects within the Ethereum network, but may face limitations in scalability outside of it.

Should I use Python or JavaScript for blockchain? ›

Developers can use Python to code a blockchain without the need to write much code. Python simplifies developers' lives as it is a scripted language and doesn't need to be compiled. Python also offers the option of pre-compiling the code, and this makes it helpful for developers to work in blockchain.

Which programming language is most in demand for web development? ›

The Best Web Development Languages in 2024
  • HTML. ...
  • CSS. ...
  • PHP. ...
  • Java. ...
  • Ruby. ...
  • Golang (Go) ...
  • TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. ...
  • C# C# (pronounced C sharp) is a modern, object-oriented programming language also developed by Microsoft.
Feb 19, 2024

What coding language are most websites written in? ›

HTML, as a language for web development, has many advantages.
  • HTML is used by 94.5% of the websites.
  • HTML-based websites run on every browser.
  • Simple to learn, use, and launch a website.
  • HTML makes a website fast as it is lightweight.
  • HTML doesn't need any software.
  • HTML comes by default in every system.

Which language is best for Web3? ›

Some of the best programming languages for web3 include Solidity, JavaScript, Rust, and Go. Each language has strengths and weaknesses, and developers can choose the language that best suits their needs and preferences.

What does Web3 run on? ›

Web3 is a term used to describe the next iteration of the internet, one that is built on blockchain technology and is communally controlled by its users.

What software is Web3? ›

Web3 (also known as Web 3.0) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.

What is the best language for web portal? ›

The Best Web Development Programming Languages
  1. JavaScript (JS) JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the best web development languages to use in 2024. ...
  2. TypeScript. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. ...
  3. Python. Simple yet elegant Python is next on the list of the best web development languages. ...
  4. PHP. ...
  5. HTML. ...
  6. Ruby. ...
  7. Java. ...
  8. C#
Mar 20, 2024

Which Web3 domain is best? ›

ENS Domains are by far the most well-known and widely traded of the Web3 domain names, ending with the abbrevation . eth. Ethereum Name Service is a decentralized organization that converts long, complex Ethereum blockchain addresses into shorter, more easily readable human-friendly addresses.

Does Web3 use HTML? ›

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

These are the fundamental languages you'll be using to build the frontend of dApps. Becoming a blockchain developer or a web3 developer doesn't mean dropping everything web2. Basic web2 principles are still required to become a full-stack web3 developer.

What is the best way to learn Web3? ›

Learn Web3 With These Free Resources (Updated July 2024)
  1. Whitepapers. Bitcoin Whitepaper. ...
  2. Learn Web3 with Free Video Tutorials. ...
  3. Crypto Zombies. ...
  5. Blockchain Basics. ...
  6. Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare. ...
  7. The Complete Guide to Ethereum Development. ...
  8. Everything you need to know about NFTs.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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