Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)


Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (1)

BirthdayLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (2)Winter 3
Lives InThe Mountain
Loved GiftsLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (3) Blueberry TartLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (4) Cactus FruitLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (5) CoconutLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (6) Dish O' The SeaLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (7) Yam


  • 1 Schedule
  • 2 Relationships
  • 3 Gifts
    • 3.1 Love
    • 3.2 Like
    • 3.3 Neutral
    • 3.4 Dislike
    • 3.5 Hate
  • 5 Heart Events
    • 5.1 Anytime
    • 5.2 Zero Hearts
    • 5.3 Three Hearts
    • 5.4 Four Hearts
    • 5.5 Seven Hearts
    • 5.6 Eight Hearts
  • 7 Quests
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Portraits
  • 10 History
“You can learn to survive in the wild. I have. I think we all have a hidden urge to return to nature. It's just a little scary to make the leap.”
— Linus

Linus is a villager who lives in a small tent west of the Mines, on the Mountain north of Pelican Town.


Linus never visits the Beach Resort on Ginger Island.

Shown below are Linus' schedules prioritized highest to lowest within each season. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all others below it.

6:00 amInside his tent
9:30 amExits tent, stands behind bush west of his tent
10:10 amReturns to his tent
3:00 pmExits tent, stands under tree west of his tent
7:00 pmReturns to his tent
11:30 pmGoes to bed
Winter 15
6:00 amInside his tent
11:00 amExits tent, stands west of campfire in front of his tent
4:00 pmWalks to beach to attend Night Market
11:30 pmReturns to his tent for the night
6:00 amInside his tent
6:30 amExits tent, stands behind bush west of his tent
7:00 amWalks to west of campfire in front of his tent
9:30 amWalks to west side of lake
2:00 pmWalks to west of campfire in front of his tent
7:00 pmReturns to his tent
11:00 pmGoes to bed
6:00 amInside his tent
6:30 amWalks to cliff overlooking lake, east of his tent
9:40 amWalks to south of fence, west of lake
1:00 pmWalks further south, west of lake
4:00 pmWalks to west of campfire in front of his tent
8:00 pmWalks behind bush west of his tent
8:20 pmReturns to his tent for the night
6:00 amInside his tent
7:00 amExits tent, stands behind bush west of his tent
7:40 amWalks to west of campfire in front of his tent
9:00 amWalks to Spa, stands at east side of building
2:00 pmWalks to west side of lake
6:00 pmReturns to his tent for the night
6:00 amInside his tent
11:00 amExits tent, stands west of campfire in front of his tent
2:00 pmWalks to Spa, stands inside entrance
6:00 pmReturns to his tent for the night


Linus generally considers himself an outcast of the town who feels unwelcome and misunderstood, but wishes to be accepted. He does not trust strangers or seem to socialize with many villagers. He tells the player of incidents in which his tent was vandalized or destroyed. During festivals, he is usually alone and away from the main festivities.

Linus and the Wizard stand next to each other at the Spirit's Eve festival.

Robin mentions that she does not mind Linus living behind their house as long as he does not bother them.

In winter, Penny asks the player if they know Linus and expresses sympathy for him because "everyone ignores him". Emily expresses sympathy for Linus on Tuesdays in summer, saying, "I wish everyone could learn to be accepting of others."

During Leo's six heart event, Linus, Willy, and the player succeed in inviting Leo to live on the mainland, where he becomes neighbors with Linus. Linus and Leo bond over their love of nature, with Linus teaching him everything he knows and Leo ocassionally referring to him as "Uncle Linus". They stand together at the Feast of the Winter Star.


Main article: Friendship
See also: List of All Gifts

You can give Linus up to two gifts per week (plus one on hisbirthday), which will raise or lower hisfriendship with you. Gifts on hisbirthday (Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (8) 3Winter) will have 8× effect and show a unique dialogue.
For loved or liked gifts, Linus will say

“A birthday gift? That's very kind of you! I love it.”
“You remembered my birthday! Thank you. This is great!”

For neutral gifts, Linus will say

“Oh, a birthday gift! Thank you.”

For disliked or hated gifts, Linus will say

“Oh... It's for my birthday? ... Thanks.”


“This is wonderful! You've really made my day special.”

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (9)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (10)

Blueberry TartIt's subtle and refreshing.CookingLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (11) Blueberry(1)Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (12) Wheat Flour(1)Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (13) Sugar(1)Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (14) Egg(1)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (15)

Cactus FruitThe sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus.Foraging - The Desert

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (16)

CoconutA seed of the coconut palm. It has many culinary uses.Foraging - The Desert

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (17)

Dish O' The SeaThis'll keep you warm in the cold sea air.CookingLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (18) Sardine(2)Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (19) Hashbrowns(1)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (20)

YamA starchy tuber with a lot of culinary versatility.Farming - Fall


“This is a great gift. Thank you!”

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (21)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (22)

ChanterelleA tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor.Foraging - Fall

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (23)

Common MushroomSlightly nutty, with good texture.Foraging - Fall

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (24)

DaffodilA traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (25)

DandelionNot the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (26)

GingerThis sharp, spicy root is said to increase vitality.Foraging - Ginger Island

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (27)

HazelnutThat's one big hazelnut!Foraging - Fall

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (28)

HollyThe leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.Foraging - Winter

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (29)

LeekA tasty relative of the onion.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (30)

Magma CapA very rare mushroom that lives next to pools of lava.Foraging - Volcano Dungeon

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (31)

MorelSought after for its unique nutty flavor.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (32)

Purple MushroomA rare mushroom found deep in caves.Foraging - The Mines

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (33)

Snow YamThis little yam was hiding beneath the snow.Foraging - Winter

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (34)

Spring OnionThese grow wild during the spring.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (35)

Wild HorseradishA spicy root found in the spring.Foraging - Spring

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (36)

Winter RootA starchy tuber.Foraging - Winter

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“A gift? How nice.”

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (37)


“Hmm... This doesn't really do much for me.”

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (38)


“Why would you give this to me? Do you think I like junk just because I live in a tent? That's terrible.”

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (39)

Movies & Concessions

Main article: Movie Theater
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (40) It Howls In The Rain

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (41) Journey Of The Prairie King: The Motion Picture

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (42) Mysterium

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (43) Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (44) The Brave Little Sapling

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (45) The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (46) The Zuzu City Express

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (47) Wumbus

Love Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (48)
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (49) Salmon Burger
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (50) Stardrop Sorbet
Dislike Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (51)
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (52) Black Licorice
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (53) Joja Cola
Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (54) JojaCorn
Like Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (55)
Everything else

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Linus. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Linus increases.

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (56) CatfishLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (57) Largemouth BassLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (58) Maki RollLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (59) Fried CalamariLinus - Stardew Valley Wiki (60) SashimiHello, friend.

The mountain lake has been kind to me lately. I'd like to share my good fortune with you.


Zero Hearts

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (61)

After you have 50 Friendship points with Linus, enter the town between 8pm - 12am on a day that's not raining. (This event cannot trigger before Spring 7, Year 1)

George will ask you to scare off some raccoons who are stealing from his trash cans. Instead, you discover Linus, who is extremely embarrassed, but explains that if he didn't eat the food, it would go to waste. You then get the option to tell him what you think about his actions. Note that none of the choices will affect friendship with Linus.

After you leave, he proceeds to try to steal from the Saloon's trash can, where he is caught by Gus, who gives him a meal saying that he doesn't want any villager to go hungry.

Three Hearts

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (62)

After reaching 3 hearts with Linus he will send you a recipe in the mail.


Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (63)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (64)


how are you doing? I've enclosed some instructions on how to make one of my favorite fish recipes.


Four Hearts

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (65)

Enter the mountain area near his tent between 8pm - 12am on a day that's not raining.

Linus will invite you over to his camp site. He will apologize for not trusting you when you first met, and thanks you for being a good friend. He invites you into his tent, where he shows you how to craft Wild Bait for use in fishing.

Seven Hearts

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (66)

After reaching seven hearts with Linus, he will send you a recipe in the mail.


Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (67)

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (68)

Fish Taco(Name),

how are you doing? I've enclosed some instructions on how to make one of my favorite fish recipes.


Eight Hearts

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (69)

Exit Robin's house on a day that's not raining between 9am and 5pm.

Robin, Linus, and the player appear in front of Robin's house. Robin offers to make Linus lunch, but he refuses, saying "I've had great luck foraging today." Robin turns toward the player and asks if they have something to say.
  • I'm just pleased that Linus is doing well... (+250 friendship with Linus.)
    Linus thanks the player and adds that he was worried the player would ask him to move on to The Farm. He says that he appreciates the player's respect for his chosen way of life.
  • I'd like to invite Linus to live on the farm with me... (No effect on friendship.)
    Robin becomes excited and offers to build "a real cozy house" for Linus. Linus refuses, saying that he appreciates the kindness, but he lives the way he does by choice. He prefers to live alone, in harmony with nature. He adds that he values his friendship with the player.

The cutscene ends as Linus runs off to pick berries.



First Meeting

“A stranger?... Hello. Don't mind me. I just live out here alone.”


“The crisp air of the wilderness is all I care to know. I live out here by choice.”
“...Have you come to ridicule me? I'm just minding my own business.”
“I don't know you well enough to trust you. Sorry.”
“...Hmm? Do you want something from me?”
“Please don't destroy my tent. It's happened before.”
“I'm happy by myself, you know. I don't need new friends.”
“I have to be wary of strangers. Most people don't like a 'wild man'.”
“Someone was throwing rocks at my tent last night... I just had to wait it out.”
“I don't like to stay in one place for too long. There's just too much to experience in the world.”
“It would be nice if the townspeople could accept me for who I am. I like living out here in the open air. That's what they don't understand.”
“You can learn to survive in the wild. I have. I think we all have a hidden urge to return to nature. It's just a little scary to make the leap.”
“The people here seem nice, but they avoid me. People are afraid of the unknown.”
“You can learn a lot from trees. Spend time with them and they might tell you their secrets. Go in peace, young one.”
“I have everything I need to survive, and more. Nature plays a wonderful tune if you can only learn to listen. I also spend a lot of time reading. One of the reasons I stopped in the valley was for the great library.”

After passing out in the Mines

“...I found you unconscious in the mines. You're lucky I happened to pass by! Be a little more careful next time, okay?”

Rainy Day

“A warm rain is a pleasant way to get clean.”

6+ Hearts

“I spend a lot of time thinking. If you can fully understand the reasons behind your thoughts, you'll have reached a new level of being.”


“I saw a heron wading gracefully through the morning mist. Such are the treasures of a quiet life.”
“It's so easy to get caught up in the noise of modern life. Your best years will pass you by in a formless blur. That's why you've got to learn to slow down.”
“This is an easier time of year for me. I don't have to worry about staying warm. Plus, the fruits of the wild are growing everywhere.”
“During all these years I've discovered a few secrets about life. You'll have to find out for yourself.”
“How have you been, my young friend?”
“I have my own reasons for living alone like this. Some things are best left unsaid... I should do some foraging.”
“Whenever you catch a fish, take a moment to thank it for its sacrifice. Even if you don't believe in the spirit of the fish, it's a good mental exercise. We need to be aware of our effect on the environment”
“You can find rainbow trout in streams right now.”

6+ Hearts

“... summer. The warm sun heats up the cans for me. Then at night I've got a warm meal to look forward to.”


“I've explored deep into the caves. They hold some hidden secrets. Just be cautious if you go in there.”
“I don't like to stay in one place for too long.”
“Some joker sprayed paint all over my home during the night... It took hours to scrub it off this morning.”
“I need to start gathering lumber for the winter. Do you have enough lumber to keep your house warm?”
“I don't have many responsiblities, so I spend my time thinking. You have to understand your thoughts before you can control them.”

6+ Hearts

“There's nothing quite like a feast of wild mushrooms in the fall.”


“It can get really cold if you live in a tent.”
“Sleeping on the ground is good for my back. It's best to look at the positive side of things.”
“Thanks for not shunning me, [Player]. It takes a lot of wisdom to override your base instincts. I'm a human like everyone else. I just have a different lifestyle.”
“I'm sure you understand why I'm cautious of strangers. But let's put that in the past, okay? You and I are friends now, I think.”
“Winter is tough, but you can still fish and forage to get by. If you have any animals you should keep them inside.”
“The trees go to sleep during the winter. It makes it a bit lonely out here. But I wouldn't deny them their beauty sleep.”
“Thanks for stopping by. I was actually feeling a little lonely this morning. So, have you discovered anything interesting in the mines?”

Egg Festival

Odd-numbered year

“No one really talks to me... I just come for the deviled eggs.”

Even-numbered year

“I'll just slip in a little later and have some food. I'm eyeing that scrumptious looking pie!”

Flower Dance

“Oh, hello there. It's nice of you to talk to me. Spring is almost over... what a shame.”

The Luau

“A slow, continuous rotation is key to achieving the perfect roast.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“I'll just sneak up when the jellies arrive... I don't want to bother anyone.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“These animals never judge people by their looks. The same can't be said for humans.”

Spirit's Eve

Note: Linus is not accessible at this event, but he has dialogue regardless.

“Good show, old friend.”

Festival of Ice

“Igloo-building's an art I picked up from the tundra dwellers who live beyond the frozen sea. That was many years ago. An Igloo makes a nice home, but it's easier to just stay in my tent year-round.”

Night Market

“These people are travelers, like me... I feel a connection. But I'm okay just staying here to listen and watch.”

Feast of the Winter Star

“I'd join in... but I don't think I'm welcome.”

Day after the glimmering boulder is removed

“My old friend, the glimmering boulder, has moved on. It may not seem like an important event, but to me its a big change. I'm happy for the old rock to see more of the world, though.”



  • If the player speaks to Linus, he occasionally mentions he has ventured deep into the Mines.
  • The campfire in front of Linus' tent can be toggled on or off by the player. This seems to have no impact on the game, such as special dialogues or an effect on friendship. Linus does not re-light or put out the fire.
  • Linus is one of the villagers who may find the player if they pass out at 2:00am.
  • If he catches the player rummaging in a Garbage Can, Linus' friendship with the player increases by 5 points, unlike when the player is caught by other villagers, whose friendship decreases by 25 points.
    • This is only possible on Winter 15 while Linus is on his way to or from the Night Market, as those are the only times he is close enough to a garbage can for this interaction to occur.
  • If Linus sends the player a Catfish as a gift in the mail, he will say the mountain lake has been kind to him. However, Catfish cannot be caught in the mountain lake.
  • While Linus and the Wizard are unreachable by the player at the Spirit's Eve festival, they both have dialogue in the game's data files. In Linus', he calls the Wizard an "old friend."



  • 1.3.27: Added eight-heart event.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at three friendship hearts.
  • 1.5: Added two new bathing portraits.
OtherBirdieBouncerDwarfGovernorGrandpaHenchmanJunimosKrobusLeoMr. QiOld MarinerProfessor SnailSandyWizard

I'm an avid Stardew Valley player and enthusiast with an in-depth knowledge of the game's characters and mechanics. I've spent countless hours exploring Pelican Town, building relationships with the villagers, and uncovering the intricacies of the Valley. Let me share my expertise on Linus, the enigmatic resident living in the mountains.

Linus: The Wilderness Sage

Linus is a unique villager who resides in a small tent west of the Mines, perched on the Mountain north of Pelican Town. His lifestyle is unconventional, and he thrives in the solitude of nature. Linus can be a misunderstood outcast in the town, facing incidents of vandalism to his tent and struggling to connect with other villagers.


Linus has a specific schedule that varies by season and weather. His activities include foraging, attending festivals, and spending time in his tent. Notably, he avoids the Beach Resort on Ginger Island.


Linus considers himself an outcast, feeling unwelcome and misunderstood by the townspeople. He doesn't trust strangers and tends to be alone during festivals. However, he forms a unique bond with Leo during a heart event, showcasing his love for nature.


Linus has preferences for gifts, with loved items like Blueberry Tart, Cactus Fruit, Coconut, Dish O' The Sea, and Yam. Understanding his gift preferences is crucial for building a strong friendship.

Heart Events:

Linus has several heart events that reveal more about his character. Notably, his four-heart event involves an invitation to his campsite, where he apologizes for initial distrust and teaches the player how to craft Wild Bait.


Linus shares insightful and reflective quotes about nature, his lifestyle, and the challenges of being an outsider. His quotes provide a glimpse into his wisdom and perspective on life.


Linus offers quests like "Blackberry Basket" and may request items on the "Help Wanted" board. Completing these quests enhances friendship and provides rewards.


Linus has unique interactions, such as catching the player rummaging in a garbage can, increasing friendship instead of decreasing it. There are also interesting details, like Linus being one of the villagers who may find the player if they pass out at 2:00 am.


Linus has portraits reflecting different heart levels and events, showcasing his evolving relationship with the player.

In summary, Linus is a complex character in Stardew Valley, offering players a chance to explore themes of acceptance, friendship, and the beauty of a simpler life in the wilderness. Understanding his schedule, preferences, and participating in his heart events can lead to a meaningful connection with this enigmatic villager.

Linus - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)


Does Linus have a 10 heart event? ›

10 Heart Event

Linus greets the farmer and, after asking how their morning is going, tells them that since they've been good friends for a while, he feels comfortable telling them about his past. The farmer can refuse, at which point Linus will excuse himself and the event will end, or accept.

Is it possible to marry Linus Stardew Valley? ›

Nah, you can't marry Linus in Stardew Valley. He's one of the few characters you can befriend but no wedding bells for him, sorry. The game does have a bunch of other characters you can woo and marry though! Nope, Linus is like that cool, wise uncle figure in Stardew Valley that everyone respects but you can't marry.

How to trigger Linus 4 heart event? ›

Four Hearts

Enter the mountain area near his tent between 8pm - 12am on a day that's not raining. Linus will invite you over to his camp site.

Who is in love with Linus? ›

As the strip progressed, he outgrew this idea. Meanwhile, Sally proceeded to fall in love with Linus, calling him her "Sweet Babboo," much to his displeasure. Linus, in turn, has an innocent unrequited love crush on his school teacher, Miss Othmar.

Does Linus have a crush? ›

Originally, Linus had a slight crush on Sally. For instance, in the strip from June 10, 1959, a little after Sally was born, Charlie Brown sees Linus doing calculations. Linus says that the calculations are to figure out how many years it will be until Sally will go out with him.

How old is Linus Stardew Valley? ›

Leah, Elliott, Shane, Harvey, Sandy and Emily as 28-35 years old. Clint, Caroline, Robin, Willy, Marnie, Demetrius, Kent, Jodi, Gus, Pierre, and Pam as 40+ years old. George, Linus, Lewis, Evelyn and The Wizard as 55+ years old.

Why is Linus homeless Stardew Valley? ›

Linus is homeless by choice. He likes to be “one with nature.” He claims that he purposely strays away from people. He says things like “I don't need new friends,” and “I'm happy by myself, you know” but then complains that no one wants to be his friend and how he doesn't trust anyone around him.

Who is the most romantic spouse in Stardew Valley? ›

1 Abigail Is Stardew Valley's Most Popular Spouse

Abigail's romance in Stardew Valley is not just about fun and games. Her character is layered with depth, including her fears about her action-packed life.

Who is the easiest male to marry in Stardew Valley? ›

For the men I'd say Shane and Harvey are the easiest, both of their favorites can be bought from Gus and they're generally in one spot throughout the week unless they got something special going on.

Who is the most popular husband in Stardew Valley? ›

If you're looking to find a husband in Stardew Valley, Sebastian may just be the perfect candidate for you. He's easily one of the most popular bachelors from the games, and honestly, what's not to love about him.

How do you trigger the 10-heart event in Sebastian? ›

Sebastian's 10-Heart event is available ONLY if you have given him a Bouquet and asked him to date you. It is not required to reach Perfection unless you choose him as your love interest. Go to the Mountain on any day between 8PM and 12PM.

What does Robin love in Stardew Valley? ›

Robin Loves Journey of the Prairie King and Likes all other movies. She does not Hate any of them. Her Loved Concessions are Salted Peanuts and Stardrop Sorbet.

How do you trigger Leo's 6 heart event? ›

Six Hearts

Enter Island South on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm. Linus invites Leo to move to the mainland of Stardew Valley. Willy says that there are other children there, and Leo can visit Ginger Island anytime he wants to.

How do you talk to Linus on Spirit's Eve? ›

A transparent dialogue bubble can be seen above the Wizard or Linus while the player is hovering their mouse over them. Clicking on either character won't produce a dialogue, but the dialogue can be found in the game's data files.

What does Linus say? ›

Linus Van Pelt : "for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.