Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦 (2024)

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What is a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP)?

A life insurance retirement plan, also known as a LIRP, is a cash-value life insurance policy that provides tax-deferred growth and the ability to access the cash value component through policy loans. It is one of the few retirement income strategies that does not have contribution limits, making it a popular choice for high-net-worth individuals.

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Life insurance retirement plans offer a wide variety of benefits that other life insurance policies and retirement accounts do not. If you own any permanent life insurance policies that have a cash value, you can use them as a tax-free income stream for retirement.

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What are the pros of LIRPs?

Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦 (1)

A life insurance retirement plan is a great way to put extra money away for your retirement. If you are already maxing out your 401k and Roth IRA, then LIRPS are great options for you.

You can take out a loan against the cash value of your LIRP

One of the key benefits of a LIRP is that it allows you to take out a loan against your policy’s death benefit. This can be used to cover unexpected expenses or supplement your income in retirement. And because the loan is tax-free, it can be a powerful tool for minimizing your tax liability.

First, you’ll need to contact your insurance company and request a loan against your policy’s cash value. The company will then send you a loan agreement, which you’ll need to sign and return.

Once the loan is approved, the company will issue a check for the amount of the loan, minus any fees and interest charges. The great thing about taking out a loan against your life insurance policy is that you don’t have to worry about making monthly payments.

Instead, the loan will be deducted from the death benefit when you die. So if you need supplemental money during retirement this could be a great option for you.

No limit to how much you can save

Most people are familiar with whole life insurance policies, which offer a death benefit and a cash value component. What many people don’t realize, however, is that there is no limit to how much you can add to the cash value portion of your policy.

You can make additional deposits into the account at any time, and the money will grow tax-deferred. This makes whole life insurance an attractive option for people who want to save for retirement or other long-term goals.

The fact that there is no limit to the amount you can add to the cash value of your life insurance policy, makes it great for high income earners and super savers. This allows for more retirement savings while also having the benefit of a permanent life insurance policy.

In addition, the death benefit can be used to cover final expenses or leave a legacy for your loved ones. So if you’re looking for a flexible way to save for the future, whole life insurance may be right for you.

Tax-free income

Another advantage of a LIRP is that the death benefit is typically income tax-free. This means that your beneficiaries will receive the full value of the policy, without having to pay any taxes on it.

The policyholder can also take out a loan against the policy, tax-free, as long as it isn’t more than the cash value of the policy. Tax-free distributions can be used for any purpose.

Access to your money before 59 1/2

Lastly, LIRPs offer you the ability to have access to your money before you turn 59 1/2, unlike most other retirement accounts. This means you have access to your money now, not having to wait till you are retired.

Plans never lose money

Though there are some exceptions, most universal life and whole life insurance plans never lose money. Even when the stock market is crashing there is usually a built-in floor rate so none of your money is lost.

Can be used for long-term care needs

A LIRP is a long-term care insurance policy that can be used to cover the costs of nursing home care, in-home care, or other long-term care services.

While the monthly premiums for LIRPs can be expensive, the policy can save you money in the long run by paying for care that would otherwise come out of your pocket.

Are there any cons of LIRPs?

Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦 (2)

Life insurance retirement plans are expensive

There’s no getting around it – universal life and whole life insurance plans are very expensive. While term life can cost as little as $20 a month, LIRPs will likely cost you 10 to 20 times more than that.

While term life insurance policies are great while raising a family, they do not offer any of the other benefits life insurance retirement plans do. If you are not already maxing out your other retirement accounts, then the high cost of LIRPs is most likely not worth the benefits they offer.

If you are unable to pay your premiums your policy may lapse

If you are unable to pay your life insurance retirement plan premiums, your policy will lapse. While this may seem like a worst-case scenario, there are a few options available if you find yourself in this situation.

First, you may be able to reinstate your policy within a certain period (usually two years) by paying back all of the premiums that you have missed, plus interest.

Alternatively, you may be able to take out a loan against the cash value of your policy to cover the premium payments. However, if neither of these options is available or feasible, your policy will lapse and you will no longer be covered.

So if you’re having trouble making premium payments, be sure to reach out to your life insurance company as soon as possible to explore your options.

It is difficult to shop around for a policy

If you’re shopping around for universal life insurance or another form of cash-value life insurance, you may be in for a rude awakening. The cost of a policy can vary widely, depending on factors like your age, health, and even your occupation.

And to make matters worse, most insurance companies don’t list their rates online. So how are you supposed to know if you’re getting a good deal?

The best way to shop for cash value life insurance is to use an independent agent. These agents work with multiple insurers and can help you compare policies and prices.

They can also answer any questions you have about the different types of coverage available. And best of all, they’re usually free to use!

So if you’re thinking about buying universal life insurance, be sure to shop around and get multiple quotes. And don’t forget to use an independent agent to help you through the process.

Who should consider a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP)?

Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦 (3)

High earners

For most retirement accounts, like a Roth IRA, there are salary limits when it comes to contributing. The current rule for 2022 is if you make more than $144,000 filing single or over $214,000 for married couples. Of course, always talk to your tax advisor before making any decisions.

If you make too much to contribute to an IRA then a Life Insurance Retirement Plan could be for you. With the tax advantage and diversification from a standard stock portfolio, it could be the perfect way to sure up your retirement.

You plan on carrying life insurance into retirement

If you are someone who isn’t interested in short-term life insurance then a life insurance retirement plan could be for you. Permanent life insurance premiums are much more expensive than term life insurance, but without the added benefits talked about above.

If you had planned on holding your life insurance coverage up until death then the dual benefit of life insurance retirement plans makes a ton of sense. You can use the cash value of your permanent life insurance plan, while also having the death benefit to help support a spouse or pass it down to children.

How to set up a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP)

The first thing you need to do is decide how much coverage you need. This will depend on factors such as your age, health, and the amount of debt you have. Once you have an idea of how much coverage you need, you can start shopping around for policies. Be sure to compare the same type of policies from different companies to get the best deal.

When you’re ready to purchase a policy, you’ll need to provide some personal information such as your name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number.

You’ll also need to decide how you want to pay for your policy. You can choose to make monthly, quarterly, or annual payments. You can also add additional payments to the cash value of your policy. These payments are called “premiums.”

Once you have a life insurance policy in place, it’s important to review it regularly and make sure that it still meets your needs. If your circ*mstances change (for example, if you get married or have children), you may need to adjust your coverage.

You should also keep an eye on the cash value of your policy. This is the money that will be paid out to your beneficiaries if you die. over time, the cash value of your policy can grow substantially. This is the part of the policy that you can borrow for retirement income.

A life insurance policy can be a helpful tool in financial planning, but it’s important to understand how it works before you purchase a policy. By doing some research and shopping around, you can find a policy that meets your needs and provides peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.

Things that affect the cost of a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP)

There are a lot of factors that go into how much your life insurance coverage will cost. Some of these factors are within your control, like whether or not you smoke, and some of them are out of your control, like your family health history. But knowing about all the factors can help you understand why your quote is the way it is, and maybe even give you some ideas for how to lower your rate. Here are some of the things that affect the cost of permanent life insurance policies:

-Your age: The younger you are, the cheaper your rates will be. This is because younger people are generally healthier and have a lower risk of dying. You also have a longer period that you will be paying your premium and gaining interest.

-Your health: If you’re in good health, you’ll get a better rate than someone who isn’t. This is because healthy people are less likely to die prematurely.

-Your family health history: If you have family members who have died young from an illness, you may be considered at higher risk and pay more for your policy. This is because there’s a greater chance that you could inherit the same illness and die young as well.

-Whether or not you smoke: Smokers pay higher rates than nonsmokers because they’re at a greater risk for developing health problems. If you are currently a smoker, you aren’t only doing your health a disservice, but you are also missing out on additional money you could be saving each month.

-Your occupation: If you have a dangerous job, you’ll probably pay more for life insurance because there’s a greater chance that you could die while working. For example, rates for firefighters and police officers are usually higher than average.

Is a life insurance retirement plan (LIRP) a good investment?

When it comes to retirement planning, there are a lot of options out there. 401ks, IRAs, and life insurance retirement plans are just a few of the most popular choices. So which one is the best option for you?

That depends on several factors, including your age, income, and investment goals. However, life insurance retirement plans have a few advantages that make them worth considering.

For one thing, they offer tax-deferred growth, which means you can earn interest on your investments without having to pay taxes on the gains.

Additionally, life insurance retirement plans offer flexibility in terms of how and when you can access your money. You can take out loans against the policy or use them as collateral for other investments. And if you die before you retire, your beneficiaries will receive the death benefit, which can help them cover expenses like medical bills or funeral costs.

All things considered, life insurance retirement plans offer a lot of potential benefits that make them worth considering for your retirement planning needs. And while they may not be right for everyone, they could be a good option for you depending on your specific circ*mstances. Talk to a financial advisor to learn more about whether a life insurance retirement plan could be right for you.


A life insurance retirement plan, or LIRP, can be a great way to save for retirement if you are a high earner or looking to put away extra money outside of your 401k or IRA. However, they are very expensive and if you fail to make the payments your insurance could lapse. Before opening an account, be sure to speak with your financial advisor to decide if this product is right for you. Keep in mind that some people may try to sell you a LIRP even if it’s not what is best for you; so always do your research before making any decisions about your finances. Have you ever considered using a LIRP? Let us know in the comments below!

Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦 (2024)


Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) – Are they right for you? 🏦? ›

A LIRP may not be the most effective financial planning tool for the average person, but there are people for whom these plans make sense. High net worth: Individuals whose investment goals exceed the maximum limits of their other retirement savings accounts can benefit from LIRPs.

Is Lirp better than 401K? ›

However, a 401(k) typically makes more sense as your primary retirement income because it's more affordable and offers better returns than a LIRP or other types of life insurance.

How much can you put in a lirp? ›

There's no limit on the number of contributions you can make to your LIRP, but if you pay too much too quickly the IRS could classify your policy as a modified endowment contract (MEC). This will change the tax status of your policy.

Is life insurance retirement worth it? ›

You could need life insurance in retirement if you want to cover your final expenses and estate taxes, have outstanding debt, still earn income, or want to provide a tax-free inheritance to your loved ones. Otherwise, you probably do not need life insurance after retirement.

When can you withdraw from a Lirp? ›

With an LIRP, you pay premiums into a life insurance policy, which builds up cash value over time. The cash value can be withdrawn or borrowed against: Before age 59½, withdrawals and loans are tax-free when the amount you take out is less than the sum of premiums you have paid—known as the “basis.”

Who is a lirp right for? ›

High net worth: Individuals whose investment goals exceed the maximum limits of their other retirement savings accounts can benefit from LIRPs. Supporting dependents: Those with family members who rely on them for financial support or need long-term care may also benefit from an LIRP.

What is the number one retirement plan? ›

Three of the most popular options are a solo 401(k), a SIMPLE IRA and a SEP IRA, and these offer a number of benefits to participants: Higher contribution limits: Plans such as the solo 401(k) and SEP IRA give participants much higher contribution limits than a typical 401(k) plan.

What is the cash value of a $10000 life insurance policy? ›

A $10,000 term life insurance policy has no cash value. However, a permanent life insurance policy might. Usually, the cash value steadily accumulates over the years, but the cash value of some policies can decrease if an investment performs poorly.

What is the cash value of a $25000 life insurance policy? ›

An example is a cash value life insurance policy with a $25,000 death benefit. Assuming you don't take out a loan or withdraw, the cash value accumulates to $5,000. After the policyholder's death, the insurance company would pay out the full death benefit, which would be $25,000.

How long have LIRPs been around? ›

LIRPs have been around since 1986, but many people still don't know how beneficial they can be.

At what age should you stop buying life insurance? ›

If retirement savings, investments and Social Security are enough to provide for final expenses and your survivors who still rely on your income—you may not need life insurance in your 60s. In some situations, however, having life insurance after 60 makes sense.

Is life insurance worth it after 65? ›

Do you need life insurance after 65? Life insurance can be useful at any age. People over 65 who have others relying on their income or who want life insurance to cover burial expenses may benefit from coverage.

Can you take money out of your life insurance retirement plan? ›

If you have a permanent life insurance policy that has accumulated cash value, then yes, you can take cash out before your death.

Is a Lirp tax deductible? ›

The fact is, you will not receive a tax deduction when you contribute to a LIRP, but you will be able to take tax-free income from your policy.

Is a lirp an IUL? ›

We own a LIRP, which is are IUL (Indexed Universal Life) policies from different companies as well as multiple Fixed Index Annuities, (FIAs), securities and Whole Life policies from many different companies.

Is whole life insurance better than a 401K? ›

Whole life can supplement other retirement savings, such as an IRA or 401K plan. However, it is usually not recommended as the sole source of funding for retirement. Whole life builds guaranteed cash value, making it a wealth-building vehicle that can be used for retirement income or other needs.

What is a better investment than a 401k? ›

IRAs offer a better investment selection.

You'll have the full suite of assets on offer at the institution: stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, ETFs and more. With a 401(k) plan, you'll have only the choices available in that specific plan, often no more than a couple dozen mutual funds.

What is the best alternative to a 401k? ›

An IRA is a good replacement for a 401k if your employer doesn't offer 401k, you're self-employed, or a small business owner. You can also choose to combine an IRA and a 401k, but your income will determine if your contributions are tax deductible. Three main types of IRAs exist: traditional, Roth, and SEP.

Is there a better way to save for retirement than a 401k? ›

Good alternatives include traditional and Roth IRAs and health savings accounts (HSAs). A non-retirement investment account can offer higher earnings but your risk may be higher.

Are 401ks worth it anymore? ›

The value of 401(k) plans is based on the concept of dollar-cost averaging, but that's not always a reliable theory. Many 401(k) plans are expensive because of high administrative and record-keeping costs. Nonetheless, 401(k) plans are ultimately worth it for most people, depending on your retirement goals.

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