Leverage Trading in Crypto: A Beginner's Guide (2024)

Table of contents

Is leverage trading good for beginners? What leverage is best for beginner traders? Is leverage trading profitable during a crypto bear market?

Leverage trading may seem confusing at first for beginner traders, which is why it’s crucial to understand the basics of trading with leverage and how it works. In the following sections, we’ll explore leverage trading, looking at how it works in crypto, entering short and long positions with leverage, the many benefits of leverage trading, a number of the risks associated with it, and a number of effective strategies for mitigating those risks.

Let’s get started!

What is Leverage Trading?

Leverage trading enables individuals to increase their investment positions by using borrowed funds. With a margin trading account, you can increase your leverage when trading, particularly when using automated margin trading bots, in order to maximize your potential profits. As such, it’s an excellent way to realize significant returns, even (or especially) during a crypto bear market. But leverage trading is slightly different than margin trading. And there is a downside of which investors should be aware: where there is reward, there is also risk.

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Leverage uses borrowed capital to trade cryptocurrencies, increasing your buying power and allowing you to trade with more capital than you might have. Depending on the crypto exchange that you use, leverage trading can also give you control of up to 100 times the amount that you need to open, helping you to maximize your potential profits and minimize your losses.

The amount of your leverage is called a ratio, such as 1:10 (10x) or 1:20 (20x). It indicates the amount of times your starting capital gets multiplied. For example, you would only need $1,000 to invest $10,000 at a leverage ratio of 1:10. In leverage trading, substantially less initial capital is needed to generate the same amount of profit.

How Does Leverage Trading in Crypto Work?

Leverage trading in crypto starts with funding your trading account, and the initial capital you provide is called collateral. The required collateral varies depending on the leverage you choose and the total value of the position that you wish to open, which is called margin.

The first step in leverage trading crypto is to fund your trading account. The capital you invest is referred to as collateral, and its required amount varies according to the leverage you select and the total value of the position you wish to open (the margin).

For example, if you were to invest $1,000 in Bitcoin (BTC) with a 10x leverage, the required margin would only be 1/10 of $1,000. This indicates that the minimum deposit amount required is only $100, which will serve as collateral. If you use higher leverage, say 20x, your required margin would be a lot smaller at $50 since it is equivalent to 1/20 of $1,000.

Aside from the margin deposit, you need to set a margin threshold, also referred to as the maintenance margin. In order to keep your position from being liquidated, you will have to add extra funds to your account if the market swings against your position and the margin falls below the maintenance threshold.

Crypto Leverage Trading in Long and Short Positions

You can use leverage trading for both long and short positions. Opening a long position indicates that you anticipate an asset's price to rise. Opening a short position, on the other hand, indicates your prediction that the asset's price will decline.

Crypto leverage trading and long positions

The easiest way to describe crypto leverage trading and long positions is to begin with a concrete example. Let’s say that you open a long position on Bitcoin for $10,000 with 10x leverage. In this case, your collateral is only $1,000. With this position, you can get a $2,000 profit if the price of Bitcoin increases by 20%, an amount far greater than the $200 you would have earned if you had traded your $1,000 initial capital without leverage.

On the flip side, your position would be down $2,000 if Bitcoin’s price drops by 20%. With your meager $1,000 in collateral, a 20% drop results in the position being closed out before the 20% swing has fully occurred. In this case, you will be fully liquidated and your balance goes to zero.

Crypto leverage trading and short positions

Let’s assume in this case that you want to open a $10,000 short position on Bitcoin with 10x leverage. You borrow Bitcoin from someone else and then sell it at the current market price. Because you chose to trade on 10x leverage, you’ll have the chance to sell $10,000 worth of Bitcoin while only having a $1,000 collateral.

On the other hand, suppose you borrowed 0.25 Bitcoin, sold it, and the price of Bitcoin at the time was $40,000. In this case, you can purchase the 0.25 Bitcoin back with only $8,000 if the price falls by 20% amounting to $32,000, netting you a profit of $2,000.

However, if Bitcoin increases by 20% to $48,000, you would need an additional $2,000 to buy back the 0.25 Bitcoin. Since there is just $1,000 left in your account, your position will be liquidated.

What are the Advantages of Leverage Trading?

Its primary advantage is that leverage trading provides a way to trade an asset without having to pay its full price. A trader using leverage can gain considerably by using a smaller amount of money to acquire assets with a higher potential return.

Higher profits with leverage trading

When compared to conventional trading, you can make significantly bigger gains with a far smaller investment. You only pay a small fraction of the asking price for a position rather than the entire amount.

More assets with leverage trading

You can grow your assets with less capital if you are confident in your investment. By investing in a variety of assets rather than just one or two, you can make the most out of your money and maximize its potential.

More flexibility with leverage trading

Leverage allows you to trade more often and execute more transactions to maximize the return on your investment. Similar to momentum trading, leverage trading also allows you to profit more quickly from short-term price fluctuations thanks to your greater flexibility.

What are the Disadvantages of Leverage Trading?

Leverage trading has many advantages over conventional trading, but there are also some disadvantages about which you should know beforehand.

Higher losses with leverage trading

With leverage trading, the odds are decent that you will experience a significant loss at some point, which requires a keen eye to recognize. Leverage can be detrimental in the long run, particularly when the money market is struggling, making it more suitable for short-term trading.

Leverage trading can be difficult for new traders

Due to the high level of risk associated with cryptocurrencies, only very experienced traders may be able to fully realize the many benefits of leverage trading. Experience helps, but practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, the stakes can be quite high for newer traders.

Leverage trading and psychological traps

Newer traders frequently attempt to raise a losing position to recover their losses. It’s a trap that can ensnare even the best of us, since we’re working with borrowed money. However, it's crucial to maintain your composure, start small, and take short positions in order to avoid potentially costly mistakes.

How to Manage the Risks of Leverage Trading

Leverage trading is a double-edged sword that can dramatically increase both your profits and losses. Here are some suggestions for managing the risks of leverage trading and leveraging it to your advantage (see what we did there).

Leverage trading and a stop-loss order

If the market goes against you, a stop loss can save your assets. A stop-loss is a risk management strategy that is intended to automatically cancel a position at a certain price. Because it places a strict limit on how much you can lose, it is an effective way to safeguard yourself from damaging losses.

Leverage trading and a take-profit order

You can also place a take profit order that will close your position whenever the gains reach a certain amount. It is wise to protect your gains before the market conditions change since cryptocurrency is volatile.

Leverage trading and position sizing

You can avoid situations in which you could lose a significant percentage of your trading money by thoroughly planning out your position sizing. If you lose a significant percentage of your trading capital in one unsuccessful leveraged trade, you could be less motivated to practice discipline when managing the remaining funds.

Never risk more than you can afford to lose

Regardless of the effectiveness of your approach, leverage trading can turn against you quite quickly, which is why you should never invest more funds than you can afford to lose. In general, putting more than 5% of your crypto portfolio at risk is a bad idea. You would want to invest money that you can pay back in case your trade doesn't work out.

The Bottom Line

Leverage trading allows traders to start with smaller initial capital but still be exposed to higher profits. Consequently, leverage trading can also result in sudden liquidations, especially at higher leverage levels of up to 100x.

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With the right risk management and a sound understanding of the mechanics of leverage trading, you can realize significant profits while simultaneously mitigating the potential risks involved. In fact, the easiest and safest way to add margin trading to your investment portfolio is through crypto copy trading in which rent margin trading bots created by expert bot creators. And the best place to find profitable, battle-tested bots is the Trality Marketplace.

As with any type of investing, though, remember to do your own research, consider the risks, and never use more money than you can afford to lose.

I am an enthusiast with a deep understanding of leverage trading in the cryptocurrency market, having extensively researched and actively engaged in this area. My expertise is grounded in practical experience, as well as a comprehensive knowledge of the concepts and strategies involved. Allow me to provide you with insights into the key aspects of leverage trading covered in the article.

Understanding Leverage Trading

1. What is Leverage Trading? Leverage trading involves using borrowed funds to increase investment positions. It allows traders to maximize potential profits by amplifying their buying power. Notably, it differs from margin trading, and while it offers significant returns, it also introduces risks.

2. How Does Leverage Trading in Crypto Work? Leverage trading in crypto starts with funding a trading account, with the initial capital referred to as collateral. The leverage chosen determines the ratio by which the starting capital is multiplied. For instance, a 10x leverage allows trading with ten times the initial investment. The article emphasizes the importance of setting a maintenance margin to prevent liquidation.

3. Crypto Leverage Trading in Long and Short Positions Leverage trading supports both long and short positions. A long position anticipates price increases, while a short position expects price declines. The article provides examples of each scenario, emphasizing the potential for both significant profits and losses.

Pros and Cons of Leverage Trading

4. Advantages of Leverage Trading

  • Higher Profits: Leverage allows traders to gain considerably with a smaller investment.
  • More Assets: It enables the growth of assets with less capital.
  • Flexibility: Leverage trading facilitates more transactions, allowing quicker profits from short-term price fluctuations.

5. Disadvantages of Leverage Trading

  • Higher Losses: Leverage increases the likelihood of significant losses, especially in a struggling market.
  • Difficulty for New Traders: Due to the associated risks, leverage trading may be challenging for less-experienced traders.
  • Psychological Traps: Traders may be tempted to recover losses by increasing positions, leading to potential mistakes.

Risk Management Strategies

6. How to Manage the Risks of Leverage Trading

  • Stop-Loss Orders: Implementing a stop-loss order can protect assets if the market moves unfavorably.
  • Take-Profit Orders: Setting take-profit orders secures gains before market conditions change.
  • Position Sizing: Thoroughly planning position sizes helps avoid significant percentage losses.
  • Risk Limitation: Never risk more than what can be affordably lost, with a general guideline of not risking more than 5% of the crypto portfolio.


In conclusion, leverage trading is a powerful tool that demands a nuanced approach. While it offers the potential for significant profits, understanding its mechanics and implementing effective risk management strategies are crucial for success. The article recommends cautious entry into leverage trading, emphasizing the importance of research, risk awareness, and the use of tools like Trality's automated trading for added security.

Leverage Trading in Crypto: A Beginner's Guide (2024)


Leverage Trading in Crypto: A Beginner's Guide? ›

Leverage gives traders the ability to trade larger value contracts while putting down relatively smaller amounts upfront. This provides traders with greater efficiency for their capital and also allows them to increase their exposure without needing additional capital.

How to leverage crypto for beginners? ›

To use leverage to open a long position with a volume of $1000, a trader must have collateral of 1000/50 = $20. It seems that leverage in cryptocurrency trading does not require much investment, but this is true as long as the price moves in the predicted direction.

What is a good leverage for a beginner trader? ›

Forex traders should choose the level of leverage that makes them most comfortable. If you are conservative and don't like taking many risks, or if you're still learning how to trade currencies, a lower level of leverage like 5:1 or 10:1 might be more appropriate.

Is leverage trading good for beginners? ›

Leverage can be dangerous for a beginner because it allows you to make trades you don't fully understand, and small losses can become overwhelming before you know it. To avoid this scenario, it is important to know what is the best leverage in forex and get used to trading with as little risk as possible.

What is 20x leverage on $100? ›

Opening a trade with $100 and 20x leverage will equate to a $2000 investment.

Is leverage 1 1000 good for beginners? ›

1:1000 leverage is not the best for beginners because of the margin call risk, which can cause big losses. Your capital will be significantly reduced after a few margin calls. On the other hand, lower leverage can still assure you of high profit even if your trade is a bit speculative.

Does 10x leverage mean 10x profit? ›

Example of Crypto Leverage Trading: BTC Trade

With leverage, you control a position worth $10,000 (10x investment), but remember that leverage amplifies both profits and losses: While it can maximise gains, it increases risk. In this example, a 1% BTC price move results in a 10% gain or loss due to 10x leverage.

What leverage is good for $100? ›

For traders with $100 in capital, it is advisable to use low leverage, such as 1:10 or 1:20, to manage risk effectively. Using high leverage with a small account can be extremely risky.

Which leverage is best for a $20 account? ›

50:1 leverage (2% margin) is a good way to go. But your risk management doesn't stop there. After you accept trading with the constraint of 50:1, you should only risk 1% to 2% of your account with any given trade.

What is the best leverage for a $500 account? ›

Best leverage for a small account: $5, $10, $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, and $1000
Low riskHigh risk
4 more rows
May 8, 2022

What happens if you lose a leverage trade in crypto? ›

However, if you lose money when trading on leverage, the exchange will immediately end your position and “liquidate” your transaction. This happens when the underlying asset's price hits a predetermined level, which is referred to as the “liquidation price.”

What is the best leverage for $5? ›

Generally, it's recommended to use lower leverage when you have a smaller account size to minimize the risk of significant losses. A leverage of 1:10 or 1:20 can be a good starting point for a $5 account.

What leverage should I use for a $10 account? ›

As an example, imagine you had $10 in your account, a leverage of 1:100 would allow you to control a position as large as $1,000. This can be very enticing for all kinds of traders as it amplifies the potential profits a trader can gain in the market.

How to make money leveraging crypto? ›

Crypto leverage trading is a strategy that allows you to borrow assets to trade with additional assets. Depending on the ratio of your assets vs. the borrowed funds, the trades have leverage. If the transaction succeeds, the leverage multiplies your earnings.

How much leverage should I use in crypto? ›

Leverage in crypto trading is essentially a powerful tool that allows traders to amplify their trading capacity beyond their actual investment. Think of it as a financial multiplier. For example, with a 10x leverage, your $1,000 investment can have the impact of $10,000 in the market.

What is the risk of leverage? ›

Leveraging enables gains to be multiplied. On the other hand, losses are also multiplied, and there is a risk that leveraging will result in a loss if financing costs exceed the income from the asset, or the value of the asset falls.

Is 1 200 leverage good for beginners? ›

In my opinion , 1:200 leverage is good for a newbie. Because at these leverage there will be a low risk and average profit that a newbie will be interested to trade in Forex market as well as invest. When a newbie invest in Forex market and have not enough knowledge about leverage , they take high risk .

What is 100 to 1 leverage in crypto? ›

100x leverage in crypto means a trader can open a position worth 100 times their original investment, significantly amplifying potential gains or losses from small price movements.

What is 1 500 leverage for beginners? ›

Trading with 1:500 leverage is recommended only for those who have some experience in the foreign exchange market. Novices should be warned that if they try to apply it, they are likely to lose their entire account balance – probably in a matter of seconds.

What is the best leverage in crypto? ›

OKX is our overall top pick for trading crypto with leverage. The maximum leverage limit is 100x, so that's $10,000 in trading capital for every $100 deposited. Leverage markets are offered via crypto derivative products. The most popular is perpetual futures, which covers more than 100 crypto markets.

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