Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group (2024)

Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group (1)

Knowing the different levels of security clearance and what it takes to obtain those clearances can help you have a better time during the application process.

Applying for asecurity clearancecan be a confusing time. The following information should help to make more sense of the process by defining the various levels of security clearance and their qualifications as required by security clearance law.

Security Clearance Levels

There are three essential levels of clearance in federal government. These levels are classified as Non-sensitive positions, public trust positions, and national security positions. Each position requires a certain level of security clearance.

What Does a Security Clearance Level Signify?

A level of security clearance gives the individual access to a certain amount of classified information. There are various degrees of classified information that are only accessible to people on a “need to know” basis. By attaining higher levels of clearance, you can access information that can only be seen and handled by a very select pool of individuals.

The 5 Levels of Security Clearance in Detail

Security Clearance Level 1: Top Secret

An individual who attains the TS level of security clearance has demonstrated unwavering loyalty and trustworthiness, as well as an ability to uphold the highest ethical standards. A top secret security clearance holder has also agreed to keep personal, private, and confidential details secret and safe.

Top Secret clearance holders have access to information or material that could be expected to cause significant damage to national security if released with proper authorization.

Applying for this level of clearance requires you to divulge nearly every aspect of your life relating to personal and business finances, current and former residences, employment history, previousdrug use, pastmilitaryservice, citizenship status, and criminal history.

You will complete the standard questionnaire (SF-86) before your case is handed to a background investigator whose job it is to verify the information you offered. The investigator then goes through the grueling and lengthy process of talking to previous neighbors, employers, spouses, friends, and acquaintances to determine if you can be trusted with top-secret clearance level information. You can expect the background check to go back about 10 years.

As part of the background investigation, you will be required to take apolygraph test. The administrator will ask you to verify the information you listed on the SF-86 and ask other questions about your past to determine your level of trustworthiness.

When the background investigation is finished, the decision (adjudication) will be made regarding your eligibility for a top-secret security clearance. This process takes around six months.

Your eligibility for clearance will then be re-verified every five years with a follow-up background investigation.

Since this level of clearance comes with such a stringent background check, you will want to make sure that your history is clean before applying. For positions that require access to information relating to national security, the requirement for a clearance originates from an executive order of the President and can’t be waived by the agency you’re applying to work with.

To put it more simply, if you can’t obtain clearance, you likely won’t get hired. Before you spend the time required, be sure you don’t have anything in your past that could prevent you from getting the level of clearance you need.

Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group (2)

Security Clearance Level 2: Secret

Otherwise referred to as Ordinary Secret, this level of security clearance, along with Top Secret Clearance, almost always has some amount of military involvement in the clearance process.

Secret security clearance holders have access to information that could cause serious damage to national security if released without authorization.

You typically find holders of both Secret and Top-Secret clearances in agencies like the CIA or NSA.

The only difference between the two designations is the expensiveness of the background check. In other words, you can expect the investigator to dig a bit harder when applying for Top Secret clearance than he or she will with Secret clearance.

If you are found eligible for Secret clearance, you will have to undergo a re-investigation every ten years.

Security Clearance Level 3: Confidential

Confidential security clearance holders have access to material that could be reasonably expected to cause some measurable damage to national security. Mostmilitary personnelhold this security clearance level.

If you are found to be eligible for a security clearance, your re-investigation will take place every ten years.

Security Clearance Level 4: Q Clearance

The above security clearance levels are used by many US government agencies, yet the United States Department of Energy issues two more. The first additional level of clearance is known as Q Clearance.

Q Clearance allows the individual access to sensitive information up to and including Top Secret information. The level comes with the special designation “Restricted Data” and includes special Q-cleared security areas.

Security Clearance Level 5: L Clearance

L Clearance is the other level offered by the US Department of Energy that gives the holder access to classified data up to and including Top Secret information. The level comes with the designation “Formerly Restricted Data” with select “limited” areas.

What Would Necessitate a Certain Level of Security Clearance?

A security clearance is required for individuals who plan to work for an organization that involves access to restricted information. The military is the largest securer of security clearances. When these individuals leave the service, the majority keep their security clearances and take their designations to a civilian job. About 200,000 military personnel transition out of the service each year to enter into employment in fields like defense, where they can put their honed military and technical skills to good use.

Along with defense contractors, the medical, education, telecommunications, and financial fields have jobs that require security clearances due to the safeguards of critical information.

Each employment position may require a certain level of security clearance.

Security Clearance Levels for Military versus Non-Military Members

An individual may receive a security clearance as part of their job in the military. When this occurs, the military is sponsoring the individual to receive the clearance.

For non-military members, an organization or agency will need to sponsor you before you can apply for the necessary clearance. You cannot apply for Security Clearance all on your own. Only a cleared contractor or government entity has the power to request that you receive adequate clearance. To be eligible, you must be an employee or consultant of the cleared contractor, or you must have received or accepted a written offer of employment from the cleared contractor.

Security Clearance Levels in the USA versus Other Countries

The United States security clearance classification system involves several laws that are used to protect classified information. One of these laws is the Espionage Act of 1917, which was passed shortly after World War I and has been amended in the years since. The law prohibits interference with military operations or recruitment, prevents subordination in the military, and prohibits the support of US enemies during wartime.

Security clearances are handled differently in other countries. In Israel, for example, the Shin Bet (which is like the FBI and U.S. Secret Service combined) handles the security screening process. There is an eighteen-page application, which is very much akin to the SF-86, as well as a polygraph and in-person interview. The levels are Shamur (Confidential), Sodi (Secret), and Sodi Beyoter (Top Secret).

The Clearance Process in Canada

In Canada, applicants fill out a questionnaire called the SCT 330-60E, which asks about relatives, friends, houses, arrests, and jobs. Whereas the USA and Israel are concerned about efforts to thwart the government, Canada doesn’t appear to be concerned about any of that. The investigation moves to the Mounties and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) before a final decision can be made. Applicants vying for Confidential or Secret clearances must agree to a “criminal records name check.” For Top Secret clearance, applicants need to have fingerprints taken and undergo a credit history analysis.

Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group (3)

How AustraliaProcesses Security Clearances

Australia rules for issuing security clearances are similar to the way we do things here in the states. To obtain a security clearance in Australia, you need to be sponsored by the employinggovernmentagency. Unlike other countries, government policy dictates that individuals requiring security clearances be kept to a bare minimum.

The Clearance System in Germany

In Germany, the issuance of security clearances falls under the Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetz (Security Clearance Law). The clearances are common for the military and police, but also for financial institutions and a few other industries.

The background checks are conducted by one of Germany’s domestic intelligence agencies in a process that can take up to a year. The highest level of security clearance in Germany is Ü3 (Top Secret) followed by Ü2 (secret clearance) and Ü1 (Confidential). Applying for clearance requires you to complete an extensive background check. The analysis of your history includes information obtained from the police, intelligence agencies, foreigner databases, and justice information systems.

Background Investigation Performed for Each Level

Every security clearance level involves a certain degree of scrutiny that will be placed upon your background. Top Secret, for instance, involves a heavy investigation into your background spanning the previous ten years.

The background investigation begins when you, as the applicant, receive a conditional offer from an agency and complete the forms required to begin the process. The Standard Form 86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions will be required in most cases.

The Human Resources department of the agency will submit the completed security package to the State Department’s Office of Personnel Security and Suitability. The package will be reviewed for completeness and will be entered into the State Department’s case management system.

You will then undergo National agency record checks and fingerprint scans, followed by a meeting with your case manager. Your case manager directs the background investigation to cover key contacts and events from your past and present.

Shortly thereafter, an investigator will go about verifying the information you supplied in the security package. The investigator will dig into all the houses, apartments, and dorm rooms you may have stayed in. Your schooling will be investigated, and interviews will be conducted with your neighbors, co-workers, supervisors, classmates, lovers, and anyone else you may have mentioned. In addition, the investigator will contact law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions where you are reported to have lived, worked, or attended school.

Contact Us Now!

As a seasoned expert in the field of security clearances, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to shed light on the intricacies of the security clearance process. Having navigated the complexities of security clearance requirements and having worked closely with individuals seeking various levels of clearances, I understand the nuances involved in obtaining and maintaining these critical designations.

The article delves into the crucial aspects of security clearances, breaking down the different levels and their qualifications as dictated by security clearance law. Let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Levels of Security Clearance:

    • Non-sensitive positions: Generally accessible information.
    • Public trust positions: Moderate level of clearance for positions involving public trust.
    • National security positions: Highest level of clearance for roles related to national security.
  2. Significance of Security Clearance Levels:

    • Access to classified information is granted based on the "need to know" basis.
    • Higher clearance levels offer access to more sensitive and classified information.
  3. Security Clearance Levels in Detail:

    • Top Secret (Level 1): Highest level requiring thorough background checks, polygraph tests, and periodic reinvestigations.
    • Secret (Level 2): Requires less extensive background checks than Top Secret, with reinvestigations every ten years.
    • Confidential (Level 3): Access to information causing measurable damage to national security, with reinvestigations every ten years.
    • Q Clearance (Level 4): Special clearance by the Department of Energy, allowing access up to Top Secret information.
    • L Clearance (Level 5): Another Department of Energy clearance for access to classified data, including Top Secret information.
  4. Necessity for Security Clearance:

    • Required for roles involving access to restricted information, especially in fields like defense, medical, education, telecommunications, and finance.
  5. Military versus Non-Military Clearance:

    • Military personnel often receive clearances during service, while non-military individuals require sponsorship from organizations or agencies.
  6. Security Clearance Levels Internationally:

    • Different countries have varied processes and laws for security clearances (e.g., USA, Israel, Canada, Australia, Germany).
    • Each country's system involves background checks and investigations, but the details vary.
  7. Clearance Process Overview:

    • The background investigation spans ten years for Top Secret clearances.
    • The process includes the completion of the Standard Form 86 Questionnaire, national agency record checks, fingerprint scans, and extensive interviews.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of security clearance levels and the rigorous processes involved is paramount for individuals seeking such clearances and for organizations requiring personnel with access to sensitive information. The information provided in the article serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the intricacies of security clearance applications and maintaining eligibility over time.

Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group (2024)


Levels of Security Clearance | Security Clearance Law Group? ›

The three most common classifications of clearances are Confidential, Secret and Top Secret. There are other clearances that can be issued, but these three are the ones most often issued.

How can I tell what level of security clearance I have? ›

To determine the current status of your security clearance, please contact the agency's personnel security office that granted your clearance. If you are a contract employee, your company's facility security officer may also be able to assist you.

What is level 7 clearance? ›

Level 6 – 7 (Top Secret)

A Top Secret, or “TS”, clearance, is often given as the result of a Single Scope Background Investigation, or SSBI. Top Secret clearances, in general, afford one access to data that affects national security, counter-terrorism/counter-intelligence, or other highly sensitive data.

How do you answer a security clearance question? ›

How to Respond to Interrogatories During the Security Clearance
  1. Always Tell the Truth. This is not the time to “forget” to mention something questionable about your past, nor is it wise to mislead investigators in any way. ...
  2. Be Clear. ...
  3. Be Thorough. ...
  4. Get Assistance.

Is SCI higher than Top Secret? ›

Information "above Top Secret," a phrase used by the media, means either Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP). It is not truly "above" Top Secret, since there is no clearance higher than Top Secret.

How hard is it to get a TS SCI clearance? ›

A top secret security clearance is a determination by the U.S. government that an individual can access highly sensitive information or data that affects national security. Obtaining a top secret clearance requires passing a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) and can take 6 to 18 months.

Can I check my own security clearance status? ›

You can check on your clearance three ways: Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) Security Investigations Index (SII) Call DoD at 1-888-282-7682.

What are red flags for security clearance? ›

Regular or recent use of illegal substances, especially if it involves drugs categorised as controlled substances, is a red flag for security clearances. Drug use, even if it is in the past, can raise concerns about an individual's judgement, reliability, and susceptibility to coercion.

What will disqualify you from a security clearance? ›

What can disqualify you?
  • You are not a U.S. citizen.
  • You were dishonorably discharged from the military.
  • You are currently involved in illegal drug use.
  • You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.
  • You have had a clearance revoked for security reasons.

Who has level 10 clearance? ›

Level 10 is the access level held by the Director. As Director, they have access not only to all S.H.I.E.L.D. files, but to the world's most important files and secrets. The only known person that had Level 10 Clearance was Nick Fury.

How to get yankee white clearance? ›

Individuals with Yankee White clearance undergo extensive background investigation. The Yankee White clearance includes requirements of U.S. citizenship and unquestionable loyalty to the United States.

What is TSA security clearance level? ›

Differences in Levels of Security Access
AgencyCommon Clearance LevelsSpecial Requirements
TSAPublic Trust, SecretExtensive background checks
FBISecret, Top SecretPolygraph, field investigations
DHSPublic Trust, Secret, Top SecretFinancial history scrutiny
CIATop Secret, SCIInterviews, polygraph, higher scrutiny
1 more row

What is a good security answer? ›

According to the Good Security Questions website, answers to a good security question should meet these criteria: Safe: Cannot be guessed or researched. Stable: Does not change over time. Memorable: Can be remembered.

Is it OK to say you have a security clearance? ›

Specify the security clearance level — e.g., Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential. Highlight the clearance most relevant to the job application, if you hold more than one active clearance. Be honest. Misrepresenting your clearance can have severe consequences.

What level of security clearance is SF-86? ›

Level 1 NoneNon-SensitiveSF85
Level 2 NACLC every 5 yrs (4)National Security Non-Critical SensitiveSF86
Level 3 SSBI-PR every 5 yrsNational Security Critical SensitiveSF86
6 more rows

How to get a 5C security clearance? ›

Our process
  1. Receive a conditional offer of employment. ...
  2. Complete Standard Form 86 (SF-86) ...
  3. Take a polygraph. ...
  4. Get a psychological or medical evaluation. ...
  5. Perform credit check and National Agency Check (NAC) ...
  6. Conduct background investigation. ...
  7. Adjudicate and final job offer.

What is level 6 clearance? ›

Level 6, or Cosmic Top Secret (CTS), clearance is exclusively granted to the Administrator and the O5 Council. This clearance grants knowledge to anything that the Foundation has information on.

What are the highest security clearances in the US? ›

How many types or levels of security clearance are there? There are three levels of security clearance, with the highest level being Top Secret. Secret is the next level of clearance and Confidential is the final. 6.

What is a Top Secret clearance in the US? ›

Top secret clearance: This type of security clearance is the most restrictive and provides access to information that can cause grave damage to national security if disclosed without authorization. Must be reinvestigated for continued eligibility every five years.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.