Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (2024)

Have you ever encountered the question of what stateful components are? What stateless components are? When should I make a component stateful or stateless?

If so, don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. So, let’s first try to understand what state and components are before we talk about stateful vs. stateless?

Table of Contents

Who is React for Exactly?

ReactJS, known simply as React, is an open-source JavaScript library that is ideal for developing user interfaces, specifically for single-page applications. It empowers developers to create reusable UI components, which makes developing complex UIs more manageable and efficient. But who is it for, exactly?

Primarily, React is the go-to choice for front-end developers and full-stack developers, with its emphasis on interactive, stateful and stateless components in React that help to make the coding process more organized. These categories of components, referred to as stateful component React and React stateless components, allow for both dynamic and static content, respectively.

React’s environment is ideal for developers who are keen to work with stateful vs stateless React components. Its flexibility allows for better code organization and reusability, which can lead to more streamlined development. React stateless component usage is particularly beneficial when creating static components that do not require user interaction or backend updates.

On the other hand, using the stateful component React allows for more dynamic interactions. So, whether a developer needs stateless components in ReactJS for less complex features or stateful and stateless components in React for more intricate functionalities, React can accommodate these needs.

Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (1)

What can You Expect from using State in React?

React State is integral to using React, especially when dealing with dynamic components. So, what exactly can you expect from using State in React?

Stateful components in React are essential for managing dynamic data that changes over time and drives interactive behavior in your application. They are the heart of stateful vs stateless React component structures, allowing for updates and rendering of components based on user input or backend changes.

React’s State brings a host of benefits, particularly when working with stateless vs stateful React. For instance, it allows developers to manage data that can change over time, something that stateless components in ReactJS can’t handle. A stateful component React will provide the necessary dynamism for any complex feature that requires user interaction or data updates.

Furthermore, React’s State allows for efficient data flow in an application, providing the necessary functionality for stateful and stateless components in React to interact seamlessly. Using stateful and stateless components react, developers can effectively manage different aspects of an application and improve overall user experience.

In summary, utilizing state in React can greatly enhance the dynamism and interactivity of your application, giving you control over your components’ behavior and ensuring smooth transitions between different states.

What are the Benefits of State?

When discussing the dynamics of ReactJS, understanding the role of ‘State’ becomes imperative. It’s the pivot around which stateful components revolve, allowing the storage and manipulation of data as per user interactions. Here’s a detailed look at the numerous benefits of using State in React:

Dynamic UI Updates

State plays a pivotal role in offering dynamic updates to the user interface (UI). In the realm of React stateful component, State changes incite the component to re-render, reflecting the modifications in the UI. This is a stark contrast to React stateless vs stateful discussions, where stateless components in ReactJS, or as some might refer to them, ‘stateless react’, are predominantly used for components that display static or unchanging data.

Enhanced User Experiences

Another striking advantage of State is its potential to provide seamless user experiences. With a stateful React component, State maintenance facilitates the preservation of information as users interact with the application, enriching the overall user experience. This further underscores the contrast between stateless vs stateful components in React. A stateless React component is typically tasked with presenting static UI, while stateful components cater to the dynamic, interactive facets of an application.

Efficient Data Management

Finally, State in React enables improved data management. Stateful components efficiently handle data from various sources like user inputs, backend servers, and other components. This powerful functionality distinguishes stateful components, emphasizing the utility of stateful components over what is stateless component in React when it comes to handling dynamic data.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The State in React lends a certain adaptability and flexibility to your applications. By using stateful components, you can more easily adapt to changes in user needs or behavior over time. You can update and modify the State to reflect these changes, ensuring that your application remains relevant and responsive to users. This adaptability is a major distinguishing factor when looking at react stateless vs stateful components – the former is static and unchanging, whereas the latter can evolve with user needs and behavior.

Data Flow Management

State in React also aids in managing the flow of data within the application. When a stateful component’s State changes, it can pass this updated state as props to stateless components. This functionality fosters an efficient data flow between stateless vs stateful components in React, further enabling the dynamic nature of the application. The stateful component’s ability to manage data flow underscores the benefits of stateful components and demonstrates how they complement stateless React components.

Props and State

In the world of ReactJS, two essential concepts are ‘Props’ and ‘State’. These are two types of data that control a component’s behavior and render output, providing the means to build dynamic and interactive applications.


Props, short for properties, are a core concept within React. They’re used to pass data from one component to another, specifically from parent to child components. Stateless components in React, also known as React stateless functional components, utilize props to receive data and render it. When you’re learning how to create stateless components in ReactJS, understanding the role and usage of props is of paramount importance.


The State, on the other hand, is a data structure that starts with a default value when a component mounts and can be altered, usually in response to user events. It is responsible for the stateful nature of components and is used when a component needs to keep track of information between renderings. This concept is central when understanding how to create Stateless component in ReactJS that interacts with stateful components.

Understanding the differences: React State vs Props

To understand the key differences between Props and State, we can compare their key attributes:

Points of DifferenceStateProps
ControlControlled within the componentControlled by parent component
UpdateCan be changed within the componentImmutable, can’t be changed
Passing of DataNot passed to components but used within the componentPassed to child components
UsageUsed to store dynamic data and changes within a componentUsed to pass data and event handlers down to child components

In conclusion, both Props and State play pivotal roles within the React environment. While stateless components in React majorly rely on props for data, stateful components use state to manage dynamic changes and user interactions. This symbiotic relationship between stateful and stateless components forms the foundation of creating complex, robust, and efficient applications in ReactJS.

Class Components vs. Functional Components

As you delve deeper into the realm of ReactJS, you’ll inevitably come across two types of components that form the building blocks of any React application – Class Components and Functional Components. Understanding the distinctions and applications of these components is crucial for any React developer.

Class Components

Class components, sometimes referred to as “stateful” components, are ES6 classes that extend from React.Component. They are capable of maintaining their internal state, handle lifecycle methods, and have more features which are not available in functional components. Class components are the go-to when a component needs to handle complex logic, manage its own state, or interact with lifecycle methods.

Functional Components

On the other hand, functional components, often associated with stateless components in React, are simple JavaScript functions that take in props as an argument and return React elements. With the advent of React Hooks in React 16.8, functional components can also manage state and side effects. However, they are often used as stateless components due to their simplicity and ease of readability and testing. Understanding how to create stateless component in ReactJS will often involve becoming proficient in functional components.

React stateless functional components are perfect for presentational components where the primary goal is to render the UI based on props. The process of learning how to create stateless components in ReactJS will greatly benefit from understanding when and why to use functional components.

Class Components vs. Functional Components: A Comparison

To help understand the key differences between class and functional components, consider the following comparison:

Points of DifferenceClass ComponentsFunctional Components
SyntaxMore complex, ES6 class syntaxSimple, just a JavaScript function
StateCan use StateCan use State with React Hooks
Lifecycle MethodsYesNot in the traditional sense but can mimic with React Hooks
PerformanceSlightly slower due to lifecycle methods and memory allocationSlightly faster, less code and memory allocation
Readability and TestingHarder due to ‘this’ keyword and complex syntaxEasier due to simplicity of functions

In summary, both class and functional components have their roles in a ReactJS application. Whether you’re working with stateful class components or creating stateless components in React, understanding the nuances, capabilities, and appropriate uses of each will be pivotal in your journey as a React developer.

Container Components vs. Presentational Components

Diving deeper into ReactJS’s component structure, you’ll find a popular pattern that developers use to organize their React applications: Container Components and Presentational Components. This distinction can enhance the scalability and maintainability of your applications, fostering better code organization.

Container Components

Container components, as their name suggests, are primarily concerned with how things work. They are typically class components but can be functional components with hooks. They provide the data and behavior to presentational or other container components. They are often stateful, as they serve as data sources, and are connected to services like Redux or GraphQL.

Presentational Components

Presentational components, also known as stateless functional components in React, are concerned with how things look. They generally receive data via props and display it. They don’t specify how the data is loaded or mutated. They are stateless and, thus, their render output solely depends on their props. When you’re learning about ‘what are stateless components in React’, you’ll find that they align with the concept of presentational components.

These components, like stateless component in ReactJS, are primarily functional components but can be class components if they need lifecycle methods. Their main task is to define the markup and styles but stay away from having too much logic. Using stateless React components for creating presentational components is a common practice due to their simplicity and focus on UI rather than behavior.

Container Components vs. Presentational Components: A Comparison

Understanding the key differences between these two types of components is crucial for effective ReactJS development. Here’s a comparison table to make it clearer:

Points of DifferenceContainer ComponentsPresentational Components
PurposeManage data and behaviorDefine how things look
Awareness of Redux or similar librariesYesNo
Read and change the stateOftenNo
Presentational or Container ComponentsCan contain bothAre usually contained within Container components
Data sourceFetch and provide dataReceive data via props

In conclusion, a clear understanding of Container and Presentational components, including stateless React components and reactjs stateless component patterns, can help developers write more organized and manageable code. While Container components focus on the ‘how’, Presentational components are all about the ‘what’, creating a clear separation of concerns and boosting the maintainability and readability of your ReactJS application.

Can I use State in all components?

As you continue exploring the depths of ReactJS, you may find yourself asking, “Can I use State in all components?” To answer this question, let’s dive into the distinction between stateful and stateless components in React.

State in ReactJS is an attribute of a component that can change over time. It allows a component to create dynamic and interactive experiences. This, however, doesn’t imply that all components should have state. In fact, determining whether a component needs to be stateful or stateless is a significant design decision in React application development.

Stateful Components

Stateful components, as their name implies, have a state. They are capable of tracking changes, have knowledge of past, current, and potential future changes in themselves, and render their output accordingly. Stateful components are usually class components, but with the introduction of hooks, functional components can also maintain state.

Stateless Components

On the other side, stateless components are those that calculate their internal state but do not record or modify it. Stateless components receive data through props and render it. They are typically used for components that merely display data and don’t manage it. To further understand the difference between stateless and stateful components in React, a stateless component React example could be a simple button or a list item.

So, can you use State in all components? Technically, yes. But should you? Not always.

Points to Consider

  • If a component doesn’t need to know about its past or future states, it doesn’t need State. Making such a component stateful unnecessarily can lead to complicated code and potential performance issues.
  • If a component’s output doesn’t depend on its state and can be determined solely by its props, it should be a stateless component. Stateless components are easier to test and understand.
  • Always start building a component as stateless and only convert it to a stateful component if necessary. This practice makes your components more flexible and maintainable.

In summary, while it’s technically possible to use State in all components, it’s not recommended or necessary. The choice between stateful and stateless components should be based on the needs of the component, keeping in mind the complexity and performance of your application. Understanding the difference between stateless and stateful components in React is crucial for building efficient and maintainable React applications.

Comparing Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS

Stateful ComponentsStateless Components
DefinitionComponents that have state and can change their own dataComponents that don’t have state and rely on props
SyntaxClass componentsFunction components
State managementCan manage state using this.state and this.setState()Cannot manage state
PropsCan receive props from parent componentsCan receive props from parent components
Re-renderingRe-renders when state or props changeRe-renders when props change
PerformanceMore complex and can be less performant due to managing stateSimpler and can be more performant since they don’t manage state
Lifecycle methodsHave access to lifecycle methods like componentDidMount() and componentWillUnmount()Don’t have access to lifecycle methods
UsageIdeal for complex components that need to manage stateIdeal for simpler components that just render UI based on props


A State is an object inside the constructor method of a class which is a must in the stateful components. It is used for internal communication inside a component. It allows you to create components that are interactive and reusable. It is mutable and can only be changed by using setState() method.

Simple Example of Stateful Component which has two properties.

import React, { Component } from 'react';class StateExample extends Component {constructor(){super();this.state={first_name: '',last_name: ''}}render(){<div><p>State Component </p></div>}}export default StateExample;


A React application is divided into smaller molecules, and each molecule represents a component. In other words, a component is the basic building of a React application. It can be either a class component or a functional component.

Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (3)

React components are independent and reusable and contains JSX(JavaScript XML Syntax) which a combination of JS + HTML. It may take props as the parameter and returns a Document Object Model(DOM) element that describes how the User Interface(UI) should appear.

Class Component(Stateful)

import React, { Component } from 'react';class StateExample extends Component {constructor(){super();this.state={first_name: 'Shruti',last_name: 'Priya'}}render(){return (<div><p> Class Component </p><p>{this.state.first_name}</p><p>{this.state.last_name}</p></div>)}}export default StateExample;

Functional Component(Stateless)

import React from 'react';function Example(props) {return(<div><p>{props.first_name}</p><p>{props.last_name}</p></div>)}export default Example;

Stateful Components

Stateful components are those components which have a state. The state gets initialized in the constructor. It stores information about the component’s state change in memory. It may get changed depending upon the action of the component or child components.

Stateless Components

Stateless components are those components which don’t have any state at all, which means you can’t use this.setState inside these components. It is like a normal function with no render method. It has no lifecycle, so it is not possible to use lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount and other hooks. When react renders our stateless component, all that it needs to do is just call the stateless component and pass down the props.

Stateful vs. Stateless

Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (5)

A stateless component can render props, whereas a stateful component can render both props and state. A significant thing to note here is to comprehend the syntax distinction. In stateless components, the props are displayed like {props.name} but in stateful components, the props and state are rendered like {this.props.name} and {this.state.name} respectively. A stateless component renders output which depends upon props value, but a stateful component render depends upon the value of the state. A functional component is always a stateless component, but the class component can be stateless or stateful.

There are many distinct names to stateful and stateless components.

– Container components vs Presentational components

– Smart components vs Dumb components

I’m sure you guys must have guessed by just looking at the names which are stateful and stateless. Haven’t you?

State and Props used in stateful component

Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (7)

import React, { Component } from 'react';class StateAndProps extends Component {constructor(props){super(props);this.state={value: '50'}}render(){return (<div><p>{this.state.value}</p><p>{this.props.value}</p></div>)}}export default StateAndProps;

When should I make a component stateful or stateless?

Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (8)

It’s pretty straightforward that you should make your component stateful whenever you want to have a dynamic output (means that the output will change whenever the state changes), and you want to share the properties of parent component with the children components. On the other side, if there is no state necessity, you should make the component stateless.


Stateless components are more elegant and usually are the right choice for building the presentational components because they are just functions, you won’t find it challenging to write and understand them, and moreover, they are very straightforward to test.

There is no need for ‘this’ keyword that has always been a significant cause of confusion. Stateful components are difficult to test. Moreover, it tends to combine logic and presentation together in one single class, which is again a wrong choice for the separation issues.

Keep reading and Keep learning!!!

If you’ve any doubts, please let us know through comment!!

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Learn Stateful and Stateless components in ReactJS (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.