Layer 2 Networking | Junos OS (2024)

Overview of Layer 2 Networking

Layer 2, also known as the Data Link Layer, is the secondlevel in the seven-layer OSI reference model for network protocoldesign. Layer 2 is equivalent to the link layer (the lowest layer)in the TCP/IP network model. Layer2 is the network layer used to transferdata between adjacent network nodes in a wide area network or betweennodes on the same local area network.

A frame is a protocol data unit, the smallestunit of bits on a Layer 2 network. Frames are transmitted to and receivedfrom devices on the same local area network (LAN). Unilke bits, frameshave a defined structure and can be used for error detection, controlplane activities and so forth. Not all frames carry user data. Thenetwork uses some frames to control the data link itself..

At Layer 2, unicast refers to sending framesfrom one node to a single other node, whereas multicast denotes sending traffic from one node to multiple nodes, and broadcasting refers to the transmission of frames to allnodes in a network. A broadcast domain is a logicaldivision of a network in which all nodes of that network can be reachedat Layer 2 by a broadcast.

Segments of a LAN can be linked at the frame level using bridges. Bridging creates separate broadcast domains onthe LAN, creating VLANs, which are independent logical networks thatgroup together related devices into separate network segments. Thegrouping of devices on a VLAN is independent of where the devicesare physically located in the LAN. Without bridging and VLANs, alldevices on the Ethernet LAN are in a single broadcast domain, andall the devices detect all the packets on the LAN.

Forwarding is the relaying of packets fromone network segment to another by nodes in the network. On a VLAN,a frame whose origin and destination are in the same VLAN are forwardedonly within the local VLAN. A network segment is a portion of a computernetwork wherein every device communicates using the same physicallayer.

Layer 2 contains two sublayers:

  • Logical link control (LLC) sublayer, which is responsiblefor managing communications links and handling frame traffic.

  • Media access control (MAC) sublayer, which governs protocolaccess to the physical network medium. By using the MAC addressesthat are assigned to all ports on a switch, multiple devices on thesame physical link can uniquely identify one another.

    The ports, or interfaces, on a switch operate in eitheraccess mode, tagged-access, or trunk mode:

    • Access mode ports connect to a networkdevice such as a desktop computer, an IP telephone, a printer, a fileserver, or a security camera. The port itself belongs to a singleVLAN. The frames transmitted over an access interface are normal Ethernetframes. By default, all ports on a switch are in access mode.

    • Tagged-Access mode ports connectto a network device such as a desktop computer, an IP telephone, aprinter, a file server, or a security camera. The port itself belongsto a single VLAN. The frames transmitted over an access interfaceare normal Ethernet frames. By default, all ports on a switch arein access mode. Tagged-access mode accommodates cloud computing, specificallyscenarios including virtual machines or virtual computers. Becauseseveral virtual computers can be included on one physical server,the packets generated by one server can contain an aggregation ofVLAN packets from different virtual machines on that server. To accommodatethis situation, tagged-access mode reflects packets back to the physicalserver on the same downstream port when the destination address ofthe packet was learned on that downstream port. Packets are also reflectedback to the physical server on the downstream port when the destinationhas not yet been learned. Therefore, the third interface mode, taggedaccess, has some characteristics of access mode and some characteristicsof trunk mode:

    • Trunk mode ports handle traffic formultiple VLANs, multiplexing the traffic for all those VLANs overthe same physical connection. Trunk interfaces are generally usedto interconnect switches to other devices or switches.

      With native VLAN configured, frames that do not carry VLAN tagsare sent over the trunk interface. If you have a situation where packetspass from a device to a switch in access mode, and you want to thensend those packets from the switch over a trunk port, use native VLANmode. Configure the single VLAN on the switch’s port (whichis in access mode) as a native VLAN. The switch’s trunk portwill then treat those frames differently than the other tagged packets.For example, if a trunk port has three VLANs, 10, 20, and 30, assignedto it with VLAN 10 being the native VLAN, frames on VLAN 10 that leavethe trunk port on the other end have no 802.1Q header (tag). Thereis another native VLAN option. You can have the switch add and removetags for untagged packets. To do this, you first configure the singleVLAN as a native VLAN on a port attached to a device on the edge.Then, assign a VLAN ID tag to the single native VLAN on the port connectedto a device. Last, add the VLAN ID to the trunk port. Now, when theswitch receives the untagged packet, it adds the ID you specifiedand sends and receives the tagged packets on the trunk port configuredto accept that VLAN.

Including the sublayers, Layer 2 on the QFX Series supportsthe following functionality:

  • Unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.

  • Bridging.

  • VLAN 802.1Q—Also known as VLAN tagging, this protocol allows multiple bridged networks to transparentlyshare the same physical network link by adding VLAN tags to an Ethernetframe.

  • Extension of Layer 2 VLANs across multiple switches usingSpanning Tree Protocol (STP) prevents looping across the network.

  • MAC learning, including per-VLANMAC learning and Layer 2 learning suppression–This process obtainsthe MAC addresses of all the nodes on a network

  • Link aggregation—This process groups of Ethernetinterfaces at the physical layer to form a single link layer interface,also known as a link aggregation group (LAG) orLAG bundle


    Link aggregation is not supported on NFX150 devices.

  • Storm control on the physical port for unicast, multicast,and broadcast


    Storm control is not supported on NFX150 devices.

  • STP support, including 802.1d, RSTP, MSTP, and Root Guard

Understanding VLANs

A VLAN (virtual LAN) is a collection of network nodes grouped together to form separate broadcast domains. On an Ethernet network that is a single LAN, all traffic is forwarded to all nodes on the LAN. On VLANs, frames whose origin and destination are in the same VLAN are forwarded only within the local VLAN. Frames that are not destined for the local VLAN are the only ones forwarded to other broadcast domains. VLANs thus limit the amount of traffic flowing across the entire LAN, reducing the possible number of collisions and packet retransmissions within a VLAN and on the whole LAN.

On an Ethernet LAN, all network nodes must be physically connected to the same network. On VLANs, the physical location of the nodes is not important; therefore, you can group network devices in any way that makes sense for your organization, such as by department or business function, by types of network nodes, or by physical location. Each VLAN is identified by a single IP subnetwork and by standardized IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation.

To identify which VLAN the traffic belongs to, all frames on an Ethernet VLAN are identified by a tag, as defined in the IEEE 802.1Q standard. These frames are tagged and are encapsulated with 802.1Q tags.

For a simple network that has only a single VLAN, all traffic has the same 802.1Q tag. When an Ethernet LAN is divided into VLANs, each VLAN is identified by a unique 802.1Q tag. The tag is applied to all frames so that the network nodes receiving the frames know to which VLAN a frame belongs. Trunk ports, which multiplex traffic among a number of VLANs, use the tag to determine the origin of frames and where to forward them.

Ethernet Switching and Layer 2 Transparent Mode Overview

Layer2 transparent mode provides the ability to deploy the firewall withoutmaking changes to the existing routing infrastructure. The firewallis deployed as a Layer 2 switch with multiple VLAN segments and providessecurity services within VLAN segments. Secure wire is a special versionof Layer 2 transparent mode that allows bump-in-wire deployment.

A device operates in transparent mode when there are interfacesdefined as Layer 2 interfaces. The device operates in route mode (thedefault mode) if there are no physical interfaces configured as Layer2 interfaces.

For SRX Series Firewalls, transparent mode provides full securityservices for Layer 2 switching capabilities. On these SRX Series Firewalls,you can configure one or more VLANs to perform Layer 2 switching.A VLAN is a set of logical interfaces that share the same floodingor broadcast characteristics. Like a virtual LAN (VLAN), a VLAN spansone or more ports of multiple devices. Thus, the SRX Series Firewallcan function as a Layer 2 switch with multiple VLANs that participatein the same Layer 2 network.

In transparent mode, the SRX Series Firewall filterspackets that traverse the device without modifying any of the sourceor destination information in the IP packet headers. Transparent modeis useful for protecting servers that mainly receive traffic fromuntrusted sources because there is no need to reconfigure the IP settingsof routers or protected servers.

In transparent mode, all physical ports on the device are assignedto Layer 2 interfaces. Do not route Layer 3 traffic through the device.Layer 2 zones can be configured to host Layer 2 interfaces, and securitypolicies can be defined between Layer 2 zones. When packets travelbetween Layer 2 zones, security policies can be enforced on thesepackets.

Table 1 lists the securityfeatures that are supported and are not supported in transparent modefor Layer 2 switching.

Table 1: Security FeaturesSupported in Transparent Mode

Mode Type


Not Supported

Transparent mode

  • Application Layer Gateways (ALGs)

  • Firewall User Authentication (FWAUTH)

  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP)

  • Screen

  • AppSecure

  • Content Security

  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • VPN


On SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX550M devices, theDHCP server propagation is not supported in Layer 2 transparent mode.

In addition, the SRX Series Firewalls do not support the followingLayer 2 features in Layer 2 transparent mode:

  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), RSTP, or MSTP—It isthe user’s responsibility to ensure that no flooding loops existin the network topology.

  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping—Host-to-routersignaling protocol for IPv4 used to report their multicast group membershipsto neighboring routers and determine whether group members are presentduring IP multicasting.

  • Double-tagged VLANs or IEEE 802.1Q VLAN identifiers encapsulatedwithin 802.1Q packets (also called “Q in Q” VLAN tagging)—Onlyuntagged or single-tagged VLAN identifiers are supported on SRX Series Firewalls.

  • Nonqualified VLAN learning, where only the MAC addressis used for learning within the VLAN—VLAN learning on SRX Series Firewalls is qualified; that is, both the VLAN identifier and MAC addressare used.

Also, on SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320,SRX340, SRX345, SRX550, or SRX650 devices, some features are not supported.(Platform support depends on the Junos OS release in your installation.)The following features are not supported for Layer 2 transparent modeon the mentioned devices:

  • G-ARP on the Layer 2 interface

  • IP address monitoring on any interface

  • Transit traffic through IRB

  • IRB interface in a routing instance

  • IRB interface handling of Layer 3 traffic


    The IRB interface is a pseudointerface and does not belongto the reth interface and redundancy group.

  • Layer 2 Transparent Mode on the SRX5000 Line Module Port Concentrator
  • Understanding IPv6 Flows in Transparent Mode on Security Devices
  • Understanding Layer 2 Transparent Mode Chassis Clusters onSecurity Devices
  • Configuring Out-of-Band Management on SRX Series Firewalls
  • Ethernet Switching
  • Layer 2 Switching Exceptions on SRX Series Devices

Layer 2 Transparent Mode on the SRX5000 Line Module Port Concentrator

The SRX5000 line Module Port Concentrator (SRX5K-MPC) supportsLayer 2 transparent mode and processes the traffic when the SRX Series Firewall is configured in Layer 2 transparent mode.

When the SRX5K-MPC is operating in Layer 2 mode, you can configureall interfaces on the SRX5K-MPC as Layer 2 switching ports to supportLayer 2 traffic.

The security processing unit (SPU) supports all security servicesfor Layer 2 switching functions, and the MPC delivers the ingresspackets to the SPU and forwards the egress packets that are encapsulatedby the SPU to the outgoing interfaces.

When the SRX Series Firewall is configured in Layer 2 transparentmode, you can enable the interfaces on the MPC to work in Layer 2mode by defining one or more logical units on a physical interfacewith the family address type as Ethernet switching. Lateryou can proceed with configuring Layer 2 security zones and configuringsecurity policies in transparent mode. Once this is done, next-hoptopologies are set up to process ingress and egress packets.

Understanding IPv6 Flows in Transparent Mode on Security Devices

In transparent mode, the SRX Series Firewall filters packets thattraverse the device without modifying any of the source or destinationinformation in the packet MAC headers. Transparent mode is usefulfor protecting servers that mainly receive traffic from untrustedsources because there is no need to reconfigure the IP settings ofrouters or protected servers.

A device operates in transparent mode when all physical interfaceson the device are configured as Layer 2 interfaces. A physical interfaceis a Layer 2 interface if its logical interface is configured with the ethernet-switching option at the[edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family] hierarchy level. There is nocommand to define or enable transparent mode on the device. The deviceoperates in transparent mode when there are interfaces defined asLayer 2 interfaces. The device operates in route mode (the defaultmode) if all physical interfaces are configured as Layer 3 interfaces.

By default, IPv6 flows are dropped on security devices. To enableprocessing by security features such as zones, screens, and firewallpolicies, you must enable flow-based forwarding for IPv6 traffic withthe mode flow-based configuration option at the [editsecurity forwarding-options family inet6] hierarchy level. Youmust reboot the device when you change the mode.

In transparent mode, you can configure Layer 2 zones to hostLayer 2 interfaces, and you can define security policies between Layer2 zones. When packets travel between Layer 2 zones, security policiescan be enforced on these packets. The following security featuresare supported for IPv6 traffic in transparent mode:

The following security features are not supported for IPv6 flows in transparent mode:

Configuring VLANs and Layer 2 logical interfaces for IPv6 flowsis the same as configuring VLANs and Layer 2 logical interfaces forIPv4 flows. You can optionally configure an integrated routing andbridging (IRB) interface for management traffic in a VLAN. The IRBinterface is the only Layer 3 interface allowed in transparent mode.The IRB interface on the SRX Series Firewall does not support trafficforwarding or routing. The IRB interface can be configured with bothIPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You can assign an IPv6 address for the IRBinterface with the address configurationstatement at the [edit interfaces irb unit number family inet6] hierarchy level. You can assignan IPv4 address for the IRB interface with the address configurationstatement at the [edit interfaces irb unit number family inet] hierarchy level.

The Ethernet Switching functions on SRX Series Firewalls are similar to the switching features on Juniper Networks MX Series routers. However, not all Layer 2 networking features supported on MX Series routers are supported on SRX Series Firewalls. See Ethernet Switching and Layer 2 Transparent Mode Overview.

The SRX Series Firewall maintains forwarding tables that containMAC addresses and associated interfaces for each Layer 2 VLAN. TheIPv6 flow processing is similar to IPv4 flows. See Layer2 Learning and Forwarding for VLANs Overview.

Understanding Layer 2 Transparent Mode Chassis Clusters onSecurity Devices

A pair of SRX Series Firewalls in Layer 2 transparent mode canbe connected in a chassis cluster toprovide network node redundancy. When configured in a chassis cluster,one node acts as the primary device and the other as the secondarydevice, ensuring stateful failover of processes and services in theevent of system or hardware failure. If the primary device fails,the secondary device takes over processing of traffic.


If the primary device fails in a Layer 2 transparent mode chassiscluster, the physical ports in the failed device become inactive (godown) for a few seconds before they become active (come up) again.

To form a chassis cluster, a pair of the same kind of supportedSRX Series Firewalls combines to act as a single system that enforcesthe same overall security.

Devices in Layer 2 transparent mode can be deployed in active/backupand active/active chassis cluster configurations.

The following chassis cluster features are not supported fordevices in Layer 2 transparent mode:

  • Gratuitous ARP—The newly elected primary in a redundancygroup cannot send gratuitous ARP requests to notify network devicesof a change in primary role on the redundant Ethernet interface links.

  • IP address monitoring—Failure of an upstream devicecannot be detected.

A redundancy group is a construct that includes a collectionof objects on both nodes. A redundancy group is primary on one nodeand backup on the other. When a redundancy group is primary on a node,its objects on that node are active. When a redundancy group failsover, all its objects fail over together.

You can create one or more redundancy groups numbered 1 through128 for an active/active chassis cluster configuration. Each redundancygroup contains one or more redundant Ethernet interfaces. A redundantEthernet interface is a pseudointerface that contains physical interfacesfrom each node of the cluster. The physical interfaces in a redundantEthernet interface must be the same kind—either Fast Ethernetor Gigabit Ethernet. If a redundancy group is active on node 0, thenthe child links of all associated redundant Ethernet interfaces onnode 0 are active. If the redundancy group fails over to the node1, then the child links of all redundant Ethernet interfaces on node1 become active.


In the active/active chassis cluster configuration, the maximumnumber of redundancy groups is equal to the number of redundant Ethernetinterfaces that you configure. In the active/backup chassis clusterconfiguration, the maximum number of redundancy groups supported istwo.

Configuring redundant Ethernet interfaces on a device in Layer2 transparent mode is similar to configuring redundant Ethernet interfaceson a device in Layer 3 route mode, with the following difference:the redundant Ethernet interface on a device in Layer 2 transparentmode is configured as a Layer 2 logical interface.

The redundant Ethernet interface may be configured as eitheran access interface (with a single VLAN ID assigned to untagged packetsreceived on the interface) or as a trunk interface (with a list ofVLAN IDs accepted on the interface and, optionally, a native-vlan-idfor untagged packets received on the interface). Physical interfaces(one from each node in the chassis cluster) are bound as child interfacesto the parent redundant Ethernet interface.

In Layer 2 transparent mode, MAC learning is based on the redundantEthernet interface. The MAC table is synchronized across redundantEthernet interfaces and Services Processing Units (SPUs) between thepair of chassis cluster devices.

The IRB interface is used only for management traffic, and itcannot be assigned to any redundant Ethernet interface or redundancygroup.

All Junos OS screen options that are available for a single,nonclustered device are available for devices in Layer 2 transparentmode chassis clusters.


Spanning Tree Protocols (STPs) are not supported for Layer 2transparent mode. You must ensure that there are no loop connectionsin the deployment topology.

Configuring Out-of-Band Management on SRX Series Firewalls

You can configure the fxp0 out-of-bandmanagement interface on the SRX Series Firewall as a Layer 3 interface,even if Layer 2 interfaces are defined on the device. With the exceptionof the fxp0 interface, you can define Layer2 and Layer 3 interfaces on the device’s network ports.


There is no fxp0 out-of-band management interface on the SRX300,SRX320, and SRX550M devices. (Platform support dependson the Junos OS release in your installation.)

Ethernet Switching

Ethernet switching forwards the Ethernet frames within or acrossthe LAN segment (or VLAN) using the Ethernet MAC address information.Ethernet switching on the SRX1500 device is performed in the hardwareusing ASICs.

Starting in JunosOS Release 15.1X49-D40, use the set protocols l2-learning global-mode(transparent-bridge| switching) command to switch between the Layer 2 transparentbridge mode and Ethernet switching mode. Afterswitching the mode, you must reboot the device for the configurationto take effect. Table 2 describes the default Layer 2 global mode on SRX Series Firewalls.

Table 2: DefaultLayer 2 Global Mode on SRX Series Devices

Junos OS Release


Default Layer 2 Global Mode


Prior to Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D50


Junos OS Release 17.3R1 onwards

SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, and SRX345

Switching mode


Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D50 to Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D90

SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, and SRX345

Switching mode

When you delete the Layer 2 global mode configuration on a device,the device is in transparent bridge mode.

Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D100 onwards

SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX550, and SRX550M

Switching mode

When you delete the Layer 2 global mode configuration on a device,the device is in switching mode. Configure the set protocolsl2-learning global-mode transparent-bridge command under the [edit] hierarchy level to switch to transparent bridge mode.Reboot the device for the configuration to take effect.

Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D50 onwards


Transparent bridge mode


The Layer 2 protocol supported in switching mode is Link AggregationControl Protocol (LACP).

You can configure Layer 2 transparent mode on a redundant Ethernetinterface. Use the following commands to define a redundant Ethernetinterface:

  • set interfaces interface-name ether-options redundant-parent reth-interface-name

  • set interfaces reth-interface-name redundant-ether-options redundancy-group number

Layer 2 Switching Exceptions on SRX Series Devices

The switching functions on the SRX Series Firewalls are similarto the switching features on Juniper Networks MX Series routers. However,the following Layer 2 networking features on MX Series routers arenot supported on SRX Series Firewalls:

  • Layer 2 control protocols—These protocols are usedon MX Series routers for Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) or MultipleSpanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) in customer edge interfaces of a VPLSrouting instance.

  • Virtual switch routing instance—The virtual switchingrouting instance is used on MX Series routers to group one or moreVLANs.

  • Virtual private LAN services (VPLS) routing instance—TheVPLS routing instance is used on MX Series routers for point-to-multipointLAN implementations between a set of sites in a VPN.

Understanding Unicast

Unicasting is the act of sendingdata from one node of the network to another. In contrast, multicasttransmissions send traffic from one data node to multiple other datanodes.

Unknown unicast traffic consists of unicastframes with unknown destination MAC addresses. By default, the switchfloods these unicast frames that are traveling in a VLAN to all interfacesthat are members of the VLAN. Forwarding this type of traffic to interfaceson the switch can trigger a security issue. The LAN is suddenly floodedwith packets, creating unnecessary traffic that leads to poor networkperformance or even a complete loss of network service. This is knownas a traffic storm.

To prevent a storm, you can disable the flooding of unknownunicast packets to all interfaces by configuring one VLAN or all VLANsto forward any unknown unicast traffic to a specific trunk interface.(This channels the unknown unicast traffic to a single interface.)

Understanding Layer 2 Broadcasting on Switches

In a Layer 2 network, broadcasting refers to sending traffic to all nodes on a network.

Layer 2 broadcast traffic stays within a local area network(LAN) boundary; known as the broadcast domain. Layer 2 broadcast traffic is sent to the broadcast domain usinga MAC address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. Every device in the broadcastdomain recognizes this MAC address and passes the broadcast trafficon to other devices in the broadcast domain, if applicable. Broadcastingcan be compared to unicasting (sending traffic to a single node) ormulticasting (delivering traffic to a group of nodes simultaneously).

Layer 3 broadcast traffic, however, is sent to all devices ina network using a broadcast network address. For example, if yournetwork address is, the broadcast network address is this case, only devices that belong to the network receivethe Layer 3 broadcast traffic. Devices that do not belong to thisnetwork drop the traffic.

Broadcasting is used in the following situations:

  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) uses broadcasting tomap MAC addresses to IP addresses. ARP dynamically binds the IP address(the logical address) to the correct MAC address. Before IP unicastpackets can be sent, ARP discovers the MAC address used by the Ethernetinterface where the IP address is configured.

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) uses broadcastingto dynamically assign IP addresses to hosts on a network segment orsubnet.

  • Routing protocols use broadcasting to advertise routes.

Excessive broadcast traffic can sometimes create a broadcaststorm. A broadcast storm occurs when messages are broadcast on a networkand each message prompts a receiving node to respond by broadcastingits own messages on the network. This, in turn, prompts further responsesthat create a snowball effect. The LAN is suddenly flooded with packets,creating unnecessary traffic that leads to poor network performanceor even a complete loss of network service.

Using the Enhanced Layer 2 Software CLI

Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS) provides a uniformCLI for configuring and monitoring Layer 2 features on QFX Seriesswitches, EX Series switches, and other Juniper Networks devices,such as MX Series routers. With ELS, you configure Layer 2 featuresin the same way on all these Juniper Networks devices.

This topic explains how to know if your platform is runningELS. It also explains how to perform some common tasks using the ELSstyle of configuration.

  • Understanding Which Devices Support ELS
  • Understanding How to Configure Layer 2 Features Using ELS
  • Understanding ELS Configuration Statement and Command Changes

Understanding Which Devices Support ELS

ELS is automatically supported if your device is running a JunosOS release that supports it. You do not need to take any action toenable ELS, and you cannot disable ELS. See Feature Explorer for information about which platforms andreleases support ELS.

Understanding How to Configure Layer 2 Features Using ELS

Because ELS provides a uniform CLI, you can now performthe following tasks on supported devices in the same way:

  • Configuring a VLAN
  • Configuring the Native VLAN Identifier
  • Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
  • Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
  • Configuring an IRB Interface
  • Configuring an Aggregated Ethernet Interface and ConfiguringLACP on That Interface

Configuring a VLAN

You can configure one or more VLANs to perform Layer 2 bridging.The Layer 2 bridging functions include integrated routing and bridging(IRB) for support for Layer 2 bridging and Layer 3 IP routing on thesame interface. EX Series and QFX Series switches can function asLayer 2 switches, each with multiple bridging, or broadcast, domainsthat participate in the same Layer 2 network. You can also configureLayer 3 routing support for a VLAN.

To configure a VLAN:

  1. Create the VLAN by setting a unique VLAN name and configuringthe VLAN ID:

    Using the VLAN ID list option, you can optionally specify arange of VLAN IDs.

  2. Assign at least one interface to the VLAN:

Configuring the Native VLAN Identifier

EX Series and QFX Series switches support receiving and forwardingrouted or bridged Ethernet frames with 802.1Q VLAN tags. Typically,trunk ports, which connect switches to each other, accept untaggedcontrol packets, but do not accept untagged data packets. You canenable a trunk port to accept untagged data packets by configuringa native VLAN ID on the interface on which you want the untagged datapackets to be received.

To configure the native VLAN ID:

  1. On the interface on which you want untagged data packetsto be received, set the interface mode to trunk, whichspecifies that the interface is in multiple VLANs and can multiplextraffic between different VLANs.
  2. Configure the native VLAN ID and assign the interfaceto the native VLAN ID:
  3. Assign the interface to the native VLAN ID:

Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

To ensure that your high-traffic network is tuned for optimalperformance, explicitly configure some settings on the switch's networkinterfaces.

To configure a Gigabit Ethernet interface or a 10-Gigabit Ethernetinterface as a trunk interface:

To configure a Gigabit Ethernet interface or a 10-Gigabit Ethernetinterface as a access interface:

To assign an interface to VLAN:

Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces

To configure a Layer 3 interface, you must assign an IP addressto the interface. You assign an address to an interface by specifyingthe address when you configure the protocol family. For the inet or inet6 family, configure the interface IP address.

You can configure interfaces with a 32-bit IP version 4 (IPv4)address and optionally with a destination prefix, sometimes calleda subnet mask. An IPv4 address utilizes a 4-octet dotted decimal addresssyntax (for example, An IPv4 address with destinationprefix utilizes a 4-octet dotted decimal address syntax with a destinationprefix appended (for example,

To specify an IP4 address for the logical unit:

You represent IP version 6 (IPv6) addresses in hexadecimal notationby using a colon-separated list of 16-bit values. You assign a 128-bitIPv6 address to an interface.

To specify an IP6 address for the logical unit:

Configuring an IRB Interface

Integrated routing and bridging (IRB) provides support for Layer2 bridging and Layer 3 IP routing on the same interface. IRB enablesyou to route packets to another routed interface or to another VLANthat has a Layer 3 protocol configured. IRB interfaces enable thedevice to recognize packets that are being sent to local addressesso that they are bridged (switched) whenever possible and are routedonly when necessary. Whenever packets can be switched instead of routed,several layers of processing are eliminated. An interface named irbfunctions as a logical router on which you can configure a Layer 3logical interface for VLAN. For redundancy, you can combine an IRBinterface with implementations of the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol(VRRP) in both bridging and virtual private LAN service (VPLS) environments.

To configure an IRB interface:

  1. Create a Layer 2 VLAN by assigning it a name and a VLANID:
  2. Create an IRB logical interface:
  3. Associate the IRB interface with the VLAN:

Configuring an Aggregated Ethernet Interface and ConfiguringLACP on That Interface

Use the link aggregation feature to aggregate one or more linksto form a virtual link or link aggregation group (LAG). The MAC clientcan treat this virtual link as if it were a single link to increasebandwidth, provide graceful degradation as failure occurs, and increaseavailability.

To configure an aggregated Ethernet interface:

  1. Specify the number of aggregated Ethernet interfaces tobe created:
  2. Specify the name of the link aggregation group interface:
  3. Specify the minimum number of links for the aggregatedEthernet interface (aex)– that is, the defined bundle–to be labeled up:
  4. Specify the link speed for the aggregated Ethernet bundle:
  5. Specify the members to be included within the aggregatedEthernet bundle:
  6. Specify an interface family for the aggregated Ethernetbundle:

For aggregated Ethernet interfaces on the device, you can configurethe Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). LACP bundles severalphysical interfaces to form one logical interface. You can configureaggregated Ethernet with or without LACP enabled.

When LACP is enabled, the local and remote sides of the aggregatedEthernet links exchange protocol data units (PDUs), containing informationabout the state of the link. You can configure Ethernet links to activelytransmit PDUs, or you can configure the links to passively transmitthem, sending out LACP PDUs only when they receive them from anotherlink. One side of the link must be configured as active for the linkto be up.

To configure LACP:

  1. Enable one side of the aggregated Ethernet link as active:

  2. Specify the interval at which the interfaces send LACPpackets:

Understanding ELS Configuration Statement and Command Changes

ELS was introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX9200switches. ELS changes the CLI for some of the Layer 2 features onsupported EX Series and QFX Series switches.

The following sections provide a list of existing commands thatwere moved to new hierarchy levels or changed on EX Series switchesas part of this CLI enhancement effort. These sections are providedas a high-level reference only. For detailed information about thesecommands, use the links to the configuration statements provided orsee the technical documentation.

  • Changes to the ethernet-switching-options Hierarchy Level
  • Changes to the Port Mirroring Hierarchy Level
  • Changes to the Layer 2 Control Protocol Hierarchy Level
  • Changes to the dot1q-tunneling Statement
  • Changes to the L2 Learning Protocol
  • Changes to Nonstop Bridging
  • Changes to Port Security and DHCP Snooping
  • Changes to Configuring VLANs
  • Changes to Storm Control Profiles
  • Changes to the Interfaces Hierarchy
  • Changes to IGMP Snooping

Changes to the ethernet-switching-options Hierarchy Level

This section outlines the changes to the ethernet-switching-options hierarchy level.


The ethernet-switching-options hierarchy levelhas been renamed as switch-options.

Table 3: Renaming the ethernet-switching-options hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { authentication-whitelist { ... }}
switch-options { ... authentication-whitelist { ... }}
ethernet-switching-options { interfaces interface-name { no-mac-learning; ... }}
switch-options { interfaces interface-name { no-mac-learning; ... }}
ethernet-switching-options { unknown-unicast-forwarding { (...) }}
switch-options { unknown-unicast-forwarding { (...) }}
ethernet-switching-options { voip { interface (all | [interface-name | access-ports]) { forwarding-class (assured-forwarding | best-effort | expedited-forwarding | network-control); vlan vlan-name; ... } }}
switch-options { voip { interface (all | [interface-name | access-ports]) { forwarding-class (assured-forwarding | best-effort | expedited-forwarding | network-control); vlan vlan-name; ... } }}
Table 4: RTG Statements

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { redundant-trunk-group { group name { description; interface interface-name { primary; } preempt-cutover-timer seconds; ... } }}
switch-options { redundant-trunk-group { group name { description; interface interface-name { primary; } preempt-cutover-timer seconds; ... } }}
Table 5: Deleted Statements

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { mac-notification { notification-interval seconds; ... }}

The statements have been removed from the switch-options hierarchy.

ethernet-switching-options { traceoptions { file filename <files number> <no-stamp> <replace> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>; flag flag <disable>; ... }}

The statements have been removed from the switch-options hierarchy.

ethernet-switching-options { port-error-disable { disable-timeout timeout; ... }}


The port-error-disable statement has been replacedwith a new statement.

interfaces interface-name family ethernet-switching { recovery-timeout seconds;}

Changes to the Port Mirroring Hierarchy Level


Statements have moved from the ethernet-switching-options hierarchy level to the forwarding-options hierarchy level.

Table 6: Port Mirroring hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { analyzer   { name { ... } }}
forwarding-options { analyzer   { name { ... } }}

Changes to the Layer 2 Control Protocol Hierarchy Level

The Layer 2 control protocol statements have moved from the ethernet-switching-options hierarchy to the protocols hierarchy.

Table 7: Layer 2 Control Protocol

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { bpdu-block { ... }}
protocols { layer2-control { bpdu-block { ... } }}

Changes to the dot1q-tunneling Statement

The dot1q-tunneling statement has been replaced witha new statement and moved to a different hierarchy level.

Table 8: dot1q-tunneling

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { dot1q-tunneling { ether-type (0x8100 | 0x88a8 | 0x9100); ... }}
interfaces interface-name { ether-options { ethernet-switch-profile { tag-protocol-id [tpids]; } }}
interfaces interface-name { aggregated-ether-options { ethernet-switch-profile { tag-protocol-id [tpids]; } }}

Changes to the L2 Learning Protocol

The mac-table-aging-time statement has been replacedwith a new statement and moved to a different hierarchy level.

Table 9: mac-table-aging-time statement

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { mac-table-aging-time seconds; ...}
protocols { l2-learning { global-mac-table-aging-time seconds; ... }}

Changes to Nonstop Bridging

The nonstop-bridging statement has moved to a differenthierarchy level.

Table 10: Nonstop Bridging statement

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { nonstop-bridging;}
protocols { layer2-control { nonstop-bridging { } }}

Changes to Port Security and DHCP Snooping

Port security and DHCP snooping statements have moved to differenthierarchy levels.


The statement examine-dhcp does not exist inthe changed hierarchy. DHCP snooping is now enabled automaticallywhen other DHCP security features are enabled on a VLAN. See ConfiguringPort Security (ELS) for additional information.

Table 11: Port Security statements

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

 ethernet-switching-options { secure-access-port { interface (all | interface-name) { (dhcp-trusted | no-dhcp-trusted ); static-ip  ip-address { mac mac-address; vlan  vlan-name; } } vlan (all | vlan-name) { (arp-inspection | no-arp-inspection ); dhcp-option82 { disable; circuit-id { prefix hostname; use-interface-description; use-vlan-id; } remote-id { prefix (hostname | mac | none); use-interface-description; use-string string; } vendor-id [string]; } (examine-dhcp | no-examine-dhcp); } (ip-source-guard | no-ip-source-guard); } }
vlans vlan-name forwarding-options{ dhcp-security { arp-inspection;  group group-name { interfaceiinterface-name { static-ip ip-address { mac mac-address; } } overrides { no-option82; trusted; } } ip-source-guard; no-dhcp-snooping; option-82 { circuit-id { prefix { host-name; routing-instance-name; } use-interface-description (device | logical); use-vlan-id; } remote-id { host-name; use-interface-description (device | logical); use-string string; } vendor-id { use-string string; } } }


For allowed mac configuration, the original hierarchy statement set ethernet-switching-options secure-access-port interface ge-0/0/2allowed-mac 00:05:85:3A:82:8 is replaced by the ELS command set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 accept-source-mac mac-address 00:05:85:3A:82:8


DHCP snooping statements have moved to a different hierarchylevel.

Table 12: DHCP Snooping Statements

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

 ethernet-switching-options { secure-access-port { dhcp-snooping-file { location local_pathname | remote_URL; timeout seconds; write-interval seconds; }
system [ processes [ dhcp-service dhcp-snooping-file local_pathname | remote_URL; write-interval interval; } }

Changes to Configuring VLANs

The statements for configuring VLANs have moved to a differenthierarchy level.


Starting with Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10 for EX4300 and EX4600switches, when enabling xSTP, you can enableit on some or all interfaces included in a VLAN. For example, if youconfigure VLAN 100 to include interfaces ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1, and ge-0/0/2,and you want to enable MSTP on interfaces ge-0/0/0 and ge-0/0/2, youcan specify the set protocols mstp interface ge-0/0/0 and set protocols mstp interface ge-0/0/2 commands. In this example,you did not explicitly enable MSTP on interface ge-0/0/1; therefore,MSTP is not enabled on this interface.

Table 13: VLAN hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

 ethernet-switching-options { secure-access-port vlan (all | vlan-name{ mac-move-limit }
vlans vlan-name  switch-options { mac-move-limit}
ethernet-switching-options { static { vlan vlan-id { mac mac-address next-hop interface-name; ... } }}


Statement is replaced with a new statement and has movedto a different hierarchy level.

vlans { vlan-name { switch-options { interface interface-name { static-mac mac-address; ... } } }}
vlans { vlan-name { interface interface-name { egress; ingress; mapping (native (push | swap) | policy | tag (push | swap)); pvlan-trunk; ... } }}

These statements have been removed. You can assign interfacesto a VLAN using the [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family ethernet-switchingvlan members vlan-name] hierarchy.

vlans { vlan-name { isolation-id id-number; ... }}

Statements have been removed.

vlans { vlan-name { interface vlan.logical-interface-number; ... }}


Syntax is changed.

vlans { vlan-name { interface irb.logical-interface-number; ... }}
vlans { vlan-name { l3-interface-ingress-counting layer-3-interface-name; ... }}

Statement is removed. Ingress traffic is automaticallytracked.

vlans { vlan-name { no-local-switching; ... }}

Statement is removed.

vlans { vlan-name { no-mac-learning; ... }}

Statement has been moved to different hierarchy.

vlans { vlan-name { switch-options { no-mac-learning limit ... } }}
vlans { vlan-name { primary-vlan vlan-name; ... }}

Statement has been removed.

vlans { vlan-name { vlan-prune; ... }}

Statement is removed.

vlans { vlan-name { vlan-range vlan-id-low-vlan-id-high; ... }}


Statement has been replaced with a new statement.

vlans { vlan-name { vlan-id-list [vlan-id-numbers]; ... }}
vlans { vlan-name { l3-interface vlan.logical-interface-number; ... }}


Syntax is changed.

vlans { vlan-name { interface irb.logical-interface-number; ... }}
Table 14: Statements Moved to a Different Hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

vlans { vlan-name { dot1q-tunneling { customer-vlans (id | native | range); layer2-protocol-tunneling all | protocol-name { drop-threshold number; shutdown-threshold number; ... } } }}

For dot1q-tunneling:

interface interface-name { encapsulation extended-vlan-bridge; flexible-vlan-tagging; native-vlan-id number; unit logical-unit-number { input-vlan-map action; output-vlan-map action; vlan-id number; vlan-id-list [vlan-id vlan-idvlan-id]; }}

For layer2-protocol-tunneling (MAC rewrite enabled on an interface):

protocols { layer2-control { mac-rewrite { interface interface-name { protocol { ... } } } }}
vlans { vlan-name { filter{ input  filter-name output  filter-name; ... } }}
vlans { vlan-name { forwarding-options { filter{ input  filter-name output  filter-name; ... } } }}
vlans { vlan-name { mac-limit limit action action; ... }}
vlans { vlan-name { switch-options { interface-mac-limit limit { packet-action action; ... } } }}
vlans { vlan-name { switch-options { interface interface-name { interface-mac-limit limit { packet-action action; ... } } } }}
vlans { vlan-name { mac-table-aging-time seconds; ... }}
protocols { l2-learning { global-mac-table-aging-time seconds; ... }}

Changes to Storm Control Profiles

Storm control is configured in two steps. The first step isto create a storm control profile at the [edit forwarding-options] hierarchy level, and the second step is to bind the profile to alogical interface at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.See Example: Configuring Storm Controlto Prevent Network Outages on EX Series Switches for thechanged procedure.

Table 15: Changes to the Storm Control Profile hierarchy level

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

ethernet-switching-options { storm-control { (...) }}
forwarding-options { storm-control-profiles profile-name { (...) } }
interfaces interface-name unit number family ethernet-switching { storm-control storm-control-profile;}

Changes to the Interfaces Hierarchy


Statements have been moved to a different hierarchy.

Table 16: Changes to the Interfaces hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

interfaces interface-name { ether-options { link-mode mode; speed (auto-negotiation | speed) }}
interfaces interface-name { link-mode mode; speed speed)}
interfaces interface-name { unit logical-unit-number { family ethernet-switching { native-vlan-id vlan-id } }}
interfaces interface-name { native-vlan-id vlan-id}
interfaces interface-name { unit logical-unit-number { family ethernet-switching { port-mode mode } }}


Statement has been replaced with a new statement.

interfaces interface-name { unit logical-unit-number { family ethernet-switching { interface-mode mode } }}
interfaces vlan


Statement has been replaced with a new statement.

interfaces irb

Changes to IGMP Snooping

Table 17: IGMP Snooping hierarchy

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

protocols { igmp-snooping { traceoptions  { file filename <filesnumber> <no-stamp> <replace> <sizemaximum-file-size> <world-readable| no-world-readable>; flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>; } vlan (all| vlan-identifier) { disable; data-forwarding { receiver { install; source-vlans vlan-name; } source { groups ip-address; } } immediate-leave; interface (all| interface-name) { multicast-router-interface; static { group multicast-ip-address; } } proxy { source-address ip-address; } robust-count number; } }}
protocols { igmp-snooping { vlan vlan-name { data-forwarding { receiver { install; source-list vlan-name; translate; } source { groups ip-address; } } immediate-leave; interface (all | interface-name) { group-limit <1..65535> host-only-interface multicast-router-interface; immediate-leave; static { group multicast-ip-address { source <> } } } } l2-querier { source-address ip-address; } proxy { source-address ip-address; } query-interval number; query-last-member-interval number; query-response-interval number; robust-count number; traceoptions  { file filename <filesnumber> <no-stamp> <replace> <sizemaximum-file-size> <world-readable| no-world-readable>; flag flag <flag-modifier>; } } }}

Enhanced Layer 2 CLI Configuration Statement and Command Changesfor Security Devices

Starting in JunosOS Release 15.1X49-D10 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, some Layer 2 CLIconfiguration statements are enhanced, and some commands are changed. Table 18 and Table 19 provide lists ofexisting commands that have been moved to new hierarchies or changedon SRX Series Firewalls as part of this CLI enhancement effort. Thetables are provided as a high-level reference only. For detailed informationabout these commands, see CLI Explorer.

Table 18: EnhancedLayer 2 Configuration Statement Changes

Original Hierarchy

Changed Hierarchy

Hierarchy Level

Change Description

bridge-domains bridge-domain--name { ... }}
vlans vlans-name { ... }}


Hierarchy renamed.

bridge-domains bridge-domain--name { vlan-id-list [vlan-id] ;}
vlans vlans-name { vlan members [vlan-id] ;}

[edit vlans vlans-name]

Statement renamed.

bridge-options { interface interface-name { encapsulation-type; ignore-encapsulation-mismatch; pseudowire-status-tlv; static-mac mac-address { vlan-id vlan-id; } } mac-table-aging-time seconds; mac-table-size { number; packet-action drop; }}
switch-options { interface interface-name { encapsulation-type; ignore-encapsulation-mismatch; pseudowire-status-tlv; static-mac mac-address { vlan-id vlan-id; } } mac-table-aging-time seconds; mac-table-size { number; packet-action drop; }}

[edit vlans vlans-name]

Statement renamed.

bridge { block-non-ip-all; bpdu-vlan-flooding; bypass-non-ip-unicast; no-packet-flooding { no-trace-route; }}
ethernet-switching { block-non-ip-all; bpdu-vlan-flooding; bypass-non-ip-unicast; no-packet-flooding { no-trace-route; }}

[edit security flow]

Statement renamed.

family { bridge { bridge-domain-type (svlan| bvlan); ...
family { ethernet-switching { ...

[edit interfaces interface-name ]unit unit-number

Hierarchy renamed.

...routing-interface  irb.0;...
...l3-interface irb.0;...

[edit vlans vlans-name]

Statement renamed.

Table 19: Enhanced Layer2 Operational Command Changes

Original Operational Command

Modified Operational Command

clear bridge mac-table

clear ethernet-switching table

clear bridge mac-table persistent-learning

clear ethernet-switching table persistent-learning

show bridge domain

show vlans

show bridge mac-table

show ethernet-switching table

show l2-learning interface

show ethernet-switching interface


There is no fxp0 out-of-band management interface on theSRX300, SRX320, and SRX500HM devices. (Platform support depends onthe Junos OS release in your installation.)

Layer 2 Next Generation Mode for ACX Series

The Layer 2 Next Generation mode, also called Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS), is supported on ACX5048, ACX5096, and ACX5448 routers for configuring Layer 2 features. The Layer 2 CLI configurations and show commands for ACX5048, ACX5096, ACX5448, ACX710, ACX7100, ACX7024, and ACX7509 routers differ from those for other ACX Series routers (ACX1000, ACX1100, ACX2000, ACX2100, ACX2200, and ACX4000) and MX Series routers.

Table 20 shows the differencesin CLI hierarchy for configuring Layer 2 features in Layer 2 nextgeneration mode.

Table 20: Differences in CLI Hierarchy forLayer 2 Features in Layer 2 Next Generation Mode


ACX1000, ACX1100, ACX2000, ACX2100, ACX2200, ACX4000, and MX Series Routers

ACX5048, ACX5096, ACX5448, ACX710, ACX7100, ACX7024, and ACX7509 Routers

Bridge Domain

[edit bridge-domains bridge-domain-name]

[edit vlans vlan-name]

Family bridge

[edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family bridge]

[edit interfaces interface-name unit unit-number family ethernet-switching]

Layer 2 options

[edit bridge-domains bridge-domain-name bridge-options]

[edit vlans vlan-name switch-options]

Ethernet options

[edit interfaces interface-name gigether-options]

[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options]

Integrated routing and bridging (IRB)

[edit bridge-domains bridge-domain-name] routing-interface irb.unit;

[edit vlans vlan-name] l3-interfaceirb.unit;

Storm control

[edit vlans vlan-name forwarding-optionsflood filter filter-name]

[edit forwarding-options storm-control-profiles]

[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options] storm-control name; recovery-timeout interval;

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping

[edit bridge-domains bridge-domain-name protocols igmp-snooping]

[edit protocols igmp-snooping vlan vlan-name]

Family bridge firewall filter

[edit firewall family bridge]

[edit firewall family ethernet-switching]

Table 21 shows the differencesin show commands for Layer 2 features in Layer 2 next generationmode.

Table 21: Differences in show Commandsfor Layer 2 Features in Layer 2 Next Generation Mode


ACX1000, ACX1100, ACX2000, ACX2100, ACX2200,ACX4000, and MX Series Routers

ACX5048, ACX5096, ACX5448, ACX710, ACX7100, ACX7024, and ACX7509 Routers


show bridge-domain

show vlans

MAC table

show bridge mac-table

show ethernet-switching table

MAC table options

show bridge mac-table(MACaddress, bridge-domain name, interface, VLAN ID, and instance)

show ethernet-switching table

Switch port listing with VLAN assignments

show l2-learning interface

show ethernet-switching interfaces

Kernel state of flush database

show route forwarding-table family bridge

show route forwarding-table family ethernet-switching

Release History Table




Starting in JunosOS Release 15.1X49-D40, use the set protocols l2-learning global-mode(transparent-bridge| switching) command to switch between the Layer 2 transparentbridge mode and Ethernet switching mode.


Starting in JunosOS Release 15.1X49-D10 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, some Layer 2 CLIconfiguration statements are enhanced, and some commands are changed.

Layer 2 Networking | Junos OS (2024)


Layer 2 Networking | Junos OS? ›

Layer2 is the network layer used to transfer data between adjacent network nodes in a wide area network or between nodes on the same local area network.

What is a Layer 2 in networking? ›

What is Layer 2? Layer 2 refers to the data link layer of the network. This is how data moves across the physical links in your network. It's how switches within your network talk to one another. Installing Layer 2 on your infrastructure gives you high-speed connectivity between devices.

What is the difference between OSI layer 2 and 3? ›

Layer 2 switches offer limited to no routing capabilities within network segments such as VLANs. Layer 3 switches offer routing between different network segments. Limited scalability.

Are VLANs Layer 2 or 3? ›

A virtual local area network (VLAN) is any broadcast domain that is partitioned and isolated in a computer network at the data link layer (OSI layer 2).

Is IP address Layer 2 or 3? ›

The IP address is a layer 3 (network layer) address. The MAC address is a layer 2 (data link) address. The layer 3 address is a logical address. It will pertain to a single protocol (such as IP, IPX, or Appletalk).

What is layer 2 for dummies? ›

Layer 2 Ethernet refers to the second layer of the OSI model, which is the data link layer of the network. Layer 2 is where data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. The protocol layer enables the transfer of data between adjacent network nodes in a network segment, such as a LAN.

Which is layer 2 in OSI? ›

The data link layer, or layer 2, is the second layer of the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking. This layer is the protocol layer that transfers data between nodes on a network segment across the physical layer.

Which network device operates at Layer 2? ›

Switches are one of the traffic directors on the network, and traditionally operate at Layer 2. They allow for the connection of multiple devices in a LAN while decreasing the collision domain by employing packet switching.

Which is faster Layer 2 or Layer 3? ›

Layer 2 switching operates at the data link layer of the OSI model and is used to transfer data between devices on the same network segment. One key advantage of Layer 2 switches is that they are typically faster than their Layer 3 counterparts since they don't need to perform any routing functions.

Is DHCP layer 2 or 3? ›

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is responsible for setting up configurations when a computer first joins a local network. These settings enable communication over LANs and the Internet, so it is sometimes considered a layer 2-3 protocol.

Why only 4096 VLANs? ›

Max no of vlan any switch can support is 2 to the power of 12, which is 4096. This limit comes from dot1q header which is used to tag l2 frame. Dot1q header reserves 12 bits for vlan. Out of 4096 vlans allowed: 1–1001 are standard , 1002–1005 are reserved and 1006–4095 are extended range vlans.

Is Spanning Tree Protocol layer 2 or 3? ›

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a Layer 2 link management protocol that provides path redundancy while preventing loops in the network. For a Layer 2 Ethernet network to function properly, only one active path can exist between any two stations.

Is wifi a layer 2 or 3? ›

All Wireless LANs operate on the Physical and Data Link layers, layers 1 and 2. All Wi-Fi systems use these layers to format data and control the data to conform with 802.11 standards.

Is WAN a layer 2 or 3? ›

LAN and WAN Connectivity

Layer 2 switches are commonly used in LAN environments to connect devices within a single network segment. Layer 3 switches, on the other hand, connect different LAN segments or a LAN to a vast area network (WAN) like the Internet.

What layer is TCP and UDP? ›

Layer 4 of the OSI Model Handles Transport Protocols Like TCP and UDP. Layer 4 of the OSI model, also known as the transport layer, manages network traffic between hosts and end systems to ensure complete data transfers.

What are layer 2 examples? ›

Two major examples of layer 2 solutions are the Bitcoin Lightning Network and the Ethereum Plasma. Despite having their own working mechanisms and particularities, both solutions are striving to provide increased throughput to blockchain systems.

What is Layer 1, layer 2, and Layer 3 networking? ›

Layer 1 is the core architecture, Layer 2 adds functionalities, and Layer 3 hosts applications built on these functionalities. These layers differ in key aspects, such as consensus mechanisms, scalability solutions, transaction speed & price, and security features.

What is the function of the layer 2? ›

Layer 2 of The OSI Model: Data Link Layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.