Latest Trends - TestingXperts (2024)

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The introduction of new technologies has brought the latest updates in software design, development, testing, and delivery. Digital transformation is the point of focus for industries and businesses that are ranking high on cloud computing and business analytics. Quality and reliability are being given major attention, which results in the reduction of software application errors. However, the top priority of businesses across the globe remains to be cost optimization. One proven way to reduce overall cost is integrating testing early in the software development cycle.

The ever-evolving world of digital has no dearth of trends. The latest, however, are fuelled with agility and flexibility. Here are software testing trends vital for any digital transformation in today’s world.

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It's the coming together of development and operations teams together to bring an effective DevOps culture.

A modern code deployment approach that significantly helps in the collaboration and coordination among various teams and accelerates the software delivery process with faster releases, it ensures effective feedback to deliver quality software and ensures improved customer satisfaction.

This year, DevOps teams anticipate a notable surge in the adoption of cloud-native technologies. Notably, Kubernetes, Docker, and serverless computing are poised to further establish their significance, enabling expedited and highly efficient processes for application development, deployment, and scaling.

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Artificial Intelligence

In an attempt to make applications foolproof, the world is turning towards Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Chatbots have evolved to become more intelligent and conversational, leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. They provide immediate and personalized support to users, resolving common queries and issues efficiently. Adaptive AI takes chatbot capabilities further by continuously learning from user interactions and adapting its responses to provide more accurate and tailored solutions, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and improved efficiency in handling complex tasks.

Now, with growing capabilities comes growing risks. Software testing is the only premeditated way where an application can be observed under certain conditions and where testers can recognize the risks involved in the software implementation.

Testing is gradually transitioning to greater automation to ensure maximum precision and accuracy in the journey towards digital transformation.

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Automation Testing

Software automation testing involves the usage of tools and test scripts to test the software. These automated test results are more reliable and speed up the testing process, ensure faster releases and deliver accurate results.

Today’s enterprises are adopting agile and DevOps processes. Therefore, test automation is critical for continuous delivery (CD) and continuous testing (CT), as it can speed up the release cycles, increase test coverage and ensure quality software release well within time.

Read the significance of automation testing for enterprises.

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Low Code No Code Automation

These platforms enable users with little to no coding experience to develop applications and automate processes easily. Think drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built modules and templates, accelerating development cycles and reducing time-to-market. With the increasing accessibility of these tools, more people can actively participate in software development and automation, empowering organizations to streamline their operations and drive innovation.
Low code and no code automation have become even more prominent, revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals create software solutions.

Click here to read about low code automation.

Extensive use of Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation enables low code and no code platforms to leverage AI and ML algorithms for intelligent decision-making, data analysis, and predictive capabilities. It enhances the automation capabilities by allowing users to automate more complex and cognitive tasks, resulting in improved efficiency, productivity, and scalability.

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Digital Immune System

Digital landscape grew at a rapid pace, giving rise to the need of an immune system that protects the digital infrastructure, networks, and systems from cyberattacks, data breaches, and other malicious activities. This is where the Digital Immune System acts as a comprehensive defense mechanism, employing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and behavioral analytics to detect and respond to threats in real-time.

In today’s world, the Digital Immune System holds immense significance as cybersecurity threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. It helps organizations and individuals safeguard their sensitive information, maintain trust in digital interactions, and ensure the continuity of operations in an increasingly interconnected world.

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA enables digital businesses to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks, resulting in increased operational efficiency and productivity. Streamlining workflows, reducing errors, and enhancing overall accuracy, RPA leads to improved customer satisfaction.

New and emerging technologies, such as Artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning are revolutionizing all industries. Integrating RPA with AI and ML technologies has expanded its capabilities, allowing for more sophisticated automation and intelligent decision-making.

Overall, RPA remains a key driver of digital transformation and process optimization in 2024.

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Accessibility Testing

The world today runs on apps. From food delivery to booking a salon service to getting your blood tested, everything is app based. It is, therefore, necessary for these mobile & web apps to be accessible by differently-abled people. It’s fair to say that leveraging on accessibility testing is a huge factor for business scalability.

The significance of accessibility testing has grown even more due to increased awareness and legal requirements surrounding inclusivity. With advancements in technology and a focus on digital experiences, accessibility testing ensures that websites, applications, and software are usable by people with disabilities including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

Read why accessibility testing is important for your business.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (9)

Performance Testing

How fairly does an app function when numerous users tend to use it? A measure that can make or break customer experience and satisfaction.

Performance testing of IoT-based apps holds immense significance in present times. Performing seamlessly under varying loads delivers a great customer experience (CX) at every point of your customer journey. As IoT apps rely on real-time data exchange and communication between devices, performance issues can lead to critical failures and security vulnerabilities. The complexity and scale of IoT ecosystems demand rigorous testing to ensure seamless functionality, optimal resource utilization, and scalability.

In order to get high-performing digital mobile and web apps, leverage performance testing from next-gen testing service providers.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (10)

Regression Testing

Regression testing should be taken up especially when there are continuous changes made in the application, as this testing process checks for any new bug or error in the existing software and is more so a verification process for the software.

With this testing practice, tests are conducted to ensure and check the previously developed and tested software still performs well even after a change is made in the software.

Read when regression testing should be taken up.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (11)

Integration Testing

For the smooth working of the entire software system, it is important that every system component gets integrated with the different application modules.

Enterprises following agile and DevOps should take up integration testing to ensure that the application modules function effectively when they are grouped together. It helps to identify system-level issues such as module integration issues, broken databases, etc. Such that developers resolve them at the earliest.

Explore the benefits businesses get with Integration Testing.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (12)

User Testing

User testing refers to a technique wherein real users take up the role of testers to test the interface and functions of applications, websites, mobile applications, or services.

In this method, the real users test the apps by considering various real-time use cases and the feedback from these users helps in improving the application for the end-users. This is a usability technique to gain valuable insights from users regarding how they feel about the product.

Read significance of user testing for businesses.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (13)

Selenium Testing

Businesses adopting agile and DevOps processes should leverage test automation using various test automation tools for faster releases and to get quicker time-to-market.

Selenium is one of the most used test automation tools which is lightweight and developer-friendly, commonly used for automating web applications. It is a powerful, open-source tool used to automate web browser interactions. It supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and Ruby, allowing testers to write scripts in their preferred language. Selenium provides a suite of tools for different testing needs - Selenium WebDriver enables direct control of the browser by simulating user interactions, Selenium IDE is a browser extension that allows for record-and-playback testing, and Selenium Grid allows for parallel test execution across different browsers and OS.

Selenium seamlessly integrates with continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins, enabling automated testing in the development pipeline. It is flexible, supports the community, and is compatible with various frameworks.

Read this blog to know about why businesses should prefer selenium testing tool for their test automation.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (14)

UAT (Acceptance Testing)

As soon as a product is developed, even before it is moved to production, the product owner will check its functionality and usability by performing the User Acceptance Testing. This is the final phase before launch where the stakeholders check if the product is as per their requirements and if there are any errors while moving ahead with the functionalities.

UAT provides an opportunity for users to provide feedback and identify any potential issues or areas for improvement, leading to a higher quality product and enhanced user experience, minimizing the risk of costly errors or user dissatisfaction.

In the era of rapid technological advancements and evolving user preferences, UAT enables organizations to adapt to changing requirements and deliver software that aligns with user expectations.

Latest Trends - TestingXperts (15)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) uses code to define the desired state of infrastructure, including servers, networks, databases, and other resources. It manages and provisions computing infrastructure through machine-readable configuration files. This approach allows developers to automate and streamline the setup, deployment, and management of infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reducing the potential for human error.

When environments gradually differ from each other due to manual updates, it leads to potential deployment failures. This is known as a configuration drift, which is resolved by IaC. IaC provides consistent environments throughout the lifecycle, from development to production, which helps in reducing configuration drift, keeping errors and failures minimal.

Another benefit of IaC involves allowing teams to rapidly provision and scale infrastructure as needed as it supports automation. This attribution of IaC enhances collaboration by enabling infrastructure changes to be tracked, reviewed, and integrated within the existing development workflow, and fosters a culture of shared responsibility.

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    Latest Trends - TestingXperts (2024)


    Latest Trends - TestingXperts? ›

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Automation

    Both ML and AI testing will be able to do this with the help of analytics and reports. However, ML technology is one of the latest trends in testing, a fairly new concept that is expected to grow over the years.

    What is the latest technology in testing? ›

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Automation

    Both ML and AI testing will be able to do this with the help of analytics and reports. However, ML technology is one of the latest trends in testing, a fairly new concept that is expected to grow over the years.

    Which testing is in demand? ›

    1. Increased Demand for Low-Code Testing Platforms. The demand for low-code testing platforms is expected to surge exponentially in 2024 as organizations seek more efficient ways to deliver high-quality software products amidst growing complexity.

    What is the quality engineering trend in 2024? ›

    In 2024, the fusion of DevOps and Quality Engineering signifies a pivotal transformation in software development and deployment. Fostering collaboration between the development and operations teams expedites the software lifecycle and guarantees the delivery of superior-quality outcomes.

    How do you stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in QA and testing? ›

    Continuous Learning Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Pluralsight offer courses on the latest QA technologies and methodologies. Follow Thought Leaders: Engage with industry leaders on social media or through their blogs to get direct insights and opinions on current trends.

    Which testing is in demand in 2024? ›

    Uncovering the Top Testing Trends of 2024
    • AI and ML in Testing. ...
    • Increased Adoption of Automation Testing. ...
    • Expansion of End-to-End Testing. ...
    • Shift-Left and Shift-Right Testing Approaches. ...
    • DevOps and Continuous Testing. ...
    • Emphasis on Security Testing. ...
    • Mobile App Testing Evolution.
    May 31, 2024

    Which testing is in Boom now? ›

    Automation Testing

    Today's enterprises are adopting agile and DevOps processes. Therefore, test automation is critical for continuous delivery (CD) and continuous testing (CT), as it can speed up the release cycles, increase test coverage and ensure quality software release well within time.

    Which testing pays the most? ›

    3 highest paying software testing jobs for 2024
    • 1) QA Lead/Manager. Software products need to be evaluated and the whole product quality must be verified through the means of quality assurance, with the help of leads, or managers. ...
    • 2) Test Architect. ...
    • 3) Big Data Engineers.
    Apr 19, 2024

    Is testing a dead job? ›

    The paradigm of machines testing machines has a sort of elegance that makes it very nearly inevitable. All that being said, software testing is here to stay. It may be more automated but when you are in the business of making software products for people, you need people testing those products.

    Which testing career is best? ›

    Best Software testing career paths
    • Junior software tester. A junior software tester is an entry-level job position in the field of quality assurance. ...
    • Infrastructure vulnerability lead. ...
    • Performance tester. ...
    • Senior software development engineer in test (SDET) ...
    • QA Architect. ...
    • Business analyst Quality Assurance.
    Jul 3, 2024

    What is the most demanding engineering field in 2030? ›

    Mechanical Engineering

    In today's time, mechanical engineers are in massive demand. The field is expected to grow by 7% by 2030. On average, about 20,200 candidates are hired in India every year. Career options after Mechanical Engineering are numerous.

    What new technology for 2024? ›

    The top technology trends in 2024 combine AR/VR technologies. These are at the forefront of immersive technology, offering groundbreaking experiences in various domains. AR overlays digital information in the real world, enhancing everyday activities like gaming, education, and retail.

    Which engineering is best in 2025? ›

    Robotics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Engineering are top choices due to their high demand and impact on emerging technologies. Robotics focuses on automation and AI, Electrical Engineering deals with power systems and electronics, while Computer Engineering bridges hardware and software.

    What is the biggest challenge in QA? ›

    17 challenges in QA testing and how to solve them
    1. The "one size fits all" approach. ...
    2. Lack of skilled workforce or experience. ...
    3. Stringent time constraints. ...
    4. Lack of automated tasks in testing. ...
    5. Lack of communication between developers and testers. ...
    6. Unstable environment. ...
    7. Imposed tool usage. ...
    8. Utilizing third-party testing documents.

    What's trending in QA? ›

    Big data, AI, cloud technology, cybersecurity, DevOps, as well as internal QA trends such as test automation, shift-left testing, exploratory testing, and other trends, will drive manual QA in 2024.

    What is the QA strategy for testing? ›

    14 tips for a successful QA strategy
    • 1) Define clear goals and metrics upfront.
    • 2) Document your QA process.
    • 3) Create QA testing scenarios and test cases.
    • 4) Build a dedicated QA team.
    • 5) Make testing visible through reporting.
    • 6) Prioritize test automation.
    • 7) Use the right open source tool.
    Jan 26, 2024

    What is the latest testing tool? ›

    Top 21 Automation Testing Tools in 2024
    • BrowserStack Automate. BrowserStack Automate is a cloud-based service that allows users to run automated Selenium tests on a grid of 3500+ real browsers and mobile devices. ...
    • Selenium. ...
    • BugBug. ...
    • Cypress. ...
    • Playwright. ...
    • Puppeteer. ...
    • SOAPUI. ...
    • Robot.
    Aug 12, 2024

    What is the newest technology? ›

    10 Must Watch Latest Technologies in Software for 2024
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) ...
    • Low-Code/No-Code Development. ...
    • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) ...
    • Big Data and Data Analytics. ...
    • IoT (Internet of Things) ...
    • 5G Technology. ...
    • Containerization and Kubernetes. ...
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

    Which technology is using in testing? ›

    Testing types tools

    QTP, Selenium, Appium, Robotium, Serenity, Robot, Ranorex Studio, TestComplete, Watir, more...

    What is latest in performance testing? ›

    AI-Powered Performance Testing

    Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), platforms can uncover intricate patterns in real user activities, allowing for the refinement of performance testing scripts to mirror actual user behaviors accurately.

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    Author: Velia Krajcik

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    Author information

    Name: Velia Krajcik

    Birthday: 1996-07-27

    Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

    Phone: +466880739437

    Job: Future Retail Associate

    Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

    Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.