Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (2024)

Some insurers don’t offer cover for unpaid rent by tenants. But AAMI Does. Tenant Protection Optional Cover now available.

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Landlord Insurance for your investment property

Our Landlord Insurance can help keep your investment property covered, inside and out, and comes with optional Tenant Protection Cover and optional Complete Replacement Cover. Manage your investment expenses by only paying for the cover you need. Get $50 OFF when you quote and buy online. .

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Building & Contents

For landlords

what's covered

  • Repair or rebuild of your rented property
  • Repair or replacement of your contents
    e.g. carpets / rugs
  • Loss of rent following an insured event
  • Legal liability

Want a little more info?

optional covers

Complete Replacement Cover

Tenant Protection

All upgradable details

insured events include


Escape of Liquid

Storm and lightning

Malicious damage by people other than tenants and guests

All insured events

$50 OFF

when you quote and buy online

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Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Building only

For landlords

what's covered

  • Repair or rebuild of your rented property
  • Loss of rent following an insured event
  • Legal liability

Want a little more info?

optional covers

Complete Replacement Cover

Tenant Protection

All upgradable details

insured events include


Escape of Liquid

Storm and lightning

Malicious damage by people other than tenants and guests

All insured events

$25 OFF

when you quote and buy online

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Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Contents only

For landlords

what's covered

  • Contents damage or loss
  • Legal liability

Want a little more info?

insured events include


Escape of Liquid

Storm and lightning

Malicious damage by people other than tenants and guests

All insured events

$25 OFF

when you quote and buy online

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Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)


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Call 13 22 44

what's covered

  • Repair or Rebuild damaged parts to the building, unless cash settled
  • Loss of Rent for unit owners following an insured event
  • Legal Liability of up to $20 milllion
  • Office Bearer’s Liability of $1 million

Want a little more info?

Policy document downloads
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

insured events include


Escape of Liquid

Storm and lightning


Malicious acts or vandalism by people who are not tenants or their guests

All insured events

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Landlord Insurance does not cover strata title buildings.

So if your rental property is on a shared block or shares walls with other properties, you may need Strata Insurance.

More about Strata Insurance

Work out the value of your contents using our calculator.

Contents Calculator


Helping you at every step

If you ever need to claim, your dedicated Client Manager can organise every detail from beginning to end.

  • All quotes and repairs
  • Sourcing of materials and replacement items
  • Requirements of your local council or authority
  • Regular communication with you throughout the process.

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Our claims process

What's covered for Landlords

  • Your Building
  • Your Contents
  • Optional Cover
  • Insured Events
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    • Your Building
    • Your Contents
    • Optional Cover
    • Insured Events

Your Building

In Building & Contents, and Building Only Insurance

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Cover for damage to the building

Also includes outbuildings like garages and sheds, and other permanent fixtures like fences, decks and solar panels.

Cover for third party liability

Up to $20 million legal liability can help you take care of legal and other costs if someone suffers injury, death or property damage at your rented property and you’re liable.

Loss of rent following an insured event

If the rented property cannot be lived in or re-leased, we will pay the weekly rental amount for the time it should take to repair or rebuild the building so that it can be lived in again or re-leased, for up to 52 weeks and the most we will pay is $25,000 if you have building cover.

Motor burnout cover

If the motor in one of your fixed appliances burns out or fuses and that motor is less than 7 years old, we'll help you take care of repair or replacement.

Your Contents

In Building & Contents, and Contents Only Insurance

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Loss or damage to your contents

If loss or damage to your landlord contents is covered under your policy your contents may be replaced, repaired or we may pay you. We will aim to use a member of our supplier network to repair or replace damaged contents. Sometimes this is not always possible or practical and this will determine how your contents claim will be settled. Refer to your PDS for how we settle contents claims.

New for old for your lost or damaged items

New for old means:

  • New materials, new items;
  • New for old, regardless of age;
  • Same type, standard and specification as when new (or if not reasonably available, similar type, standard and specification).

For a full definition of ‘new for old’ and for how we settle contents claims, refer to the PDS.

Storage of undamaged contents

If some or all of your landlord contents escape damage from an insured event, but they can’t be kept at the rented property – say, if they’ll be exposed to the elements during repair work– we’ll cover the cost of storing them, up to 10% of your landlord contents sum insured.

Motor burnout cover

If the motor in one of your fixed appliances burns out or fuses and that motor is less than 7 years old, we'll help you take care of repair or replacement.

Optional Covers

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Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (1)

Complete Replacement Cover

For buildings only

Our best protection against underinsurance. If your home is damaged or destroyed by an insured event, we'll repair or rebuild your rental property as it was or pay the total amount of the assessed quote to repair or rebuild it.​

More detail on coverage

Tenant Protection

Extra cover to protect you against the costs of unpaid rent, theft or malicious damage by your tenant and their guests.

More detail on coverage

Insured Events

These are the events that you can make a claim for, if they cause loss or damage to your home or contents (or both, of course, if you have a combined policy). There are limits, conditions and exclusions which apply, so check out the policy documents to make sure you’re up to speed.

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Including water overflowing from things like lakes, rivers, or dams.


That's rain, wind, thunder, that sort of thing. FYI, storm damage is one of our most common claims, so this is a biggie.

Storm surge

That's a rush of water pushed from the sea onto the land caused by very strong winds. It doesn't include actions or movements of the sea. The loss or damage caused by storm surge must happen at the same time as other insured damage caused by storm.


Including power surges caused by lightning, will be covered providing a qualified repairer confirms lightning as the cause of loss or damage.


Loss or damage caused by fire (includes bushfire) and heat, ash, soot and smoke that is the direct result of a fire within 100 metres of the insured address.​

Earthquake & Tsunami

These may not be likely, depending on where you live, but you'll be covered just in case.

Theft or burglary

This also includes attempted theft, if nothing is stolen but the attempt causes damage that needs repairing.

Escape of liquid

This refers to liquid leaking, overflowing or bursting from things like appliances, fixed pipes, drains, and waterbeds


This refers to damage caused by impact from falling tree branches, power poles or TV antennas.

Damage by an animal

Not your pets, though. This refers to damage caused by animals (not insects, vermin or rodents) who aren’t supposed to be there.


We cover the loss or damage caused by an explosion but we don’t cover the cost of replacing or repairing the tank or container that exploded.

Riot, civil commotion or public disturbance

An example would be damage caused by a violent crowd moving down your street.

Malicious acts and vandalism

This includes things like vandals damaging your letterbox or tagging the building with graffiti.

Insured Events listed above apply to AAMI Home Insurance products, excluding Fire & Theft Contents Insurance which is limited to loss or damage by Fire, Theft or Burglary. We don't insure you for bushfire, storm, storm surge, flood or tsunami for the first 72 hours of your policy. Very limited exceptions apply. Read the PDS for more detail.​

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Landlord Insurance

Frequently asked questions

How do I determine the right sum insured for my home?

Will I be covered by my Landlord Insurance if my tenant stops paying the rent but does not leave my property?

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Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (2)


Home Building Calculator

This calculator has some questions included that you may not find in other calculators, which will impact the estimate that is calculated.

Estimate the cost to rebuild

This calculator can help you work out the estimated rebuild cost of your home to help you choose your sum insured.

AAMI Home Building Calculator

Insurance is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as AAMI. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Any advice has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs, so you should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acting on it. Read the Product Disclosure Statementbefore you make any decision regarding this product. The Target Market Determination is also available.

Malicious damage

By ‘malicious’ we mean something done deliberately to harm your property.

For example, if your tenant smashes holes in the wall after they’ve been given an eviction notice, that’s considered malicious and is covered.

We don’t mean accidents, reckless or negligent acts, which aren’t covered. Examples of these are:

  • Your tenant never empties the bins causing bad smells and infestation.
  • Your tenant accidentally spills a glass of wine and ruins the carpet.
  • The children of your tenant put a hole in the wall while playing indoors.

This is a just summary. For full details check the PDS (Product Disclosure Statement). It’s dry, we know, but it’s essential reading.

Currently unavailable

We are currently unable to offer Tenant Protection Optional Cover on new Landlord Insurance policies until further notice.

Home Building Calculator

This calculator has some questions included that you may not find in other calculators, which will impact the estimate that is calculated.

Optional Cover

Tenant Protection

Protection against unpaid rent, and theft and malicious damage by your tenants and their guests.

Malicious damage

By ‘malicious’ we mean something done deliberately to harm your property.

For example, if your tenant smashes holes in the wall after they’ve been given an eviction notice, that’s considered malicious and is covered.

We don’t mean accidents, reckless or negligent acts, which aren’t covered. Examples of these are:

  • Your tenant never empties the bins causing bad smells and infestation.
  • Your tenant accidentally spills a glass of wine and ruins the carpet.
  • The children of your tenant put a hole in the wall while playing indoors.

This is a just summary. For full details check the PDS (Product Disclosure Statement). It’s dry, we know, but it’s essential reading.

what's included

  • Unpaid rent up to $6,000 (limits apply)
  • Theft by tenants or their guests, up to $20,000
  • Malicious damage by tenants or their guests up to $30,000
  • We pay you the cost to rekey or replace (whichever is less) external locks if your tenant doesn't return the keys, up to $800

Read the PDS for more detail, including limits and exclusions

how to get it


Select the AAMI Tenant Protection Optional Cover when you get an AAMI Landlord Insurance quote.


Call us on 13 22 44 to add AAMI Tenant Protection to your AAMI Landlord Insurance policy.

Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Tax Probe

Covers you for the professional fees incurred if your business’s financial or tax affairs are audited by an authorised authority.

Back in Business

Covers you for a reduction in your business revenue as a result of damage to your property by an insured event.


Covers you for the loss of your business contents and stock from theft, attempted theft, armed hold up or an actual/threatened assault.

Property Damage

Covers you for physical loss or damage to your property (ie. your business contents, stock or specified items at the premises) from insured events such as fire, lightning and explosion.

Public and Products Liability

Covers you for the cost of compensation if your business is responsible for personal injury or property damage.

Home & Contents including Legal Liability

Home & Contents covers a range of insured events, such as fire, theft or attempted theft, storms, flood and lightning.

Legal liability covers your liability to pay compensation for death or injury to other people, or loss of or damage to their property, if it results from an incident that’s connected with you owning or living in the home at the insured address. Legal liability on contents covers your liability to pay compensation for an incident which causes death or bodily injury to other people, if it occurs anywhere in Australia or New Zealand.

Damage to other people and their property

Up to $20 million cover for your legal liability for an incident at your rental property connected to you owning the property.

Loss of rent

Up to 10% of the building sum insured and the longest period that can be claimed for is 52 weeks, for unit owners if their unit is damaged and their tenant can't live in it as a result of an incident covered by the policy.​

Loss of rent

The longest period we will pay for one incident is 52 weeks and the most we will pay in total is up to $25,000 if your property cannot be lived in as a result of an incident covered by the policy.

Contents damage or loss

Only those contents which are owned by the landlord but kept within the property are covered.

Third party cover

You’ll have cover, for up to $20 million, for your legal liability if a third party is injured or has their property damaged in an incident at your house.

Legal liability

We cover your legal liability to pay compensation for death of or bodily injury to other people, or loss or damage to their property, resulting from an incident which happens anywhere in Australia or New Zealand during the period of insurance:

  • which is unrelated to your ownership of the building, unit or land at the insured address, unless you are living in a unit and/or own the unit and your legal liability is not covered under a building policy which covers that unit; or

  • if it results from fixtures and fittings attached to the insured address and that you are legally responsible for under a rental agreement.

We also cover you for associated legal costs to defend a claim against you that is covered. We need to first agree to pay the legal costs before they are covered.

Legal liability

We cover your legal liability to pay compensation for death or bodily injury to other people, or loss or damage to their property, resulting from an incident which happens during the period of cover:

  • in connection with you owning or living in the building; and

  • at the insured address.

We will also pay the associated legal costs which we have agreed in writing to pay. The most we will pay for all claims from any one incident under building legal liability cover is $20 million, including all associated legal costs.

Lifetime guarantee on building repairs

When we repair or rebuild the building, we guarantee the quality of workmanship of that work for the lifetime of the building if we:​

  • authorise;​
  • arrange; and​
  • pay the builder or repairer directly for this work.​

For full details, see the PDS.

Portable valuables

Extra cover for mobile phones, laptops, bicycles, handbags and a range of other items that you're likely to take outside your home.

Specified contents at home

If you've got a few especially valuable items, like jewellery or artworks, you can specify them on your policy to ensure they're covered up to their full value.

Temporary Accommodation

Temporary accommodation for unit owners if their unit is damaged and can’t be lived in, up to 10% of the building sum insured and the longest period that can be claimed for is 52 weeks, as a result of an incident covered by the policy.​

Temporary Accommodation

Temporary accommodation for unit owners if their unit is damaged and can’t be lived in, up to 10% of the building sum insured and the longest period that can be claimed for is 52 weeks, as a result of an incident covered by the policy.​

Temporary Accommodation

If your home is damaged and your policy offers cover for a repair or rebuild, we’ll cover accommodation costs for as long as that takes (up to 52 weeks). Our maximum payout for any one incident is 10% of the building sum insured — unless you have optional Complete Replacement Cover, in which case we’ll pay reasonable & necessary costs.

Temporary Accommodation

If your home is damaged and your policy offers cover for a repair or rebuild, we’ll cover accommodation costs for as long as that takes (up to 52 weeks). Our maximum payout for any one incident is 10% of the building sum insured — unless you have optional Complete Replacement Cover, in which case we’ll pay reasonable & necessary costs.

Eligible Policies

Eligible policies include AAMI Motor (excluding SA and ACT CTP) and Home Insurance policies purchased between 12th July 2019 and 9th September 2019.

Tenant Protection

Extra cover to protect you against the costs of unpaid rent, theft or malicious damage by your tenant and their guests.

Cover for spoiled food and medication

If an insured event causes food or medicine to spoil—for example, if a storm knocks out power to your fridge - we'll cover the cost, up to $400.

Cover for motor burnout

If the motor in one of your fixed appliances burns out or fuses and that motor is less than 7 years old, we'll help you take care of repair or replacement.

Home Building Calculator

This calculator has some questions included that you may not find in other calculators, which will impact the estimate that is calculated.

24/7 AAMI Home Assist

Available 24 hours after adding the option to your policy.

General maintenance

AAMI Home Assist does not cover general maintenance, such as the provision or replacement of windows, doors, glass, tiles, carpets and of fittings and fixtures. Other exclusions apply - please read the .

Preventative services

AAMI Home Assist does not cover preventative services, such as the removal of property, rubbish or debris. Read the .

Disaster response

AAMI Home Assist is not an emergency rescue or disaster response service. Read the to find out more.

Where an emergency situation poses a risk to your personal safety or property, or the personal safety and property of any other person, contact the appropriate emergency or rescue services.

This doesn’t cover damage caused by:

  • Wear and tear
  • The gradual deterioration of something with age
  • Deliberate acts
  • Defective workmanship

Limits and exclusions

This Optional Cover is for fixed glass only. Refer to the PDS for more information.

Standard Cover
Sum Insured Cover

You specify a sum insured on your policy, which should reflect how much it’d cost to rebuild your house. If the house is damaged in an insured event, this amount is the maximum we’ll pay to rebuild or repair it.

how it works

  • You choose the maximum amount you’d like to insure your home for.
  • Choosing the amount generally means lower premium payments.
  • You know the exact maxium amount you can be paid out.

This is included as standard with AAMI Home Insurance policies.

how to get it

  • Comes standard with eligible AAMI Home Insurance policies.

Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Document (PDS)

Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (3) Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (4) Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (5) Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (6)

Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (7)

Optional Cover
Complete Replacement Cover

If your house needs to be repaired or rebuilt after an insured event, we will offer to repair or rebuild your house as it was, or pay you the amount of the assessed quote to repair or rebuild it – without you having to set a specific sum insured.

how it works

  • You don't need to set a sum insured.
  • Our best underinsurance protection.
  • Provides peace of mind if you’re uncertain how much it will cost to rebuild your home.

You can upgrade to Complete Replacement Cover when you get your quote online.

how to get it

  • Upgrade from Sum Insured when obtaining an eligible AAMI Home Insurance quote.

Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Document (PDS)

Landlord Insurance - $50 off when you quote and buy online | AAMI (2024)


Why is landlord insurance more expensive? ›

The primary reasons for the difference in cost revolve around who is occupying the home. Insurance providers often see lower average claim amounts and fewer claims for owner-occupied homes when compared to tenant-occupied rental properties.

How much is landlord insurance in Canada? ›

How much does landlord insurance cost? The cost of landlord insurance can differ greatly, depending on the type of property you're invested in. For example, insuring a house may cost you $900 per year while a condo can cost you $400.

What does landlord insurance cover in Ontario? ›

Landlord insurance can cover the physical damage to the dwelling and attached or detached structures, personal property such as major appliances, lawnmowers, and snow blowers included in the unit, liability coverage for lawsuits concerning the property ownership to include compensatory damages and legal costs, and loss ...

What is the cool down period for AAMI? ›

Outside of the 21 day cooling off period, you may still be able to receive a refund of the unused portion of your premium, less any non-refundable government charges. We will not give a refund if the refund is less than $10 (GST inclusive).

What will you most likely need to insure as a landlord? ›

Core coverages of landlord insurance are property damage, rental income lost due to a property's temporary inhabitability, and liability protection.

What is the most common amount for renters insurance? ›

Renters insurance is relatively inexpensive. According to NerdWallet, the average renters policy costs about $15 per month for up to $30,000 in personal property coverage. That's solid coverage for less than the cost of a few cups of coffee a week.

How much does tenant insurance cost in Canada? ›

Average Cost of Tenant Insurance in Canada

Generally, you can expect to pay between $15 and $30 per month for a basic policy. Here's a breakdown of average costs by province: British Columbia: $20 – $35 per month. Alberta: $15 – $25 per month.

How much is landlord insurance in Michigan? ›

The cost of landlord insurance in Michigan is about $1018 per year, which is on par with the national average.

What insurance do tenants need in Ontario? ›

In essence, a comprehensive Ontario tenant insurance policy encompasses three essential coverages: liability insurance, contents insurance, and additional living expenses.

What does AAMI stand for? ›

Australian Associated Motor Insurers Limited (commonly referred to as AAMI) is an Australian general insurance provider offering car, home, CTP and business insurance.

What is the cooling period rule? ›

Cooling-off Rule is a rule that allows you to cancel a contract within a few days (usually three days) after signing it.

How long is the cool off period for insurance? ›

Cancelling during the cooling-off period

By law, you have a minimum 14-day cooling-off period during which you can cancel the policy for any reason.

Why are the premiums for homeowners insurance more expensive than those of renters insurance? ›

Costs of homeowners insurance vs. renters insurance. In general, you can expect your renters insurance quote to be less than for homeowners insurance. That's because homeowners insurance includes the building structure itself, which isn't the case for renters insurance policies.

What is the difference between landlord insurance and home insurance? ›

Think of it this way: You'll want landlord insurance: any time you are renting your entire premises long term and you are not occupying it. You'll want homeowners insurance: if you have a renter staying in part of your home while you still occupy it.

Why is my renters insurance so high? ›

Insurance is all about risk, so customers that live in areas with higher risks of claims usually have to pay more for coverage. Some location-based factors that impact renters insurance rates can include: The rate of crimes, especially theft, in your ZIP code.

Why would insurance be the most expensive? ›

Your particular driver profile, which includes factors like where you live, your age and your driving record, influences what you pay for car insurance. But rising car repair costs and an increase in disaster-related claims are significant reasons why car insurance rates are surging for many drivers.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5609

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.