Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant · PrepScholar (2024)

Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant · PrepScholar (1)

Are you learning chemistry but don’t quite understand the solubility product constant or want to learn more about it? Not sure how to calculate molar solubility from $K_s_p$? The solubility constant, or $K_s_p$, is an important part of chemistry, particularly when you’re working with solubility equations or analyzing the solubility of different solutes. When you have a solid grasp of $K_s_p$, those questions become much easier to answer!

In this $K_s_p$ chemistry guide, we’ll explain the $K_s_p$ chemistry definition, how to solve for it (with examples), which factors affect it, and why it’s important. At the bottom of this guide, we also have a table with the $K_s_p$ values for a long list of substances to make it easy for you to find solubility constant values.

What Is $K_s_p$?

$K_s_p$ is known as the solubility constant or solubility product. It’s the equilibrium constant used for equations when a solid substance is dissolving in a liquid/aqueous solution. As a reminder, a solute (what is being dissolved) is considered soluble if more than 1 gram of it can be completely dissolved in 100 ml of water.

$K_s_p$ is used for solutes that are only slightly soluble and don’t completely dissolve in solution. (A solute is insoluble if nothing or nearly nothing of it dissolves in solution.) $K_s_p$ represents how much of the solute will dissolve in solution.

The value of $K_s_p$ varies depending on the solute. The more soluble a substance is, the higher its $K_s_p$ chemistry value. And what are the $K_s_p$ units? Actually, it doesn’t have a unit! The $K_s_p$ value does not have any units because the molar concentrations of the reactants and products are different for each equation. This would mean the $K_s_p$ unit would be different for every problem and would be difficult to solve, so in order to make it simpler, chemists generally drop $K_s_p$ units altogether. How nice of them!

How Do You Calculate $K_s_p$?

In this section, we explain how to write out $K_s_p$ chemistry expressions and how to solve for the value of $K_s_p$. For most chemistry classes, you’ll rarely need to solve for the value of $K_s_p$; most of the time you’ll be writing out the expressions or using $K_s_p$ values to solve for solubility (which we explain how to do in the “Why Is $K_s_p$ Important” section).

Writing $K_s_p$ Expressions

Below is the solubility product equation which is followed by four $K_s_p$ chemistry problems so you can see how to write out $K_s_p$ expressions.

For the reaction $A_aB_b$(s) ⇌ $aA^b^{+}$(aq) + $bB^a^{-}$ (aq)

The solubility expression is $K_s_p$= $[A^b^{+}]^a$ $[B^a^{-}]^b$

The first equation is known as a dissociation equation, and the second is the balanced $K_s_p$ expression.

For these equations:

  • A and B represent different ions and solids. In these equations, they are also referred to as "products".
  • a and b represent coefficients used to balance the equation
  • (aq) and (s) indicate which state the product is in (aqueous or solid, respectively)
  • Brackets stand for molar concentration. So [AgCl] represents the molar concentration of AgCl.

In order to write $K_s_p$ expressions correctly, you need to have a good knowledge of chemical names, polyatomic ions, and the charges associated with each ion. Also, the key thing to be aware of with these equations is that each concentration (represented by square brackets) is raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced $K_s_p$ expression.

Let’s look at a few examples.

Example 1

$PbBr_2$(s) ⇌ $Pb^2^{+}$ (aq) + $2Br^{¯}$ (aq)

$K_s_p$= $[Pb^2^{+}]$ $[Br¯]^2$

In this problem, don’t forget to square the Br in the $K_s_p$ equation. You do this because of the coefficient “2” in the dissociation equation.

Example 2

CuS(s) ⇌ $Cu^{+}$ (aq) + S¯(aq)

$K_s_p$= [$Cu^{+}$] [S¯]

Example 3

$Ag_2CrO_4$ (s) ⇌ 2$Ag^{+}$ (aq) + $CrO_4^2^{-}$ (aq)

$K_s_p$= $[Ag^{+}]^2$ [$CrO_4^2$]

Example 4

$Cu_3$ $(PO_4)^2$ (s) ⇌ $3Cu^2^{+}$ (aq) + $2PO_4^3^{¯}$ (aq)

$K_s_p$ = $[Cu^2^{+}]^3$ [$PO_4^3^¯$]$^2$

Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant · PrepScholar (2)

Solving for $K_s_p$ With Solubility

In order to calculate a value for $K_s_p$, you need to have molar solubility values or be able to find them.

Question: Determine the $K_s_p$ of AgBr (silver bromide), given that its molar solubility is 5.71 x $10^{¯}^7$ moles per liter.

First, we need to write out the two equations.

AgBr(s) ⇌ $Ag^{+}$ (aq) + $Br^{¯}$ (aq)

$K_s_p$ = [$Ag^{+}$] [$Br^{¯}$]

Now, since in this problem we're solving for an actual value of $K_s_p$, we plug in the solubility values we were given:

$K_s_p$ = (5.71 x $10^{¯}^7$) (5.71 x $10^{¯}^7$) = 3.26 x $10^{¯}^13$

The value of $K_s_p$ is 3.26 x $10^{¯}^13$

What Factors Affect $K_s_p$?

In this section, we discuss the main factors that affect the value of the solubility constant.


Most solutes become more soluble in a liquid as the temperature is increased. If you’d like proof, see how well instant coffee mixes in a cup of cold water compared to a cup of hot water. Temperature affects the solubility of both solids and gases but hasn’t been found to have a defined impact on the solubility of liquids.


Pressure can also affect solubility, but only for gases that are in liquids. Henry's law states that the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas.

Henry’s law is written as p=kc, where

  • p is the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid
  • k is Henry’s law constant
  • c is the concentration of gas in the liquid

Henry’s law shows that, as partial pressure decreases, the concentration of gas in the liquid also decreases, which in turn decreases solubility. So less pressure results in less solubility, and more pressure results in more solubility.

You can see Henry’s law in action if you open up a can of soda. When the can is closed, the gas is under more pressure, and there are lots of bubbles because a lot of the gas is dissolved. When you open the can, the pressure decreases, and, if you leave the soda sitting out long enough, the bubbles will eventually disappear because solubility has decreased and they are no longer dissolved in the liquid (they’ve bubbled out of the drink).

Molecular Size

Generally, solutes with smaller molecules are more soluble than ones with molecules particles. It’s easier for the solvent to surround smaller molecules, so those molecules can be dissolved faster than larger molecules.

Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant · PrepScholar (3)

Why Is $K_s_p$ Important?

Why does the solubility constant matter? Below are three key times you’ll need to use $K_s_p$ chemistry.

To Find the Solubility of Solutes

Wondering how to calculate molar solubility from $K_s_p$? Knowing the value of $K_s_p$ allows you to find the solubility of different solutes. Here’s an example: The $K_s_p$ value of $Ag_2SO_4$ ,silver sulfate, is 1.4×$10^{–}^5$. Determine the molar solubility.

First, we need to write out the dissociation equation: $K_s_p$=$ [Ag^{+}]^2$ $[SO_4^2]$

Next, we plug in the $K_s_p$ value to create an algebraic expression.

1.4×$10^{–}^5$= $(2x)^2$ $(x)$

1.4×$10^{–}^5$= $4x^3$

$x$=[$SO_4^2$]=1.5x$10^{-}^2$ M

$2x$= [$Ag^{+}$]=3.0x$10^{-}^2$ M

To Predict If a Precipitate Will Form in Reactions

When we know the $K_s_p$ value of a solute, we can figure out if a precipitate will occur if a solution of its ions is mixed. Below are the two rules that determine the formation of a precipitate.

  • Ionic product > $K_s_p$ then precipitation will occur
  • Ionic product < $K_s_p$ then precipitation will not occur

To Understand the Common Ion Effect

$K_s_p$ also is an important part of the common ion effect. The common ion effect states that when two solutions that share a common ion are mixed, the solute with the smaller $K_s_p$ value will precipitate first.

For example, say BiOCl and CuCl are added to a solution. Both contain $Cl^{-}$ ions. BiOCl’s $K_s_p$ value is 1.8×$10^{–}^31$ and CuCl’s $K_s_p$ value is 1.2×$10^{–}^6$. BiOCl has the smaller $K_s_p$ value, so it will precipitate before CuCl.

Solubility Product Constant Table

Below is a chart showing the $K_s_p$ values for many common substances. The $K_s_p$ values are for when the substances are around 25 degrees Celsius, which is standard. Because the $K_s_p$ values are so small, there may be minor differences in their values depending on which source you use. The data in this chart comes from the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Chemistry.

SubstanceFormula$K_s_p$ Value
Aluminum hydroxide$Al(OH)_3$1.3×$10^{–}^33$
Aluminum phosphate$AlPO_4$6.3×$10^{–}^19$
Barium carbonate$BaCO_3$5.1×$10^{–}^9$
Barium chromate$BaCrO_4$1.2×$10^{–}^10$
Barium fluoride$BaF_2$1.0×$10^{–}^6$
Barium hydroxide$Ba(OH)_2$5×$10^{–}^3$
Barium sulfate$BaSO_4$1.1×$10^{–}^10$
Barium sulfite$BaSO_3$8×$10^{–}^7$
Barium thiosulfate$BaS_2O_3$1.6×$10^{–}^6$
Bismuthyl chloride$BiOCl$1.8×$10^{–}^31$
Bismuthyl hydroxide$BiOOH$4×$10^{–}^10$
Cadmium carbonate$CdCO_3$5.2×$10^{–}^12$
Cadmium hydroxide$Cd(OH)_2$2.5×$10^{–}^14$
Cadmium oxalate$CdC_2O_4$1.5×$10^{–}^8$
Cadmium sulfide$CdS$8×$10^{–}^28$
Calcium carbonate$CaCO_3$2.8×$10^{–}^9$
Calcium chromate$CaCrO_4$7.1×$10^{–}^4$
Calcium fluoride$CaF_2$5.3×$10^{–}^9$
Calcium hydrogen phosphate$CaHPO_4$1×$10^{–}^7$
Calcium hydroxide$Ca(OH)_2$5.5×$10^{–}^6$
Calcium oxalate$CaC_2O_4$2.7×$10^{–}^9$
Calcium phosphate$Ca_3(PO_4)_2$2.0×$10^{–}^29$
Calcium sulfate$CaSO_4$9.1×$10^{–}^6$
Calcium sulfite$CaSO_3$6.8×$10^{–}^8$
Chromium (II) hydroxide$Cr(OH)_2$2×$10^{–}^16$
Chromium (III) hydroxide$Cr(OH)_3$6.3×$10^{–}^31$
Cobalt (II) carbonate$CoCO_3$1.4×$10^{–}^13$
Cobalt (II) hydroxide$Co(OH)_2$1.6×$10^{–}^15$
Cobalt (III) hydroxide$Co(OH)_3$1.6×$10^{–}^44$
Cobalt (II) sulfide$CoS$4×$10^{–}^21$
Copper (I) chloride$CuCl$1.2×$10^{–}^6$
Copper (I) cyanide$CuCN$3.2×$10^{–}^20$
Copper (I) iodide$CuI$1.1×$10^{–}^12$
Copper (II) arsenate$Cu_3(AsO_4)_2$7.6×$10^{–}^36$
Copper (II) carbonate$CuCO_3$1.4×$10^{–}^10$
Copper (II) chromate$CuCrO_4$3.6×$10^{–}^6$
Copper (II) ferrocyanide$Cu[Fe(CN)_6]$1.3×$10^{–}^16$
Copper (II) hydroxide$Cu(OH)_2$2.2×$10^{–}^20$
Copper (II) sulfide$CuS$6×$10^{–}^37$
Iron (II) carbonate$FeCO_3$3.2×$10^{–}^11$
Iron (II) hydroxide$Fe(OH)_2$8.0$10^{–}^16$
Iron (II) sulfide$FeS$6×$10^{–}^19$
Iron (III) arsenate$FeAsO_4$5.7×$10^{–}^21$
Iron (III) ferrocyanide$Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$3.3×$10^{–}^41$
Iron (III) hydroxide$Fe(OH)_3$4×$10^{–}^38$
Iron (III) phosphate$FePO_4$1.3×$10^{–}^22$
Lead (II) arsenate$Pb_3(AsO_4)_2$4×$10^{–}^6$
Lead (II) azide$Pb(N_3)_2$2.5×$10^{–}^9$
Lead (II) bromide$PbBr_2$4.0×$10^{–}^5$
Lead (II) carbonate$PbCO_3$7.4×$10^{–}^14$
Lead (II) chloride$PbCl_2$1.6×$10^{–}^5$
Lead (II) chromate$PbCrO_4$2.8×$10^{–}^13$
Lead (II) fluoride$PbF_2$2.7×$10^{–}^8$
Lead (II) hydroxide$Pb(OH)_2$1.2×$10^{–}^15$
Lead (II) iodide$PbI_2$7.1×$10^{–}^9$
Lead (II) sulfate$PbSO_4$1.6×$10^{–}^8$
Lead (II) sulfide$PbS$3×$10^{–}^28$
Lithium carbonate$Li_2CO_3$2.5×$10^{–}^2$
Lithium fluoride$LiF$3.8×$10^{–}^3$
Lithium phosphate$Li_3PO_4$3.2×$10^{–}^9$
Magnesium ammonium phosphate$MgNH_4PO_4$2.5×$10^{–}^13$
Magnesium arsenate$Mg_3(AsO_4)_2$2×$10^{–}^20$
Magnesium carbonate$MgCO_3$3.5×$10^{–}^8$
Magnesium fluoride$MgF_2$3.7×$10^{–}^8$
Magnesium hydroxide$Mg(OH)_2$1.8×$10^{–}^11$
Magnesium oxalate$MgC_2O_4$8.5×$10^{–}^5$
Magnesium phosphate$Mg_3(PO_4)_2$1×$10^{–}^25$
Manganese (II) carbonate$MnCO_3$1.8×$10^{–}^11$
Manganese (II) hydroxide$Mn(OH)_2$1.9×$10^{–}^13$
Manganese (II) sulfide$MnS$3×$10^{–}^14$
Mercury (I) bromide$Hg_2Br_2$5.6×$10^{–}^23$
Mercury (I) chloride$Hg_2Cl_2$1.3×$10^{–}^18$
Mercury (I) iodide$Hg_2I_2$4.5×$10^{–}^29$
Mercury (II) sulfide$HgS$2×$10^{–}^53$
Nickel (II) carbonate$NiCO_3$6.6×$10^{–}^9$
Nickel (II) hydroxide$Ni(OH)_2$2.0×$10^{–}^15$
Nickel (II) sulfide$NiS$3×$10^{–}^19$
Scandium fluoride$ScF_3$4.2×$10^{–}^18$
Scandium hydroxide$Sc(OH)_3$8.0×$10^{–}^31$
Silver acetate$Ag_2CH_3O_2$2.0×$10^{–}^3$
Silver arsenate$Ag_3AsO_4$1.0×$10^{–}^22$
Silver azide$AgN_3$2.8×$10^{–}^9$
Silver bromide$AgBr$5.0×$10^{–}^13$
Silver chloride$AgCl$1.8×$10^{–}^10$
Silver chromate$Ag_2CrO_4$1.1×$10^{–}^12$
Silver cyanide$AgCN$1.2×$10^{–}^16$
Silver iodate$AgIO_3$3.0×$10^{–}^8$
Silver iodide$AgI$8.5×$10^{–}^17$
Silver nitrite$AgNO_2$6.0×$10^{–}^4$
Silver sulfate$Ag_2SO_4$1.4×$10^{–}^5$
Silver sulfide$Ag_2S$6×$10^{–}^51$
Silver sulfite$Ag_2SO_3$1.5×$10^{–}^14$
Silver thiocyanate$AgSCN$1.0×$10^{–}^12$
Strontium carbonate$SrCO_3$1.1×$10^{–}^10$
Strontium chromate$SrCrO_4$2.2×$10^{–}^5$
Strontium fluoride$SrF_2$2.5×$10^{–}^9$
Strontium sulfate$SrSO_4$3.2×$10^{–}^7$
Thallium (I) bromide$TlBr$3.4×$10^{–}^6$
Thallium (I) chloride$TlCl$1.7×$10^{–}^4$
Thallium (I) iodide$TlI$6.5×$10^{–}^8$
Thallium (III) hydroxide$Tl(OH)_3$6.3×$10^{–}^46$
Tin (II) hydroxide$Sn(OH)_2$1.4×$10^{–}^28$
Tin (II) sulfide$SnS$1×$10^{–}^26$
Zinc carbonate$ZnCO_3$1.4×$10^{–}^11$
Zinc hydroxide$Zn(OH)_2$1.2×$10^{–}^17$
Zinc oxalate$ZnC_2O_4$2.7×$10^{–}^8$
Zinc phosphate$Zn_3(PO_4)_2$9.0×$10^{–}^33$
Zinc sulfide$ZnS$2×$10^{–}^25$

Conclusion: $K_s_p$ Chemistry Guide

What is $K_s_p$ in chemistry? The solubility product constant, or $K_s_p$, is an important aspect of chemistry when studying solubility of different solutes. $K_s_p$ represents how much of the solute will dissolve in solution, and the more soluble a substance is, the higher the chemistry $K_s_p$ value.

To calculate the solubility product constant, you’ll first need to write out the dissociation equation and balanced $K_s_p$ expression, then plug in the molar concentrations, if you’re given them.

The solubility constant can be affected by temperature, pressure, and molecular size, and it’s important for determining solubility, predicting if a precipitate will form, and understand the common ion effect.

What's Next?

Inconsolable that you finished learning about the solubility constant? Drown your sorrows in our complete guide to the 11 solubility rules.

Looking for other chemistry guides? Learn how to balance chemical equations here, or read through these six examples of physical and chemical change.

Taking chemistry in high school? We've compiled several great study guides for AP Chem, IB Chemistry, and the NY state Chemistry Regents exam.

Ksp Chemistry: Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant · PrepScholar (2024)


How do you find the solubility constant in Ksp? ›

For a general solubility reaction, A x B y ( s ) → x A ( a q ) + y B ( a q ) , the solubility product equation to solve for the solubility constant is K s p = [ A ] x [ B ] y .

How to find Ksp MCAT? ›

The equilibrium expression, Ksp, is a ratio of products over reactants and can be written as Ksp = [products]/[reactants]. This expression represents the equilibrium between an ionic solid and its ions in solution.

What is the Ksp rule for solubility? ›

The solubility product constant (Ksp) describes the equilibrium between a solid and its constituent ions in a solution. The value of the constant identifies the degree to which the compound can dissociate in water. The higher the Ksp, the more soluble the compound is.

What does Ksp tell you? ›

The solubility product constant, Ksp​, is the equilibrium constant for a solid substance dissolving in an aqueous solution. It represents the level at which a solute dissolves in solution. The more soluble a substance is, the higher the Ksp value it has.

What is a high Ksp value? ›

Explanation: K sp is often written in scientific notation like 2.5 x 10−3. The larger the negative exponent the less soluble the compound is in solution. The larger the real value of the Ksp the more soluble the compound is in solution 2.5 x 10−3 > 2.5 x 10−6.

What is the difference between KF and Ksp MCAT? ›

A large Kf value indicates a stable complex ion, while a smaller value suggests a less stable complex formation. On the other hand, Ksp represents the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of an ionic compound into its individual ions in a solution.

How do you calculate Ksp in a lab? ›

The Ksp is calculated based on the chemical reaction that describes the equilibrium between the solid salt and the dissolved ions. By convention, the equation is written with the solid salt and water as reactants and the cations and anions produced when the solid dissolves are the products.

What does Q mean in Ksp? ›

The solubility product (Ksp) is used to calculate equilibrium concentrations of the ions in solution, whereas the ion product (Q) describes concentrations that are not necessarily at equilibrium.

What Ksp is considered insoluble? ›

If the Ksp for a substance is large then it is quite soluble. If it is very small then we would call the substance insoluble. The Ksp for AgCl is 1.6 x 10-10 at 25°C, a very insoluble compound.

What is the Ksp solubility trend? ›

The solubility product is a kind of equilibrium constant and its value depends on temperature. Ksp usually increases with an increase in temperature due to increased solubility. Solubility is defined as a property of a substance called solute to get dissolved in a solvent in order to form a solution.

Can Ksp be greater than 1? ›

Answer and Explanation:

A Ksp value greater than 1 means that the dissociation of the solid compound into its constituent ions is highly favorable.

Is Ksp scientifically accurate? ›

While the game is not a perfect simulation of reality, it has been praised for its largely accurate orbital mechanics; all objects in the game except the celestial bodies are simulated using Newtonian dynamics.

Why is Ksp important in real life? ›

What's the real-life use of solubility product constant? If you are a chemist who deals with ionic compounds of limited solubility, knowing the Ksp is very useful when preparing solutions … or explaining why the solution you tried to make still has chunks floating around after two hours' stirring.

What is the solubility constant Ksp expression for Mg OH 2? ›

The solubility product constant Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 9.0×10−12.

What is the soluble Ksp value? ›

Solubility Product Constant Table
SubstanceFormulaK s p Value
Calcium phosphateC a 3 ( P O 4 ) 22.0× 10 – 29
Calcium sulfateC a S O 49.1× 10 – 6
Calcium sulfiteC a S O 36.8× 10 – 8
Chromium (II) hydroxideC r ( O H ) 22× 10 – 16
104 more rows

How to calculate QSP? ›

Reaction Quotient Solubility Product (Qsp): Qsp is a variable that is calculated by the product of all ion concentrations typically at a point away from equilibrium. Solved in the same way as Ksp, asp uses experimental values rather than equilibrium values.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.