Karmic Cycle: What Is It & How Do You Break It? (2024)

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Signs of karmic cycles and what you can do to stop them

Written byKari Samuels|Edited byAly Rusciano

Last Updated: July 3, 2023Fact Checked

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  • Karmic Cycle Definition
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  • Signs of a Karmic Cycle
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  • Breaking the Cycle
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  • Relationship Effects
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Do you ever feel stuck in the same negative pattern? Like, no matter what you do, the same occurrences keep popping up? If so, you may be in a karmic cycle. Karmic cycles are a spiritual belief that what goes around comes around, and being in the cycle can bring up sad or regretful emotions. In this article, we’ll teach you everything there is to know about karmic cycles, from the signs to how to break free.

This article is based on an interview with our international intuitive counselor and happiness coach, Kari Samuels. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Karmic cycles are repetitive patterns in your life that mirror past traumas or mistakes.
  • Spiritually, a karmic cycle is meant to teach you a lesson and help you overcome traumatic events.
  • To break a karmic cycle, forgive yourself and others, be mindful, and let go of resentment.

Section 1 of 5:

What is a karmic cycle?

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  1. A karmic cycle is a series of repetitive events or emotions. This pattern is believed to be an opportunity for growth and healing, offering valuable life lessons. Those who study Buddhism or dabble in spiritual practices (yoga, astrology, etc.) work to break karmic cycles to evolve mentally and spiritually.[1]

    • In Eastern cultures, karmic cycles intertwine with the belief of reincarnation. If every person has lived multiple lives, there’s bound to be repeated feelings and occurrences.[2]
    • If you’re not familiar with “karmic cycles,” you may be familiar with “karma,” the belief that something occurs as a result of an individual’s previous actions.[3]
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Section 2 of 5:

Signs of a Karmic Cycle

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  1. 1

    You get a sense of deja vu. If things feel oddly familiar in your life, yet you don’t remember being in a similar situation, it may be a karmic cycle. On the other hand, perhaps you can see similar connections in your life. Maybe your partner reminds you of your rageful mother, or you drink past your limit each night as your father used to.

    • The toxic and repetitive patterns you see within yourself or that odd feeling of “I’ve done this before” may signify a karmic cycle.
  2. 2

    You attract the same types of people. When you consistently surround yourself with toxic people, it could mean you’re spiritually in a karmic cycle. Perhaps you find yourself gravitating toward relationships that feel comfortable, even if they present red flags and toxic traits you know all too well.

    • Psychologically, this is called repetition compulsion—the unconscious decision to repeat traumatic experiences to control the past.[4]
  3. 3

    You’re met by your greatest fears. Say you fear public speaking, and you’re asked to speak up at work, school, or clubs over and over again. Finding yourself in uncomfortable positions repeatedly could be a sign of karmic opportunity. The universe is shuffling you through a karmic cycle and putting you in front of your fears to help you overcome them.

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Section 3 of 5:

How to Break a Karmic Cycle

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  1. 1

    Forgive yourself. The first step to breaking a karmic cycle is to forgive yourself for past mistakes and traumas. In order to move forward, you need to be kind to yourself. Rather than blaming yourself, reflect on why something may have happened, and then acknowledge what you learned from the experience (no matter how awful).[5]

    • Swap negative thoughts with positive ones. For instance, instead of thinking, “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so stupid,” try, “I made a decision that I thought was right in the moment, and that’s alright. I’ve learned from it.”
    • Reflect on how past traumas have made you stronger, not weaker. Say you were in a bad relationship. Things may have been rough, but now you know what to avoid in a partner moving forward.
    • It’s perfectly okay to mourn the life you once had or regret making a decision, but do your best to avoid stewing in hatred. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s what you learn from them that really counts.
  2. 2

    Let go of resentment and fear. Along with forgiving yourself, it’s important to release built-up anger. Learn to |forgive those who have harmed you and let go of grudges. Not only does this help break a karmic cycle, but it can also improve your mental health and invite healthier relationships into your life.

    • Write in a journal to process your emotions and reflect on your fears, worries, and resentment.[6]
    • Set boundaries with the person who’s harmed you by vocalizing when they’ve done something destructive. For example, try saying, “What you did isn’t okay.”[7]
    • Forgiveness can mean something different for every person, so do what’s best for you, whether that’s forgiving someone in person or mentally doing so on your own.
  3. 3

    Be mindful. Stay in touch with your feelings and emotions by practicing mindfulness daily. Now, mindfulness doesn’t necessarily mean you have to meditate. Mindfulness can be as simple as living in the present moment! Try some of these mindfulness exercises to evoke more positivity into your life and break the karmic cycle:[8]

    • Pay attention to the world around you. Stop what you’re doing and look around the room. What can you see, smell, touch, and hear?
    • Focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. How did it make you feel? Notice how your chest expands and contracts.
    • Try a walking meditation. Slowly walk 10 to 20 feet in a quiet space. What does the ground feel like? What can you see and hear? Focus on each sensation.
  4. 4

    Make different choices. One of the best and easiest ways to break out of a karmic cycle is to turn the tables and do something different. Karma is a balance of cause and effect, so make a new decision that causes something new to happen.

    • For example, if you’re getting taken advantage of at work, start looking for a new job or stand up for yourself rather than staying silent.
    • If you’re always dating people from other states, focus on dating within your community.
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Section 4 of 5:

How do karmic cycles affect relationships?

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  1. Karmic cycles can pull you into toxic relationships. Karmic relationships reflect lessons the universe wants you to learn. These temporary relationships often start suddenly and can be driven by selfishness, jealousy, or emotional rage. While the relationship may feel stable at first, it can quickly become emotionally abusive, mirroring traumas from your past. When you’re in a karmic cycle, falling into a karmic relationship is easier because your energy is attracting challenges.[9]

    • You’re likely in a karmic relationship if you had an instant connection with your partner, you don’t feel safe around them, and they remind you of a past toxic relationship.

Section 5 of 5:

Can you use a karmic cycle for healing?

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  1. Karmic cycles can benefit spiritual healing by challenging you. There’s no denying that being caught in a karmic cycle is hard—the universe is testing you, after all. By facing your fears and re-experiencing past traumas, you’re forced to grow wiser. A karmic cycle helps you spiritually from the inside out.

    • Healing isn’t an easy journey, and that’s okay. Take a deep breath, and don’t be afraid to ask yourself hard questions. We know it’s hard, but each challenge presents a new opportunity to become a better and stronger version of yourself.
    • Having trouble navigating a karmic cycle on your own? Don’t hesitate to reach out for help! Talk to a therapist or spiritual healer for guidance on navigating traumas.
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      • Rather than seeing karma as “good” or “bad,” view it as a cause and effect. Every type of karma has a lesson, ultimately teaching you how to balance your energy.


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      About This Article

      Karmic Cycle: What Is It & How Do You Break It? (33)

      Written by:

      Kari Samuels

      Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach

      This article was written by Kari Samuels and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts. This article has been viewed 26,359 times.

      7 votes - 100%

      Co-authors: 4

      Updated: July 3, 2023


      Categories: Superstitions

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      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 26,359 times.

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      Karmic Cycle: What Is It & How Do You Break It? (2024)


      Karmic Cycle: What Is It & How Do You Break It? ›

      Karmic cycles are repetitive patterns in your life that mirror past traumas or mistakes. Spiritually, a karmic cycle is meant to teach you a lesson and help you overcome traumatic events. To break a karmic cycle, forgive yourself and others, be mindful, and let go of resentment.

      How to break your karmic cycle? ›

      One way is, slowly, by doing the right things through a few lifetimes, you will get there. Another way is, you remain in your present circ*mstances, do the best you can do, keep yourself open and focused and make yourself available to the process. In the last moment of your life, we will see that it happens.

      What is a karmic cycle? ›

      A karmic cycle is a repetitious pattern of events, emotions, or realizations that occur in your life. It appears in your life as an opportunity to break negative cycles and subsequently reap great wisdom.

      How do you clear karmic patterns? ›

      How Do You Break the Cycle of Bad Karma? Breaking the cycle of bad karma involves a conscious effort to change your actions, thoughts, and reactions. It requires self-awareness, honesty, and sometimes the guidance of spiritual or therapeutic practices to heal and transform the negative patterns into positive ones.

      How do you cut off a karmic? ›

      How to Get Out of a Karmic Relationship
      1. Find sources of support. It's common for people in karmic relationships to feel dependent on their partner. ...
      2. Be firm. When you end things, be clear and firm in your feelings. ...
      3. Cut off contact. ...
      4. Practice self-care. ...
      5. Consider therapy.
      Jan 27, 2023

      How do you clear karmic memory? ›

      Someone who does absolutely nothing is free from karmic memory and karmic cycles. As long as you are identified with your karmic memory, the past repeats itself. Karma means action and memory at the same time. There is no memory without action, and there is no action without memory.

      How long does a karmic cycle last? ›

      Some believe karmic relationships may last between a few weeks and a few months, says Scott, although several breakups and makeups may occur in between. Other karmic relationships last years or decades, depending on the people involved, according to Amias and Dr. Ruan.

      How to clear past karmic accounts? ›

      Dealing with Past Karmic Accounts:

      Acknowledge these, but do not dwell on them. Instead, focus on creating new, positive karmas in the present. Tell yourself, “This past karma is over. I am now creating new, positive experiences with my thoughts, words, and actions.”

      How to break karmic debt? ›

      In order to repay your karmic debt you just have to take into account what your debt is, perform actions that will repay your karmic debt, take responsibility for wrongdoings, identify your biggest obstacles, break karmic cycles in your life, and strive to overcome weaknesses.

      What ends a karmic relationship? ›

      Karmic relationships present many sorts of patterns, and one such pattern is a cycle of splitting and reuniting. The relationship ends when one of you can't take it anymore, but you also feel like you can't live without them, so you make up and try to make it work.

      How do I know if it's karmic? ›

      Signs of a Karmic Relationship
      1. There's a lot of drama.
      2. You notice red flags.
      3. You both become codependent.
      4. You don't communicate well.
      5. You argue passionately.
      6. You are drawn in fast.
      7. You may feel addicted to them.
      8. You feel exhausted.
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      How do you get rid of karmic blocks? ›

      From the Publisher
      2. Retrieve: Pinpoint karmic issues by answering specific questions.
      3. Remember: Recall past life data from your Higher Self by practicing regression meditation.
      4. Reprogram: Let go of blocks and barriers by using meditation, ritual, writing, drawing, or collage.

      What is karmic blockages? ›

      Our critical mind constantly works overtime, creating negative thoughts that add to the already created negative karmic debt and blockages, further lowering our vibrations. The aura or the energy field of a body is emitting a particular vibration depending on our karmic pattern, our soul's energy and our thought forms.

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      Om Haraya Namah is a mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva to clear bad karma. The mantra means “I bow to the Shiva; the one who cleanses the sins of all living beings”.

      Can you break a karmic relationship? ›

      The first step here is understanding that you need to let this person go. “You must always break a karmic relationship,” admits Winston. “They are not here for our happiness and never work out, no matter how much effort you put in. That in itself is a lesson to learn as well.”

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      Remedies To Get Rid Of Past Life Karma
      1. Hawan. People must perform small Hawan daily and dedicate it to the Lord. ...
      2. Bhagavad Gita. By reading Bhagavad Gita, people can get rid of their past bad Karmas. ...
      3. Gayatri Mantra. ...
      4. Haridwar. ...
      5. Recite Ram Naam.
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