Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (2024)

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (1)

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (2)

Anonymous N/A

Asked on April 1, 2016

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (3)

I am helping out a colleague who is trying to fill an opening in his company. It is a retailer doing over 25M. The current person that is leaving holds the title of Finance Director. Previously the position was CFO but it was felt that the company really wasn’t large enough to have a CFO. The next level that reports to this position holds the designation of Finance Manager. The current person has really been more of a Financial Analyst and he wants to get a more rounded individual. The question is should he stay with the Financial Director title or change to the title of Controller. He wants to use what will be perceived as the higher level of the two.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (4)

Wayne Spivak President & CFO • September 4, 2013

In my humble opinion:

At the top if the CFO. Finance Director/VP of Finance is essentially the same role, however if you have a VP of Fin, but need a strategic person at the same level (or a little higher) then you have the CFO.

Below that is Controller (Chief Accounting Officer).

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (5) 2

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (6)

Anonymous N/A • September 5, 2013

Wayne thanks for the answer. The role for this person would be between the CEO and the Finance Manager. The question really is, if the belief is the company is to small to have a CFO, is Finance Director a high enough title to get someone above the Controller level or is a Controller perceived as higher and they need to make the position a true CFO position?

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (7)

Sarah Jackson Associate Editor • March 15, 2016

Great question! To get a better idea of the differences, take a look at Proformative's

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It analyzes and benchmarks your skills to your specific job title or the job title you aspire to.

It's great for making your case in performance reviews or promotion or increased compensation, finding new career paths, finding skills gaps to fill in, etc. or even just getting an idea of the required skills in various job titles.


Best... Sarah

I believe Wayne's answer gets to that point. VP Finance would typically be seen as above a Controller. I have been in the same role in multiple smaller companies and have had each of the titles. Good luck.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (9)

Anonymous N/A • September 5, 2013

Where did it say the position title was VP of Finance? I think the person was saying Finance Director or Controller, which was higher in rank? His question does make me want to ask a question. Is there a difference in Finance Director or Director of Finance?

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (10) 1

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (11)

Wayne Spivak President & CFO • September 6, 2013

Fin Director or director of fin is semantics, it's the same title.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (12)

Patrick Fleck CFO • September 5, 2013

This is a tricky question. CFO is clearly the top title. Finance Director and Controller positions are often paid about the same, all else being equal, and the titles are often used interchangeably, and often incorrectly. In my experience, Finance Director is often used when the Controller title would really be more appropriate. This is the case when the incumbent's primary responsibilities are accounting. Both roles can exist in the same company. First and foremost, the Controller is the chief accountant. Depending on the complexity of the accounting processes and policies applicable to the organization, it is possible that a "heavy hitter" may be needed in the Controller position, and that may necessitate paying much more for that role than for the Finance Director who might be sitting in the office next door. Conversely, if the complexity of the finance functions warrant a heavy hitter in that role -- say, if there's a lot of financing or M&A activity going on, lots of strategic planning, maybe foreign currency hedging, significant risk management -- then the company may have to pay up for the Finance Director. It all depends.

Below are the job definitions from For reasons stated above, I disagree somewhat with including overseeing the accounting function as a role of the Finance Director. If the accounting is pretty simple, then sure, the Finance Director can oversee an Accounting Manager. Otherwise, though, accounting belongs to the Controller.

Finance Director:
Directs an organization's financial policies. Oversees all financial functions including accounting, budget, credit, insurance, tax, and treasury. Typically represents the 2nd most senior finance executive. Typically requires an advanced degree with at least 10 years of experience in the field. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and directs the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to top management.

Responsible for directing an organization's accounting functions. These functions include establishing and maintaining the organization's accounting principles, practices, procedures, and initiatives. Prepares financial reports and presents findings and recommendations to top management. Requires a bachelor's degree and at least 15 years of direct experience in the field. Typically requires a CPA. Demonstrates expertise in a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Leads and directs the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to top financial officer or CEO.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (13)

Linda Wright Consultant • September 6, 2013

I agree with Patrick. A Fin Director and Controller may have similar comp, but the Controller is the chief accounting officer, after the CFO.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (14)

Ken Stumder Finance Director / Controller • September 6, 2013

I think the answer to this depends on what is meant by "he wants to get a more rounded individual". I'd agree that at a smaller company Controller is primarily concerned with ensuring the accounting is timely, accurate, and can be used to meaningful effect by upper-management. Has to be compliance minded, which even though a person can be a senior finance professional is not always an aptitude. I view "Finance Director" as more suggestive of a strategic bent and workings with external parties (customers, banks, investors).

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (15) 1

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (16)

J A Senior Controller • July 30, 2018

I agree that a Controller should be someone who is compliance-minded. The CFO that I'm currently working for is a CPA but not someone who is compliance-minded.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (17)

Anders Liu-Lindberg Regional Finance Business Partner • September 6, 2013

It really depends on what this person is supposed to do? As Patrick says these titles are being used for many different purposes so instead of defining the job by the title start by defining it by the responsibilities.

Also ask the question what does the CEO need? A beancounter or a business partner? Although the comparison is too simplified I would tend to put the controller in the first bucket and the finance director in the second.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (18)

Christie Jahn CFO • September 6, 2013

Anders took the words out of my mouth. I don't think the size of the company matters; it's about the needs of the company and position. As Patrick points out, review the job description of each and make the appropriate decision from factual data.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (19) 1

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (20)

Anonymous User CFO • September 6, 2013

Yep! Square pegs and round holes people. Title means little. Responsibility and productivity mean everything.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (21)

Patrick Fleck CFO • September 6, 2013

A few additional comments...

People often like to think of the Controller role as being a gateway to the CFO role. This can be true, but not necessarily. In a strict sense, and especially in large companies, the Controller needs to be an accounting guru. This can make that person a bit one-dimensional, however. The CFO role requires a much broader skill set. So, being a successful CPA (BTW, a great prerequisite for a Controller) and/or Controller can lead one to an overconfidence that may not serve that person well if they move into a CFO role.

The flipside is that being a solid CFO does not necessarily qualify such a person to oversee the accounting function. In an organization that has complex accounting, the CFO needs to be humble and hire a strong Controller, preferably with a CPA background, to handle accounting and external reporting.

I've seen a lot of Controllers and CFOs get themselves into trouble by not understanding the differences in the roles. I will say, though, that in smaller organizations you can often find strong Controllers who are capable of going it alone without a CFO being in the organization. They are often able to broaden out over time and handle a lot of the typical CFO tasks that come up, which don't tend to be overly complex in a small organization anyway. In such organizations, its usually most important to the business to put a primary focus on a smooth running accounting organization; hence, the importance of having a solid Controller. Take care in such organizations to not put a Finance Director in charge of accounting who does not have a solid background in accounting. Someone with a finance degree, for example, is going to have a struggle when going it alone as the top accountant. Controller is not a job you can fake.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (22) 1

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (23)

J A Senior Controller • July 30, 2018

Great response. Yes, you can't fake it to make it as a controller.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (24)

Tyson Dewsnup Desktop Engineer • October 8, 2014

So, from what I am reading here, and what I already thought. Let's look at the organization of a small company. It seemed kindof strange to me, so I love to know your thoughts. The finance organization was as such (in pecking order):
Director of Finance
Accounting Manager
Payroll Analyst | AR Analyst | AP Analyst
Accounting Assistant/Generalist

And at another company (much larger):
CFO | EVP Finance
Controller 1 | Controller 2
Accounting Managers | Payroll Manager
Analysts | Accountants

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (25)

Dung Ngo Xuan Finance Manager • March 23, 2016

In my Company, Finance Director is a level and Finance Controller is a title. Finance Controller is taking care of accounting while we have a FP&A Director taking care of business partner. Above all, we have a CFO/VP Finance taking overall Finance and Accounting.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (26)

Anonymous General Manager - Finance (CFO) • April 5, 2018

Great thoughts so far but let me ask this. Where will General Manager - Finance (GM-Finance) be placed in the hierarchy?

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (27)

Anonymous General Manager - Finance (CFO) • April 6, 2018

Great thoughts so far but let me ask this. Where will General Manager - Finance (GM-Finance) be placed in the hierarchy?

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (28)

Olszewsk n/a n/a • April 7, 2018

Great post.

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (29)

Jake Mora Owner • May 29, 2018

I've met some CFOs whose title is CFO and they've said "I'm in the controller and we have an issue with etc etc etc" in the midst of casual conversation.

Interesting post.

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Filed Under: Human Capital

Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order (2024)


Job Title CFO vs. Controller vs. Finance Director what is the proper pecking order? ›

At the top if the CFO. Finance Director/ VP of Finance is essentially the same role, however if you have a VP of Fin, but need a strategic person at the same level (or a little higher) then you have the CFO. Below that is Controller (Chief Accounting Officer).

Which is higher CFO or finance director? ›

While both the CFO and FD are senior leaders within the finance function, the CFO typically holds broader strategic responsibilities, higher decision-making authority, and greater external stakeholder engagement compared to the FD.

Is a finance director higher than a controller? ›

The director participates in investing funds of the company and conducting equity placements, while the controllers keep track of the investments. The directors of finance are higher-ranking officials who also earn more than the controllers of finance.

Is financial controller higher than CFO? ›

The CFO is traditionally ranked just below the CEO in terms of hierarchy. The controller reports to the CFO, sometimes alongside the treasurer and tax manager. Below the controller can be roles such as the accounting manager, financial planning manager, accounts receivable manager, and accounts payable manager.

What is the hierarchy in the finance department? ›

Hierarchy. Typically, the CFO is the highest-ranking finance team member in the company. In a traditional company hierarchy, they are usually third in line, behind the CEO and COO. The CFO reports directly to the CEO. The VP of Finance may report to the CFO or the CEO, depending on how the company is structured.

Is VP of Finance higher than Controller? ›

A CFO or VP of Finance are often higher-level positions that are on the executive team. Meanwhile, a controller is usually a lower-level position that is less involved in strategic planning or external affairs and mostly involved in internal reporting.

What position is right below a CFO? ›

At the top if the CFO. Finance Director/ VP of Finance is essentially the same role, however if you have a VP of Fin, but need a strategic person at the same level (or a little higher) then you have the CFO. Below that is Controller (Chief Accounting Officer).

Who is above finance director? ›

Finance Director vs CFO: Seniority and Strategic Involvement

The seniority of a Chief Financial Officer over a Finance Director is evident in their direct reporting to the CEO and participation in board meetings, reflecting their critical role in high-level decision-making.

What position is above financial controller? ›

The most obvious difference between these two positions is the positions themselves - their place within the hierarchy. The CFO is ultimately the head of the finance department. They're the financial controller's boss, as well as the accountants', financial analysts, and often also the HR and Operations departments.

Can a controller also be CFO? ›

Controllers hoping to become a CFO need operational experience, communication skills. Valerie Rainey, CPA, CGMA, the CFO and senior vice president of a container shipping company, says, “Anything controllers can do to get out of the debits and credits and into the business will help them” to become a CFO.

What is the salary of a controller vs CFO? ›

Since CFOs are responsible for more decision-making and oversee more facets of a company, they usually earn more. The average base salary for a controller is $93,961 per year , while the average base salary for a CFO is $123,912 per year .

What title is above CFO? ›

Common C-suite executives include the chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief information officer (CIO). C-level members work together to ensure that a company stays true to its established plans and policies.

Who reports to a controller? ›

An accounting manager will typically report to a controller or CFO, and they are not responsible for higher-level tasks such as strategic or capital planning. So, if you are looking to understand “what does an accounting controller do?,” they would likely manage the accountants for the company.

What is the chain of command in the finance department? ›

The role of CFO

In a typical large organization, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the highest-ranking finance officer in the company. Hierarchically speaking, they rank third, behind the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) - again, in a typical hierarchy.

What is another name for a finance director? ›

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

CFOs are key members of the executive team, often involved in driving the company's strategic initiatives. Each finance directorship role requires a distinct skill set and offers unique challenges and opportunities.

What is another job title for a financial controller? ›

Job titles that are often used interchangeably with a Financial Controller are: Chief Financial Officer. Accounting Manager. Director Of Accounting.

What position is higher than CFO? ›

The CEO is the highest-ranking role in the organization. CEOs and CFOs are not equal in the organizational hierarchy, despite both having 'Chief' in their titles. Generally, the CEO reports to the board of directors, whereas the CFO reports to the CEO.

Is director of finance a high position? ›

Because finance directors are high-level positions in a typical corporate structure, these jobs can require at least five to 10 years of working experience. If you want to work toward becoming a finance director, consider looking for different entry-level positions in a company's finance department.

Is finance director higher than finance manager? ›

A finance manager may also be involved in preparing financial reports, managing financial risks, and working with other departments to ensure that financial goals are met. A finance director, on the other hand, is a senior financial figure who is responsible for the overall financial management of a company.

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