Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (2024)

Jennifer Yeko

Business and Career Coach // Publicist, True Talent PR // Manager, Platinum Star Management // Director of Talent Acquisition, Ninja Recruiting // DE&I advocate.

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“17% of all American men make over 100k annually, compared to only 8.4% of women. As of 2022, men are about twice as likely to make over 100k a year.Full-time workers men earn 100k a year at practically 54% more than women.Certain states have the most women with salaries over 100k a year. Women make excellent salaries in San Francisco, Washington DC, Boston, and other cities.The average woman in 2022 earns only 83% of the salary of her male counterparts. If you drill down into more detailed statistics, the average man earns 17 cents more per dollar than the average woman. At first, this doesn’t seem significant, but this gap gradually widens. For example, the average woman earns 80,000 less throughout her career at age 40 than men.”

How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide


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  • Joy Poli

    SUPER CONNECTER: Unlocking business growth through strategic connections and collaborations

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    On average, women still earn 16% less than men for doing the SAME work.That's 84 cents on the dollar. It's even worse for Women of Color! They're the lowest paid workers in rural areas - making 56 cents on the dollar. A 20-year-old woman who started a full-time job this year stands to lose $407,760 over her 40-year career when compared to her male counterpart.We're talking THIS year. Right now. In 2024.Wage Gaps entered the conversation this year when the WNBA signed a HUGELY POPULAR player (followed by fans of all genders), Caitlin Clark. Anticipated ticket sales/revenue went up, already, by the "Caitlin Clark Effect", and are expected to continue to go up as Caitlin continues her career. Yet, she is still making less than 1% of what her male counterpart will make in her first year. Did you know women earn more pay than men in only THREE roles? And, no, they're not "home maker, Harrison Butker! They're in roles of compliance officers, vocational nurses, and wholesale/retail buyers. There's only ONE job where men and women earn the SAME pay: teaching assistants. We have our work cut out for us. We're still looking at 2059 before women will reach pay parity. Interested in being part of the change? Strategic Talent Resources prides ourselves on our Compensation Benchmarking to help bridge the wage gap one employee at a time. PM me for more details and Rob Garber and I will be happy to schedule a conversation. #str#strcareers#paytransparency#wagegap#equity



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  • Carlo Valle 🧔🏽

    Helping YOU and your family to build wealth, STRESS FREE! | Mutual funds representative | Financial Security Advisor

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    Do women earn less because they choose family instead of good paying careers? Is it because men are just BETTER at certain skills (that pay more)?As promised a few weeks ago, we briefly look at Goldin's Nobel-winning research.Nobel Laureate, Claudia Goldin has made significant contributions in understanding the role of career choices in explaining the gender wage gap. Here are a few points that explain the wage gap: 1️⃣ Human Capital and Occupational Sorting:She argues that women often invest in different types of human capital than men. Additionally, women may be more likely to choose occupations that offer flexibility or are perceived as family-friendly, even if they pay less.2️⃣ Temporal Flexibility and Career Interruptions:Goldin's research highlights that women's choices related to temporal flexibility, such as part-time work or taking career breaks for family reasons, can contribute to wage disparities.Women may choose occupations or work arrangements that allow them to balance work and family responsibilities, but these choices can impact their earning potential.3️⃣ Penalties for Part-Time Work:Women, who may choose part-time work for caregiving reasons, can face lower wages per hour worked compared to their full-time counterparts.4️⃣ Sectoral Differences:Some sectors may have a smaller gender wage gap because they offer greater flexibility or have policies that support work-life balance.5️⃣ Cultural and Social Norms:Goldin has highlighted the influence of cultural and social norms on women's career choices. Societal expectations and gender roles can shape the decisions women make regarding their careers, impacting the fields they enter and the level of commitment they demonstrate.There are several myths our society believes regarding women and their career choices. One pervasive myth is that women are simply more emotional, whereas men are just better at thinking.From Goldin's research we understand that this is VERY COMPLEX and that much of these choices are influenced from a young age by our socio-cultural norms about the expectations of women in family life.We also can't forget that these careers are also less-paid whenever women become the majority.From a financial planning perspective, we need to incorporate these inequalities in couple's spending and savings decisions and reducing mistakes in financial decision-making.

    • Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (9)



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  • Carlo Valle 🧔🏽

    Helping YOU and your family to build wealth, STRESS FREE! | Mutual funds representative | Financial Security Advisor

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    Do women earn less because they choose family instead of good paying careers? Is it because men are just BETTER at certain skills (that pay more)?As promised a few weeks ago, we briefly look at Goldin's Nobel-winning research.Nobel Laureate, Claudia Goldin has made significant contributions in understanding the role of career choices in explaining the gender wage gap. Here are a few points that explain the wage gap: 1️⃣ Human Capital and Occupational Sorting:She argues that women often invest in different types of human capital than men. Additionally, women may be more likely to choose occupations that offer flexibility or are perceived as family-friendly, even if they pay less.2️⃣ Temporal Flexibility and Career Interruptions:Goldin's research highlights that women's choices related to temporal flexibility, such as part-time work or taking career breaks for family reasons, can contribute to wage disparities.Women may choose occupations or work arrangements that allow them to balance work and family responsibilities, but these choices can impact their earning potential.3️⃣ Penalties for Part-Time Work:Women, who may choose part-time work for caregiving reasons, can face lower wages per hour worked compared to their full-time counterparts.4️⃣ Sectoral Differences:Some sectors may have a smaller gender wage gap because they offer greater flexibility or have policies that support work-life balance.5️⃣ Cultural and Social Norms:Goldin has highlighted the influence of cultural and social norms on women's career choices. Societal expectations and gender roles can shape the decisions women make regarding their careers, impacting the fields they enter and the level of commitment they demonstrate.There are several myths our society believes regarding women and their career choices. One pervasive myth is that women are simply more emotional, whereas men are just better at thinking.From Goldin's research we understand that this is VERY COMPLEX and that much of these choices are influenced from a young age by our socio-cultural norms about the expectations of women in family life.We also can't forget that these careers are also less-paid whenever women become the majority.From a financial planning perspective, we need to incorporate these inequalities in couple's spending and savings decisions and reducing mistakes in financial decision-making.

    • Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (14)



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  • Teresa Sande

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    By now, most people have heard about Caitlin Clark and how she is a phenomenal basketball player. And you’ve probably also heard about her WNBA rookie contract and its abysmal pay when compared to her contemporaries in the NBA.While I wish this wasn’t happening to Caitlin, and all the other amazing players in the WNBA, I’m glad to see how much attention it has garnered. It’s stories like this that help the average person understand how much the gender pay gap is still prevalent. It is not a thing of the past. It’s still very real and it hurts everyone, not just the women being paid less.So, what do you do if you find yourself making less than a male counterpart? Here’s what I recommend:1.Ensure the roles are actually comparable in terms of responsibilities, results, and qualifications. All can be factors in how someone is paid. Rarely, if ever, are all things equal. Assuming yes, see number 2.2.Get your facts in order and take your business case to your manager/HR to discuss the discrepancy. If they won’t entertain the conversation or say you need to wait for the next cycle, or wait to be evaluated later, see number 3.3.Keep your resume current (always!), keep your network nurtured and healthy, and take charge of your career. Waiting long periods of time for things to become “equal” only sets you back in the long run. Compounding interest alone will ensure your retirement nest egg is smaller over time. You don’t need to wait for anyone. If you know you are not paid fairly and the people you work for are not willing to engage in how to make things more equitable, take your talents elsewhere!4.When the time comes to go elsewhere, do your homework, know what your talents are worth in the marketplace, and negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! If you don’t ask for it, the chances of getting it are slim. Your requests need to be rooted in facts and accuracy to reflect the market, but not asking is almost a guarantee that you will be paid less right out of the gate. Negotiating is NOT slimy, it’s expected, and women should not shy away from fiercely doing so!Whatever you decide to do next, make sure it’s something you can live with. Don’t stop yourself from taking a leap out of fear of failure. YOU are worth fighting for equitable pay. And if your employer doesn’t agree, do you really want to work there?Growth and change can be scary, but it’s the only way to get to where, and who, you want to be.#CaitlinClark #WNBA #genderpaygap #equality #equity #befierce #believeinyourself #negotiate #growth #change #FindYourFierce

    • Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (19)


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  • Tamika F. Lee, Ed.D.

    Higher Education Leadership | Success Coach | Organization Efficiency | DEI for African American Women | Mentor

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    I missed posting this however it’s remains relevant. March 12 was Equal Pay Day of 2024. On average, men earn $1,219 per week and women $1,002, with earnings increasing with education. Women are paid 83.7% of what men are paid, even when working full-time, year-round. The gender wage gap is primarily due to women working in low-paying jobs with fewer benefits. Education is not enough to eliminate the wage gap, as women must complete one additional degree to be paid the same wages as men with less education. The wage gap persists as women age and develop further in their careers, with older Black and Hispanic women having the most extreme differences in pay.In 2024, women working full-time earn 84 cents for every $1 White men earn. If part-time workers are included, the gap widens further, with women earning 78 cents on the man's $1 because they are the ones more likely to be working low-paid, part-time jobs.But they focused on banning social media apps 🤔#thoughtleader #thoughtleadership #thoughtprovokingthursday #womenhistorymonth

    • Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (24)


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  • Matt Wallaert

    Leading applied behavioral science at scale - former head of BeSci at Microsoft, Clover Health, LendingTree, frog/CapGemini

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    TLDR: If you identify as a woman, you should assume you are underpaid unless you have specific data showing you’re not. In a perfect world, your employer would fix that on their own. We do not live in a perfect world; it is time to ask for a raise.—In a capitalist system, wage should be correlated with value. Your pay conversation should be on in the value you provide, which is an equation: market x level = value (and therefore wage).So never bid against yourself. When asked about salary expectations, simply say “I expect to be paid fairly so I can focus on my work and I know you want the same. When we get to the stage where we both want to move forward, we should look at the data together and determine what is fair and equitable given both the current market and my unique experience.” That should be met with respect by your prospective employer and if it isn’t, you probably don’t want to work for them.When you come to the conversation, you want to make sure you have your own data. You can look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (link in comments) and other open roles that list a range (legally required in many states). If your role doesn’t have a posted salary, remind them that it should and ask them to let you know what it is before starting the conversation.Then you want to make an argument for why you are uniquely positioned above the median. What unique skills and experiences do you have that will bring more value to the business than the average candidate for this role? Is there something that will help you hit the ground running? Something that will raise your overall ability to have impact?The more objective those reasons, the better, but this is also a moment for persuasion - practice your storytelling on a friend (or on me; link in comments will let you schedule a free call and I’m happy to coach you a bit).Women remain underpaid in almost every country in the world and that is intersectional with ethnicity, credential, and many other factors. Every time you negotiate, you make it easier for others to do the same and together, we move the needle.At the same time, there is data that shows that women in the US now ask for raises more often than men and yet are still less likely to get them. So managers: if someone asks you for a raise and proves their value, you owe them money. It is not a favor you owe them, it is literally how compensation works. Helping them find the right market and uniqueness data, and then pushing it through the appropriate channels, is your job.Do your job.



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  • Bethany Mills

    Mississippi State University Career Center Executive Director | Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Advocate | Alumni & employer engagement @ MS State

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    On this Equal Pay Day, I want to remind women to negotiate your salary when offered a position. You can be incredibly thankful for the offer AND know that your worth is above the salary being offered. And the likelihood that the offer will be taken away? - slim to none.Let’s bust those myths right away!It’s proven that men are more likely to negotiate, and this only exacerbates the pay gap for women. Check out this incredible resource- to learn more on finding YOUR target salary, your target range to begin negotiating, and your walking away number so that you are prepared to negotiate.Let’s turn this around by advocating for our worth to an organization!

    It's Equal Pay Day. Women earn 84 cents for every dollar men make — or even less



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  • Ava Lala

    Career Coach | Helping women who are craving more meaning in their work design a career that checks all their boxes | Social impact | Working mom | Advocate for women | Click the 🔔 to get career insights 2x/week 👉🏼

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    Instead of on January 1, #EqualPayDay is today - March 12. We have a ways to go, ladies. 😕 In reading Payscale’s 2024 Gender Pay Gap report, a few things stood out:👉🏼 Being a parent (or the expectation that you *might become* a parent) affects women’s income far more than men. This is because of tangible factors (reducing hours for caregiving) but also due to biases and assumptions.Men don’t face this financial hit – and make MORE when they become fathers. 👉🏼 The pay gap increases as women get older This is likely due to career pauses to raise families or provide caregiving. But this is where NOT negotiating can compound – and not in the good way. That $5K gap between you and your male peer early in your career can grow to a $35K gap over time. 👉🏼 The pay gap exists among men and women with the same level of educationWhat’s crazy is that women with certain “prestige” degrees – most notably an MBA – actually have a bigger wage gap compared to men with MBAs.The data is depressing and it feels hard to know what a single person can do to change what are largely systemic issues. For me, I offer clients lifetime access to salary negotiations. They can reach out each time they have a new job offer, and we’ll work through their negotiation strategy and scripts. I do it because I want women to make as much money as possible. It’s my small way to make a dent in this persistent wage gap. What do you think? What’s something each of us can do to right this wrong?Drop your thoughts in the comments. 👇🏼

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  • Kylie Flament

    CEO, Social Enterprise Council of NSW & ACT | MAICD

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    I remember seeing a graph a couple of years ago that showed how women's pay drops significantly after they have children while men's stays the same. I was outraged for all of those women - and then ran the calculations for myself and realised I was one of them.After our first child was born, my husband and I agreed that we would each work four days a week, but I returned to work part-time while he maintained his full-time salary. After our second child was born, I took a further pay cut for a role closer to home - still part-time. It meant that at the time I was reading the article, I was earning about 65% of what I had been four years earlier, before kids - about average for women. My husband, meanwhile, had increased his salary in that time through annual pay increases - about average for men. We were both working four days a week and talked a lot about sharing the load, but financially there was a huge difference. What is even more interesting is what happened when we separated. We share the care of our children 50/50 and I still do work for the love of it rather than the money, but my earnings have increased to be equal to his again. That doesn't feel like a coincidence. It feels like, consciously or not, we made the same choices as the average household, and those choices meant I was earning less and he was earning the same. I realise that every household is different and that there are millions of individual stories out there contributing to the reasons we still have such a high gender pay gap in this country, but maybe it's time we started sharing the stories behind the statistics.That's my story. What's yours?(Inspired by Denny Nesbitt sharing hers!)#genderpaygap

    • Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (41)



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Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (46)


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Jennifer Yeko on LinkedIn: How Many People Make Over 100k in the US? - Jooble Career Guide (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.