January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (2024)

Welcome to another month of the Financial Panther Side Hustle Report. These posts detail all of the income I earned from side hustling using sharing economy and gig economy apps.

It’s been a busy few weeks at work lately, which hasn’t helped me on the blogging and side hustle front, but I’m still making an effort to share all of the income I earned from side hustling in January.

Let’s see how I did.

Side Hustle Income for January 2019

  • Airbnb:$575.24
  • Rover:$277.95
  • Postmates/DoorDash/Uber Eats/Amazon Flex: $174.79
  • Wag:$135.20
  • Selling Trash Finds/Flipping:$61.05
  • Job Spotter:$9.19
  • Gigwalk/EasyShift/Field Agent/Merchandiser: $11
  • WeGoLook: $114
  • ProductTube: $10
  • Google Opinion Rewards/Dabbl/1Q: $3.29
  • Qualtrics: $10

Total Side Hustle Income for January 2019 =$1,381.71

The beginning of the year is always slower for me on the side hustle front simply because of the nature of most of my side hustles – a lot of my side hustles rely on people traveling, which tends to decrease in the early part of the year (it’s cold, people are just getting back to work after the holidays, etc).

Despite the fact that January was pretty slow, I still managed to bring in over $1,300 from side hustling during the month. That’s not bad at all, and it brings some comfort to know that, no matter what happens, I probably can figure out ways to be scrappy and bring in some cash.

In terms of the things I did this month, there aren’t a ton of changes from my usual side hustles. Airbnb was pretty standard for January in Minnesota. Rover was actually a bigger month than usual for some reason – a result of a few new clients plus repeat clients. I’m also pretty surprised at how much I brought in from doing food deliveries since I do all of my deliveries on a bike and January is usually pretty cold. I think January was a milder month than usual, which explains that result.

With all that said, below is a more detailed breakdown of my side hustle income for the month.

Airbnb Income: $575.24

We had a pretty easy Airbnb month in January, with my wife and I hosting a ton of students that were in town for interviews. Most of the stays were for 1 or 2 nights, which is what my wife and I usually prefer. A lot of people think that doing turnover for guests is a lot ofwork, but when you’re renting out a room in your house as I do, the short stays are actually really easy. All I really have to do is just sweep up the room, change the sheets, andclean up the bathroom – none of which takes very much time (it’ll take even less time once I finally buy that Roomba I’ve been eyeing).

For the month, we ended up with 15 nights booked, which comes out to an average nightly rate of about $38. During most of the year, our Airbnb rates are closer to $50 per night, but when it’s the offseason, you sort of have to lower rates in order to bring people to your listing. Even with the reduced rates, it’s still double what I’d get on a nightly basis from a traditional roommate. And I get the added benefit of less wear and tear since most of my Airbnb guests are in the house for such a short amount of time.

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (1)

As I pointed out in my recent Airbnb house hacking article, there’s a lot of benefit with making use of your extra space, especially if you already have a guest room set up that’s just collecting dust. You don’t have to go into your house with the plan to house hack, but when the opportunity is there, it’s worth trying out just to see if it’s worth it for you.

  • If you have extra space and want to earn extra income from your home, sign up to be an Airbnb hostusing my referral link.
  • Airbnb is also one of the most affordable ways to travel. If you’ve never used Airbnb,sign up for Airbnband you’ll get $40 off your first stay.

Rover Income: $277.95

I did really well on Rover in January, bringing in almost $300 for the month from my dog sitting business. Our guest pups for the month were almost all repeat pups, which ended up making this month really easy for me.

Here’s a screenshot of my bookings and earnings for the month:

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (2)

Rover just seems to get so much easier as you’ve done it longer since after a few years, you just end up having so many repeat pups that you know fit into your life well. Honestly, none of these dogs are really any extra work at all – I basically do exactly the same things as I’d normally do with just my own dog.

We did watch one new pup this month – a one-eyed Papillon named Lucky. This pup was great and would definitely be a great dog to keep watching.

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (3)

I think Rover is definitely something that is worth doing for any dog lover. What makes dogsitting work out so well is that you can do it at pretty much any life stage, whether you’re single, married, or have kids. It does take time to get your dogsitting business up and running, but once you’ve been doing it for a while like I have, it really gets easy. In any event, if dogsitting make sense for you, you cansign up to be a dogsitteron Rover using my referral link.

Postmates/DoorDash/Uber Eats/Amazon Flex Income: $174.79

Delivery income was pretty good for January – actually higher than it normally is at this time of the year. Regular readers of this blog know that I do all of my deliveries on a bicycle, which means that winter deliveries can be more difficult just due to weather conditions.

Here’s a breakdown of my earnings on each delivery platform in January:

  • Postmates: $51.24
  • DoorDash: $60.33
  • Uber Eats: $30.47
  • Amazon Flex: $32.75

It was a pretty even split for me on all of the delivery platforms, which I find a little surprising. A lot of the time, I just turn on all of my delivery apps at once and just do whichever ones ping first or seem easiest.

Wag Income: $135.20

I continue to do regular walks with pretty much the same Wag clients located around my office. Like with Rover, once you’ve been around for a while on Wag, it gets a lot easier. The first time you walk a dog, there’s always a bit of a learning curve. But once you’ve walked the same dog a bunch of times, it gets really easy.

The only negative thing that happened to me on Wag this month was a three-star review I received from a Wag client. It was a dog I’d never walked before and when I arrived, the dog barked at me the entire time. It took me a good 10 minutes or so to calm the dog down before he let me walk him, at which point the walk was pretty easy. This owner had a camera in her house, however, and gave me a three-star review (and no tip) because I guess it took me to long to calm the dog down. It’s a bit annoying and doesn’t seem like a fair review, but I’ll just brush it off. It just means this dog is now on my do-not-walk list, not because of the dog, but because of the owner.

I still have a lot of fun with Wag and I think it’s a really good side hustle for anyone that likes dogs and lives in a city. Depending on where you live, you can make a good amount of money just on the dogs around your neighborhood. Read my post aboutWag hereif you’re looking for more info. And before we move on, I’ll leave you with a picture of my favorite Wag client:

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (4)

Trash/Flipping Income: $61.05

I haven’t really been flipping a lot of trash finds lately, but one thing I have started trying out is just flipping things I buy from Goodwill. There’s a ton of stuff out there that you can buy for cheap and resell for more, and my wife and I have been testing these waters out.

In January, I got my first start with flipping stuff by buying this Bobby Jones biography I found at Goodwill. I thought it looked cool and it only cost me $2 to buy it.

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (5)

I ended up selling this book for $22 with shipping costs. Shipping cost $6.55 because the buyer wanted it to be shipped to them faster. Ebay and Paypal fees come out to about 13%, so after my costs to buy the book, plus shipping costs, plus fees, I made a little over $10 on this book. That’s not too bad for my first foray into this world.

I recently found the Millionaire Dojo’s blog and he seems to consistently make a few hundred bucks each month just flipping things on eBay. Definitely check out his “What Sells on eBay” series if you’re interested in this whole flipping world. The important takeaway from this isn’t necessarily that you’ll get rich flipping stuff. It’s just a good example of how many different ways there are to make money in this world. You just need to be willing to think a little bit outside the box.

If you’re wondering about the other income, I’m starting to get into a little bit of spring cleaning action and am trying to clear out stuff I don’t use anymore. We sold $50 worth of old stuff from our house this past month, which I’m just counting as income since it’s basically money we otherwise wouldn’t have had.

Job Spotter Income: $9.19

Nothing new to report with Job Spotter. This continues to be an easy $10 to $25 each month for basically no work. I’ve been using Job Spotter for two years now, and it’s pretty second nature for me to see hiring signs whenever I’m walking around. Read myin-depth review on Job Spotterif you’re looking for more info about how the app works and why you should have it.

Gigwalk/EasyShift/Field Agent/Merchandiser Income: $11

I made a few easy bucks from EasyShift and Field Agent in January. The EasyShift gigs just involved taking a few pictures of some aisles at a Walgreens and a grocery store. They didn’t pay much – just a few bucks – but they also took me basically no time (and I was in these stores already). The Field Agent gig was also very easy – I had to take one picture of the recycling area behind a Walmart. It took me less than 5 minutes to do this.

I also got reimbursed for $24.89 worth of free food with GigWalk. For the past few months now, they’ve sporadically had these DoorDash audits where they reimburse you up to $25 for free food. I don’t get paid, but I still enjoy getting some free food.

Merchandiser was quiet in January – I don’t do any of the gigs that require me to talk to someone, so it can be hit or miss with whether I think a Merchandiser gig is worth doing. I basically only do the ones where I just secretly take pictures of things.

WeGoLook Income: $114

There’s definitely money to be made with WeGoLook, an app I’ve been using where I get contracted to take pictures of vehicles and buildings for insurance and underwriting. I don’t go out of my way to do this, but whenever I get a gig near me, they are definitely worth the time.

The $114 I made in January includes $76 I made in December where I biked around taking pictures of the exterior of a bunch of commercial buildings. This gig was easy to do and pretty fun since I just biked around to each building.

I earned the remaining WeGoLook income from doing a scene inspection and a car inspection. Basically, these gigs involved taking pictures of intersections where accidents happened or taking pictures of cars that were in accidents.

ProductTube Income: $10

I’ve been using theProductTube app for a little while now and it seems to be a big money maker when used correctly. The app can be a little awkward to do – the way it works is you get paid to film yourself answering a bunch of questions at the store. The video generally doesn’t take more than 5 minutes, and it pays anywhere from $5 to $25, which makes it really worth it from an hourly wage perspective.

In January, I earned $10 from ProductTube by taking pictures of my bathroom in my house. I have no idea what they do with that information, but for $10, I’m not going to complain.

I’d definitely recommend that people download this app because it seems to offer some pretty good return on your time.

Google Opinion Rewards/Dabbl/1Q Income: $3.29

Same story as usual from these short survey apps. Unlike other survey apps, which I find take way too long to do, these apps only take a few seconds and I think are worth keeping on your phone. It’s obviously not a lot of money, but it’s a few bucks for basically a few seconds of work.

In January, I ended up making $2.04 from Google Opinion Rewards and $1.25 from 1Q.

Qualtrics Income: $10

This isn’t a regular thing, but every once in a while, I get these surveys that pay me pretty well. This one was some short survey I did that I received via email and paid me $10. It took me about 5 minutes to complete. I did this survey while I was walking back to my office after grabbing some lunch.

And that concludes the January 2019 Side Hustle Report!

2019 is starting out strong and I have some big plans that I’ll announce at some point, once I know exactly what I’m up to. My hope is that, by April, I’m going to be really posting a lot more regularly. Ideally, it’ll be three times a week, along with trying to do guest posts. I’m really looking to get myself out there more this coming year. This blog is a labor of love and it takes a lot more work than you’d think, but I really think there’s something here.

Anyway, I hope this post was helpful to you and gives you some ideas on how you can make extra income. An extra $500 or $1,000 per month is not that hard to do – you just have to be willing to try things out. Hopefully, these posts give you some ideas.

If you want to look over my other side hustle reports, check out myside hustle report page, where I keep all of my side hustle reports I’ve written since 2016. I also maintain a list of all of the side hustle apps I use on mySide Hustle Listpage.Thanks for stopping by.

More Recommended Ebike/Scooters

Check out these other ebikes and scooters I've reviewed:

  • Urban Arrow Ebike – Last year, I made one of the largest purchases I’ve ever made – I bought a $9,000 electric cargo bike from Urban Arrow. In my Urban Arrow review, I will discuss what it is and why I decided to buy this bike, as well as discuss how impactful a bike like this can be on your journey to financial independence.
  • Troxus Explorer Step-Thru Ebike – The Troxus Explorer Step-Thru is a fat-tire ebike that I’ve had the pleasure of riding for a while now. It has amazing power, great looks, and awesome range. If you’re looking for a great fat-tire ebike that offers a lot for the price, the Troxus Explorer Step-Thru is definitely one for you to consider. Check out my Troxus Explorer Step-Thru Review.
  • Hovsco HovBeta Ebike – The HovBeta is a folding ebike with great specs and a lot of interesting features, and importantly, it’s sold at a good price point. I’ve had a blast commuting with it and using it to do deliveries with DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub. Check out my Hovsco HovBeta Ebike Review.
  • Vanpowers Manidae Ebike – The Vanpowers Manidae is a fat tire ebike that I’ve been riding as my primary winter commuting bike and have also been using it to do food delivery with apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub. After clocking in a decent number of miles with this ebike, I wanted to write a post sharing what my experience with the Vanpowers Manidae ebike has been like. Check out my Vanpowers Manidae Review.
  • Sohamo S3 Step-Thru Folding EBike Review – A Great Value Folding Ebike – The Sohamo S3 Step-Thru Folding Ebike is an entry-level folding ebike that offers a lot of value for the price point. I’ve been riding the Sohamo S3 for a while now, putting the bike through its paces, and I have to say, this bike has exceeded all of my expectations. Check out my Sohamo Review.
  • KBO Flip Ebike – The KBO Flip is an excellent bike. I’ve had a great time riding it and think it’s a versatile bike that can be used for a lot of purposes and can fit a variety of lifestyles. It’s worked out great for me as a general commuter bike and as a food delivery bike. Check out my KBO Flip Review.
  • Hiboy P7 Commuter Ebike – The Hiboy P7 is an excellent electric commuter bike that’s offered at an affordable price point. The range and speed of this bike are both very good, so you won’t have any trouble getting anywhere you need to go with it. As a food delivery vehicle, this is also good – with how much range it offers, you’ll be able to work all day on a single charge. Check out my Hiboy P7 Commuter Electric Bike Review.
  • Himiway Escape Ebike – The Himiway Escape is an interesting bike for anyone looking for a moped-style ebike. If you’re a gig economy worker, the Himiway Escape is particularly interesting and it’s possible to think of it as an investment, especially if you can opt to do deliveries with the Himiway versus using a car. It’s not cheap, but you can definitely make your money back when you compare the mileage you’ll put on your car versus using an ebike. Check out my Himiway Escape Bike Review.
  • Espin Sport Ebike – The Espin Sport is a good ebike for someone who is looking for an ebike that feels and rides more like a regular bike. There are many ebikes that are really only bikes in name. In reality, they’re basically electric mopeds. The Espin Sport, by contrast, is a bike you could probably ride without the battery and you’d feel like you’re just riding a regular bike. Check out my Espin Sport Review.
  • Varla Eagle One Scooter – The Varla Eagle One is an excellent scooter that can make sense for a lot of people. It can work as a primary mode of transportation. You can use it to work on gig economy apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub. And it can also be a recreational vehicle if you’d prefer to use it for that. Check out my Varla Eagle One Review.
  • Varla Falcon Scooter – The Varla Falcon is an excellent scooter that offers a good amount of power at a lower price point compared to more powerful scooters. It’s not exactly an entry-level scooter, nor is it a high-powered scooter. I think it fits somewhere in-between those two categories – an intermediate scooter if I had to give it a category. Check out my Varla Falcon Review.
  • Hiboy S2 Scooter – The Hiboy S2 is an excellent entry-level commuter scooter that's perfect for someone looking to save some money in transportation costs and improve their commute. Check out my Hiboy S2 Review.
  • Hiboy S2R Scooter – The Hiboy S2R is one of the more interesting electric scooters I’ve been able to test out. It’s not a high-powered scooter, but for an everyday transport option, it’s very useful, especially given some of the unique features that it has. Indeed, for the price, the Hiboy S2R might be the best value scooter I’ve used. Check out my Hiboy S2R Review.
  • Fucare H3 Scooter – The Fucare H3 is a fun scooter and I’ve enjoyed testing it out. For a daily commuter or quick trips or errands, the Fucare H3 is probably the scooter I’ll use. It’s portable and easy to maneuver, so it’s just easier to take on the road when I need it. Check out my Fucare H3 Scooter Review.

More Recommended Investing App Bonuses

For additional investing app bonuses, be sure to check out the ones below:

  • M1 Finance ($100) – This is a great robo-advisor that has no fees and allows you to create a customized portfolio based on your risk tolerance. You also get $100 for opening an account. Check out my M1 Finance Referral Bonus – Step-By-Step Guide.
  • Webull (20 free stock shares) – Webull's current promotion gives you 20 free shares valued between $3-$3,000 each if you open an account using my referral link. Here’s a guide I wrote about how to earn your free shares using Webull.
  • Moomoo (15 free stocks) – Moomoo is a free investing app currently offering 2 different referral bonuses if you open an account using a referral link. Read my Moomoo referral bonus guide for more information.
  • Robinhood (1 free stock) – Robinhood gives you a free stock valued between $2.50-$225 if you open an account using my referral link.
  • Public (1 free stock) - Public gives you a free stock valued between $3-$70 if you open an account using my referral link.
  • SoFi Invest ($25) – SoFi Invest is an easy brokerage account bonus that you can earn with just a few minutes of work. Use my SoFi Invest referral link, fund your SoFi Invest brokerage account with just $10 and you’ll get $25 of free stock. I also have a step-by-step guide for the SoFi Invest referral bonus.

More Recommended Bank Account Bonuses

If you’re looking for more easy bank bonuses, check out the below options. These bonuses are all easy to earn and have no fees or minimum balance requirements to worry about.

  • SoFi Money ($325) – SoFi Money is a free checking account from SoFi. They’re currently offering a $25 referral bonus if you open a SoFi account with a referral link and deposit $10. You can also make an additional $300 as well if you complete a direct deposit. This is a good bank that is also 100% free, so you won’t have to worry about managing this account. Here’s a post I wrote with instructions on how to earn your SoFi Money bonus: SoFi Money Referral Bonus: Step By Step Guide.
  • Fairwinds Credit Union ($175) – Fairwinds Credit Union is offering a referral bonus for users that sign up using a referral link. Fairwinds has no fees or minimum balance, so this is a particularly easy bonus to earn. Since this is a smaller credit union, my gut instinct tells me this offer won’t be around long, so if you’re in a position to meet the bonus requirements, grab this bonus before it’s gone. Here is my step-by-step guide on how to earn your Fairwinds Credit Union bonus.
  • Upgrade ($150) – Upgrade is a free checking account that’s currently offering a $150 referral bonus if you open an account and complete a direct deposit. These bonus terms are easy to meet, so it’s well worth doing this bonus as soon as you can. Here’s a post I wrote with more details: Upgrade $150 Referral Bonus – Step By Step Directions.
  • Chime ($100) - Chime is a free bank account that offers a referral bonus if you use a referral link and complete a direct deposit of $200 or more. In practice, any ACH transfer into this account triggers the bonus. This bonus is easy to earn and posts instantly, so you’ll know if you met the requirements as soon as you move money into the account. I wrote a step-by-step guide on how to earn your Chime referral bonus that I recommend you check out.
  • US Bank Business ($800) – This is a fairly easy bank bonus to earn, since there are no direct deposit requirements. In addition, you can open the Silver Business Checking account, which comes with no monthly fees. Check out how to earn this big bonus here.
  • Fifth Third Bank ($325) – This offer is limited to customers in the following states:Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, and South Carolina. If you don’t live in one of those states, you won’t be able to open an account onlinebut you can still open an account in-branch if you happen to be visiting a city that has a branch. This is a fairly easy bank bonus to earn, especially since there are plenty of data points showing what will trigger the direct deposit requirement. In addition, you can open the Fifth Third Momentum Checking bank account, which comes with no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements.Read my guide on this bonus here.
  • GO2Bank ($75) - GO2Bank is an easy bank bonus that I recommend people take advantage of if they have an easy way of meeting the direct deposit requirement. I like that it’s easy to open the account and that the bonus pays out quickly. Check out my step-by-step guide on how to earn your GO2Bank $75 referral bonus.
  • Current ($50) – Current is a free fintech bank that’s offering new users a $50 referral bonus after signing up for an account using a referral link. Current is an easy bonus to earn and also gives you access to three savings accounts that pay you 4% interest on up to $2,000. That means you can put away up to $6,000 earning 4% interest. That’s very good and makes Current an account I recommend to everyone. Check out my step-by-step guide on how to earn your Current Bank bonus.
  • Novo Bank ($40) - Novo bank is a free business checking account that’s currently offering a $40 bonus if you open a Novo business checking account using a referral link. In addition to being a good bank bonus, Novo is also a good business checking account. It has no monthly fees or minimum balance requirements and operates a good app and website. Indeed, it’s the business checking account I currently use for this blog. Check out my post on how to easily open a Novo account.
  • Varo ($30) – Varo is a free fintech banking app similar to Chime or Current. It’s currently offering a $30 bonus to new users that open a new Varo account with a referral link. The bonus for this bank is very easy to meet, all you need to do is spend $20 within 30 days of opening your Varo account. Check out my step-by-step guide to learn how to earn this bonus.

January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (6)

Kevin is an attorney and the blogger behind Financial Panther, a blog about personal finance, travel hacking, and side hustling using the gig economy. He paid off $87,000 worth of student loans in just 2.5 years by choosing not to live like a big shot lawyer.

Kevin is passionate about earning money using the gig economy and you can see all the ways he makes extra income every month in his side hustle reports.

Kevin is also big on using the latest fintech apps to improve his finances. Some of Kevin's favorite fintech apps include:

  • SoFi Money. A really good checking account with absolutely no fees. You'll get a $25 referral bonus if you open a SoFi Money account with a referral link, and an additional $300 if you complete a direct deposit.
  • 5% Savings Accounts. I'm currently getting 5.32% interest on my savings through a company called Raisin. Opening a Raisin account takes minutes to complete, it's free, and all of your funds are FDIC-insured. I explain how it works, why I'm now using it to store my emergency fund and any other cash savings I have, and why I recommend everyone check it out in this review.
  • US Bank Business. US Bank is currently offering new business customers a $800 signup bonus after opening a new account and meeting certain requirements.
  • M1 Finance. This is a great robo-advisor that has no fees and allows you to create a customized portfolio based on your risk tolerance. You also get $250 for opening an account.
  • Personal Capital. One of best free apps you can use to monitor your portfolio and track your net worth. This is one of the apps I use to track my financial accounts.

Feel free to send Kevin a message here.


January 2019 Side Hustle Report - $1,381.71 - Financial Panther (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.