Jamie Oliver shares ‘beautifully’ glazed carrots recipe (2024)

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Jamie Oliver has shared a plethora of recipes throughout his career, including tasty roast dinner recipes such as roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and gravy. Adapting a recipe from Jamie’s Cracking Christmas, the celebrity chef shared the recipe for his sweet glazed carrots on his website.

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He said: “These beautifully glazed carrots make the perfect side to any roast dinner.”

This recipe serves eight people as a side dish to any roast dinner.

What’s more, the dish can be made in just 35 minutes and according to the recipe, it is super easy to make and follow.

The first step is to prepare the carrots to be cooked.

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Jamie Oliver shares ‘beautifully’ glazed carrots recipe (4)

Jamie Oliver shares ‘beautifully’ glazed carrots recipe - ‘perfect’ for any roast dinner (Image: Getty)

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- 1kg small carrots

- 50g unsalted butter

- One tablespoon dripping or goose fat

- Six cloves of garlic

- 1/2 bunch of fresh thyme

- Two clementines

- Two tablespoons runny honey or soft brown sugar


Start firstly by trimming off most of the leafy green stalks from the carrots and then peel them.

In a large frying pan, melt the butter and dripping or goose fat over a medium heat.

Crush the unpeeled garlic with the flat side of your knife and then add to the pan, turning after one minute.

Next, pick and sprinkle in the thyme sprigs, squeeze over the clementine juice, then add the honey or sugar to the pan.

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    Make sure to add a splash of water now to help bring everything together.

    Add the carrots in a single layer before seasoning with sea salt and black pepper.

    Jiggle the pan to coat the carrots in the delicious mixture.

    Cover the pan before reaching the heat to a medium-low setting and cook for a further 15 to 20 minutes.

    Once tender, remove the lid and cook for a further five minutes, until the glaze has reduced.

    The carrots should be sticky and caramelised, make sure to turn often.

    Jamie Oliver shares ‘beautifully’ glazed carrots recipe (6)

    Jamie Oliver has shared a plethora of recipes throughout his career (Image: Getty)


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    The carrots will be best served straight away but they can be reheated when needed.

    Another popular vegetable to accompany a roast dinner like a chicken one is boiled broccoli.

    Jamie Oliver also has a delicious recipe to cook the perfect broccoli.

    Adapted from The Kitchen Garden Project by Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef said: “There are many ways to cook broccoli, but if you want to get the most out of it nutritionally, it’s best to boil or steam it for just a few minutes, keeping it green and slightly crunchy.

    “Remember, the stalk is just as good to eat as the florets, so don’t waste it - chop it up and cook it too.”

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    - One large head of broccoli

    - Sea salt

    - Ground pepper

    - Small knob of unsalted butter


    Start by filling a large pan with water before adding a small pinch of salt and bringing to a boil over a high heat.

    While the water is boiling, chop the broccoli into bite-sized pieces before spooning the vegetable into the water.

    Cook for three to four minutes, or until tender.

    Drain over the sink into a colander, then leave to steam dry for a minute before tipping them back into a pan and sprinkling with sea salt and black pepper.

    Add the butter and toss to coat, then tip into a serving bowl and serve.

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    Jamie Oliver shares ‘beautifully’ glazed carrots recipe (2024)
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