Jack3D HCl Pre Workout USP Labs Lemon Lime (2024)

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon for sale

Jack3d Pre Workout Booster from USPLabs. Buy cheap Jack3d Pre Workout Booster with DMAA / HCL. (Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon Hardcore Booster)

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon ingredients include:

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon – CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine is a patented amino acid that increases strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, and delays muscle fatigue to train harder.* Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate has been known to boost short term Nitric Oxide levels.* Creatine monohydrate is used to increase high intensity exercise performance, increase strength, have fuller looking muscles, increase body mass and have faster post workout muscle recovery.*Needless to say, if you want the best, look no further than Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon! NOTHING delivers consistent workout domination for such a great price! Only Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemontaken on workout days!

All information & details about Jack3d Booster here!

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon old formula!

  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon includes DMAA 1,3 dimethylamylamine
  • Jack3D Pre Workout brings you an increased euphoria
  • Jack3D Pre Workout has a tonic effect
  • Jack3D Pre Workout promotes concentration
  • Jack3D Pre Workout attracts attention
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon brings your endurance to a whole new level.
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon for appetite inhibition
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon for enormous and maximum energy boost
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon is a highly dosed training booster
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon for an extension of your airways
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon is a general long-lasting performance enhancement
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon for increased metabolism
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon strengthens your immune system
  • Jack3D Pre Workout in original age formula with DMAA & HCL

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon / US EDITIONIngredients:

Jack 3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon Ingredients:

For exact ingredients and mg, see label.
1 serving (5.55g = 1 measuring spoon) contains:

  • Arginine alpha ketoglutarate
  • Creatine monohydrate
  • Beta alanine
  • Caffeine
  • 1,3-dimethylamylamine (geranium) DMAA
  • Schizandrol A

(Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine (CarnoSyn®), Caffeine, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCL, Schisandra Chinensis (Berry) Extract (Standardized For Schizandrol A)) *% RDA = percentage of recommended daily intake (based on a daily requirement of 2000 calories)

CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine, a patented amino acid that increases strength, increases aerobic and anaerobic endurance, and retards muscle fatigue to be able to train harder. * Arginine Alpha ketoglutarate is known to increase the nitric oxide level for a short time. * Creatine monohydrate is used to increase the intensity of exercise at high intensity, giving your muscles a more full-bodied appearance. Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon increases body weight and helps you get faster muscle recovery after training. *

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon Dosage:

As a dietary supplement, mix 1 Ultra-Concentrated scoop Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon(5.5 grams) with 4-8 ounces of cold water and consume 30-45 minutes before beginning activity. This is to be done the first three times using Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon. Under no circ*mstances should the initial dose be exceeded or the warnings on this bottle be ignored. Beginning with the 4th time using Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon, dose may be increased by, but not more than, 1/2 of a scoop (2.75 grams). The ideal individual dose for workout domination may vary between 1-3 scoops.

Do not exceed 3 scoops Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon, in any 24 hour period. Do not use more than 5 days out of any 7 day period. Exceeding the recommended amounts or not following directions may lead to unwanted effects. Consume at least 125 fl oz of liquid per day for men and 91 fl oz of Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon liquid per day for women while taking this product.

Buy Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemonfor discount price!

Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon includes 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl is also known as Methylhexaneamine or DMAA.

  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon is a blend of powerful ingredients used by athletes & bodybuilders for a heavy-duty pre-workout boost.
  • Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon has just been awarded two “Best Of” awards for “Best Pre-Workout” & “Best Energy Supplement”.

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60 reviews for Jack3D Original DMAA HCl Lemon

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Danke für alles! Top Trainingsbooster!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Sehr Geiler Booster kann man jeden Tag nehmen!

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Super Booster mit massiver Wirkung. Wie beschriebn!

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    Wahnsinns Produkt. Massiver Booster.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5


    Absolut bester Booster den es gibt!

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    Maria M

    Tolle Sache der Jacked wirkt sehr effizient! Vielen dank für alles bin sehr happy damit!

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ordentlich genial die Usa version. Hatte zuvor die Eu version die aber harnichts kann. Jack3d ist jetzt in meinem Regal! in allen Geschmacksrichtungen!!! Das Teil bringt mir endlich wieder die Energie die mir fehlte!

  8. Rated 5 out of 5


    Super hochwertige Produkte! Traumhafte Abwicklung!

  9. Rated 5 out of 5


    Maximale Wirkung GEIL!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5


    Kann mich nur anschliessen. Grenzgenialer Booster und extrem verlässlicher Online Shop. Klare Empfehlung. DANKE

  11. Rated 5 out of 5


    Mega Booster! ???? USA halt !!!

  12. Rated 5 out of 5


    – Preis/Portion-Verhältnis: Top!
    – Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Top!
    – hält zu 100%, dass was er verspricht, bei mir zumindest!
    – mächtiger Pump beim Training!
    – Fokus ist zu 100% da!
    – Leistungssteigerung und dadurch kürzere Pausen und intensiveres Training!

  13. Rated 5 out of 5


    Endlich wieder gefunden den Jacked!!! Bester Trainingsbooster – und ich hatte schon unzählige probiert. Nur Jacked bosstet so wies soll!! Danke Leute!! Booster shop ist zu empfehlen – Zustellung alles super gelaufen.

  14. Rated 5 out of 5


    Dieser Booster knallt echt gut. War nicht so fit und wie ich den Booster zum ersten mal genommen habe lief das Training Bombe, war nach dem Training echt KO. Extremer Crash nach dem Training konnte ich nicht feststellen, wie bei manch anderen Booster. Wies aussieht is der Jack3d wirklich die Nummer 1 – für mich jetzt jedenfalls!

  15. Rated 5 out of 5


    Jack3d in der alter Formulierung ist einfach der beste Booster ever. Ich kann eine Empfehlung für Jack3d und den Fatburners Shop aussprechen!

  16. Rated 5 out of 5


    Poh! Kannte nur die deutsche Version. Hab jetzt den Jack 3d USA von hier und der ist nicht zu vergleichen mit meinem alten! Klare Empfehlung des Jack3d!

  17. Rated 5 out of 5


    Jack3d ????

  18. Rated 5 out of 5


    Überragender Booster mit klarer Kaufempfehlung, habe bereits viele verschiedene booster ausprobiert, doch der Kack 3d hat bei mir den besten Eindruck hinterlassen! Geiler Pump, Mega Focus und eine gesteigerte Ausdauer – Heavy Teil!

  19. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bin grade in der Wettkampfdiät und muss sagen der Booster ist klasse ich habe einen super Fokus und hatte echt gut power ! ich habe diesen Booster sofort nochmal gekauft. kann das Produkt nur empfehlen !! 🙂

  20. Rated 5 out of 5


    Also nach den ganzen guten Bewertungen hier hab ich mir den Booster auch zugelegt! Das Jack3d kan nach nur 2 Tagen an (Super Shop – echt zu empfehlen) und ich freute mich schon wie ein Hampelmann. Der Jack ist um einiges krasser als ich dachte!!! Das Zeug haut richtig rein

  21. Rated 5 out of 5


    Hab den Jack 3d gekauft in allen 3 Geschmacks Varianten weil er mir vorgeschalgen worden ist
    der Booster gefällt mir sehr wegen der wirkung 5 von 5 sternen 😉
    viel spaß mit dem booster 🙂 Cathe

  22. Rated 5 out of 5


    Optimale Zusammensetzung. 1/2 Stunde nach Einnahme, brutaler Focus,Pump und Ausdauer. (kein Herzrasen!) Keine Ermüdungserscheinungen oder Leisungsabfall, frisch wie am Trainingsanfang! Sehr empfehlenswert!! Gruß Franky

  23. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ich kann nur sagen GEH LECK! Hatte den Jack3d in der Handelsüblichen Deutsch-Variante. Nicht mal ansatzweise Vergleichbar. Der Jack3d in der alten Formel ist der Wahnsinn. Bin begeistert! Ganz klare 5 Sterne – alle Geschmacksrichtungen mehr als OK!

  24. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bester Trainingsbooster in der Original Version! Massiv!!!

  25. Rated 5 out of 5


    Versand und Kaufabwicklung ohne Probleme wie man es gewohnt ist.
    Support des Verkäufers sehr schnell und freundlich.
    Produkt sieht sehr hochwertig aus und macht optisch schon mal einen sehr guten Eindruck.

    Wirkung: Fokus 10/10, Pump 10/10 und Energie 11/10 😉
    Nebenwirkungen: Bis dato 0!

    Man hat mehr Antrieb und Energie über den ganzen Tag.
    Fazit: Preis / Leistung absolut Top!
    Yours TOCCA!

  26. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ich als wieder Booster Einsteiger haben mich dank Bewertungen von diesem Produkt überzeugen lassen und muss sagen das Jack3d wirklich krass ist habe ihn mit Wasser und keinen ganzen Löffel befüllt und er hat mir schon die Schuhe ausgezogen nach 15 Minuten fing es schon an und ihm fiti gings richtig ab, top booster

  27. Rated 5 out of 5


    5 Sterne – Wahnsinns Wirkung! GEILST!!!

  28. Rated 5 out of 5


    Vor 2 Monaten habe ich den Jack3d DMAA Booster hier bestellt. (Habe mittlerweise alle drei Geschmacksrichtungen 🙂 Die Lieferung ging wie immer schnell. Und die Wirkung ist der Hammer, brutal hab einfach vielmehr GAS, einen ordentlichen Pump in den Muskeln beim Training mega Fokus, usw.
    Immer wieder gerne. Kann ich nur empfehlen. Wurde zu einem treuem Fatburners Shop Wegbegleiter. Jack 3D
    +Wirkung +Qualität +Preis/Leistungsverhältnis

  29. Rated 5 out of 5


    Das erste Pre Workout Produkt das mir geholfen hat. Ich merke das Zittern und fibrieren im Körper. Geschmacklich der Hammer. Auch ich habe alle 3 Geschmacksrichtungen bestellt um etwas Abwechslung zu haben. Timoo

  30. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bester Booster den ich jemals probiert habe der jack. top pump und fokosierung beim training
    ich hatte keine nebenwirkungen. product ist klasse und gut werde weiterhin auf diesem weg bei euch bestellen. ihr seid schnell, gut und zuverlässig – immer wieder. Weiter so!

  31. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bin super zufrieden, mal wieder ein richtig guter Booster! Hatte ihn schon einmal bei einem Bekannten probiert, habe mir gleich alle drei Geschmäcker bestellt. Geschmack ist ok, finde aber Zitrone am besten. Die Wirkung ist Weltklasse, mir reicht ein kleiner Löffel und ich kann länger und härter Trainieren und bin auch nach dem Training noch voll motiviert. Fokus, Kraft und Energie sind Wahnsinn! Christian1979

  32. Rated 5 out of 5


    Wirkt bei mir sehr einschneidend 🙂 Super Produkt! Denke dass die Wirkung aber abhängig von der jeweiligen DMAA Sensibilität des jeweiligen Anwenders ist. Meinerseits die volle Punktezahl 100%! Richi

  33. Rated 5 out of 5


    Preis Leistung sehr gut! Habe mir den Jacky wieder bestellt! Bestellung / Versand top!

  34. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bin 23 und habe erst gerade mit Trainingsboostern angefangen. Ich habe schon 2 booster probiert, z.b. alpha driver, jedoch finde Jack3d dmaa am besten. Schnelle Aufnahme von Körper, sehr guter Geschmack, leichtes kribbeln und nicht so einen krassen Fokus ohne Crash nach dem sport. AndYY

  35. Rated 5 out of 5


    Richtig heavy als Trainingsbooster, ist jetzt mein karer Favourit! Empfehlung

  36. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ich selber muss sagen von das der geschmack echt geil ist. alle drei geschmäcker. So 10 min nach der einnahme fängt alles an zu kribbeln besonders das Gesicht und die Ohren, dann fängt der ganze körper an zu kribbeln
    es fühlt sich an wie ein leichter Sonnenbrand oder sowas in der Art.

    Was training angeht versprüre ich intensiven Pump der auch für längere zeit anhält und die Müdigkeit ist dann auch besiegt!

    Ich kanns nur empfehlen da man es sehr gut verträgt und keine bauchschmerzen kriegt.
    Jeder Mensch reagiert wahrscheinlich ganz anders auf das Zeug.

  37. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ein Elite Booster meiner Meinung nach. Ich empfehle den Jack3d Booster hiermit weiter! Ich kenne den Jack3d noch aus meiner Zeit in den USA. Wenn man mal einen Trainingsbooster wie Jack3d gewohnt ist dann liegt die “Latte” schon sehr hoch. Der Fokus ist maximal die Energie und Kraft einfach Geil. Jack3d crasht nicht! Arni

  38. Rated 5 out of 5


    Hab den Jack3d empfohlen bekommen und mache dies hier auch. Ein extrem effektives Produkt welches das Energielevel ordentlich nach oben schnallen lässt. Das neue Gefühl beim Krafttraining ist wirklich der Wahnsinn. Pump, der beschriebene Tunnelblick und die Kraftsteigerung bringen Freude auf. Ich habe mir jetzt gleich noch alle verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen gekauft und ein paar auf Lager gelegt. Von mir gibt es 5 Sterne für den Jack 3d Preworkout Booster.

  39. Rated 5 out of 5


    einfach nur geil ???????? der nachschub ist heute angekommen! jack3d ist der geilste booster!

  40. Rated 5 out of 5


    best hardcore booster on earth! the original! thank you guys.

  41. Rated 5 out of 5


    Jack3d ist ein empfehlenswerter Hardcore Booster. Die Wirkung ist wirklich brutal. Kraft ist fast abnormal hoch und die Ausdauer ist so richtig cool! Die Stimmung steigt wirklich ordentlich an und hält bei mir sogar über 8 Stunden an. Toller Booster! Hatte schon viele Preworkout Produkte. Dieser Booster ist der mit Abstand beste den ich jemals hatte! Dani

  42. Rated 5 out of 5


    Zehr zufriedenstellend das Teil!

  43. Rated 5 out of 5


    Endlich ein echter Hardcorebooster! Hatte die letzten Jahre immer wieder Booster. Jack 3d ist mein absoluter Favorit! Ser wirkt so wie ich mir das vorstelle. Preis Leistung im Vergleich zu den letzten Boostern und der Wirkung ist supergünstig. Bin sehr zufrieden. Geschmachsrichtungen habe ich jetzt alle in der Küche. Klare Kaufempfehlung an alle! Bester Booster, XXXL

  44. Rated 5 out of 5


    Bester Booster EVER in der originalen Version!!!

  45. Rated 5 out of 5

    Leo StS

    Der Jack 3d ist endlich ein Booster den ich mir lange gewunschen habe. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich immer wieder Trainingsbooster da ich nach der Arbeit schwierigkeiten habe noch das Training zu schaffen. Der Jack 3d ist der erste Booster der mich ordentlich pusht. Trotz Einnahme um halb 7 am Abend hab ich keine Probleme beim einsachlafen da ich mich im Gym komplett ausleere 🙂 Ich empfehle euch den Booster hiermit.

  46. Rated 5 out of 5


    Also dieser Trainings Booster ist wirklich der beste den ich je hatte.
    Dank des Jack hab ich meine Bestleistung deutlich übertroffen. Die Kraftsteigerung ist deutlich über 10% beim Bankdrücken. Der Pump war dadurch auch brutal und hielt auch noch länger als Gewohnt!

  47. Rated 5 out of 5


    Brutaler und bester Trainingsbooster alle Zeiten. Der stärkste den ich jemals genommen hab. Habe erstmals gespürt was alle mit dem “Tunnelblick” meinen! Kraftanstieg und Motivation waren echt unbeschreiblich! Wahnsinn! Habe eben wieder neu bestellt – Diesmal gleich etwas mehr 😉

  48. Rated 4 out of 5

    Cesar Cabreira (verified owner)

    AWESOME we still can find it thaks a lot!! I rate 4 stars just because i receive the “Green Apple Flavor” anyway what really matters is that I have the original JACK 3D at home again! Thanks a lot guys and see you soon

  49. Rated 5 out of 5


    Awesome stuff! I bought this based on the stellar reviews and was not disappointed. I have great focus, pump (look at that PUMP in the pic), and long lasting energy. I’m a pre-workout junkie so I’ve tried many before and have a high tolerance. I like this so much I’m going to make another order for sure!

  50. Rated 5 out of 5


    I love this product. It pumps me up and gets me ready for the gym without making me feel awful

  51. Rated 5 out of 5


    This is the best pre-work out product we have tried and we’ve tried them all.

  52. Rated 5 out of 5


    Honestly even better than people say. Exceeded all my expectations, it’s legendary for a reason

  53. Rated 5 out of 5


    Ausgezeichnetes Produkt, werde ich wieder kaufen, wenn es aufgebraucht ist

  54. Rated 5 out of 5


    Without a doubt this is the best booster I’ve ever taken! I feel energetic enough to run a marathon after taking it lol

  55. Rated 5 out of 5


    This product is amazing and tastes really good!

  56. Rated 5 out of 5


    This is without a doubt my favorite product!

  57. Rated 5 out of 5


    one of the best boosters I’ve ever tried, if not the best!

  58. Rated 5 out of 5


    Pour moi, c’est le meilleur booster qui soit ! Tout simplement incroyable.

  59. Rated 5 out of 5


    Il miglior booster che abbia mai provato in vita mia, incredibile

  60. Rated 5 out of 5


    I recommend!!! Fast delivery. Jack3d in the old formulation is simply the best booster ever!!!

Show reviews in all languages (125)

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Jack3D HCl Pre Workout USP Labs Lemon Lime (2024)


Is there still DMAA in Jack3d? ›

The 2022 version of Jack3d has all of the same ingredients as the original except: the DMAA has been exchanged for the stimulant DMHA (similar pharmacology to DMAA), also yohimbine and geranium extract have been added to the stimulant blend.

How long does Jack3d take to kick in? ›

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO WORK? You will experience the initial effects of USPLabs Jack3D almost immediately - you will notice a sharp surge in energy & mental focus just 20-30 minutes after your first dose.

How much caffeine is in a scoop of Jack3d? ›

High caffeine content (150 mg/5,5 g serving).

What was in Jack3d original formula? ›

Jack3d contains an amphetamine-like stimulant called dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.

Is DMAA Legal now? ›

DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine) is an amphetamine derivative that has been marketed in sports performance and weight loss products, many of which are sold as dietary supplements. DMAA is not a dietary ingredient, and DMAA-containing products marketed as dietary supplements are illegal and their marketing violates the law.

Is DMAA still banned? ›

Although DMAA has been prohibited as an ingredient in dietary supplements since 2013, products with DMAA continue to be produced and marketed, so it's important to know what to look out for on labels.

Does DMAA have steroids in it? ›

DMAA is banned by the US Military because two soliders died after taking it during basic training. It's apparently serious stuff. It also has pregnenolone, a steroid hormone banned by the olympics so I figured that would give me some sort of insight into what taking an illegal steroid would be like.

Is Jack3d illegal? ›

Jack3d was banned in August last year, four months after Squires's death, after concerns over a stimulant called DMAA (dimethylamylamine) found in the powder.

Is the new Jack3d legal? ›

The supplement is called Jack3d (pronounced Jacked), but the ingredient that users say sets it apart from other pre-workout supplements is 1,3 dimethylamylamine - or DMAA. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says DMAA is illegal.

Does Jack3d give you a pump? ›

Jack3d™ gives users much more than expected in terms of energy, focus and powerful muscle pumps.

What are the benefits of Jack 3d? ›

Jack3d by USPLabs™ Pre-Workout Benefits:

Promotes Crazy Energy Boost. Helps Provide Tunnel Focus. Enhances Mental Performance and Acuity. Boosts Bursting Muscle Pumps and Muscular Strength.

What is DMAA used for in bodybuilding? ›

1,3-DMAA (1,3-Dimethylamylamine) is a neural stimulant with a structure similar to ephedrine and adrenaline that has been used as a pre-workout stimulant.

Is DMAA in drugs? ›

1,3-DMAA is a drug made synthetically in a laboratory. It was originally used as a nasal decongestant. Today, 1,3-DMAA is sold as a dietary supplement used for attention deficit-hyperactive disorder (ADHD), weight loss, improving athletic performance, and body building.

Where is Jack3d banned? ›

A sports supplement popular with fitness fanatics has been banned in Britain because of fears it may have lethal side-effects. The drink Jack3D contains a stimulant known as DMAA (dimethylamylamine) that has been linked to high blood pressure, headaches, vomiting, stroke and even a death.

Did C4 have DMAA? ›

C4 Extreme is no longer manufactured with DMAA. But the substance can still be found in a variety of dietary supplements aimed at boosting physical performance or weight loss, such as Jack3d (pronounced “jacked”) and OxyELITE Pro, which are sold online and at retail stores.

How many people has DMAA killed? ›

The F.D.A. has received 60 reports of health problems in people who had ingested products containing DMAA, including reports of at least two deaths.

What is better than DMAA? ›

Caffeine is the most obvious alternative to DMAA. It is the gold standard for stimulants and ergogenic ingredients used in pre-workout supplements. Pretty much every stimulant-based pre-workout contains caffeine in one form or another, and there's a good reason for this.

What pre-workout is now illegal? ›

Is DMAA banned in pre-workouts? Yes, dimethylamylamine or DMAA was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2013 for use in dietary supplements because it had been shown to increase the risk of cardiac events such as heart attacks.

Does GNC sell DMAA? ›

The Defense Department removed DMAA products from military exchanges and on-base GNC stores out of concern it may have contributed to the deaths of at least two soldiers who suffered heart attacks during physical training.

How much stronger is DMAA than caffeine? ›

The caffeine content of these products is typically 8-10 times that of DMAA (e.g.,25 mg DMAA and 250 mg caffeine).

Is DMAA addictive? ›

DMAA Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Of course, all supplements have potential side effects. This particular ingredient does exhibit addictive, cocaine-like characteristics.

What effects does DMAA have on testosterone? ›

DMAA at low concentrations decreased the ratio of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone to testosterone in the nuclei without significantly reducing the total uptake. DMAA at high concentrations also reduced the total radioactivity in the nuclei.

How strong is DMAA? ›

It is also worth mentioning again, DMAA is a very potent stimulant and can elevate blood pressure when dosed above 75mg.

Can DMAA cause anxiety? ›

Subjects in a small study of DMAA-containing products reported sleeplessness, shakiness, anxiety, chills, sweating, nausea, tingling, fatigue, and headaches.

Does GNC sell Jack3d? ›

Jack3d's old formula used to contain DMAA. Because of this why you won't find this at GNC, Amazon, Walmart, Bodybuilding and others.

Why is C4 banned? ›

The drink that the students bought, a Creatine Nitrate product called C4 Extreme manufactured by the pro workout supplement company Cellucor, unknowingly contained Synephrine, a substance that is considered "performance enhancing" and is banned by the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association.

What is the Jack3d controversy? ›

Jack3d contains a drug known as DMAA, which was recently found in the bloodstream of two U.S. Army soldiers who died of heart attacks during physical training. The Department of Defense has since banned the on-base sale of DMAA products, including Jack3d.

What happened to Jacked 3d? ›

The Defense Department removed products containing DMAA, including Jack3d, from base stores and on-base GNCs in 2013 after the supplements were implicated in the deaths of at least two soldiers who suffered heart attacks during physical training.

What are the side effects of jacked 3d? ›

Jack3d Side Effects
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Seizures.
  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Liver damage or liver failure.
  • Kidney damage or kidney failure.
  • Psychiatric side effects.
Jun 22, 2022

Are Jacked Factory products safe? ›

Jacked Factory products are in full compliance with all federal guidelines for product safety including those manufacturing and safety guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration.

Does pump lead to muscle growth? ›

Bodybuilders often “chase the pump” before competitions to temporarily increase muscle size and vascularity, but research shows that you can also enhance long-term muscle growth by getting all pumped up.

What drug is in JACK3D pre-workout? ›

Jack3d contains two stimulants, caffeine and methylhexaneamine (also known as dimethylamylamine). Methylhexaneamine has been listed by the World Anti-Doping Agency as an S6 stimulant 'prohibited in competition'. Jack3d is marketed to improve athletic performance and is popular as a pre-workout supplement.

Does C4 give you a pump? ›

C4 Original is our explosive energy pre-workout focused on muscular endurance and muscle pumps.

What is in jacked 3d? ›

Jack3d is now powered by 2-Aminoisoheptane (DMHA), caffeine, and more powerful stimulants to give you the burst of energy that you need to keep you going during your toughest workouts.

What is the benefits of jack powder? ›

The seeds are rich in dietary fiber and B-complex vitamins and due to their high fiber content, they help lower the risk of heart disease, prevent constipation and promote weight loss. Jackfruit seeds also contain resistant starch, which controls blood sugar and keeps the gut healthy.

What are the benefits of Jack? ›

Jackfruit offers several key nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium. Those nutrients can help you manage your weight and blood sugar, promote healthy skin, and keep your heart healthy.

Is DMAA good for ADHD? ›

There is no evidence on efficacy of DMAA for ADHD, but serious safety concerns. The FDA has issued a warning about the potential of DMAA to elevate blood pressure and lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart attack, shortness of breath and tightening of the chest.

Is DMAA in Gorilla mode? ›

Does Gorilla Mode contain DMAA? No, Gorilla Mode does not contain DMAA; however, it includes a close DMAA substitute. N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate is the chemical name used for a plant extract that we frequently encounter in fat-burners, Eria Jarensis.

How long do you feel the effects of DMAA? ›

Compared to the commonly available stimulant caffeine, DMAA has a longer t1/2, in this case 8.4 h vs. 5.4 hr for caffeine [17], as well as a shorter lag time of 0.14 h vs. 0.37 h for caffeine [17]. Previous reports have indicated that DMAA is absorbed over 4–12 hours [13].

Is DMAA illegal in the military? ›

The military banned DMHA because it is a new dietary ingredient lacking evidence for safe use, therefore it is banned for use in supplements by the FDA. Common Supplements containing DMHA: Lean Pills.

Will you fail a drug test with DMAA? ›

(DMAA) that is widely rumored to cause a “false positive” drug test . mass spectrometry (GC/MS) testing to confirm urinalysis test re- sults. Under GC/MS testing , DMAA will never produce a positive result for amphetamines or any other drug tested by the DoD. Did You Know?

Is DMAA banned in pre-workout? ›

Historically, it's been a favorite among fitness fanatics and bodybuilders due to its insane performance- and energy-boosting capabilities. But then came 2013, the year the FDA banned all DMAA-containing pre-workouts. And ever since, such supplements have been illegal.

Is Jack3d bad? ›

The stimulant narrows blood vessels and arteries, raises blood pressure and may cause heart attacks. “When you place a stimulant on top of a high-intensity workout, it's a disaster waiting to happen,” says D.C. fitness trainer Kimberly Linton. “The reward is small compared to the risk.”

Do energy drinks have DMAA? ›

DMAA found in energy drinks and dietary supplements is dangerous and should be avoided. DMAA can cause heart attacks and other heart problems. High levels of caffeine and other stimulants found in energy drinks make them dangerous for teens and children.

What is the difference between DMAA and DMAA? ›

The main difference between DMAA and DMHA is that DMAA is stronger per milligram. It usually takes about two to three times as much DMHA to achieve similar results to DMAA. Both DMAA and DMHA can create feelings of energy, alertness, and euphoria.

Why is no Xplode banned? ›

Because the supplement is completely unregulated by the FDA, companies can put whatever they want into their bottles. Simply, there's no guarantee that what they claim the supplement contains (e.g. creatine) actually has that ingredient in the quantities they're advertising.

When did Jack3d stop using DMAA? ›

In December 2011, after the deaths of two soldiers who had used Jack3d, the Defense Department removed all products containing DMAA from stores on military bases, including more than 100 GNC shops. Now the parents of Michael L.

What ingredient in Jacked 3d is banned? ›

Jack3d was banned in August last year, four months after Squires's death, after concerns over a stimulant called DMAA (dimethylamylamine) found in the powder. DMAA has been linked to high blood pressure, headaches, vomiting, stroke and a death.

What happened to the original Jacked 3d? ›

The Defense Department removed products containing DMAA, including Jack3d, from base stores and on-base GNCs in 2013 after the supplements were implicated in the deaths of at least two soldiers who suffered heart attacks during physical training.

How many times stronger is DMAA than caffeine? ›

In almost all cases, pre-workout dietary supplements containing DMAA are formulated with multiple ingredients, including caffeine and additional stimulants. The caffeine content of these products is typically 8-10 times that of DMAA (e.g.,25 mg DMAA and 250 mg caffeine). This should be considered in the case analyses.

Is DMAA allowed in pre-workout? ›

Historically, it's been a favorite among fitness fanatics and bodybuilders due to its insane performance- and energy-boosting capabilities. But then came 2013, the year the FDA banned all DMAA-containing pre-workouts. And ever since, such supplements have been illegal.

Does C4 have DMAA? ›

C4 Extreme is no longer manufactured with DMAA. But the substance can still be found in a variety of dietary supplements aimed at boosting physical performance or weight loss, such as Jack3d (pronounced “jacked”) and OxyELITE Pro, which are sold online and at retail stores.

Is Jack3d bad for you? ›

The problem is the ingredient dimethylamylamine, or DMAA. The stimulant narrows blood vessels and arteries, raises blood pressure and may cause heart attacks. “When you place a stimulant on top of a high-intensity workout, it's a disaster waiting to happen,” says D.C. fitness trainer Kimberly Linton.

How bad is Jack3d? ›

The drink Jack3D contains a stimulant known as DMAA (dimethylamylamine) that has been linked to high blood pressure, headaches, vomiting, stroke and even a death.

What is DMAA similar to? ›

DMAA is a straight chain, 7 carbon, aliphitic amine with a structural similarity to amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA. It was first introduced as a nasal decongestant but more recently is used as a neurological stimulant and party pill.

What is the benefit of DMAA? ›

It was originally used as a nasal decongestant. Today, 1,3-DMAA is sold as a dietary supplement used for attention deficit-hyperactive disorder (ADHD), weight loss, improving athletic performance, and body building. Some products claim that 1,3-DMAA naturally comes from rose geranium oil.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.