Item Drag & Drop - React List (2024)

import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';import List, { IItemDraggingProps, ItemDragging } from 'devextreme-react/list';import { plannedTasks, doingTasks } from './data.ts';const App = () => { const [plannedTasksState, setPlannedTasksState] = useState(plannedTasks); const [doingTasksState, setDoingTasksState] = useState(doingTasks); const onDragStart = useCallback<IItemDraggingProps['onDragStart']>((e) => { e.itemData = e.fromData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState[e.fromIndex] : doingTasksState[e.fromIndex]; }, [plannedTasksState, doingTasksState]); const onAdd = useCallback<IItemDraggingProps['onAdd']>((e) => { const tasks = e.toData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState : doingTasksState; const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; updatedTasks.splice(e.toIndex, 0, e.itemData); if (e.toData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState(updatedTasks); } else { setDoingTasksState(updatedTasks); } }, [setPlannedTasksState, setDoingTasksState, plannedTasksState, doingTasksState]); const onRemove = useCallback<IItemDraggingProps['onRemove']>((e) => { const tasks = e.fromData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState : doingTasksState; const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; updatedTasks.splice(e.fromIndex, 1); if (e.fromData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState(updatedTasks); } else { setDoingTasksState(updatedTasks); } }, [setPlannedTasksState, setDoingTasksState, plannedTasksState, doingTasksState]); const onReorder = useCallback((e) => { if (e.fromData === e.toData) { const updateTasks = (tasks) => { const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; const [movedTask] = updatedTasks.splice(e.fromIndex, 1); updatedTasks.splice(e.toIndex, 0, movedTask); return updatedTasks; }; if (e.fromData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState((prevTasks) => updateTasks(prevTasks)); } else { setDoingTasksState((prevTasks) => updateTasks(prevTasks)); } } else { onRemove(e); onAdd(e); } }, [onAdd, onRemove]); return ( <div className="widget-container"> <List dataSource={plannedTasksState} keyExpr="id"> <ItemDragging allowReordering={true} group="tasks" data="plannedTasks" onDragStart={onDragStart} onAdd={onAdd} onRemove={onRemove} onReorder={onReorder}> </ItemDragging> </List> <List dataSource={doingTasksState} keyExpr="id"> <ItemDragging allowReordering={true} group="tasks" data="doingTasks" onDragStart={onDragStart} onAdd={onAdd} onRemove={onRemove} onReorder={onReorder}> </ItemDragging> </List> </div> );};export default App;

import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';import List, { ItemDragging } from 'devextreme-react/list';import { plannedTasks, doingTasks } from './data.js';const App = () => { const [plannedTasksState, setPlannedTasksState] = useState(plannedTasks); const [doingTasksState, setDoingTasksState] = useState(doingTasks); const onDragStart = useCallback( (e) => { e.itemData = e.fromData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState[e.fromIndex] : doingTasksState[e.fromIndex]; }, [plannedTasksState, doingTasksState], ); const onAdd = useCallback( (e) => { const tasks = e.toData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState : doingTasksState; const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; updatedTasks.splice(e.toIndex, 0, e.itemData); if (e.toData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState(updatedTasks); } else { setDoingTasksState(updatedTasks); } }, [setPlannedTasksState, setDoingTasksState, plannedTasksState, doingTasksState], ); const onRemove = useCallback( (e) => { const tasks = e.fromData === 'plannedTasks' ? plannedTasksState : doingTasksState; const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; updatedTasks.splice(e.fromIndex, 1); if (e.fromData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState(updatedTasks); } else { setDoingTasksState(updatedTasks); } }, [setPlannedTasksState, setDoingTasksState, plannedTasksState, doingTasksState], ); const onReorder = useCallback( (e) => { if (e.fromData === e.toData) { const updateTasks = (tasks) => { const updatedTasks = [...tasks]; const [movedTask] = updatedTasks.splice(e.fromIndex, 1); updatedTasks.splice(e.toIndex, 0, movedTask); return updatedTasks; }; if (e.fromData === 'plannedTasks') { setPlannedTasksState((prevTasks) => updateTasks(prevTasks)); } else { setDoingTasksState((prevTasks) => updateTasks(prevTasks)); } } else { onRemove(e); onAdd(e); } }, [onAdd, onRemove], ); return ( <div className="widget-container"> <List dataSource={plannedTasksState} keyExpr="id" > <ItemDragging allowReordering={true} group="tasks" data="plannedTasks" onDragStart={onDragStart} onAdd={onAdd} onRemove={onRemove} onReorder={onReorder} ></ItemDragging> </List> <List dataSource={doingTasksState} keyExpr="id" > <ItemDragging allowReordering={true} group="tasks" data="doingTasks" onDragStart={onDragStart} onAdd={onAdd} onRemove={onRemove} onReorder={onReorder} ></ItemDragging> </List> </div> );};export default App;

import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import App from './App.tsx';ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('app'),);

export const doingTasks = [{ id: 1, text: 'Prepare 2019 Financial' }, { id: 2, text: 'Prepare 2019 Marketing Plan' }, { id: 3, text: 'Update Personnel Files' }, { id: 4, text: 'Review Health Insurance Options Under the Affordable Care Act' }];export const plannedTasks = [{ id: 5, text: 'New Brochures' }, { id: 6, text: '2019 Brochure Designs' }, { id: 7, text: 'Brochure Design Review' }, { id: 8, text: 'Website Re-Design Plan' }, { id: 9, text: 'Rollout of New Website and Marketing Brochures' }, { id: 10, text: 'Create 2018 Sales Report' }, { id: 11, text: 'Direct vs Online Sales Comparison Report' }, { id: 12, text: 'Review 2018 Sales Report and Approve 2019 Plans' }, { id: 13, text: 'Submit Signed NDA' }, { id: 14, text: 'Update Revenue Projections' }, { id: 15, text: 'Review Revenue Projections' }, { id: 16, text: 'Comment on Revenue Projections' }, { id: 17, text: 'Scan Health Insurance Forms' }, { id: 18, text: 'Sign Health Insurance Forms' }, { id: 19, text: 'Follow up with West Coast Stores' }, { id: 20, text: 'Follow up with East Coast Stores' }, { id: 21, text: 'Submit Refund Report for 2019 Recall' }, { id: 22, text: 'Give Final Approval for Refunds' }, { id: 23, text: 'Prepare Product Recall Report' }, { id: 24, text: 'Review Product Recall Report by Engineering Team' }, { id: 25, text: 'Review Training Course for any Omissions' }, { id: 26, text: 'Review Overtime Report' }, { id: 27, text: 'Submit Overtime Request Forms' }, { id: 28, text: 'Overtime Approval Guidelines' }, { id: 29, text: 'Create Report on Customer Feedback' }, { id: 30, text: 'Review Customer Feedback Report' }];

window.exports = window.exports || {};window.config = { transpiler: 'ts', typescriptOptions: { module: 'system', emitDecoratorMetadata: true, experimentalDecorators: true, jsx: 'react', }, meta: { 'react': { 'esModule': true, }, 'typescript': { 'exports': 'ts', }, 'devextreme/time_zone_utils.js': { 'esModule': true, }, 'devextreme/localization.js': { 'esModule': true, }, 'devextreme/viz/palette.js': { 'esModule': true, }, }, paths: { 'npm:': '', }, defaultExtension: 'js', map: { 'ts': 'npm:[email protected]/lib/plugin.js', 'typescript': 'npm:[email protected]/lib/typescript.js', 'react': 'npm:[email protected]/umd/react.development.js', 'react-dom': 'npm:[email protected]/umd/react-dom.development.js', 'prop-types': 'npm:[email protected]/prop-types.js', 'rrule': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/es5/rrule.js', 'luxon': 'npm:[email protected]/build/global/luxon.min.js', 'es6-object-assign': 'npm:[email protected]', 'devextreme': 'npm:[email protected]/cjs', 'devextreme-react': 'npm:[email protected]/cjs', 'jszip': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/jszip.min.js', 'devextreme-quill': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/dx-quill.min.js', 'devexpress-diagram': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/dx-diagram.js', 'devexpress-gantt': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/dx-gantt.js', '@devextreme/runtime': 'npm:@devextreme/[email protected]', 'inferno': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/inferno.min.js', 'inferno-compat': 'npm:inferno-compat/dist/inferno-compat.min.js', 'inferno-create-element': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/inferno-create-element.min.js', 'inferno-dom': 'npm:inferno-dom/dist/inferno-dom.min.js', 'inferno-hydrate': 'npm:[email protected]/dist/inferno-hydrate.min.js', 'inferno-clone-vnode': 'npm:inferno-clone-vnode/dist/inferno-clone-vnode.min.js', 'inferno-create-class': 'npm:inferno-create-class/dist/inferno-create-class.min.js', 'inferno-extras': 'npm:inferno-extras/dist/inferno-extras.min.js', 'devextreme-cldr-data': 'npm:[email protected]', // SystemJS plugins 'plugin-babel': 'npm:[email protected]/plugin-babel.js', 'systemjs-babel-build': 'npm:[email protected]/systemjs-babel-browser.js', // Prettier 'prettier/standalone': 'npm:[email protected]/standalone.js', 'prettier/parser-html': 'npm:[email protected]/parser-html.js', }, packages: { 'devextreme': { defaultExtension: 'js', }, 'devextreme-react': { main: 'index.js', }, 'devextreme/events/utils': { main: 'index', }, 'devextreme/localization/messages': { format: 'json', defaultExtension: 'json', }, 'devextreme/events': { main: 'index', }, 'es6-object-assign': { main: './index.js', defaultExtension: 'js', }, }, packageConfigPaths: [ 'npm:@devextreme/*/package.json', 'npm:@devextreme/[email protected]/inferno/package.json', ], babelOptions: { sourceMaps: false, stage0: true, react: true, },};System.config(window.config);

import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import App from './App.js';ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

export const doingTasks = [ { id: 1, text: 'Prepare 2019 Financial' }, { id: 2, text: 'Prepare 2019 Marketing Plan' }, { id: 3, text: 'Update Personnel Files' }, { id: 4, text: 'Review Health Insurance Options Under the Affordable Care Act' },];export const plannedTasks = [ { id: 5, text: 'New Brochures' }, { id: 6, text: '2019 Brochure Designs' }, { id: 7, text: 'Brochure Design Review' }, { id: 8, text: 'Website Re-Design Plan' }, { id: 9, text: 'Rollout of New Website and Marketing Brochures' }, { id: 10, text: 'Create 2018 Sales Report' }, { id: 11, text: 'Direct vs Online Sales Comparison Report' }, { id: 12, text: 'Review 2018 Sales Report and Approve 2019 Plans' }, { id: 13, text: 'Submit Signed NDA' }, { id: 14, text: 'Update Revenue Projections' }, { id: 15, text: 'Review Revenue Projections' }, { id: 16, text: 'Comment on Revenue Projections' }, { id: 17, text: 'Scan Health Insurance Forms' }, { id: 18, text: 'Sign Health Insurance Forms' }, { id: 19, text: 'Follow up with West Coast Stores' }, { id: 20, text: 'Follow up with East Coast Stores' }, { id: 21, text: 'Submit Refund Report for 2019 Recall' }, { id: 22, text: 'Give Final Approval for Refunds' }, { id: 23, text: 'Prepare Product Recall Report' }, { id: 24, text: 'Review Product Recall Report by Engineering Team' }, { id: 25, text: 'Review Training Course for any Omissions' }, { id: 26, text: 'Review Overtime Report' }, { id: 27, text: 'Submit Overtime Request Forms' }, { id: 28, text: 'Overtime Approval Guidelines' }, { id: 29, text: 'Create Report on Customer Feedback' }, { id: 30, text: 'Review Customer Feedback Report' },];

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <title>DevExtreme Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" /> <script src="[email protected]/client/shim.min.js"></script> <script src="[email protected]/dist/system.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="config.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> System.import("./index.tsx"); </script> </head> <body class="dx-viewport"> <div class="demo-container"> <div id="app"></div> </div> </body></html>

.widget-container { display: flex;}.widget-container > * { height: 400px; width: 50%; padding: 10px;}.dx-scrollview-content { min-height: 380px;}

Item Drag & Drop - React List (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 6633

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.