Is Screenshotting NFTs Illegal? (2024)

Creators can mint almost anything into an NFT, including digital art, memes, tweets, videos, and music, by publishing it on a blockchain. So, what’s the big deal if you take a screenshot of one?

Let’s set the record straight—screenshotting NFTs (non-fungible tokens) is not illegal. However, while NFTs are accessible to anyone online, it doesn’t mean you have the right to create a copy and claim ownership. In fact, screenshotting NFTs is illegal if you try to sell them or pass them off as your own.

There’s more to an NFT than just a picture. In this article, we’ll break down all the attributes of these unique digital assets and explain why you can’t capture an NFT’s true value with a simple screenshot.

Understanding the value of NFTs

First off, it’s important to understand that an NFT—or Non-fungible Token—is a unique and verifiable digital asset that cannot be replaced. In very basic terms, an NFT is a block of data encrypted on a blockchain that contains information about its ownership and transaction history. Each NFT has a unique serial number and just like any other artistic creation or intellectual property, it is governed by copyright laws. However, it’s worth noting that because this surging industry is relatively new, the rules and regulations surrounding NFTs are still evolving. We’ll be sure to cover this topic in more detail in another post. For now, let’s focus on the variables—originality, ownership, scarcity, utility, and community—that contribute to the true value of NFTs.


One question many industry skeptics commonly ask is “why pay for something that you easily view and copy online?” It’s not that simple. Think of NFTs like art. When you visit a museum, most of the time you can take personal photos of the art pieces you’re seeing. However, that doesn’t make it your art. You didn’t create it, so you don’t have the authority to take credit or sell copies for your own personal gain.

The same is true for NFTs. A screenshot of an NFT—just like a snapshot of a Monet or Warhol you take in a museum—holds no real value. It’s a worthless counterfeit of the original.

Although, unlike with art where it is sometimes difficult to discern a very good fake from an original, it is very easy to verify the authenticity of an NFT and the identity of its owner. Every NFT contains information about its creator, current owner, and when it was minted. This information is embedded on the blockchain and is easily accessible to anyone who’s using the network.


Here at Dapper, we have been a part of NFT History, helping to develop a concept that had never been done before—using the blockchain to track and record the ownership of a digital asset. Our CTO, Dete Shirley actually coined the term “non-fungible token” (NFT) after creating the ERC721 spec which launched the NFT movement. Every NFT owner has full authority to sell and transfer the ownership of their NFT at any time.

Screenshotting NFTs doesn’t give you ownership value. Anyone using the blockchain can easily look up the full history of any NFT that’s on that blockchain, including who its owner is, its previous sales history, when it was minted, and other metadata. This information determines its value. For example, NFTs that were created by well-known brands and artists, like NBA Top Shot—a collection of NFTs officially licensed by the NBA, often have a higher value due to an already-established brand recognition. Additional information in the form of imagery, descriptions, names, and other metadata can also drive value.

Scarcity and Rarity

Scarcity and rarity of an NFT is also an important factor in determining its value. Although every NFT is unique and no two are alike, creators often release NFT editions—basically a group of NFTs that look identical but each has a unique serial number. Usually, the larger the edition, the less each individual NFT within that edition is worth. However, an ”edition of one” NFTs, like Beeple’s “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” are perceived to be more exclusive and therefore more valuable.

Of course, in Beeple’s case, the popularity of the artist and the community that formed around his work also contributed to his NFT selling for $69.3 million. Many celebrities are using the same formula to enter the NFT market. Partnering with well-known brands, celebs like Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Tony Hawk, and Bella Hadid, are developing their own digital collectibles selling in the millions.


NFTs are now gaining traction beyond just digital artwork. That’s where utility value—or how NFT can be used—steps into play. Some of the most popular NFTs are now offering access to exclusive privileges like rewards, live events, games, concerts, and even restaurants. With this added value, many NFT collectors are seeking out utility NFTs as another way to be a part of the real-life community.

For example, we’ve partnered with NBA, NFL, and UFC so you can connect with your favorite athletes through fully-licensed NFTs, 24/7 peer-to-peer marketplaces, nightly games, challenges, epic prizes, pack drops, and more.

Other companies have gone even further to offer rewards to mint new NFTs or opportunities to make passive income. Utility value is a fantastic way to provide real-world incentives to their collectors.


In today’s digital world, FOMO (fear of missing out) is real. The desire to be included and seen as part of a community —in-person or online—is stronger than ever. That’s why some NFTs now come fully packaged with exclusive membership opportunities. These velvet rope networking and social events give collectors a sense of belonging and an opportunity to enjoy a shared experience.

While the perks of NFT memberships are great, the community drive is even greater. It allows an open collaborative space for users to support, learn, and invest in each other’s creative ventures. The blockchain was initially created with this idea of community in mind. No one owns the blockchain—all blockchain participants collectively own and run it together. Without the support of the NFT community, the industry would never have come this far.

Why you can—but should not—screenshot an NFT

Now that you understand what NFTs are, you can see that taking a screenshot of one doesn’t capture its true value—you’re simply capturing an image, not the real thing. Although screenshotting NFTs is not—and probably never will be—illegal, it serves no purpose. In order to receive the most benefit from owning or selling an NFT, you have to be willing to invest in its underlying metadata, its creator, community, and utility.

Taking a screenshot for your own personal use is fine, but it’s probably not a good idea to share it publicly. If you do try to pass off a copied NFT as your own, then you’re illegally taking credit for something you didn’t create. In this case, the creator and/or owner have the right to sue you for copyright infringement.

When buying an NFT directly from another person, make sure to check that it’s real. Blockchains often have explorer tools to verify NFT authenticity, such as Ethereum’s Etherscan. If you’re buying from a reputable marketplace, like NBA Top Shot or Flovatar, you have nothing to worry about. These marketplaces are directly connected to your Dapper wallet which automatically verifies all NFTs that are sold on its platform.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

As an expert deeply immersed in the world of blockchain, NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens), and their applications, I bring forth a comprehensive understanding of the concepts interwoven in the article you've shared.

  1. NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens): These are unique digital assets authenticated and stored on a blockchain. NFTs encompass various forms of content, including digital art, tweets, music, videos, and more. Each NFT is distinguishable, containing encrypted data verifying ownership and transaction history.

  2. Blockchain and Data Encryption: The fundamental technology behind NFTs, a blockchain, functions as a decentralized and immutable ledger, recording ownership, creation, and transaction details. Encryption techniques secure the data embedded in each NFT, enabling transparent verification of authenticity and ownership.

  3. Copyright Laws and Intellectual Property: NFTs, as digital assets, fall under copyright laws similar to traditional artistic creations. They are governed by rules determining ownership, usage rights, and reproduction limitations, akin to tangible forms of intellectual property.

  4. Attributes of NFTs contributing to their value:

    • Originality: Like physical art, an NFT's value lies in its originality. Copying or screenshotting an NFT doesn't confer ownership or genuine value, as it merely duplicates the image without owning the actual asset.
    • Ownership and Authenticity: Blockchain technology allows easy verification of an NFT's history, creator, and current owner. This information, stored in the blockchain, significantly influences an NFT's value.
    • Scarcity and Rarity: Limited editions or unique one-of-a-kind NFTs hold greater value due to their scarcity. Edition size and artist popularity contribute to an NFT's perceived value.
    • Utility Value: Beyond art, NFTs offer utility, granting access to exclusive privileges, rewards, events, games, and real-world experiences. This utility aspect adds tangible value to NFT ownership.
    • Community Engagement: NFTs foster a sense of community through memberships, exclusive events, and collaborative spaces, enhancing their perceived value.
  5. Legal Implications: While screenshotting an NFT itself might not be illegal, misrepresenting or passing off a copied NFT as one's own creation can lead to copyright infringement issues. The genuine value of an NFT lies beyond its visual representation and is deeply rooted in its underlying metadata, creator, community, and utility.

  6. Verification Tools and Marketplaces: Blockchain explorers such as Ethereum's Etherscan serve as tools to authenticate NFTs. Reputable marketplaces like NBA Top Shot or Flovatar offer a secure environment for buying and selling NFTs, ensuring their authenticity.

This comprehensive understanding highlights the multifaceted nature of NFTs, their underlying technology, value determinants, legal implications, and the evolving landscape of digital ownership in the blockchain era.

Is Screenshotting NFTs Illegal? (2024)


Is Screenshotting NFTs Illegal? ›

Let's set the record straight—screenshotting NFTs (non-fungible tokens) is not illegal. However, while NFTs are accessible to anyone online, it doesn't mean you have the right to create a copy and claim ownership. In fact, screenshotting NFTs is illegal if you try to sell them or pass them off as your own.

Are you allowed to screenshot an NFT? ›

It's completely possible to take a screenshot of an NFT and to save it for personal (not commercial) use, for example if you are conducting research on that NFT project or if you simply like the art.

What is stopping me from Screenshotting an NFT? ›

Screenshotting an NFT is illegal if you sell it to someone else or pass it off as your own work. It discredits the original creator of the NFT, especially if it's an art form, and breaks established copyright laws.

Is printing NFTs illegal? ›

If you don't own the copyright to your NFT, you'll need to get permission from the copyright holder before you can sell prints of your NFT. Second, you'll need to make sure you have the rights to print your NFT. Some content creators may own the rights to print their NFTs, while others may not.

Is it illegal to save NFTs? ›

The artwork or asset the NFT links to is protected under copyright law. However, the token on the blockchain isn't. It's like hanging a print of a modern painting on your wall. You don't own the original work or the rights to reproduce it — you just own a copy of the work.

Can you take a picture of an NFT? ›

The bottomline: selling NFT photos

The answer is that nothing can stop someone from taking a copy of a digital file. But, like any physical artwork, the value lies in the original. In the same way that anyone can take photos of Van Gogh's paintings, the value still lies in the originals.

Can you get sued for copying an NFT? ›

However, it's important to understand that NFTs can be subject to copyright law like any other digital asset. Therefore, to avoid copyright infringement when buying or selling NFTs, one should obtain the necessary permissions, check the authenticity of the NFT or create their original content.

Why can t you just copy an NFT? ›

Each NFT is associated with a unique identifier that can be used to track it. If someone tried to copy an NFT, the original would be invalidated and the copy would become the new original. This makes NFTs a safe and secure way to store and transfer digital assets.

What happens if someone uses your art as an NFT? ›

If you find out your artwork has been stolen and minted as an NFT, let the marketplace it is being sold on know. You can also use the DMCA process to have it removed from whatever website it was posted to.

What is the most expensive NFT ever sold? ›

The most expensive NFT sold is The Merge, the NFT collection created by digital artist PAK that was sold for $91,806,516 within just 48 hours following its release on December 3, 2021, on the NFT marketplace Nifty Gateway.

Do I own the image of an NFT? ›

NFTs include proof of ownership in their unique metadata in the smart contract. However, this doesn't equate to ownership of the original artwork — only of the token itself. The creator owns the copyright of the original work.

Can I put my NFT on a shirt and sell it? ›

The content creator continues to own the copyright, even if the NFT is sold to someone else. It's analogous to Jeff Koons selling artwork he created—Koons can sell the art to one person to hang on their wall, but since Jeff also owns the copyright, he can sell that same artwork as an image on t-shirts.

Can you sell your art as an NFT but still sell prints? ›

However, you maintain all commercial rights to the artwork underlying the NFT. That means you can still market your art by making prints or merch, or even license it. Collectors are not allowed to do so - they only have the right to sell, trade or transfer the NFT.

Can I just screenshot an NFT? ›

Let's set the record straight—screenshotting NFTs (non-fungible tokens) is not illegal. However, while NFTs are accessible to anyone online, it doesn't mean you have the right to create a copy and claim ownership. In fact, screenshotting NFTs is illegal if you try to sell them or pass them off as your own.

Is it theft to screenshot an NFT? ›

Anyone can take a picture of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, but it's not the same as owning the original painting. The same concept can be applied to NFT artwork. Taking a screenshot of an NFT doesn't make you the owner of the art piece.

Can you get sued for owning an NFT? ›

Yes, NFT creators can potentially face lawsuits depending on the circ*mstances. As with any creative work, there is a possibility that the NFT may infringe on someone else's IP or violate other legal rights.

What can you legally do with an NFT? ›

Those grant you commercial rights in the artwork of the NFT you purchased, meaning that you have the right to make and sell products like T-shirts, mugs and posters using the artwork that you have. However, commercial rights come in a lot of different forms.

Is Screenshotting art illegal? ›

The act of screenshotting a picture, in and of itself, is not illegal. However, what you do with the picture after that may be. If you re-post it or somehow republish it, you may be in trouble. Copyright is always held by the content creator, and they define what you can or cannot do with it.

Can you display an NFT? ›

You can use a picture frame, or install a hanging system specifically designed for NFT art. Another way to display your NFT art is to place it on a shelf. This is a great option if you want to show off your collection of NFT art, or if you want to use your NFT art as a decoration.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.