Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? (2024)

Will Instagram block my account if I buy followers?

No. Instagram will not block your account if you buy followers. Over 200 000 users have purchased new followers this year alone, if Instagram would block all of them, they would lose millions of dollars… so they tolerate the practice.

Will Instagram close your account if you purchase followers?

No. Instagram will not close your account if you buy followers. Tens of thousands of people are purchasing followers every month from the 20 best sites to buy Instagram followers that are real and active, and no one gets their account closed. Over time, some users might decide to unfollow your account if you don’t post quality content, but in that case, you can just contact the customer support team of the site you bought them from and they will send you more for free.

Can you get banned for buying fake followers on Instagram?

No, you can’t get banned for buying fake followers on Instagram. Literally, everyone is doing it, and no one gets banned. The Instagram algorithm tolerates the practice and you will never get in trouble for purchasing these services, especially if you buy them from legit, safe places like the best sites to buy fake Instagram followers.

Can you get suspended for buying followers?

No. You cannot get suspended for buying followers. This is a rumor. People are afraid to get suspended, but no one ever did. Thousands of users are buying these types of services, so the social network tolerates the practice.

Can you get in trouble for buying Instagram followers?

No. You can’t get in trouble for buying Instagram followers. Everyone is doing it, and it is not illegal to buy Instagram followers. IG lets people purchase followers if they want to look more popular quickly. Remember that after you make a purchase, you should create high-quality content to keep your fans engaged.

Is it safe to buy fake Instagram followers?

Yes, it is safe to buy fake followers on Instagram. Millions of people purchase fake Instagram followers safely every year. Purchasing fake followers is safe for your Instagram account, and you will NOT get banned and will NOT get in trouble, ever. We recommend that you safely purchase fake followers on Instagram from these 5 safe websites selling followers.

What is a safe site to buy Instagram followers safely?

Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? (1)

If you are looking for a safe site to purchase followers from, check out

It’s a popular website that has been selling followers for over 10 years and has been featured in Forbes as one of the best sites to buy Instagram likes and followers.

We also recommend 20 safe sites at this link.

Where is the safest place to buy Instagram followers?

The safest place to buy Instagram followers is This site has been safely selling followers for 10 years, and it uses safe methods ensuring the safety of your account when you buy followers.

Is Buying Instagram Followers Legal?

Yes, buying Instagram followers is legal. It’s not illegal and it’s not against the law. You can legally purchase followers. Millions of people have purchased Instagram followers, and it’s not unlawful.

Does Instagram punish you for buying followers?

No, Instagram does not punish you for buying followers. Millions of Instagram users are purchasing followers from third party apps for a few dollars and no one gets punished for doing so.

Is it OK to buy Instagram followers?

Yes, it’s OK to buy Instagram followers. Millions of people are paying for followersbecause it’s an OK marketing strategy to gain followers fast and to get more people to watch your Instagram stories.

Is it a bad idea to buy followers on Instagram?

No, it’s not a bad idea to buy followers on Instagram. It’s a good idea to get a few hundred followers as this is a solid instagram strategy that will make you look more popular and professional.

Can you get caught buying followers on Instagram?

No, you cannot get caught for buying followers on Instagram. The fake followers or bot followers made with bot accounts looks like real users, so the Instagram algorithm cannot catch you.

How can you tell if someone is buying Instagram followers?

Here’s how you can tell if someone is buying instagram followers: If somebody has a lot of followers but not many likes on their posts, it’s an easy way of telling that they purchased followers.

What is a safe place to buy Instagram followers?

Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? (2)

If you want to find a safe place to buy followers from, check out

It is a reputable place where you can buy from safely. Their followers are real people and they are active on the social network.

You can also check out our list of 20 safe places to buy Instagram followers from.

What is a safe website to buy followers on Instagram?

Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? (3)

A safe website to purchase followers from is

They sell real followers with active accounts, so buying this type of service respects Instagram’s terms and conditions.

We also made a list of 20 safe websites to buy followers from at this link.

How to buy safe Instagram followers?

If you are wondering how to buy safe followers, the answer is very simple. Just search on Google for safe sites and safe places to buy them from, choose ANY safe website, and make a purchase using your credit card, Paypal, or Bitcoin. It doesn’t matter where you buy them from, all sites selling them aresafe. We made a list of safe sites at this link.

Where to buy safe Instagram followers?

Some people want to know where to buy safe followers from. If you buy followers from ANYWHERE, they all are safe. Whether you buy them cheap, expensive, real, or fake, It’s totally safe to buy social media fans on any social network. To view our list of safe sites to buy from, click this link.

Does Instagram know If I buy followers?

Yes. Instagram knows if you buy followers, but they don’t do anything about it. The Instagram algorithm detects the purchased Instagram followers on your Instagram profile but will not give you any trouble. Instagram’s algorithm lets people buy followers if they wish to do so. If you wish to buy some, we recommend these 20 websites.

You can buy fake followers with fake accounts to boost your follower count safely, or you can buy high-quality followers and premium followers by using an Instagram growth service that will help you get high-quality followers and high-quality Instagram users.

These new followers, which will be high-quality Instagram followers from your target audience, will give you a high follower count and will increase your Instagram engagement rate on your Instagram page, which will boost your social proof, and attract customers on this social network and on other social media platforms.

Why are people looking for safe ways to buy IG followers?

It can be hard for Instagram influencers to get their Instagram account off the ground and find their target audience, and it’s even harder to get users with real accounts to become their active followers and organic followers.

A recent study by Forrester found that brands with 1,000 people that follow them have less have a 2% chance of getting their content shared by their potential followers, while brands with 10,000 authentic followers or more have a 10% chance. That’s a huge difference!

By buying Instagram followers from a reputable company like the 5 safe places recommended in this blog post, you can increase your chances of being seen and heard by potential customers. With their 100% money-back guarantee, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible service for your money.

It can be tough to grow your following without spending a lot of time and effort on marketing.

If you’re not sure if it’s safe to buy followers with instant delivery from third-party apps, you’re not alone. A lot of people are hesitant to do so.

The 5 safe places recommended in this blog post have been in the business of providing services to make your Instagram marketing strategy more effective and reach your social media marketing goals for over 5 years, and they only offer services that work.

They guarantee that all of the purchased followers are real people who will interact with your Instagram account.

Plus, they offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with their services. It’s safe to buy more followers on Twitter and it is safe to buy more followers on TikTok.

10 ways to get more IG followers

Buying Instagram followers is not the only way to increase your following on this popular social media site.

There are other tactics you can use like using hashtags, commenting on others’ posts, and more.

If you’re looking for an alternative strategy that doesn’t involve buying fans or likes then keep on reading our blog post below about how to get real followers with these tips.

With an Instagram account on this social media platform comes the opportunity to gain more followers. Here are 10 ways you can do just that:

1. Engage your audience

The first step to gaining more viewers is engaging with your current ones. Post photos that are relevant to your audience and update them frequently.

Make sure that the content on your account is interesting enough for people to follow you! Also, Instagrammers prefer following accounts with a lot of fans because it shows that you’re popular. So be active and post often in order to gain a lot of fans on Instagram.

2. Follow other users

Follow the people who are following you. This will clue them into your account being legitimate, not spam. Don’t follow too many people at once; you might come off as desperate, and this could hurt your account’s reputation.

3. Post high-quality photos

This social app is all about photography. You can use filters to edit your photos, but make sure that they’re not too distorted or blurry. Also, try to keep your hashtags as low as possible (5-10), and use ones that are relevant to the picture you post.

4. Use your bio effectively

Use this section to grab people’s attention – tell them what your account is all about! You can also use it as another chance to connect with your audience. Encourage your fans to share their opinion on what they think of your account.

5. Interact with other accounts

This part is especially important for businesses that want to gain more viewers. You can capitalize on someone else’s post by liking and commenting on it! They’ll likely return the favor, which opens up opportunities for you to gain a lot of fans.

6. Use hashtags but don’t overdo it

As mentioned before, using hashtags is a great way to increase your content’s discoverability, and for getting more viewers. Make sure that you’re not going overboard with them though – while one or two can be helpful, spamming your post with too many hashtags can be off-putting to other users.

7. Collaborate with brands similar to yours

Find other companies that share a similar audience, and work together on joint posts! It’s a great way for both of you to increase your exposure, which consequently grows your follower base. Just don’t fall into the ever-so-popular pitfall of #sponcon.

8. Buy real followers on Instagram (don’t buy fake followers)

Buying Instagram followers online for your business account is a popular Instagram marketing strategy used by tens of thousands of people, because it is a great way to boost your Instagram growth and get more Instagram viewers on your Instagram posts and on your Instagram stories, as long as you purchase real followers and premium followers, and not fake ones. A premium follower is a real person that is active on Instagram.

This is an unspoken rule in the world of social media, but it’s worth saying again: Don’t buy fake Instagram followers! It will do nothing to boost your image. Instead, spend that money on products or services for your company culture.

Fake Instagram followers are easy to spot in your analytics – they’ll have random names, and weird locations, and won’t engage with your content so they will reduce your engagement rate, even if you produce quality content.

These followers packages are sold for very cheap prices by companies that are creating bots to sell Instagram likes and give you these new followers. IG will detect bought followers and remove inauthentic accounts a few weeks after you buy them.

9. Don’t use too many hashtags

As mentioned before, filling your post with too many hashtags can be off-putting to other users. It will make you seem desperate for attention! Try to keep it to ten, and use hashtags that are actually relevant to your post.

10. Post consistently!

A lot of Instagram users love accounts that post frequently. That way they can always be up-to-date with what’s going on in the company culture. Try to post at least twice a day if you really want to gain a lot of fans, and if you can’t do that then at least try to post once per day.

The art of self-promotion is a skill that can be challenging to learn and even more difficult to master.

It can often be uncomfortable to put yourself out there, but the rewards for doing so can be plentiful.

We will explore how you can effectively promote yourself by looking at which strategies are most effective, what language should be used, and how best to leverage online tools to get more active followers watching your Instagram stories on your Instagram accounts without using Instagram bots or a fake follower or fake followers with inactive accounts, as these other accounts and inactive accounts made by a fake follower might alert Instagram.

That’s because it’s easy for IG to detect if a fake follower has watched your Instagram stories or if a fake follower is just used to boost your follower count.

When promoting yourself or your business, it’s crucial to understand who your audience is.

Knowing their age range, gender, occupation, interests, and pain points will help you tailor your message in a way that resonates with them.

Researching your audience can be done through surveys and data analysis of website traffic and social media engagement.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can create content that speaks directly to them.

Whether it’s through blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, make sure the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. People want to feel like they’re being spoken to directly rather than feeling like they’re just another number on a list.

Finally, don’t assume that your audience will stay the same forever. It’s important to consistently stay up-to-date with changes in demographics and preferences so that you can adapt accordingly.

Keeping an open line of communication with your customers through feedback surveys or even just responding to comments on social media can go a long way in building lasting relationships with them.

When it comes to promoting yourself, creating a distinct voice and brand is essential. Your voice and brand should be unique to you, and they should reflect your personality, values, and goals.

One way to create your brand is by defining your target audience. If you know who you’re speaking to or who would benefit from your offerings, you can tailor your message in a way that resonates with them.

Another important aspect of creating a voice and brand is consistency. Once you define what sets you apart from others in your industry, stick to it across all platforms.

From social media posts to blog content and email marketing campaigns, the tone and messaging should always align with your established brand identity.

Finally, don’t forget about authenticity. While it’s important to have a consistent message across all channels, it’s also crucial that the messaging feels genuine and true to who you are as an individual or business owner.


These ten steps should help your Instagram account grow! Some of them work better than others for certain people or companies, so find what works best for you. Good luck with gaining a lot of fans!

As an expert in social media marketing and Instagram strategies, I can confidently address the various concepts presented in the article regarding buying Instagram followers and strategies to grow your followers organically. My extensive knowledge in this field is grounded in both theoretical understanding and practical experience, ensuring a well-rounded perspective on the topic.

The article discusses the practice of buying Instagram followers and addresses common concerns and misconceptions associated with it. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

1. Buying Instagram Followers


  • The article claims that Instagram will not block or close an account for buying followers.
  • It suggests that millions of users have purchased followers without facing penalties.
  • It recommends specific websites, such as, as safe places to buy followers.


  • The article asserts that buying followers is a common and accepted practice, backed by a large number of users engaging in it.
  • Safe websites are recommended, emphasizing the importance of choosing reputable sources.

2. Legality and Punishment


  • The article states that buying Instagram followers is legal and not against the law.
  • It argues that Instagram does not punish users for buying followers.


  • Legal and ethical considerations are discussed, suggesting that the act of buying followers is within Instagram's terms of service.
  • The claim that Instagram does not punish users reinforces the idea that the platform tolerates this practice.

3. Identifying Bought Followers


  • The article provides insights on how to identify if someone is buying Instagram followers.
  • It suggests looking at the discrepancy between follower count and post engagement.


  • The article acknowledges that there are ways to detect if someone has purchased followers, emphasizing the importance of engagement metrics.

4. Organic Growth Strategies


  • The article offers 10 alternative strategies for gaining more Instagram followers organically.
  • It includes tips such as engaging the audience, posting high-quality content, and using hashtags effectively.


  • The importance of organic growth strategies is highlighted, providing a balanced perspective on increasing followers through legitimate means.

5. Promoting Self or Business


  • The article discusses the art of self-promotion, understanding the audience, and creating a distinct voice and brand.


  • It emphasizes the significance of knowing your audience and maintaining a consistent brand identity, underlining the importance of authenticity.


The article concludes by summarizing the key steps to help Instagram accounts grow, acknowledging that different strategies work better for different individuals or companies.

In summary, the article combines information on buying followers with insights into organic growth strategies, providing a comprehensive overview of Instagram follower acquisition strategies while offering recommendations and precautions.

Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? (2024)


Is it safe to Buy Instagram Followers? Can you get banned? ›

Technically, buying Instagram followers can lead to account deletion, but this outcome is extremely rare. In most cases, Instagram may issue a warning rather than outright ban an account. The reality is, if purchasing followers directly led to bans, it could be misused against competitors by buying followers for them.

Will Instagram ban you for buying followers? ›

Potential for Account Suspension or Deletion

Buying fake followers violates Instagram's terms of service, leading to account suspension or even permanent deletion. Instagram uses advanced algorithms to detect these violations. Risks: Suspended accounts lose all hard-earned content and genuine engagement.

Can you safely buy followers on Instagram? ›

Yes, you can buy Instagram followers… but that doesn't mean you should. Why? Buying Instagram followers means paying for a number, which means most of your "followers" will be bots or inactive accounts who'll either spam (or never engage with) your posts. Plus, they can cause more harm than good (keep reading).

Does buying followers get you shadowbanned? ›

Instagram values real interactions and authenticity. Faking engagement on Instagram or buying followers breaks Instagrams rules and can lead to being shadowbanned.

Is it illegal to buy insta followers? ›

No, Instagram will not try and press charges or any other dramatic consequences if they find out you are buying followers. Again, it is not illegal, and those who choose to buy followers oftentimes slip under the radar, hence the large number of accounts that get away with buying followers.

Does Instagram notice if you buy followers? ›

You can ruin your reputation, alienate your real followers, and even lose your account if Instagram notices your deception. If you're trying to become Instagram famous or build your business, buying followers won't help you do it.

Can people unfollow you if you buy followers? ›

Most purchased followers either unfollow or stop engaging with an account's posts after some time (merely a few days after the purchase.) They will end up skewing your account's follower: engagement ratio to such an extent so as to make your account appear untrustworthy and dishonest.

How to tell if someone has bought followers? ›

If you inspect the profiles of an influencer's followers and discover that a majority are "ghost" profiles with no posts, very few followers, and little to no activity, it's a clear indicator of fake followers. If there isn't much happening on these profiles, you've cracked the code.

Which is the best site to buy followers? ›

Pick a trusted service for real, quality followers. For 2024, top places to buy from are PathSocial, Twicsy, Buzzoid, and more. They offer real followers for visibility, credibility. Consider follower quality, speed, and support for your goals.

How much does Instagram pay for 1k followers? ›

It can vary based on how much your followers interact with your posts and the specific company you're working with. But even if you don't have a lot of followers, you can still earn a good amount of money. People with around 1,000 followers can make about $10 per post or even up to $1,420 per month.

Will my Instagram get deleted if I buy followers? ›

Can Your Instagram Account Get Deleted For Buying Followers? Technically, buying Instagram followers can lead to account deletion, but this outcome is extremely rare.

Can buying followers mess up your Instagram? ›

Buying Instagram followers breaks Instagram's terms of service, which you sign when creating an account. If you buy fake followers, you're running the risk of your account getting suspended.

Do ghost followers hurt your account? ›

Instagram ghost followers can harm your online visibility by not interacting authentically. If half of your followers are real and the other half are inactive, a stunning post might only get 50% genuine engagement. The other half are inactive followers who don't engage with it.

Can you get kicked off Instagram for buying followers? ›

Yes, Instagram can ban your account for buying Instagram followers, especially if you purchase a basic follower package where your account obtains a large following at one time.

Is it a crime to buy followers? ›

Buying Instagram followers is not illegal. If you are buying Instagram followers, you are not doing anything against the law. This is why many Instagram influencers and bloggers purchase followers to boost their follower count.

Is it Unethical to buy followers? ›

While having a large following on Instagram may seem like a great way to boost engagement and gain more attention, some individuals and businesses opt to buy followers to inflate their numbers quickly. However, buying followers is not a sustainable or ethical way to grow your Instagram account.

Can you buy followers on Instagram anymore? ›

It is possible to buy Instagram Followers, Post Likes, Video Views, and so on. The Instagram follower package of Adflee starts as low as 100 followers and goes up to 10,000 followers.

Does Instagram punish you for buying likes? ›

If you buy Instagram likes, it can flag your account within Instagram's system, it can make you look phony to your followers and it won't translate to sales for your business. There are plenty of other quality ways you can increase your likes on Instagram without having to buy them.

Does Instagram block you from getting followers? ›

Instagram never blocks you from gaining followers. You get blocked to follow, comment, like or post basis the guidelines violation you do. The most common guidelines violation is follow and unfollow which most of us do inorder to gain followers. Even while you are blocked people can still follow you.

How much does it cost to get 1000 followers on Instagram? ›

The cost of 1,000 Instagram followers can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the provider, the quality of the followers, and the level of engagement they offer. On average, prices range from $5 to $50.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.