Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (2024)

Quality or quantity—it’s an age-old question with an ever-changing answer. But when we’re talking about vacations, it can leave many with limited vacation time stumped. Should you go all in on one big vacation or try to spread out your time off as much as possible? Does it even matter? Does whether or not you take a vacation affect you in the long run? And if it does, how often should you take a vacation to benefit from any effects?

For the little kid in us obsessed with family vacations, the answer is probably once a month, if not all the time. But, for the realistic adult with bills and a job, that might be a little hard to pull off. So what’s the honest answer? Let’s break down just how often you should take a vacation and some of the benefits taking a break can bring you.

Table of Contents

  • How Often Should You Take a Vacation?
    • Taking Multiple Vacations vs. One Long Vacation
  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Regular Vacations
    • 1. Time Away Boosts Mental Health
    • 2. Vacations Lead to Better Physical Health
    • 3. Spending Time Together Strengthens Family Relationships
    • 4. Vacations Expand Your Social Awareness
    • 5. Taking Time Away from Work Makes You a Better Employee
    • 6. Vacations Fight Burnout
    • 7. Time Away Helps You Live Happier
  • Take Vacation Days to the Max with Next Vacay

How Often Should You Take a Vacation?

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (1)

The truth is that a one-size-fits-all answer doesn’t exist here. Your goals and available vacation time will affect how often you can and should take a vacation. However, most studies agree that at least two vacations a year can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

Two vacations a year might seem like a lot to some and not enough to others, but that’s truly the minimum number of vacations we’re talking about here. A 2011 U.K. survey found that you need a day off at least every 62 days to avoid feelings of anxiety, aggression, and physical illness.

And while you likely can—and must, due to work—go more than two months without a vacation, it’s essential to remember what a respite does for your health. Taking at least one vacation a year could lower your risk of death from cardiovascular disease and help you live longer. Who needs the fountain of youth?! As long as you focus on spending your time off wisely, you can enjoy the perks of vacationing no matter how much—or how little—time off you have.

Taking Multiple Vacations vs. One Long Vacation

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (2)

Despite extensive studies proving that vacations benefit not just employees but employers too, most employees have very few vacation days at their disposal. And exactly how many vacation days you have off is key.

More days mean more freedom. But with limited time off comes the decision of how to best utilize your vacation time. Do you take multiple short trips throughout the year or plan one long vacation with all your time off?

Science says one of these is better, but each has pros and cons, which you can make work for your schedule.

Multiple Vacations Throughout the Year

The results are in, and science says more is the way to go. More frequent trips allow you to take regular breaks from work.

Research shows that the ideal length of time for a vacation is between eight and eleven days, with eight days being the true sweet spot. Per research published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, it takes most people a few days to settle in and shrug off their worries before the joy and relaxation kick in around day two. Following that, the average traveler’s health and wellness peaks on the eighth day of vacation.

That’s perfect for those longing to sneak out early on a Friday and enjoy a weeklong escape from work.


Science says shorter vacations are the way to go for increased mental health. But science aside, you’ll find some clear reasons why several vacations are easier on just about everything except maybe your wallet.

Time Away Gets Easier. Shorter trips make it easier to request time off work and take your kids out of school. An employer isn’t likely to approve three weeks off of work any more than a school is likely to be pleased about their students missing three straight weeks of classes. In addition, breaking up your trips into shorter getaways allows you to utilize weekends more effectively and increase the number of vacations you take throughout the year.

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (3)

More Time to Relax. Instead of looking forward to one vacation in the far-off future, you can break up the monotony and stress of work and life with multiple breaks. Escaping from the daily grind provides stress relief and boosts your mental health. Having more of that throughout the year is a definite bonus.

Variety in Your Vacations. Maybe you have obligations to fulfill with your time off or multiple destinations on your bucket list. Instead of trying to fit everything you want to do in one long vacation—and stressing yourself out—you can narrow the scope of each trip. For example, you can spend one vacation visiting family and another visiting a foreign country. Breaking up your vacation time gives you more time to appreciate and enjoy each trip.

Reap the Rewards More Often. Time away has various benefits, including improved mental health and physical well-being. These benefits are experienced each time you go away on vacation. As a result, the more often you go on vacation, the more often you can enjoy the positive effects of your time away.


Arguably, vacationing throughout the year unveils numerous pros that make the idea even more appealing than it would first seem. But before we get carried away on a flurry of flights around the globe, time for a reality check. The biggest downside to more vacations is the price tag, primarily for said flights mentioned earlier. Therefore, more vacations require more money and maybe finding creative ways to expand your annual vacation budget.

One Long Vacation

Shorter breaks are all well and good, but longer trips aren’t without their share of perks. Science may have abandoned long getaways, but that doesn’t mean you have to cancel your travel plans just yet.


Despite research firmly putting its hat in the corner of shorter vacations, there are times when a longer trip just makes sense. And when that’s the case, don’t let science dissuade you from spending your vacation time how you want.

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (4)

Special Occasions. Destination weddings, epic honeymoons, and trips to foreign countries—special celebrations and events can quickly rack up the miles on your next flight and the cost. If you’re trying to celebrate a loved one or cross off a bucket list destination, you may need more than a long week to make your time off worth it. Instead of spending all your time in the air, extending your trip may help you get the most out of your vacation.

More Time to Soak It All In. Spending a week in a new city, country, or continent doesn’t give you enough time to explore everything you want to experience. On the other hand, two weeks or more gives you ample time to explore the area, experience the local culture, and relax all in one trip.

Easier on the Kids (and Yourself). With more time off, you don’t have to worry about cramming every second of your free time with something to do. Instead, you can travel and explore your destination at a relaxed pace without driving your kids up a wall or stressing out trying to fit three weeks’ worth of fun into one week.


Of course, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. After all, science says shorter breaks are better for a reason. When you combine all your vacation time into one long vacation, you don’t have time off to look forward to throughout the rest of the year.

Considering that anticipating your future travel can positively affect your mood, that’s a big deal.

Additionally, you can only enjoy the benefits of taking a vacation once a year instead of throughout, leaving the gate open for stress to pile up.

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Taking Regular Vacations

As you consider whether or not to take your next trip in the near future and whether to take several or go out with one spectacular bang, you’ll want to know what you’re getting out of your vacation experience. Knowing everything a vacation does for your mental health, outlook, and relationships could make all the difference.

1. Time Away Boosts Mental Health

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (5)

Who of us hasn’t dreamed of escaping our stress and anxiety by simply running away? Without question, travel is a positive escape that allows you to do just that: take a break from your worries to relax and recover from the constant stresses in your daily life. And that time away isn’t just convenient; it’s essential. Travel is a quick—and might we add a very effective way—to give your mental health a boost.Don’t worry; your life will still be waiting when you get back.

2. Vacations Lead to Better Physical Health

Vacationing doesn’t affect your mental health only. After all, it’s not just your brain that needs a timeout now and again. The human body isn’t meant to go 24/7 without a break.

And yes, while you get time to relax and sleep during a regular work week, it’s not the same as completely unplugging from work and stresses to enjoy some uninterrupted R&R.

Unchecked stress contributes to countless physical ailments, from minor annoyances like headaches and sleep problems to life-threatening issues like heart disease. Vacation time can help you gain more quality sleep and even lower the risk of heart disease. If stress is the sword-wielding villain wearing away at your health, then vacations are the shield, protecting your body from the worst of the damage.

So, the next time you think of leaving your paid time by the wayside, don’t.

3. Spending Time Together Strengthens Family Relationships

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (6)

Abandoned vacation days and silent nights spent ignoring family for work plague workers throughout the country. Even if you spend plenty of time in the presence of your family, it’s critical to set aside quality time with your loved ones.

Research shows that family leisure time improves communication and family functioning between kids and their parents. And if you think that only applies to familial bonds, think again; leisure time positively influences couples’ happiness and friendship satisfaction.

Travel facilitates all this and more, allowing families to escape work, school, and daily stresses to spend time together doing things they love. On top of improving communication and happiness, travel can also boost the mental health and emotional well-being of everyone in your family!

4. Vacations Expand Your Social Awareness

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (7)

“Walk a mile in my shoes.” It’s a saying that’s been around for generations. To understand others, you must understand where they come from, their history, their stories, and what makes them unique. Things you won’t be able to find sitting at home or taking a cruise with a two-hour stop on a Caribbean island.

Immersive travel experiences during vacation can expand your social awareness. Joining engaging tours, supporting local businesses, and living among local people offer ways to help preserve indigenous cultures, learn new perspectives, and make meaningful connections. Travel allows you to look at the world differently, leading to new understandings and more nuanced perspectives.

5. Taking Time Away from Work Makes You a Better Employee

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (8)

You wouldn’t think a vacation from work would make you better at work, maybe because most companies stress productivity over everything and make you feel awful for taking even a single sick day.

But the joke is on them because the research proves that people who take vacations from work are more productive than their colleagues who don’t. On top of that, they’re even more likely to receive a promotion.

So, the next time you convince yourself to stick it out when the work becomes torture, here’s your friendly reminder to take a vacation. That rest might be just what you need to ace that upcoming project.

6. Vacations Fight Burnout

If you feel stressed out, cynical about your job, and all-around fatigued, traveling may be just what you need to break out of your rut.

Burnout is an equal opportunity offender that can strike down the best of us. Chronic stress caused by your job, academics, and even relationships can leave you feeling worn out and struggling to keep your head above water.

Taking time away to refocus on yourself and the things you love can be your greatest buffer against burnout. Vacations simultaneously give you respite from your daily stressors while offering time to destress, renew your mind, and find joy.

7. Time Away Helps You Live Happier

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (9)

Is it any surprise that vacations make us happier? From the planning stages to the novel things we experience and the warm glow we’re left with after the fact, time off and frequent travel elevates our happiness. We get to anticipate the things we’ll do, dive headfirst into new experiences, and carry those memories with us for a lifetime.

If ever there was a single argument for why you should take vacations more often, it’s this: vacations make you happier. And in life, is there anything more important than that?

Take Vacation Days to the Max with Next Vacay

Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (10)
Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (11)

To get the most out of your vacation time, you may have to do some impressive contortions—figuratively, of course—around weekends, holidays, and whenever else you have free time to make your days off count. But that can quickly get expensive, with holiday costs, weekend price jumps, and more. That’s where Next Vacay comes in.

Off-season, peak season, whatever the occasion or holiday, Next Vacay has your back with the best cheap and even nonstop flights around the globe. Instead of searching the web for the perfect combination of affordability, flexibility, and convenience, our team of deal hunters does it all for you to deliver the best deals on the market. So, kick back and start relaxing before your vacation even begins with Next Vacay.

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Is It Better to Take One Big Vacation or Multiple Smaller Trips? How to Utilize Your Vacation Time to Best Meet Your Needs — Next Vacay (2024)


Is it better to take one long vacation or several short ones? ›

Vacations are proven to increase positive emotions, but that boost in happiness is short-lived. At the same time, anticipating your trip yields an extended period of increased happiness. So taking multiple shorter trips throughout the year allows for more opportunities to boost your mood.

Is it better to take vacation all at once? ›

Try not to take all your vacation days at one time ― no matter how enticing that may seem. Instead, space out your vacation days to achieve more balance. Remember that you don't necessarily have to take two weeks off to gain the positive effects of vacationing.

Why is it better to take shorter vacations? ›

A short trip is easier to plan than a longer trip. You mostly need to figure out a way to get to and from your destination and a place to stay for the few nights you'll be there. You don't need to plan for transportation between different locations. You don't need to plan a million activities.

When going on vacation, would you rather have several short trips to different countries or one long holiday in a single country? ›

It's really up to personal preference and your specific situation as to which option you choose. Individuals with limited holiday time or funds might choose to visit multiple destinations in order to see more while they can, while travel junkies and frequent fliers may be able to justify immersion in fewer places.

How many days is good enough for a vacation? ›

Research says the ideal vacation length is 8 days. Here's what experts say.

How long of a vacation is too long? ›

A seminal 2012 study published in the aptly-titled Journal of Happiness Studies reports that for most vacationers they studied, the impact on health and well-being peaked around day eight and that these feelings return to baseline after one week back at work (even for a long holiday of three weeks or more).

Is it healthy to take separate vacations? ›

Embracing Different Interests Is Healthy

There are no compromises or doing anything you dislike, and the freedom to explore new adventures is absolutely healthy in any relationship. Seeing your partner happily embark on these experiences should make you happy, too.

How many days is the ideal vacation? ›

Eight days is the ideal

The study found that: " and wellbeing increased quickly during vacation, peaked on the eighth vacation day and had rapidly returned to baseline level within the first week of work resumption."

Should you repeat your vacation? ›

There are good reasons to go back to the same place, including comfort, friends and family and special memories. But there are also good reasons to get out there and travel: it changes your perspective and makes your life more exciting.

Why are numerous small trips recommended? ›

Simple to Plan and More Affordable

Taking short vacations will save you a lot of money on lodging and food compared to a week-long vacation. Moreover, with short getaways, you won't have to worry much about your luggage contents as it will help you pack efficiently.

Are vacations really worth it? ›

The benefits of taking vacations

Getting away helps you create beautiful memories with loved ones, make you more open-minded, and avoids burnout at work. Studies have shown that vacations are good for your mental and physical health!

Why do some people never take vacation? ›

Whether it's anxiety around planning the logistics to care for kids and pets, fear of being replaceable at work, or concern about a massive workload upon return, all roads lead to unused PTO and a massive uptick in employee burnout. Workers' reluctance to take time off has been an issue for years.

What is considered a short vacation? ›

This will depend upon your professional status, type of occupation and the number of leaves you get. One major dilemma is between Short Vacations and long vacations. Short Vacations are typically less than 7 days, while long vacations are generally 7 days or more.

What is considered a small trip? ›

They usually define a short trip as less than 5 miles (when it's cold, 10 miles)

What is a trip vs. a vacation? ›

So what's the fundamental difference between a trip and vacation? The difference is your expectation. Trips are something that you do and it often has a purpose. On the other hand, vacations are about the experience.

What is the best length of a vacation? ›

Eight days is the ideal

The study found that: " and wellbeing increased quickly during vacation, peaked on the eighth vacation day and had rapidly returned to baseline level within the first week of work resumption."

Do you prefer long trip or short trip? ›

A short vacation is always better for your mental health than the long ones. It requires less planning and is cost-effective. Short vacations also eradicate boredom and you can explore a certain place in and out.

What is a long vacation or several short vacations? ›

The choice between one long vacation and several short ones depends on individual preferences and the traveler's needs. However, it is essential to remember that several short vacations a year have many benefits. It's worth taking a free weekend or a couple of days off from time to time and go to your favorite place.

How many vacations should a person take? ›

Your goals and available vacation time will affect how often you can and should take a vacation. However, most studies agree that at least two vacations a year can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.