Is DuckDuckGo Safe? (2024)

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DuckDuckGo is one of the most prominent search engines today, aimed primarily towards privacy-minded users. It promises not to record any search queries and the smartphone versions of the browser promises to force sites to use encrypted connections whenever available. Those privacy-focused measures have led to DuckDuckGo’s tremendous growth.1

It’s one thing to say you protect users’ anonymity, but it’s another to deliver on that promise. Does DuckDuckGo actually do all it claims? Are there any hidden dangers to using it? What should you do to make sure you’re protected? You don’t have the time to methodically test DuckDuckGo for the answers to these questions, but we do! Keep reading to discover whether DuckDuckGo is right for you or if you need to keep searching to find the right search engine.

Is DuckDuckGo Safe?

We’re big advocates of online privacy. That’s the reason we compare VPNs in the first place and why we created online privacy tools (like this Password Strength Checker) for our readers. And not to sound biased here, but DuckDuckGo is one of our favorite private browsers. So yes, DuckDuckGo is safe. If you’re not convinced, we listed out its best security and privacy features in the section that follows.

Before we get to those, we would just like to emphasize that using DuckDuckGo as your browser or search engine doesn’t make you 100-percent safe. There are a million things on the web that are outside DuckDuckGo’s control. It can’t keep you from clicking unsafe links, downloading malicious files, or falling prey to online scams. No website, app, or piece of software can do that.

Is DuckDuckGo Safe? (1)

FYI: Most search engines work through search engine bots, or spiders, that download websites and follow links on these pages to discover new pages. Some engines also rely on other search engines to fill out their results.

How DuckDuckGo Protects You

DuckDuckGo’s search engine has two important features you won’t find with other search engines —we’re looking at you, Google — that ultimately make you more secure.

  • No IP address tracking: DuckDuckGo doesn’t record your IP address when you perform a search. Google, Bing, and many others use your IP address to tailor search results to your individual preferences. That can certainly be handy, such as when they suggest search terms for you when you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for. The problem is, these companies also use the data they gather to target you with ads. Worse still, many sell that data to third parties. Just holding on to the information creates risk. A single breach at Google could put every user’s data in the hands of hackers and identity thieves.
  • No search histories: DuckDuckGo doesn’t record your search history in any way. Search histories can sometimes be useful, but they can also be used against you by law enforcement and government agencies. Once you’ve searched, the record of that search disappears forever.

Beyond these built-in features, DuckDuckGo goes further to protect you when you’re searching and browsing. Here are a handful of other noteworthy features and considerations:

  • No search leakage: Search leaks can be a major privacy danger. They occur when search engines transmit your search terms to the site you ultimately choose to visit. DuckDuckGo doesn’t connect you directly to the pages that show up in your searches. Instead, it redirects all links so there’s no chance of leakage.
  • Tracker blocker: DuckDuckGo offers tracker blocking through its Chrome add-on and Android and iOS browsers. DuckDuckGo already promises it’s not collecting data about you, and this tracker prevents other companies from doing it.
  • Ad blocking: Online ads are more than just an annoyance. Click on one fake ad and, boom, your device is infected with adware or worse. Even legitimate ads often contain trackers. DuckDuckGo offers an ad blocker through its browser or as an add-on to Chrome, Safari, Explorer, and Opera.
  • Global Privacy Control: You know how a lot of websites ask you to accept cookies when you visit them? Cookies can be used to track your online activity, but it’s tedious to click “Don’t Allow” every single time. The Global Privacy Control browser extension tells the websites you visit that you don’t want cookies. You don’t have to do anything else. Just turn it on and you’re automatically protected from tracking.
  • HTTPS: A single “s” in the web address you type can make all the difference to your safety. HTTPS pages are encrypted; HTTP pages aren’t. It’s as simple as that. DuckDuckGo search results always include the HTTPS version of sites when they are available. Likewise, the DuckDuckGo browser offers a warning if you try to access the unencrypted version of a site.
  • Privacy grades: The DuckDuckGo add-on and browser scan every site you visit and give it a privacy grade based on a review of the site’s terms of service and the number of tracking requests the site sends. That lets you make informed decisions about where you go and whom you trust.
  • Burn bar: The DuckDuckGo browser comes with a special feature: a burn bar. Tap the fire icon at the top of the screen when you’re done browsing, and the browser deletes all your browsing data. No one can go back and piece together what you’ve been up to.

Pro Tip: Always stick to websites that use the HTTPS prefix. That “s” at the end guarantees they are encrypted.

DuckDuckGo’s Privacy Policy

The best way to know if a website or app is safe is to look at its privacy policy. That’s where it tells you, up front, what data it does and doesn’t collect and what it does with that data.

DuckDuckGo’s policy is pretty simple. The first line reads, “DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information. That is our privacy policy in a nutshell.”2 The rest of the policy offers details about all the things the company doesn’t collect, describes what other search engines collect, and explains why you should care.

Basically, DuckDuckGo’s founders created the search engine to improve online privacy, and the company is still committed to that goal.

FYI: While news broke out in 2022 about DuckDuckGo potentially having a secret deal with Microsoft to track search engine users, that has since been proven to be a hoax. DuckDuckGo did have to allow Microsoft trackers to run on its mobile apps (not the search engine itself) because of limitations imposed by an agreement between the two, but those limitations have since been removed. As of the time of writing, Microsoft trackers, like all other trackers, will not be able to load on DuckDuckGo browsers and extensions.

DuckDuckGo Risks

We think of DuckDuckGo as one of the safest sites on the web, but there are a couple issues you should know about.

  • Malware vulnerabilities: Using DuckDuckGo doesn’t prevent you from getting viruses or other kinds of malware. The search engine doesn’t come with any sort of built-in antivirus, and any page suggested by the search engine could potentially contain malware. None of the mainstream search engines, such as Google or Bing, offer that kind of protection either. For that, you’ll need a specialty search engine, such as the one put out by Norton Antivirus.
  • Tracker trouble: Many privacy advocates were concerned by the recent revelation that DuckDuckGo’s browser allows Microsoft tackers on third-party pages. The company automatically blocks all other trackers it finds on websites, but a 2022 audit discovered that it has a syndication agreement with Microsoft that requires it to allow the company’s trackers.It is worth noting that DuckDuckGo insists the agreement doesn’t apply to its search engine. In addition, the trackers in question supposedly collect only anonymized data. Even so, we can’t help but be bothered that DuckDuckGo wasn’t up front with users in the first place.
  • ISP eyes: DuckDuckGo itself doesn’t keep track of your searches, but your internet service provider (ISP) likely does. ISPs usually monitor all your activity when you’re online. If you want a truly anonymous web experience, then you need to pair the DuckDuckGo search engine with a top-tier VPN. A VPN, or virtual private network, routes your internet connection through an encrypted tunnel and assigns you an anonymous IP address so not even your ISP can track your activity.

Protecting Yourself on DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is a great tool for anyone looking to protect their privacy, but you can’t expect a search engine or browser to guarantee your privacy or security when you’re online. Using DuckDuckGo is a great start to improving your safety, but it’s just a start. Here’s a list of other things that will help:

  1. Use strong passwords. You should create strong passwords for all your online accounts and devices. That means avoiding passwords that rely on your personal information, such as birth dates or maiden names. You should also use numbers and symbols to make your passwords more difficult to crack. Concerned about your passwords? Visit our free password checker to find out how strong they are.
  2. Never share your passwords or other login information. No matter how much you may trust someone, you should never tell them your passwords or provide them with any other information that may help them access your accounts. The bottom line is you can never know what they might do with it.
  3. Use multifactor authentication. If you use multifactor authentication, no one can access your accounts even if they guess your password. They’ll still need another piece of information that only you’ll have access to.
  4. Trust only users and businesses you know. Someone once said a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. When you’re online, the more accurate saying is a stranger is just a hacker who hasn’t yet had the chance to steal your identity. Stick to people and businesses you know and trust.
  5. Use a VPN. A VPN routes your internet connection through an encrypted tunnel and assigns you an anonymous IP address. It ensures both your privacy and your security.
  6. Install antivirus software. You’re a target for adware, spyware, and other sorts of malware. A search engine can’t protect you from these dangers, and even a browser can’t offer 100 percent protection from them. The best antivirus software, though, can scan each and every file before you download it to your device and can even help you find and identify viruses that may already be on your device.
  7. Use an identity theft protection service. You can take all these steps, but you’ll still be vulnerable to fraud and identity theft. The companies you do business with keep track of your information and you never know when a hacker will find a way into their databases. The best identity theft protection services, such as Aura, keep track of your identity, monitor your financial accounts, and insure you in the event of a breach.


The simplest answer to the question of whether DuckDuckGo is safe is yes. The company’s flagship, its search engine, certainly doesn’t expose you to any risk. It doesn’t collect information about you the way Google does, so there’s no information for hackers to get their hands on. As an added bonus, DuckDuckGo doesn’t associate your searches with your IP address or maintain your search history. Your searches are private and anonymous.

Further, DuckDuckGo’s add-ons and browsers help boost your safety by verifying the sites you visit, blocking trackers and ads, and giving you tools to delete your browsing history.

DuckDuckGo’s search engines are extraordinarily safe and its other products can help boost your security, but DuckDuckGo can’t on its own protect you from all the dangers that lurk online. You still need a good antivirus to keep malware at bay. You still need a VPN if you want to be truly anonymous. And you still need to use some common sense about who you trust and what you trust them with. If you recognize you must take these precautions, then DuckDuckGo is not only safe, but also an excellent addition to your digital toolkit.

DuckDuckGo FAQs

In case you have more questions about whether DuckDuckGo is safe, we’ve put together answers to some of your most frequently asked questions.

  • Which search engine is safer: Google or DuckDuckGo?

    DuckDuckGo is the safer search engine. Google keeps track of your entire search history by connecting it to your IP address. That can make searches a bit more convenient since it allows Google to offer autofill and tailor results to your interests, but the company doesn’t reveal the many ways it uses the data it collects. At a minimum, it presents you with targeted ads. It’s willing to turn over information about you to law enforcement and other government agencies. And there’s no way of knowing when a hacker might gain access to all that data. In contrast, DuckDuckGo keeps no record of your searches whatsoever. More importantly, it doesn’t track your IP address.

  • Is DuckDuckGo owned by Google?

    DuckDuckGo is not owned by Google. Instead, it is owned by Duck Duck Go, Inc., which was founded by Gabriel Weinberg.

  • What is the safest search engine?

    DuckDuckGo is among the safest search engines. The answer to this question, though, depends on how you define “safe.” If you’re looking for a search engine that can protect you from malware and phishing schemes, then you may want to consider one that uses antivirus software, such as the Norton Search Engine. If you’re looking for a search engine that doesn’t record your search history, then DuckDuckGo is the way to go. The same is true if you want to avoid search engines that collect metadata on you or target you with ads based on your search history

  • Is DuckDuckGo part of the dark web?

    You can browse parts of the dark web using DuckDuckGo, but not all of it. The dark web is accessible just like the rest of the web, but it requires a search engine that can locate hidden sites. DuckDuckGo provides results that include some of these sites, but it doesn’t return all of them.

  • Does DuckDuckGo hide IP addresses?

    DuckDuckGo does not hide IP addresses, but it makes sure your IP address is not associated with your searches. Even if you’re using DuckDuckGo, however, your ISP may very well be monitoring all your activity and could still be tracking your searches. The only way to hide your IP address is by using a VPN to connect to the internet.

Is DuckDuckGo Safe? (2024)


What is the downside to DuckDuckGo? ›

The Main Downsides of using DuckDuckGo

Less personalization: Since it doesn't track your search history and personal data, DuckDuckGo offers less personalization. DuckDuckGo may not be able to personalize ad targeting, resulting in fewer ads that connect with your interests.

Is DuckDuckGo 100% safe? ›

Yes, DuckDuckGo is safe to use. Known for its commitment to not tracking users, it offers greater user privacy than widely used search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. In fact, we frequently name it as the best search engine for privacy.

Can I be tracked if I use DuckDuckGo? ›

Because DuckDuckGo doesn't track your browsing history or associate your searches with your IP address, you avoid being bombarded with personalized ads and can enjoy unbiased search results.

Is DuckDuckGo owned by China? ›

Is DuckDuckGo owned by China? DuckDuckGo is an American software company with its HQ in Paoli, Pennsylvania. The CEO and founder is Gabriel Weinberg. Back in 2014, China blocked DuckDuckGo.

Why should I use Google instead of DuckDuckGo? ›

Because Google has a vastly larger pool of search data to dive into, it can often make an effective guess as to what you're trying to find. DuckDuckGo can also get the job done, but you might have to clean up your unusual search terms a bit to hit the nail on the head.

What is the monthly fee for DuckDuckGo? ›

DuckDuckGo Search, our browser extensions, and DuckDuckGo Private Browser, our everyday browser and privacy-protecting alternative to Google Search & Chrome in one app, are all free. We also offer Privacy Pro —- our three-in-one subscription service —- which costs $9.99 a month, or $99.99 a year.

What is safer than DuckDuckGo? ›

SearchEncrypt offers better default privacy than the more popular DuckDuckGo. You can also use SearchEncrypt to search for news, find maps, or browse for privacy-friendly videos (you can watch them directly on the search engine with no annoying ads). It is available as Google Chrome extension, too.

Can my internet provider see what I search if I use DuckDuckGo? ›

No. Because the connection between you and DuckDuckGo Search is encrypted, that means your internet provider cannot see the searches you make on DuckDuckGo.

What is the main reason people use DuckDuckGo? ›

The primary reason people start using DuckDuckGo is because they want the privacy that they can't get from other search engines, browsers, and email services.

Is DuckDuckGo safe for banking? ›

Yes, DuckDuckGo is trustworthy.

Is DuckDuckGo part of the dark web? ›

DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo is a well-known search engine that prioritizes user privacy, making it a popular choice for dark web browsing. It doesn't track your online activity or personal data, offering a secure, private experience.

Is DuckDuckGo safe from hackers? ›

It doesn't collect information about you the way Google does, so there's no information for hackers to get their hands on. As an added bonus, DuckDuckGo doesn't associate your searches with your IP address or maintain your search history. Your searches are private and anonymous.

Has DuckDuckGo been shut down? ›

User reports indicate no current problems at Duckduckgo.

What are the weaknesses of DuckDuckGo? ›

Although DuckDuckGo is much more private and secure than Google and Bing, it still has several downsides and vulnerabilities. In particular, it doesn't encrypt search terms in the URL bar. Also, your data can be monitored if you share it on third-party websites or through online forms.

Is there a problem with DuckDuckGo? ›

User reports indicate no current problems at Duckduckgo

DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers privacy.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.