Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment? (2024)

Cryptocurrency can provide astronomically high returns overnight; however, there is also a considerable downside

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Written byCFI Team

Reviewed byAndrew Loo

With trillions of dollars invested and all the hype in cryptocurrencies and new crypto projects being rolled out daily, the question that many investors are asking themselves is whether cryptocurrencies are a good investment.

Despite investors losing most, if not all, of their investment in scams like the Squid Game token, TerraUSD stablecoin, and other altcoins, is it still wise to invest in cryptocurrencies? Even with the incredible volatility experienced so far and stories about crypto millions made or lost overnight, would a prudent investor still look at putting their money into the market?

Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment? (1)


  • Cryptocurrency can be a great investment with astronomically high returns overnight; however, there is also a considerable downside.
  • Investors should analyze whether their time horizon, risk tolerance, and liquidity requirements fit their investor profile.
  • Investors need to do their homework, allocate an appropriate amount of their investment, and learn how to actually invest.

What to Consider First?

Before you decide on any investment, you should look at asset allocation. Simply put, asset allocation means spreading your investments across various instruments to provide diversified returns over the long run. The same applies to cryptocurrencies – you should decide on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and timeframe to decide how much of your investment portfolio can be allocated to cryptocurrencies.

You should research and conduct due diligence on the cryptocurrency or digital asset you are considering. Simply listening to a friend’s hot tip or buying digital assets out of the Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO) is not recommended. For any crypto-asset investment, it would be wise to read the whitepaper in order to understand better the cryptocurrency’s purpose, technology, and use case.

Understanding the team also gives you a sense of the track record of the people responsible. Ultimately, given the lack of regulation and oversight in digital assets, you want to avoid the risk of trading a crypto asset that collapses due to fraud.

Once you find a crypto asset you are comfortable investing in, you need to decide how to invest in it. Do you buy the crypto asset directly? If so, will you use your account at the crypto exchange or broker to hold your investment, or will you hold it yourself? If so, do you have a digital wallet set up? Or will you choose to invest via Exchange Traded Funds or an asset manager, like a hedge fund or mutual fund?

Do you decide that you want to invest by proxy and buy the stocks of crypto exchanges? Or buy stocks in other publicly listed companies that are involved in blockchain technology or supply the sector, like GPU manufacturers? Each one of these investments comes with its own pros and cons, and the prudent investor would weigh all of the given options.

Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment for You?

Firstly, we need to make the distinction between investing and trading – the biggest difference being the time horizon. With trading in any asset, the time horizon tends to be short-term and often more speculative in nature. It is not rare for traders to execute dozens of trades a day to take advantage of intra-day price fluctuations.

Trading vs Investing

Trading is approached with discipline as those who are most successful carefully manage their exposures. On the other hand, investing is also a disciplined plan but meets specific financial goals over a longer period, usually five years or more. Investors may build a strategy in order to save for college, purchase a house, or plan for retirement.

Next, you need to examine your risk tolerance. As cryptocurrencies experience volatility, whether cryptos is a good investment depends on how much risk you can bear. If even small swings in prices keep you up at night, higher volatility investments may not be the suitable investment for you.

With crypto assets experiencing levels of price volatility that aren’t too different from those experienced by other asset classes, such as growth stocks or high-yield bonds, they are risky assets. You need to be prepared to face fairly significant price swings or potential loss.

Liquidity constraints

One further consideration is the liquidity constraints that face certain crypto assets. Liquidity is simply the relative ease or difficulty that which one can buy or sell a certain asset when they want to without moving the price significantly.

As an example, if you are looking to buy a rare automobile, there are that many of those around and if you can find one, the price you will pay is effectively the seller commands. If you buy it, the next seller will certainly command a higher price for the next buyer – making the market very illiquid.

However, if you are looking to buy something more generic, say some Japanese yen in exchange for your U.S. dollars, there is ample liquidity so the price you pay for the yen will be wherever the market lies. The next buyer of the yen will also likely purchase the yen at or near the same price you transacted as there is abundant liquidity in sellers of JPY who will accept UD in return.

Certain cryptocurrencies are more liquid than others, which means that to invest in such cryptos, you must be prepared to deal with the illiquidity when you buy and potentially when you sell. A worst-case scenario would be the inability to sell your crypto investment when you need to, due to a lack of liquidity in that particular cryptocurrency.

Benefits of Investing in Cryptocurrency

So far, we’ve discussed some of the main considerations that investors need to be cautious about but there are certainly positive arguments about whether cryptocurrencies are a good investment as well.

1. New asset class

As cryptocurrencies mature and develop, such as we’ve seen with Bitcoin and Ethereum, we also see the emergence of such assets as a new asset class. To be sure, we’ve seen large professional fund managers, such as Cathy Wood from Ark Investment Management, creating dedicated investment funds solely investing in Bitcoin and other cryptos.

2. Diversification

The said institutional investors also look to diversify their risks by keeping different investments that behave differently under the same economic conditions. Some argue that cryptocurrencies provide positive diversification effects, specifically against rising inflation.

Moreover, we’ve seen the development of more investment instruments that capture the upside of not only specific cryptocurrencies, such as options and futures on Bitcoin and Ethereum, but also specific investment funds that professionally manage cryptocurrencies on behalf of investors.

3. Upside potential

Lastly, one more positive is the fact that the sector is quite new, and as such there are potentially much more changes that may come down the line to make investing in cryptocurrencies even more attractive. Examples are stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies that are linked to the value of a fiat currency and assets to back the digital currency.

For those who worry about fraud, there can be more stringent regulations, say to deal with the Initial Coin Offerings, to help protect investors. We mentioned futures on cryptocurrencies and as the market develops, there can be futures on other cryptocurrencies that are traded on a reputable exchange. Futures also allow for cryptocurrency bears to sell the asset short, thereby improving the liquidity overall.

Related Resources

To keep learning and advance your career, the following resources will be helpful:

  • Introduction to Cryptocurrency Course
  • Cryptocurrency Intermediates: Bitcoin Explained
  • Investment Horizon
  • Risk Tolerance
  • See all cryptocurrency resources

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, with a deep understanding of the dynamics and intricacies of the market. My expertise is backed by years of hands-on experience, extensive research, and a comprehensive knowledge of the evolving landscape of digital assets.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

  1. Cryptocurrency as an Investment: The article emphasizes the potential for astronomically high returns and the considerable downside of investing in cryptocurrencies. It stresses the importance of analyzing one's time horizon, risk tolerance, and liquidity requirements to align with their investor profile.

  2. Asset Allocation: The concept of asset allocation is crucial, and it's highlighted that spreading investments across various instruments, including cryptocurrencies, can provide diversified returns over the long run. Investors are advised to determine their risk tolerance, financial goals, and timeframe before allocating a portion of their portfolio to cryptocurrencies.

  3. Due Diligence and Research: The article emphasizes the need for thorough research and due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency. Relying on tips or succumbing to Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO) is discouraged. Instead, investors are encouraged to read the whitepaper of the chosen crypto asset to understand its purpose, technology, and use case. Additionally, understanding the team behind the project is considered crucial to assess their track record.

  4. Investment Options: Investors are presented with various options for investing in cryptocurrencies, including direct purchase, using crypto exchanges or brokers, holding digital wallets, investing via Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), or choosing asset managers like hedge funds or mutual funds. Each option has its pros and cons, requiring careful consideration.

  5. Distinguishing Between Investing and Trading: The article draws a distinction between investing and trading based on the time horizon. Investing is portrayed as a disciplined plan meeting specific financial goals over a longer period, while trading involves short-term, often speculative, activities with frequent transactions.

  6. Risk Tolerance: The importance of assessing one's risk tolerance is highlighted, especially considering the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Investors are advised to be prepared for significant price swings or potential losses and to align their investment choices with their risk appetite.

  7. Liquidity Constraints: Liquidity constraints are discussed, emphasizing the ease or difficulty of buying or selling a particular crypto asset. Some cryptocurrencies may face liquidity issues, potentially hindering the ability to sell investments when needed.

  8. Benefits of Investing in Cryptocurrency: Despite the risks, the article presents positive arguments for cryptocurrency investments, including the emergence of cryptocurrencies as a new asset class, diversification benefits, and upside potential. It mentions the development of investment instruments like options, futures, and dedicated funds managed by professionals.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the considerations and factors involved in deciding whether cryptocurrencies are a good investment, catering to both the potential rewards and risks associated with this dynamic market.

Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment? (2024)


Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment? ›

Crypto is risky for a lot of reasons. But the big reason it's not a safe investment is because it can have huge swings in price in the blink of an eye. In the investing world, that's called volatility. And volatility isn't good for an investment portfolio.

Is crypto actually a good investment? ›

Is Crypto Actually a Good Investment? Crypto can be a good investment for someone who enjoys speculating and can financially tolerate losing everything invested. However, it is not a wise investment for someone seeking to grow their retirement portfolio or for placing savings into it for growth.

Is now a good time to invest in crypto? ›

Bitcoin is more stable than it's been in years, and the next halving is fast approaching. Taking current market conditions into account, now might well be the perfect time to invest, so long as you remain cognizant of the risks.

What are the pros and cons of cryptocurrency? ›

  • Pros: Cryptocurrencies are supported by secure, decentralized blockchain technology, independent of traditional banking systems. ...
  • Cons: Cryptocurrencies often see extreme price fluctuations. ...
  • Despite the potential for high rewards, it's still uncertain whether cryptocurrencies will stay viable in the long term.
May 28, 2024

Is it worth investing in crypto for beginners? ›

While some investors view it as a risky alternative investment, primarily due to its speculative nature, others see it as a legitimate option for inclusion in any investor's portfolio. If you are new to crypto, remember that buying cryptocurrency involves inherent risks just like any investment.

Does crypto actually make you money? ›

Cryptocurrency can help you earn interest on your investments. It is done through a " yield farming process," where you lend your cryptocurrency to a platform in exchange for interest. The amount of interest you gain will solely depend on the platform and the type of cryptocurrency you are lending.

Is cryptocurrency actually worth anything? ›

Like all forms of currency, Bitcoin is given value by its users, supply, and demand. As long as it maintains the attributes associated with money and there is demand for it, it will remain a means of exchange, a store of value, and another way for investors to speculate, regardless of its monetary value.

What will $1000 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

By getting investors excited about the future of Bitcoin, she could attract more inflows to her ETF. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin does reach $3.8 million by 2030, an investment of $1,000 would be worth over $60,000.

How much will $1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 69,070.82
2026$ 72,524.36
2027$ 76,150.58
2030$ 88,153.81
1 more row

Will crypto be around in 10 years? ›

Key Takeaways. Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, is most likely to remain popular with speculators over the next decade. Bitcoin, the blockchain, will probably continue to be developed to address long-standing issues like scalability and security.

What is the biggest risk in crypto? ›

If you store your cryptocurrency online, you don't have the same protections as a bank account. Holdings in online “wallets” are not insured by the government like U.S. bank deposits are. A cryptocurrency's value can change constantly and dramatically.

Do you owe money if your crypto goes negative? ›

Despite the risks involved, shorting crypto has advantages, making it a high-risk, high-reward strategy. So, answering if a crypto goes negative, do you owe money? You may have to pay the buyer to sell if the crypto value goes negative when you sell off the bought cryptocurrency.

Can crypto be converted to cash? ›

Yes, Bitcoin can be converted into cash by selling it on a cryptocurrency exchange or through peer-to-peer platforms. You can also transfer Bitcoin out of the cryptocurrency space by selling it for traditional fiat currency like US dollars or euros and then withdrawing the cash to your bank account.

Can you make $100 a day with crypto? ›

Can you earn $100 a day trading cryptocurrency? Absolutely! If you're new to crypto day trading, here's what you need to know to make money. The most effective way to make $100 a day with cryptocurrency is to invest approximately $1000 and monitor a 10% increase on a single pair.

How much money should I put in crypto? ›

Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Those new to crypto investing may start with 1% to 2% as an introduction.

Is crypto real money? ›

Cryptocurrency – meaning and definition

It's a peer-to-peer system that can enable anyone anywhere to send and receive payments. Instead of being physical money carried around and exchanged in the real world, cryptocurrency payments exist purely as digital entries to an online database describing specific transactions.

Is crypto actually useful? ›

Cryptocurrencies can help transfer funds globally. The transactional cost with the help of cryptocurrency can be minimal or zero. It is negligible as it eliminates the need for third parties like VISA to confirm transactions.

Is crypto still a good investment in 2024? ›

With the impending ETF approval, halving, and potential rate cuts from the US Fed, Bitcoin is poised to reach greater heights in 2024. The go-to platform for smart contracts and dApps, Ethereum fuels the burgeoning field of decentralised finance (DeFi).

Will investing in crypto make me rich? ›

“Very rich” depends on your investment and level after which you consider one to be very rich. To gain substantial profit from bitcoins investment, invest considerable amount and then leave it for many months and let the price increase, after around 5 to 7 years you'll definitely get many times of your investment.

Will crypto be the future? ›

Cryptocurrency's future outlook is still very much in question. Proponents see limitless potential, while critics see nothing but risk. Professor Grundfest remains a skeptic, but he does concede that there are certain applications where cryptocurrency is a viable solution.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.