Is crypto about to go extinct? (2024)

As the Los Angeles Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in the championship game of the National Football League last February, an unlikely set of players made a splash off the field, in living rooms across the United States.

On one of American television’s biggest nights, with 99 million viewers, the Super Bowl broadcast was punctuated by a series of cryptocurrency advertisem*nts. Social media buzzed with talk of how digital tokens had come of age as they grabbed primetime slots previously dominated by mainstream giants like Coca-Cola and General Motors.

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One of the advertisem*nts that night had comedian Larry David playing a Luddite dismissing humankind’s biggest inventions – from the wheel to Edison’s lightbulb to, the commercial suggests, the FTX cryptocurrency exchange. Told that the platform is a “safe and easy way to get into crypto”, David’s character says: “Ehhh, I don’t think so – and I’m never wrong about this stuff.”

That advertisem*nt hasn’t aged well.

With multiple big crypto firms collapsing in recent months, the sector that promised an alternative to the traditional global financial model now faces existential questions. In May last year, the TerraUSD and Luna coins crashed, losing almost all of their value overnight and wiping out $45bn from the crypto market in a day. Singapore-based crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital abruptly shut down. Crypto lenders Voyager Digital and Celsius Network – which had both loaned money to Three Arrows Capital – soon filed for bankruptcy.

And in November, FTX – the popular crypto trading platform in the Super Bowl advertisem*nt – imploded. Its founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas in December and has been charged with fraud. Bitcoin, the world’s best-known cryptocurrency, is today worth only a third of what it was at its peak in October 2021.

The FTX commercial with David ends with the tagline, “Don’t be like Larry.” Today, many of the 420 million people estimated to have invested in crypto might well be wishing they had been more like Larry.

So is crypto about to go extinct?

The short answer: As a concept, cryptocurrencies will probably survive, experts told Al Jazeera. But the sector will likely face increased regulation and an extended period of uncertainty. Many firms and currencies will perish. To stay alive, companies will face one challenge above all else: winning back customer trust.

Is crypto about to go extinct? (1)

Crypto ‘ice age’

Cryptocurrency trading platforms have traditionally drawn in customers with the promise of quick returns on investment. The offer: Park money in so-called crypto wallets – which are meant to function in a manner similar to savings bank accounts – and earn high interest rates, sometimes in double digits. For those who are distrustful of traditional finance, the opportunity to carry out transactions without worrying about a regulator as an intermediary is an added attraction.

But this allure dimmed once the US Federal Reserve and other major central banks around the world sharply raised interest rates through 2022, making more traditional investment options more lucrative than before. The US rate, for instance, shot up by more than 4 percentage points over the course of 2022.

Once TerraUSD and Luna went into freefall, a combination of safer alternatives and reduced trust in crypto led to a crisis that, according to experts, is far from over.

“I think we’ll see a lot more bad news before things start looking better for the sector,” Tim Leung, director of the computational finance and risk management programme at the University of Washington in Seattle told Al Jazeera.

With many potential customers now sceptical, crypto platforms will likely witness low trading volumes for a while, Leung said. The crypto sector likes to pride itself on its independence, but it depends on financing from traditional markets. How much of that funding will continue in the current climate is unclear, Leung suggested. With reduced trading and less funding, many smaller firms might go belly up, he warned.

Crypto mining companies, which generate virtual money – or coins – using energy-guzzling supercomputers, will suffer too, Leung said. Reduced demand for coins because of low trading volumes and high energy prices will squeeze the viability of their business model. “I see this phase lasting through 2023,” he said. “It’s more likely to be a crypto ice age rather than a crypto winter.”

The downturn isn’t surprising, suggested experts.

“This is a start-up industry with hundreds of firms and lots of innovation,” said David Yermack, professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He told Al Jazeera he expects a chaotic period for cryptocurrencies in the foreseeable future but thinks that “ultimately best practices will emerge through competition”.

Governments around the world have signalled plans to step in to shield customers from that chaos. But regulators and analysts appear divided on how best to intervene.

Is crypto about to go extinct? (2)

Old laws for new tech?

Gary Gensler, chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), argued in September that existing laws are adequate for the crypto sector. In his view, he said, most cryptocurrencies are similar to traditional securities – tradable financial assets like stocks or bonds.

Hilary Allen, professor of law at American University in Washington, DC, agrees with that approach. Cryptocurrencies and trading platforms, she said, must meet the standards of governance that the SEC demands from old-school securities – including registering with the regulator and demonstrating transparency over assets – or be shut down.

Creating new rules for the crypto industry would be wrong, she said. “That would legitimise the idea that crypto, somehow, is unique, and can’t be expected to meet the same standards as mainstream financial assets,” Allen told Al Jazeera. “That’s a dangerous message to send.”

But many other experts disagree.

“There’s a fundamental difference between securities and currencies,” said Bruno Biais, a professor of finance at the HEC Paris business school. People invest in stocks or bonds based on the cash flow or assets of the company offering them, he said. They buy currency – whether a dollar, a euro or a crypto token – trusting that the coin or note will be accepted by others at a later date.

Trying to fit an existing regulatory framework on cryptocurrencies without adapting it to new technology won’t work, said Christian Catalini, founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cryptoeconomics Lab.

It won’t guarantee consumer protection, Catalini told Al Jazeera. “Worse, it may kill the innovation potential of the space without any meaningful benefit to the public,” he said.

Where most analysts do agree is that regulations for the sector must focus on one kind of cryptocurrency in particular: so-called stablecoins.

Is crypto about to go extinct? (3)

Making ‘stablecoins’ stable

Unlike tokens like Bitcoin, whose price can fluctuate wildly, the value of stablecoins is pegged to a regular currency, like the US dollar or other traditional assets like gold. For instance, each Tether coin, the world’s most popular stablecoin – which often trades even more than Bitcoin – is worth $1. That value stability positions stablecoins as tokens that, while still earning well through crypto wallets, are supposedly safer than other cryptocurrencies.

“The very term, ‘stablecoin’, conjures the image of a reliable currency that gives customers a false sense of security,” Biais told Al Jazeera. “The problem? Unlike regular currencies and banks, stablecoins are basically completely unregulated.”

So while in theory, those who own $100 worth of stablecoins should be able to redeem that amount whenever they want – as would be the case with a banknote – there’s no guarantee they’ll actually get that money back, said Biais.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), a global advisory body set up by the G20 after the 2008 financial crisis, has been urging major economies to adopt regulations to ensure that stablecoins demonstrate their ability to pay customers back. In its October 2022 report, the FSB warned that many existing stablecoins “are issued by unregistered and unlicensed entities and do not have credible mechanisms to support their promise of price stability”.

While US regulators appear undecided on the need for new rules, many other nations and regions are moving towards laws specifically designed to govern the crypto sector and, in particular, stablecoins. These rules could help ensure that “good actors thrive, and bad actors disappear from the crypto ecosystem”, said Catalini.

The European Union’s new regulation, known as Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA), will require all crypto firms to register with authorities. Stablecoins will need to guarantee assets to pay customers back at any time. MiCA comes into force in 2024.

Japan passed a law last June under which only banks and other strictly regulated financial institutions can offer stablecoins. And the British government has proposed that the Financial Conduct Authority, the country’s top financial services regulator, would have oversight over crypto firms.

Meanwhile, India’s finance minister has said that crypto regulations would be a priority of the country’s G20 presidency in 2023. A global framework to regulate crypto is indeed essential, said Leung of the University of Washington, since many firms in the sector have a footprint across geographies.

But for any of this to help revive the industry, crypto firms will first need to regain the confidence of customers, said experts.

Is crypto about to go extinct? (4)

Matter of trust

Many crypto enthusiasts will likely watch to see how big cases of fraud, such as the one involving FTX, play out, said Biais of HEC Paris. If they see justice, and if those who have lost money because of such scams get it back, that would help rebuild trust, he said.

Some experts, like Allen at American University, believe that crypto has little to meaningfully offer to the financial world in the future. “When you peel away the rhetoric, there really isn’t anything there that you can’t do using traditional finance instruments,” she said.

Others remain convinced that crypto, with its potential to enable peer-to-peer, decentralised financial exchanges, represents a transformational technology. “The technology is here to stay, even if a number of the initial projects in the crypto space are falling,” MIT’s Catalini said.

He described the moment as similar to the dot-com bubble that burst in the late 1990s when many early online firms went bust. Those – like Amazon – that survived or came up later are among “the internet giants of today”, he said.

Still, until the dust settles and reliable regulations come in, Leung at the University of Washington said it’s best to be cautious. “You don’t want to make decisions based on Super Bowl commercials,” he said. “This isn’t a game.”

This article delves deeply into the current landscape of cryptocurrencies, their recent volatility, regulatory challenges, and the potential future of this financial realm. Let's break down the key concepts covered:

Cryptocurrency in Mainstream Media

The Super Bowl's broadcast showcased a significant shift in advertising, with cryptocurrency commercials gaining prominence, challenging the dominance of traditional ads from major brands.

Recent Cryptocurrency Market Volatility

The piece discusses the downfall of several cryptocurrency firms, including TerraUSD, Luna, and FTX, which led to a massive loss of value in the crypto market. The collapse of these entities and the arrest of FTX's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, have significantly impacted investor trust and the market's stability.

The Future of Cryptocurrencies

Experts suggest that while cryptocurrencies might endure as a concept, the industry faces a period of increased regulation and uncertainty. Winning back customer trust becomes paramount for survival.

Factors Contributing to Cryptocurrency Crisis

The article touches on how rising interest rates set by major central banks, combined with the collapse of certain cryptocurrencies, led to a crisis. It highlights the skepticism of potential customers, leading to reduced trading volumes and funding for crypto platforms.

Regulatory Challenges and Perspectives

Regulatory authorities and experts hold differing views on how to regulate the crypto industry. The SEC chairman argues that existing laws are sufficient, while others believe that cryptocurrencies require tailored regulations to address their unique characteristics.

Focus on Stablecoins and Regulation

Stablecoins, unlike volatile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, are pegged to traditional currencies like the US dollar. However, concerns arise about the lack of regulation, especially regarding their ability to repay customers.

Global Regulatory Efforts

Various countries and regions, such as the European Union, Japan, the UK, and India, are implementing or considering regulations specifically designed for the crypto sector, focusing on stablecoins and the registration of crypto firms.

Rebuilding Trust in Cryptocurrency

Experts emphasize the importance of restoring trust within the crypto market, citing the resolution of fraud cases and the implementation of robust regulations as essential steps toward reviving investor confidence.

Future Outlook and Caution

While some view cryptocurrencies as transformational technology with potential, others advise caution and emphasize the need for stable regulations before making investment decisions.

The article paints a complex picture of the current state of cryptocurrencies, their challenges, and the regulatory efforts aimed at shaping their future. It's a vivid snapshot of an evolving and volatile financial landscape.

Is crypto about to go extinct? (2024)


Is crypto going extinct? ›

So is crypto about to go extinct? The short answer: As a concept, cryptocurrencies will probably survive, experts told Al Jazeera.

Should I take out all my crypto? ›

You might want to sell your crypto under some specific circ*mstances. If there is a lack of blockchain development progress or a string of negative news, you might want to sell your cryptocurrency. If you've reached your investing goals or want to reallocate your holding, you might want to sell your cryptocurrency.

Is crypto dying in 2024? ›

No. Crypto is far from dead in 2024.

Could crypto go to zero? ›

Most cryptocurrencies will go all the way to 'zero,' financial advisor says.

Will crypto be around in 10 years? ›

Key Takeaways. Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, is most likely to remain popular with speculators over the next decade. Bitcoin, the blockchain, will probably continue to be developed to address long-standing issues like scalability and security.

Has crypto still got a future? ›

Analysts estimate that the global cryptocurrency market will more than triple by 2030. This all leads to one big trend. Cryptocurrency, once only understood among a relatively fringe community of anti-establishment investors, is now becoming a household name – and quickly.

What will $100 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If this pattern continues into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030, potentially aligning with Wood's price prediction. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, a $100 investment in Bitcoin today would be worth $5,510 in 2030. This translates to a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 95%.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 69,652.24
2025$ 73,134.85
2026$ 76,791.60
2027$ 80,631.18
1 more row

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Conclusion. In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, these ten coins, including TRON, Shiba Inu, Astar, Kaspa, Dogecoin, Stellar, Kava, Polygon, Cronos, and VeChain, present diverse potentials for reaching the $1 milestone in 2024.

Will crypto exist forever? ›

Nothing last forever, but yes crypto will be here for a very long time. As per it's market these days, growth rate and increase in investors population, it will be goes longer with time to time necessary corrections.

What happens to crypto if the stock market crashes? ›

Nolan Bauerle, research director at CoinDesk, says 90% of cryptocurrencies today will not survive a crash in the markets. Those that survive will dominate the game and boost returns for early investors.

Can cryptocurrency go bust? ›

Several crypto platforms have filed for bankruptcy in 2022 and 2023. Crypto exchanges use assets to pay debts and legal fees, so customers are usually last in line to get paid.

Will cryptocurrency run out? ›

After all bitcoins are mined, miners will no longer receive block rewards for verifying transactions but will instead earn transaction fees. It's estimated that all bitcoins will be mined by the year 2140, at which point the last block reward will be released.

Will cryptocurrency ever take over? ›

It's unlikely that cryptocurrency, in its current form, will replace fiat currency in developed countries. However, it is possible in financially struggling nations.

Has crypto gone bust? ›

What Crypto Exchanges Have Gone Bankrupt? Many exchanges have collapsed. Mt Gox (2014), the Australian Crypto Exchange (ACX) in 2021, FTX (2022), Bittrex Global (2023), Txbit (2023), and Bitfront (2023) are only a few examples.

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