Is Blogging Dead in 2024? 9 Proven Ways to Ensure Success! (2024)

It’s a question that’s been asked across the blogosphere for years: Is blogging dead?

In the last 10 years, people have switched between enthusiasm and denial of their involvement in this constantly shifting digital world.

But I’m here to tell you it’s not game over just yet! With so much competition out there, standing out from the crowd as a successful blogger is challenging, so you’ll have your work cut out for you.

But, if you are able to utilize some unique strategies crafted by some top industry professionals, success can still be yours.

Is Blogging Dead in 2024? 9 Proven Ways to Ensure Success! (1)

In this blog post, we will dive deep into nine proven ways to guarantee your blogging journey, success in 2024.

So grab your laptop, and let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Is Blogging Dead?

Many people claim blogging is dead!

No, blogging is Not Dead! It’s actually alive and kicking!

Not only is Blogging Not Dead – It’s Increasing In Popularity – Here’s Why!

Blogging is increasing in popularity because more and more people are looking for high-quality content that is interactive, entertaining, and informative.

In a time where social media platforms are dominating the Internet, blogging has become the ideal approach to expressing your unique perspectives with a global audience.

As an effective tool for businesses, search engines also favor content-rich websites as opposed to static ones, which has made blogging an extremely effective content marketing tool for improving visibility and driving more organic traffic.

Blogging Isn’t Dead – It’s Simply Evolving

Blogging is simply evolving into something more sophisticated and rewarding.

Today’s bloggers understand the need to focus on a specific niche, provide high-quality content, and engage with their readers.

Blogs no longer use the written word; they use video content, podcasts, infographics, and other creative formats to create content that attracts and engages audiences.

So, Why Do Blogs Fail?

Below, I’ve created a listed proven reasons why blogs can fail.

Writing About Everything

One of the biggest issues why blogs fail, is because the bloggers try to satisfy every reader on the net. It can’t be done!

Unless you’re a news site, you must create a blog that covers one main topic.

Each blog should have a specific target audience, which would give you a better chance of success. Not having a focused topic will make it difficult to build an audience.

What’s the solution…

Niche Down for Success

Bloggers must niche down because it will allow them to have a deeper understanding of their target audience.

Niching down means to:“identify a smaller and more defined segment of your original niche, so you can offer content along with products and services that speak directly to your reader, as opposed to speaking to a more general audience.”

Why it’s important to niche down: “Niching down will help your brand to become known for what you do, helping you to stand out from your competition.”

This can help you as the blogger to create content that will resonate well with readers and help you build credibility in the industry.

The key to successful blogging is to identify your niche, research it thoroughly, and create high-quality content specifically tailored to your target market.

By niching down, you’ll also be able to build relationships with other bloggers in the niche and become a trusted voice in the industry.

Blogger Has No Passion for the Topic

When a blogger has no passion for their topic, it can become obvious in their writing. It can also be difficult to stay motivated and consistent.

Their content may lack enthusiasm, clarity, and direction. They may also fail to engage the reader with compelling arguments or customer success stories.

Without an underlying passion for the topic, blogging can feel like a chore instead of something enjoyable to read or write.

Blogger Chooses Quantity Over Quality

Search engines today know the difference between high-quality content and mass-produced content that doesn’t mean much.

Unfortunately, some bloggers are still trying to get away with producing new blog posts that don’t really say anything.

They might think they’re getting away with something by filling up their blog space quickly, but quality is more important than quantity when it comes to blogging success.

Why Should You Choose Quality Over Quantity?

Quality content is easier to read and usually offers more information to help answer the reader’s question, which is the goal of Google!

When you focus on producing quality content, you’re much more likely to be seen as an authority in your niche.

And, your blog posts are more likely to show up at the top of the search engine results pages because they produce the answers searchers are looking for.

They want to provide users with the best possible search results, and they know that quality is much more important than quantity.

Google’s algorithm is designed to favor quality content that is well-researched, well-written, and properly formatted, with user intent, which we’ll discuss below.

Outdated Content

As you may or may not know, Google is wanting to give searchers the results with the most up-to-date content on the Web.

They want to ensure that searchers find the most relevant content and the freshest information. This is why they are pushing to have the most recent content featured in their search engine rankings.

In order to ensure that your website is delivering fresh and relevant information, it’s important to regularly update existing content on your site.

This will not only help ensure that Google indexes the most current version of your page but can also improve user experience.

Updating content can also help boost your website’s overall rankings, as it signals to Google that you are regularly providing searchers with fresh and relevant information.

Unethical Approaches

Unethical approaches to blog content are a major issue that every blog owner should be aware of.

This includes practices such as plagiarism, manipulating search engine algorithms by using black hat tactics, along with writing content with the intention of misleading readers or exploiting their emotions.

These unethical practices can damage a blog’s reputation, lead to legal action, and hurt its ability to generate organic, long-term organic traffic.

To avoid these issues, blog owners should strive for transparency and accuracy, create content that educates or entertains readers, and remain mindful of the audience’s interests when creating their content.

Blogger Failed to Do SEO

Bloggers who fail to use SEO tools to do research are missing out on the opportunity to reach a wider, organic audience.

Good SEO practices help to ensure that your blog is discoverable by search engines and that it can be found by readers who are looking for the kind of information you’re providing.

Without using SEO tools, you may not show up in the search results or get much organic traffic at all. SEO is an important part of content creation, and it can be done in several ways, which we’ll cover below.

Blogger Quit on the Threshold of Success

There are thousands of bloggers that quit way too soon, right when they are about to reach success.

It happens all the time, and it’s one of the biggest mistakes bloggers make.

You may have heard the saying before, but “The only way to fail is to quit!”

A blogger puts in so much time, effort, and money into their blog only to quit before they can reap the rewards. It’s a disheartening feeling, and it’s all too common.

One of the reasons why bloggers quit on the threshold of success is because they are impatient.

It can be easy to give up when you don’t see immediate results, but patience is key when it comes to blogging. It takes time for your blog to get traction and build an audience.

Another reason why bloggers quit is because they get overwhelmed by the process. There are a lot of things that go into running a successful blog – from creating content to promotion, networking, and more.

It can be a lot to handle, and it’s easy to get discouraged when you’re trying to do it all.

So how can you stay motivated and keep going when times get tough? It starts with having a goal and breaking it down into smaller achievable tasks.

This way, you know exactly what needs to be done in order to reach your end goal.

It’s also important to take some time for yourself. Taking a break and recharging can help you stay motivated and focused on your goal.

Remember to celebrate the small wins along the way. Achieving smaller milestones is just as important in blogging as reaching the big ones, so don’t forget to take time to recognize your progress.

Lack of Creativity within Blog Posts

One of the biggest mistakes that bloggers make is not diversifying their blog posts.

Many bloggers stick to one form of content and fail to bring in the creative elements needed to keep their audience’s attention.

They might write a lot of opinion pieces but never discuss more creative topics, such as case studies or stories. This can get boring over time, and readers will look elsewhere for content.

In order to make your blog post stand out from the crowd, you’ll need to be able to think outside the box.

Research and brainstorm ideas for engaging content that is unique and will bring a new perspective to your topic. Look at different media sources such as podcasts, YouTube videos, or infographics to gain inspiration.

You can also look at other successful bloggers in your niche to see what kind of creative content they are producing.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with the format of your blog posts. Try out different types of post formats, such as listicle articles, interviews, or how-to guides, to see what resonates best with your audience.

By introducing new and creative elements into your blog posts, you can ensure that you are consistently producing engaging content that readers will want to come back for.

What Type of Blogs Make Money?

  • Making Money Online
  • Health and Fitness
  • Digital Marketing
  • Personal Finance
  • Recipes/Food
  • Personal Development

But, How Do These Blogs Make Money?

I’m going to cover, in its most basic form, what needs to take place in order for a person to make money with their blog.

Yes, most bloggers can generate income by monetizing their content through a variety of methods, such as affiliate links, email marketing, sponsored blog posts, display ads, and selling products or services.

But, there’s something that goes beyond that, which is required to help make the sale.

You see, your blog can be littered with quality content, full of affiliate links, ads, and products to sell, but if you don’t meet the user intent of the person doing the search, you won’t make a dime.

Fulfilling User Intent

User intent is the process of matching what the searcher is looking for with the content that you provide.

For example, if someone types “how to make money blogging” into Google, and one or more blog posts come up as a result, it should answer this question in detail and provide resources that can help them achieve their goal.

They’re Problem Solvers

After the person running the search lands on your page, your blog content should solve the user’s problem by providing thoughtful and accurate information.

This will help build trust with the user and make them feel like your blog is a reliable source of content.

Furthermore, if you have products or services that are relevant to their problem, then they’ll be more likely to purchase from you.

So, Is Blogging Dead? Nope – 9 Steps to Ensure Success in 2024

Next, we’ll be discussing what it takes to ensure success with your blog.

Is Blogging Dead in 2024? 9 Proven Ways to Ensure Success! (2)

1. Become an Authority in Your Niche

Google has moved to one of its most critical updates in history, which in a nutshell, means, your site must show that you’re an authority in your niche of choice.

How to Become an Authority on Your Topics

I’m not going to get into their guidelines as a whole because it deserves a complete blog post in itself, but I will break down the basics.

Let’s discuss Google’s guidelines for this subject of authority. Google expects you as the blogger to create “helpful, reliable, people-first content.”

Google has named it E-E-A-T for its quality guidelines.

E-E-E-T stands for:

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

Let’s throw in a few sentences to break down Google’s people-first guidelines.

Google would like to know that your content is original and research-backed information that passes on insightful analysis to the reader.

Here’s what Google is looking for (nutshell version)

  • High-Quality Content – Does your content provide greater value when compared to other pages in the search results?
  • Trustworthy – Does the content present the information in a way that makes the reader trust it, with clear sourcing and easily verified expertise?
  • Expertise and Knowledge – Does the content clearly demonstrate expertise and depth of knowledge for the topic?
  • Solve your reader’s problem – Will the reader leave the page feeling as if they’ve learned enough about the topic, achieving their ultimate reason for their search?

2. Make SEO Part of Your Blogging Routine

Keyword Research

First, keyword research can help you determine which topics are popular within your niche and what keywords people are using to find that information.

Once you’ve identified the relevant terms, use them strategically throughout your blog posts. This will help to make sure your content is optimized for SEO and improve your chances of being found.

Optimizing Your Posts

Optimizing new blog posts entails making sure they’re formatted correctly and tagged with relevant keywords.

You should also include the target keyword within the post title, headings, subheadings, and body copy. Additionally, you should add meta tags and descriptions to each blog post.

This helps search engine crawlers understand the content of your blog posts and makes them easier to find.

Link Building

Finally, link building is an important part of SEO that shouldn’t be ignored. Link building involves creating relevant links from other websites back to yours to improve your ranking in search results.

This can be done by guest blogging or simply reaching out to other bloggers in your niche and asking them to link back to you.

By researching relevant keywords, optimizing your blog posts, and building links back to your site, you can improve the visibility of your blog online and attract more readers.

Making SEO part of your regular blogging routine helps ensure that your content is optimized for search engine rankings and makes it more likely that people will be able to find it.

3. Create a Content Strategy

Creating a content strategy is one of the most important steps in content marketing.

It helps define the goals and objectives of your content, as well as determine what type of content will be most effective for reaching those goals.

A good strategy should include research into target audiences, keyword selection, topics to cover, a plan for distribution, resources needed to create content at scale, and more.

It should also include methods for measuring the success of your content efforts, such as tracking website visits, engagement levels, and overall reach.

By having a comprehensive content strategy in place, companies can ensure that their content will remain relevant, engaging, and effective at reaching its intended goal of customer success stories.

With a well-thought-out plan in place from the start, content marketers can ensure they are making the most of their efforts, maximizing the impact of each piece of content.

4. Build an Email List

Building an email list from day #1 is a great way to stay in touch with your readers and potential customers.

You can use it to share updates about your business, offer discounts or promotions, and provide helpful information about products or services.

An email list is also a great way to build relationships with people who may become loyal customers over time.

The key to building an effective email list is to provide value in each message you send out.

It’s also important to make sure you’re not spamming people with too many emails.

Once you’ve built your email list, be sure to keep it updated by continually adding new contacts and removing any inactive ones.

You can also use an email service provider that helps track metrics like open rates and click-through rates to help you better understand your audience and their preferences.

5. Develop Your Writing Skills, Or?

Developing your writing skills for blogging is important. Writing for a blog requires you to be concise and clear yet engaging, as well as have the ability to pick up on current trends so that your content is relevant and interesting.

Take some time to read other blogs in your niche, study the writing style used, what topics they write about, and how they engage their readers.

Consider taking a writing course or even practicing daily journaling to help improve your skills.

In addition, there are many tools available online to help you become a better writer.

Grammarly is one example that checks your spelling and grammar while you write, giving instant feedback so that you can quickly adjust any mistakes and keep your writing on track.

Finally, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of writing, there are other options to consider, such as outsourcing content or utilizing a ghostwriter.

This can be an excellent solution, and it’s becoming increasingly popular with many bloggers.

Let AI Assist You

Allowing artificial intelligence to help you with writing your content is becoming more popular, as well. AI can be beneficial for researching topics, gathering data and facts, and even generating ideas for blog posts.

You can also use AI to create content outlines that you can then fill in with your own thoughts and expertise.

AI technology is continually evolving and improving, so keep an eye out for innovative tools that may become available in the future.

Using an AI content generator to help you write quality blog articles can save you a great deal of time while ensuring that your content remains meaningful, accurate, and up-to-date.

These are just some ways to improve your freelance writing skills or find alternative solutions when creating content for your blog.

No matter what route you decide to take, remember that practice makes perfect, and you will improve with each blog post you create.

6. Scale Up (Outsource)!

When it comes to getting more work done on your blog, scaling up will help you save time, money, and energy!

Outsourcing is a great way to free up your time and focus on other important activities, such as managing your business.

You can hire freelance writers or virtual assistants to help with research, writing articles, promoting your blog, managing social media posts, responding to comments, etc.

This will enable you to focus more on strategic activities, such as creating content strategies, developing your brand, and increasing traffic to your blog.

By freeing up your time, you can also focus on other things that will help grow your business, such as content marketing and sales activities.

You can use the extra time to create great products or services for your customers or research new markets or trends.

7. Complement Your Blog

There are ways of improving your user experience by adding other sources of content to your blog.

For example, you can include audio and video content to increase engagement with visitors.

Additionally, you can add interactive elements like quizzes and polls that help build a community around your site.

When you visit other bloggers’ sites, what catches your attention? Is it the video content, statistical screenshots, or maybe an infographic?

HubSpot says, “94% of marketers agree that videos have helped increase user understanding of their product or service.” Something to think about!

8. Create a Support Network

Creating a support network where other like-minded bloggers hang out is one of the best ways to stay motivated and inspired.

Connecting with other bloggers allows you to share ideas, ask questions, and build relationships that could be beneficial for your blogging career.

Connecting with Influencers

Connecting with influential bloggers is a great way to get noticed, build relationships and help spread the word about your blog.

Look for other bloggers who are active in similar topics and have a following that you can connect with.

Reach out to them and start a conversation! You may even find some new friends or colleagues along the way.

By networking with influential bloggers, you’ll be able to gain insight into the blogging industry, get advice on how to grow your blog and learn from their experiences.

9. Create a System for Success

Creating a system for success is critical for any business.

Having a system in place helps to streamline processes, maximize efficiency, and reduce the time spent on tedious tasks.

When creating a system for success, consider factors such as workflow automation, data collection and analysis, customer service protocols, and risk management strategies.

Utilizing the right tools and systems can make all the difference between success and failure in any business.

By building a system for success, you can ensure that all areas of your business are running smoothly and that everyone is on the same page when it comes to goals and objectives.

Never Stop Learning

Blogging is a never-ending process, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and news.

Subscribe to newsletters, read blogs, attend conferences, or join online forums in order to stay current with the latest developments.

By keeping up with what’s happening in the world of blogging, you can ensure that your content remains relevant and that your blog is constantly evolving.

Your readers will appreciate the effort you make to keep them informed, so it’s always important to stay ahead of the game.

Finally, don’t forget to measure your progress and evaluate results often. This way, you know what works and what needs improvement in order to reach your ultimate goals.

By consistently measuring and analyzing results, you can make informed decisions about your blogging efforts that will lead to greater success in the long run.

Marketing Strategy

Having a digital marketing strategy in place will also move you toward success because it’s important to promote your content in order for people to even know about it.

Digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing campaigns are great ways to increase visibility and build relationships with potential customers.


Do people read blogs anymore?

Internet users say that people don’t read blogs anymore; I’m here to tell you that’s not true; the statistics show that 77% of Internet users read blogs.

Is blogging still profitable?

The short answer to this question is yes, blogging can still be profitable.

However, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication in order for a blog to become successful and make money.

It’s important to remember that blogging is NOT a “get-rich-quick” scheme; it requires consistent effort over time in order to build an audience and monetize the blog.

Why do bloggers quit?

Bloggers often quit because they feel overwhelmed, underappreciated, or even discouraged.

The lack of a clear goal and direction can be a major contributing factor to quitting.

Is there a downside to blogging?

Absolutely! Many bloggers don’t realize the amount of time and effort it takes to build a successful blog.

It can be quite time-consuming to keep up with producing content that is both interesting and engaging for readers.

Are blogs still successful?

The answer to that question depends on many factors. It’s true that the blogosphere has evolved over the years, and some bloggers have seen their traffic dwindle as other social media platforms become more popular.

But there are still many successful blogs out there, and with a bit of hard work and dedication, it is possible to still make money blogging.

The key is to ensure that your blog contains good content and promote it properly, whether it’s through SEO, PPC, or other methods.

Which platform is the best for blogging?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including your budget, desired features, and audience. For example, if you’re looking for a low-cost option with plenty of customization options, WordPress is the way to go.

If you want an all-in-one solution that integrates social media posts and advanced analytics, you might opt for a platform like Weebly. Ultimately, the best platform for blogging will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Is blogging a long-term career?

The answer is yes! Blogging is here to stay and will continue to increase in popularity. In fact, Google pays bloggers billions of dollars per year through Google Adsense.

This is clear evidence that blogging isn’t only an effective way to express one’s thoughts but also provides financial rewards for those who share their stories with others.

Are blogs losing popularity?

According to Semrush, blogs have not only become the most popular content type, but their production has climbed from 86% to a 92% between 2019 and 2022, making a blog the most popular form of a site.

Is blogging still relevant in 2024?

The answer is yes! Blogging will still be relevant in 2024 because it allows individuals to share their thoughts, stories, and experiences with a wide audience. And it’s also a way to make money online.

Additionally, blogs can help businesses promote their products and services since they provide an engaging way to reach potential customers.

Is blogging worth it in 2024?

By the end of 2024, blogging might be a much more saturated field than it is today.

With internet users continuing to grow, the potential audience for blogs could increase significantly.

This means more opportunities for bloggers to gain recognition and make a name for themselves in the industry.

Blogging could still be an effective way to share information and express yourself, as well as provide valuable content that readers and followers may appreciate.

You hear all over the Internet all the negative talk and myths surrounding blogging, but if you’re ready to ignore all the hype and learn how to start a blog and get paid, don’t wait any longer, get started today!


Is blogging dead? That’s been the ongoing question!

Though it may seem like blogging is on its way out, there are still some things you can do to ensure success in 2024.

If you’re willing to put in the work and follow these nine tips for success above, you’ll be well on your way to finding success in 2024.

Is Blogging Dead in 2024? 9 Proven Ways to Ensure Success! (2024)


Is Blogging Dead in 2024? 9 Proven Ways to Ensure Success!? ›

Blogging Isn't Dead – It's Simply Evolving

Are blogs still successful in 2024? ›

While the blogging landscape has changed a lot and will continue to evolve, blogs remain an important medium for sharing stories, spreading ideas, and building communities. So whether you're a blogger or blog reader, rest assured that in 2024, blogs will still matter.

Is blogging going to be dead? ›

Blogging isn't dying. In fact, blogging is thriving in 2024 - and remains a relevant and profitable content marketing channel for the foreseeable future.

Is blogging still worth it? ›

There are thousands of blogs on the internet, but only a small fraction of them generate income. For this reason, you might think that blogging isn't worth it anymore in 2024. However, if you're willing to put in the work, you should be able to turn your blog into a source of income.

Is Blogger going away? ›

Google has not closed Blogger. Blogger is still an active and popular blogging platform owned by Google.

What percentage of blogs succeed? › Blogging Earnings Report

After quizzing 1,000 U.S. bloggers about their earnings, it found that “81% of bloggers never made even $100 from blogging” and only about “8% made enough to support a family”. These surveys put the percentage of bloggers who earn a full-time income at about 5-8%.

Why do many bloggers fail? ›

You can fail as a blogger by not reaching out to other influencers and bloggers in your niche. Guest posting is an excellent way to generate links for your blog. Besides, reports show that over 50% of bloggers regularly guest post. One primary reason blogs fail is that they do not have any discovery channels early on.

Why do bloggers quit? ›

Blogging without aim, focus, or a goal is like doing something really important but you have no freaking idea why. To not get bored and inevitably end up quitting your blog, you need to set yourself some realistic SMART blogging goals.

Does blogging have a future? ›

Blogs are (still) the Best Content Consumption. For years, blogs have been the best way for people to consume content. The future is no different. Optin Monster reported there are “31.7 million bloggers who posted at least once per month” in 2020.

Will Chatgpt replace bloggers? ›

The answer is no and there are a lot of reasons why chatgpt cannot replace bloggers. ChatGPT lacks many of the creative features that bloggers can bring to a topic. Here are the top 5 reason chatgpt will not replace bloggers: Lacks Creativity.

What to do instead of blogs? ›

15 Alternatives to Blogging in 2023 and Beyond
  1. Vlogging (Video Blogging)
  2. Podcasting.
  3. Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr)
  4. Social Media Updates (Facebook, Instagram)
  5. Photo Sharing (Instagram, Pinterest)
  6. Webinars and Live Streaming.
  7. E-books and Digital Publishing.
  8. Online Courses and Tutorials.

What is better than Blogger? › is more frequently used compared to Blogger, with many themes and plugins to choose from to customize the look and feel of your site using no coding. If you know HTML or Java, it allows for that, too.

Is it worth having a blog in 2024? ›

As long as it's interesting and relevant to a particular audience, then a blog has the potential to grow and be seen. From the business perspective, blogs have become sales engines in their own right.

Do people still make money from blogs? ›

Ad Networks

Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or — and then ads get displayed on your site. Those ads you see in the sidebars of most blogs? Yes, those are generally from ad networks.

How to make money from blogging in 2024? ›

How to Make Money Blogging: 12 Monetization Strategies for 2024
  1. Display Ads on Your Blog.
  2. Start Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Write Sponsored Content.
  4. Sell Relevant Products.
  5. Set Up a Membership Program.
  6. Offer Online Services.
  7. Collaborate With Other Blogs.
  8. Partner With Brands.
Apr 30, 2024

Are blogs becoming less popular? ›

People absolutely still read blogs regularly. And with the most recent stats, blogging isn't going anywhere for a long time. Blogs are an excellent marketing tool to help you reach your business goals and make more money if you're willing to put in the effort or can pay someone to help you.

How long before a blog is successful? ›

On average, it takes 2-4 years to build a successful blog. Around the 2-year mark, you should have enough content and a large enough audience to begin experimenting with different monetization methods.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.