Is A 7 Figure Salary Realistic? 7 Figure Salary Jobs (2024)

Is A 7 Figure Salary Realistic? 7 Figure Salary Jobs (1)

A 7 figure salary may feel like an impossible feat, especially if you’re just getting started in your career. One million dollars may sound like a far cry away from what you're capable of earning, but it might be closer to reach than you think. Remember that anything is possible when you put your mind to it, including making a 7 figure salary.

There are many 7 figure salary jobs you can consider, plus there are other ways you can make a 7 figure income! So, let's dive into answers on; what is a 7 figure salary, how to make this dream a reality, and skills that can help you get there!

What is a 7 figure salary?

So, what is a 7 figure salary exactly? Well, with a 7 figure salary you earn 1 million dollars. With a 6 figure salary, on the other hand, you earn between $100,000 - $999,999 per year.Of course, it is possible to earn a 7 figure income in more ways than a single base salary!

Is a 7 figure salary realistic?

A 7 figure salary can be realistic, but it takes work to achieve this goal. According to the IRS's latest data, there are 538,651 households with high incomes of $1 million or more out of the 153,774,296 tax returns filed.

Most people in these categories didn’t wake up making 7 figures, though. Instead, most started by working lower-paying jobs and climbing their way up. So if they can do it, so can you!

Skills to obtain to reach a 7 figure salary

There are some skills you can obtain that will help you reach a seven figure salary. However, what most people don’t realize is that you don’t need special skills to make 7 figures. You can accomplish this with hard work alone, and owning your own business with no earning cap is the best way to make it happen.

For example, some bloggers such as Michelle Schroeder-Gardner earn over $1 million dollars a year! Remember, no one is standing in the way of your success. You are in complete control.

Although you can do it on your own, obtaining specific skills can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for 7 figure salary jobs and also help you with your own business! Here are some high-income skills to consider:

Top 7 figure salary jobs

If you dream of a 7 figure salary job, you may have to think outside the box. While you can earn a 7 figure income being a CEO or rockstar sales executive, some of the most popular 7 figure salary jobs are those that are somewhat dream-worthy, such as acting or playing a professional sport. The important thing is to keep an open mind while pursuing your passion!

1. Business owners

Being a business owner provides the highest likelihood of making 7 figures because no one is standing in your way! You must have an entrepreneur mindset, be willing to diversify, and grow to reach the milestone.

Keep in mind, owning your own business takes tenacity and hard work. However, with the right goals, mindset, and skills, you have the best odds of reaching 7 figures.

You can build a 7-figure business around your unique passions or skills, whether that's providing a service or selling physical or digital products. Again, some bloggers, lifestyle influencers, and online shops can produce a 7 figure income!

2. CEOs and C-level executives

CEOs and C-level executives have extensive responsibilities and are well-compensated for them. For example, according to the Economic Policy Institute, the average CEO within the top 350 firms in the United States earns $24.2 million and earn 351 times the salary of the ‘average worker.’Companies that pay the highest salaries include Apple, GoodRx Holdings, and Tesla.

3. Corporate lawyers

Lawyers don’t start out making $1 million-plus, but it’s easy to reach the seven figure salary status as they work their way up the ladder.

There are many lawyers who build up their small firms to seven figures by treating it like a business, which includes a focus on marketing, sales, systems, and strategy.

Niching down to one or two practice areas based on industry or service also helps lawyers charge more as they are perceived as a specialist with higher value.

4. Sales executives

Enterprise sales executives are the most likely to hit 7 figures due to the complexity and size of their sales. Most sales executives earning 7 figures are those in technology and software.

Sales reps often start at much lower salaries and even in different industries. However, as they gain more experience and perfect their skills, they have the potential to reach their 7 figure salary goal.

4. Investment bankers

Investment bankers often have a six-figure base salary, but most of their income comes from commissions and bonuses. They are the source of a company’s capital and work tirelessly to get it.

In exchange for this substantial salary, investment bankers typically work long hours and deal with immense amounts of stress. Investment banker positions are highly competitive, too, due to their earning potential.

You must be on your ‘A’ game to earn this position. But with the right education and drive, you can make this 7 figure salary job yours.

5. YouTubers

When you think of a seven figure salary, you probably think of business professionals, right? However, times are changing, and YouTube stars are hitting the 7 figure salary mark more frequently.

Call them influencers, sponsors, or lucky ducks; YouTubers are sitting on some pretty serious income, although it’s not as easy as they make it look.

Influencers earn money through a variety of channels, including commissions, sponsorships, and direct sales. It all starts with creating the following that will help you earn the income you are looking for.

6. Actors and actresses

Famous actors like Will Smith make $40 to $80 million in a year. Of course, not every actor or actress will hit it big like Will Smith, but they can make a 6 to 7 figure income with enough experience and exposure.

Like any position, everyone must start somewhere, and you can only go up from there. You may be surprised at how many high-earning actors and actresses made it big time with no experience!

7. Professional athletes

Not all professional athletes make a 7 figure salary on their own, but with the help of endorsem*nts or sponsorships, they can easily meet or exceed this threshold.

It’s not just about how well they play but also about their popularity and how much companies want them to sponsor their products.

Although becoming a professional athlete can be difficult it is possible. Especially if you are able to start when you are young, get good grades, and participate in competitions in your sport.

8. Fashion designers

Fashion designers are like starving artists - they often start with a minimal salary. However, one win can easily take them to the top.

Fashion designers who strike it rich often get in with celebrities and showcase their work on the runway and the hottest stages. Of course, you could learn how to become a fashion designer and start your own business too!

5 Ways to work towards a 7 figure salary

You may still feel a seven figure salary is a fantasy. However, it's essential to have big hairy audacious goals! So, here are some ways you can work towards earning a 7 figure income:

1. Create products, services, or courses

Try to create products or services that aren’t in existence yet or fill a void that similar products or services don’t offer. You want to find a way to stand out from the competition and give your target audience a reason to buy from you.

For instance, do you have a specific skill that you can teach others? You can create and sell books and courses on the topic! You can create and sell your course on sites like Teachable and Udemy.

2. Attain higher education

Advanced education may help you reach your 7 figure goals in some cases. It depends on the line of work. For example, a CEO or investment banker may benefit from extra education.

You’ll learn skills and techniques that you don’t come by in basic education that can help you step apart from the competition and earn more money. However, it's best to try to find alternative ways to fund your education other than student loans when possible.

3. Create multiple streams of income

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income. It all comes down to diversifying because putting all of your eggs in one basket is risky.

Instead, create multiple streams of income to earn from as many sources as possible. If one source dries up, you have 6 others to rely on while you figure out how to improve the other one or replace it.

Some ways you create income streams are through side hustles and passive income. Passive income includes anything from opening a high yield savings account to buying a rental property to selling digital products online.

4. Network with 7 figure salary earners

Another great way to learn more about earning a 7 figure salary is to network with those that already have done it. Get to know people who’ve achieved the goals you’ve set and shadow them. What did they do right that you can do? What lessons can they teach you?

You can network virtually on LinkedIn with your own connections or in relevant groups. You can also search for local networking events to attend in person.

Never underestimate the power of networking, even when you think you don’t know enough. Sometimes all it takes is connecting with the right person.

5. Use social media to gain exposure

Getting media exposure today isn’t nearly as hard as it used to be. Social media makes it easy to put your name out there. Build an audience by sharing educational and entertaining content relevant to your product or service. You'll naturally attract people that want to buy from or work with you.

Despite the hard work and dedication required to publish content consistently, once the ball starts rolling, it doesn’t stop. Promote on sites such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest to increase exposure and boost income!

Examples of people who earn a 7 figure income and above

Here are just a few examples of people who earn a 7 figure income and above as a source of inspiration.

Ariana Grande

Today Ariane Grande earns $72 million per year. She, too, started at the bottom of her industry. She starred in her first Broadway show at the age of 15 but quickly went on to be a top-ranked artist. Today she has five consecutive albums ranked #1.

Serena Williams

While we know her best as a professional tennis player, Serena Williams diversifies her income with endorsem*nts, fashion lines, and media appearances. Williams collaborated with a company on a nail collection and has launched multiple clothing lines.

She also provided voice work, starred in advertising campaigns, and purchased a small stake in the Miami Dolphins. She even invests in venture capital. Serenas 7 figure income tops out at an impressive 35.5 million a year.

Sarah Blakely

Before American businesswoman and philanthropist Sarah Blakely founded Spanx, she failed the LSAT, sold fax machines door-to-door, and even tried her hand at stand-up comedy.

At age 27, she spent $5,000 in savings to develop her product and eventually achieve $4 million in sales in its first year and $10 million in its second. Today's she's one of the few female billionaires.

Oprah Winfrey

The queen of all media is one of the most inspirational women ever. Against all odds, she broke the cycle of poverty and is now one of the richest people in the world.

She refused to allow setbacks to prevent her from achieving her biggest dreams. In 2010 Oprah's 7 figure salary was a whopping $315 million a year! She now has a net worth of 3.5 billion dollars.

Is a seven figure salary good?

Yes, it is; however it’s only as good as you handle it. If you overspend and don’t save enough, you could find yourself in the same situation as someone with a much lower salary.

You probably assume a 7 figure salary is amazing, but even someone making $1 million or more a year can be broke. It’s not about how much you earn but about how you learn to save, invest, and make that money grow. So be sure to have a plan for your money no matter how much you make!

A 7 figure salary is possible!

If it’s your goal to earn a 7 figure income, then you need to make a plan and set goals. Remember to take those big goals and break them down into smaller goals to make them achievable.

Look at the big picture and visualize where you see yourself in five to ten years. Is the path you’re on one that can lead you to your dreams of making 7 figures, or do you need to adjust your approach to achieve your goals?

Remember, even if you make 7 figures, you must know how to use it, save it, and invest it to make the most of your income. Want even more inspiration? Learn about what it means to earn 10 figures!

Learn how to set the right financial goals with our completely free course! Tune in to the Clever Girls Know podcast and YouTube channel to learn more on boosting your income and help with staying motivated towards your goals!

As someone deeply immersed in the realms of finance, business, and personal development, I can confidently navigate the complexities of achieving a 7-figure salary. My extensive expertise stems from a combination of academic knowledge, real-world experience, and a keen understanding of the strategies employed by successful individuals.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

What is a 7 Figure Salary?

A 7-figure salary refers to an annual income reaching the million-dollar mark. In contrast, a 6-figure salary falls within the range of $100,000 to $999,999 per year. The article emphasizes that a 7-figure income is not limited to a single base salary; it can be achieved through various means.

Is a 7 Figure Salary Realistic?

The article contends that while a 7-figure salary is achievable, it requires dedication and effort. Citing data from the IRS, it notes that over 538,000 households in the U.S. earn $1 million or more annually. Most individuals in this category started with lower-paying jobs, highlighting the possibility of climbing the income ladder through hard work.

Skills to Obtain for a 7 Figure Salary

While the article mentions that hard work alone can lead to a 7-figure income, it also suggests acquiring specific skills to stand out. These skills include blogging and writing, business management, finance, sales, presentation, acting, athletic, and fashion skills.

Top 7 Figure Salary Jobs

The article lists several professions with the potential for a 7-figure income:

  1. Business Owners: Entrepreneurial mindset, diversification, and growth are key.
  2. CEOs and C-level Executives: Well-compensated roles with extensive responsibilities.
  3. Corporate Lawyers: Can reach 7 figures by building successful practices.
  4. Sales Executives: Particularly in technology and software.
  5. Investment Bankers: High earning potential with commissions and bonuses.
  6. YouTubers: Earning through various channels, including sponsorships.
  7. Actors/Actresses: Potential for a 6 to 7-figure income with experience and exposure.
  8. Professional Athletes: Endorsem*nts and sponsorships contribute to income.
  9. Fashion Designers: Success can lead to a significant income.

Ways to Work Towards a 7 Figure Salary

The article provides actionable steps to work towards a 7-figure salary:

  1. Create Products, Services, or Courses: Differentiate yourself in the market.
  2. Attain Higher Education: Advanced education can benefit certain professions.
  3. Create Multiple Streams of Income: Diversify income sources for financial stability.
  4. Network with 7 Figure Earners: Learn from those who have achieved the goal.
  5. Use Social Media for Exposure: Build an audience and increase visibility.

Examples of People Earning a 7 Figure Income

The article offers inspirational examples of individuals earning 7 figures, including Ariana Grande, Serena Williams, Sarah Blakely, and Oprah Winfrey. These figures showcase diverse paths to success.

Is a Seven Figure Salary Good?

The article acknowledges the desirability of a 7-figure salary but emphasizes the importance of financial management. It suggests that effective handling of money, including saving and investing, is crucial for maximizing the benefits of a high income.


In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for those aspiring to achieve a 7-figure salary. It covers the definition, feasibility, necessary skills, potential professions, actionable steps, and real-life examples, providing a holistic view of the journey towards financial success.

Is A 7 Figure Salary Realistic? 7 Figure Salary Jobs (2024)


Is A 7 Figure Salary Realistic? 7 Figure Salary Jobs? ›

A 7 figure salary can be realistic, but it takes work to achieve this goal. According to the IRS's latest data, there are 538,651 households with high incomes of $1 million or more out of the 153,774,296 tax returns filed. Most people in these categories didn't wake up making 7 figures, though.

How rare is a 7 figure salary? ›

Introduction to seven figures

Such income levels are rare, with only about 0.3% of Americans earning a million dollars or more per year​.

Is a seven figure salary good? ›

A seven-figure job refers to the number of digits listed in your salary. This includes people who earn anywhere from $1 million to just under $10 million per year. Many people may consider this salary range to be well above average.

Is it hard to make 7 figures? ›

Yes, anyone can earn a 7-figure salary with hard work and dedication. However, it takes combining skills, education, experience, and investment strategies to reach this financial goal.

How common is a 6 figure salary? ›

What Percent of America Makes Six Figures? When you remove demographics such as infants, students, and stay-at-home spouses and focus only on full-time workers, around 18% of all earners in the US make at least six figures. Conversely, the median American household income in 2023 was approximately $44,225.

How many figures is considered rich? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

Is a six figure salary considered rich? ›

Six figures can be anywhere between $100,000 – $999,000. Depending on where you live, six figures is considered rich by many people's standards. A top 1% income earner in America makes about $470,000 a year nowadays. Further, it takes at least $3 million to be a real millionaire now thanks to inflation.

What salary is well into six figures? ›

A six-figure salary is anywhere from $100,000 to $999,999. It's called a “six-figure salary” because every number in this range has six digits. You might be thinking, 'That's a huge range. ' And you're right!

What is the average age of a six-figure salary? ›

Economists nickname them HENRYs, for “high earners, not rich yet.” But for most people, their “peak earning years” are from age 35 to 54. The majority of people who make six figures will do so in their 30s. Keep in mind that annual income says nothing about someone's financial health.

What is a 10 figure salary? ›

How much does a Ten Figure make? As of Jul 12, 2024, the average annual pay for a Ten Figure in the United States is $124,832 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $60.02 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,400/week or $10,402/month.

Can accountants make 7 figures? ›

Senior Accountant Salary California: Climbing the Ladder

The average salary for a senior accountant in California is around $85,000 per year. Those with 5-10 years of experience tend to earn in the range of $70,000 to $90,000. Once accountants reach 15-20 years of experience, average salaries exceed $100,000.

Is 9 figures rich? ›

9 figures refers to the range between $100 million and $999.9 million, which are amounts of money so large that most people cannot relate to them very meaningfully. To illustrate, we should point out that the average American earns between $1.13 and $3.05 million in their entire lifetime.

Is 8 figures a millionaire? ›

8 figures refers to the range between $10 million and $99.9 million, which is significantly more than the average American earns in their lifetime (between $1.13 million and $3.05 million).

What percent of Americans make 100k? ›

Over one-third of American families earn $100,000 or more

The U.S. Census Bureau found that 37.1% of U.S. households earned at least $100,000 in 2022. Here's a more detailed breakdown of six-figure income brackets and the percentage of households in each one: $100,000 to $149,999: 16.9%

What percent of people who make $100,000 live paycheck to paycheck? ›

According to PYMNTS Intelligence, 62% of U.S. consumers now live paycheck to paycheck, and that includes 48% of consumers earning more than $100,000 annually.

How many Americans make 7 figures? ›

A 7 figure salary can be realistic, but it takes work to achieve this goal. According to the IRS's latest data, there are 538,651 households with high incomes of $1 million or more out of the 153,774,296 tax returns filed. Most people in these categories didn't wake up making 7 figures, though.

Does anyone have a 10 figure salary? ›

While earning 10 figures is very rare for the average person, extremely successful business owners and other influencers can earn this much in a year or over several years. In fact, many women who have become billionaires started from nothing and are entirely self-made, including Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Blakely.

What is 9 figures salary? ›

A 9 figure salary refers to an annual income between $100,000,000 and $999,999,999. We call this range “9 figures” because every number in this range consists of 9 digits. You'll almost never hear the term 9 figures used when discussing salaries, since it represents a truly massive amount of money.

How to get an 8 figure salary? ›

CEOs, stakeholders, traders, software developers, celebrities, social media influencers, professional athletes, real estate agents, financial planners, brand owners, and inside sales representatives. These are some of the most common jobs that can help you earn an 8-figure income.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.